Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Al-Khali (pm for invite)

[member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya was moving and as she approached the airlock it was scanning them. The droids and turrets in place working but no engineers were outside the facility with the risk of infected she noticed. A smart move while she spoke. "Have the droids working here to reinforce and protect this area. We'll get the engineers inside and work from there." She was waiting until the airlock opened with a hiss revealing a second one that she and the engineers could pile into with the scanners and it looked like flame units. Balaya stood there as the doors sealed and the second set of scanners were going to admit them inside the inner airlock that she was finding more hilarious. If only because otherwise she'd be angry while moving inside the base. NO defense could be too great she admitted and standing there in the old animal paddock while she was seeing the cleared area full of crates as the fort was a cradle with the large ship in it. Balaya clapped her hands seeing it an understood with the prison transport and lab while they had plenty of space to operate. "Wonderful she put one of her prison ships here to have test subjects."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

To be completely honest, Camellia couldn't help but wonder if Lady Praelior was aware of the added time, cost, and stress the Zeltron Giantess was putting on construction efforts around the galaxy? It wasn't really meant as an insult as the Rendili woman followed along behind the Sith Lady, waiting to enter the completed sections of the structure while being ordered to direct the droids to keep up their work on the areas for the next part of the base. After all, it wasn't as if Lady Praelior had wanted every building to have to be adjusted to accommodate her massive stature. Nonetheless though, it took more time, materials, and thus credits, to make everything high enough for the giantess to be able to fit inside. "Of course maam. Everything will be done as you request. I'm glad they had the foresight to bring the ship for you as well."
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya looked at Camellia and gave a nod of her head. The Sisterhood was many things but above all it was courteous to the giants of the galaxy. That made her proud at least while she was moving about inside the place the the airlock leading outside wasn't the only thingshe saw while they were directing the engineers into the airlock to take them to the next section of passage while she was looking at the sisterhood troopers and their maps of the facility. "The old academy has been separated from the mountain side... that is smart and gives it this area that is braced deep against the rock. Walls to doubly secure the outside from people or things walking in and they have been reinforcing it sections by section instead of just trying to take the entire places." She was pointing to the green areas and the red ones far off not connected to areas or barracks. "Topside is where we will have to be careful."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Well, at least there was some of the work done for them already by the sounds of it. Although Camellia still had questions as to what use the Academy had been for and what had caused the toxin quarantine that had been around. Even with the planet's name the Rendili woman didn't know anything about it, nor had there been enough time for her to look up information as well. She supposed she didn't really have to know as she gave her engineers some directions quickly to get started and putting the droids to work as she and the Sith Zeltron entered the base. "By the sounds of it though, rock and visitors aren't the issue. The location needs to be primarily set to never be breached and allow a leak of the sickness you keep talking about. It would be a bother for the researchers to wear suits even indoors. THe walls need to be thick enough in the event of an attack a breach won't open a hole, and we have enough bulkheads to seal to cut any sections that are."
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya was looking at her and nodding while looking over it. She touched the rack of the mountain while going through the airlock process and the back tunnel for escape was lit up with auto turrets and defenses lining the walls. Purge troopers with flame throwers at the end of the long hallway and above the vents were covered with filters and grating reinforced into the carved stone. "The academy was built upon the ruins of an old ritual site. Chambers buried deep in the earth and an old map room. They have been working but we're going to see to the rest of it." At the end of the long tunnel they came to another airlock and another set of guards before getting through the process and into the first masters room. Carved stone walls now covered in monitors and crates as techs were working on installing equipment and the doors were locked with another section of airlocks. "It will be annoying going through the process each time but I hope this accounts for sealing sections. Thick turadium doors that a lightsaber would need to spend more then enough time trying to scratch."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

If nothing else, well it was an impressive site. Whoever had constructed the old academy had known what they were doing, building it into the rock gave it a majestic touch while giving it the defense of the mountain itself. The Sith had done much to boost its protective side as well, as was evidenced by the turrets guarding the escape entrance along with several troopers. The hallways were very expansive as well, giving ample room for one to walk alongside another person in most cases. The Rendili woman would continue being impressed as they passed through several more sealed doors until reaching a gorgeous chamber, though it was filled with crates and equipment it was likely not meant to hold. "If even a lightsaber would be slowed down I don't see an issue. Do we know if the there are any gaps in the rock? Any air tunnels that open up into the academy? The sickness could get in through those too."
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya stood tall looking at the vents systems. "They have been sealing off sections of the rooms and venting it to clean it. All the air filters through medical filters to detected foreign agents." She was looking at the rest and the room they were in had another bank of screens showing camera's. Outside in the hallways where the infected were and on the walls while she turrets on the wall were firing at things across the crags. Purge droids were moving towards the infected and laying waste to them with heavy flame throwers before they allowed construction droids to seal entire areas. Then seemed to be flash purging it to destroy anything organic. "The work they have been doing here already it to preserve the past but give it safeguards. The central tower area is going to be the hardest part with that hole they have from the tower falling."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Well at least it was done already. The Rendili woman would have been worried if they had had to go and check and get those things done after she mentioned it. If it was all set now then she was quite happy with the rate of progress and the role of her and her engineers' involvement. Of course, not everything was pleasant though, as was evident by the screens and monitors revealing a number of infected groups being taken care of by the purge droids patrolling around. Sacrifices had to be made and nothing could be done for them, but all the same there was remorse in their loss, especially when they had done such grand work to help preserve and restore this place as Lady Praelior said. "Droids can handle that part before a team moves in, and we can certainly get a shuttle to carry loads overhead if need be. The hardest part is merely in the waiting."
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Good that was good and she was moving move to look at the holoimage as it appeared in the room. Charting the lower ruins and how their chambers were sealed off. "It looks like this pipe and its alcoves have been sealed to allow for cells and storage. This mess area here and they have been looking at trying to secure the library." She was going over it and on the surface there was the main landing pad working its way before looking at the other places. A sith squad were outside and moving around with the construction droids slowly securing what they could from the armory... At least to see some of the ancient equipment. "The armory and library are a primary concern for this. I doubt anything will be useful but it might be worth something."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Holo technology was such a god send, Camellia wondered how come so often people took it for granted, especially military officers who likely never fully realized how incredible a holobridge was for conducting a battle. Then again it was hard to equip a ship with a holobridge when there wasn't enough room for the onboard computer banks to run the holosuite in the capacity the Rendili woman could conjure up. To do so would mean to work extensively on smaller ships to incorporate the system, or a ship large enough to do so with the Battle Analysis software that Rendili had been designing since developing the Will of the Force command vessel for the Silver Jedi. "What sort of equipment is there that they might find? Ancient technology is highly valuable and sometimes is more versatile than what we invent ourselves today. Is there any way we might go through the records and devices that are undamaged? This is a Sith Academy correct, we could certainly find something viable."
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Now she was making a wonderful idea and yes there might be some valuable pieces in there. No plans to build superships but texts on magic and spells could be around. They might be able to gather some of the tablets into a tome and fill in the blacks or there would be the scrolls that might have been protected in casing. "It is possible, some sith weapons wouldn't be here an academy for teaching doesn't have the usual weapons but the library may be ruined and have something." She was looking things over and there was an old section where a window had been now covered in a thick plate of turadium that protected it and she was guessing it was the same on the other side. "We might be able to find soemthing in the restricted and protected section of the library."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Not knowing how old this place was or how dedicated it was to just the Sith's force using legions, Camellia didn't have any specific hopes in mind for what could be found. In all honesty though she sort of wished there would be data on the Sith's forces in the period the academy was constructed during if there was anything to find. The Sith of today she found incredibly boring despite the power they wielded. They were too coherent and obedient to their Emperor, given the Sith's history there had to be some scheming going on somewhere, it was annoying how droll they all were in reality. "To be honest Lady Praelior my only hope was if we might have insight into the structure they had back in and if they left anything lying around like old Sith armor. Perhaps it might not be as effective as what is used today, but I feel the Sith aesthetic nowadays is quite lacking."
[member="Camellia Swift"]

That got a laugh from her while she was thinking about the look of the sith and Camellia was right. The sith needed to get their image back compared to the one they were now trying to have where regardless of what they do they still think or act like they are good guys. Balaya had embraced that she was evil a long time ago and in the end of it she wanted to make sure the people of the galaxy were united under a single rule and ideal. She looked at the woman with a turn of her head while walking and looking at the map while she turned to see the engineers. "It should be a good way to see what the old sith were like. The academy was built over the ruins of another and we are building upon the ruins."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Perhaps Camellia wasn't saying things right, but then it was hardly fair to explain it all well. After all, basically it boiled down to the Sith being able to command the legions of the Youzhan Vong. The Vong hated force users, Sith and Jedi alike, even those not affiliated with either order. Force Users and Droids were the climax of abominations to them. Yet the Sith had a loyal horde at their beck and call, and the Rendili woman had to imagine that at some point they were all going to fall apart when one turned on the other. Plus Vong didn't look very Sith, especially when people always made it a point to distinguish Vong-Forms and Sithspawn despite many being equally as ugly. . . .most of the time. "Say what one will about the Vong's effectiveness, but they won't stay subservient for long if I were to guess. Aren't they already forming a split with the capture of Titan Industries? Regardless, and perhaps its shallow, but the Sith Troopers of the Jedi Civil War were much . . . . cooler."
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya looked at her as she talked about the vong and... she couldn't deny it. She enjoyed commanding some of the vong that were under her and some of their creatures but her sithspawn were her babies and looking over at Camellia now while motioning to some of the lower levels through the airlock. "The vong are.... difficult to plan with. I do not know what went into getting them controlled that much but I know a dangerous pet like them can only be controlled for so long." She led the way and getting through the airlocks and the barracks with troopers were set up. Racks in the middle of the room and there were racks around with weapons and equipment as the sisterhood's troopers were finishing getting prepared.
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Following Lady Praelior around the base as they kept up their conversation, Camellia felt relief that her opinion hadn't elicited anger or displeasure from the Zeltron Giantess. But then, it wasn't as if she was antagonizing the Sith woman or attempting subversion. It was merely a fact that everyone knew, the Youzhan Vong had waged terrible war on the galaxy, combatting everyone, hating everyone, their xenophobia unparalleled except perhaps by their hatred for technology and the force. It was even they who had led to the first formation of the One Sith, led by Darth Krayt, a former Jedi who broke under torture the Vong had implemented against him. Who really knew how long they would obey, especially when their warmaster wasn't even one of them.

Personally, the Rendili woman didn't want to be near any of them if they ever all went rogue. "Do we really need all this equipment here Lady Prealior? I was under the impression with the quarantine and the sickness itself this location would be nigh detectable or reachable. You don't suppose the Republic would come looking here?"
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya looked at her as she was sending and directing more of the droids into the storage rooms and hallways to start securing it with the thick metal and airlocks. "The Republic doesn't come here but it doesn't mean they won't. The people here are going to be researching the sickness more and have been gathering samples of it." She went into the room Seras had built where the grey ooze was in a basin similar to the one the croa virus was in. Sloshing and they had brought some of the flowers down as well in planters they could use to keep them growing. "The jedi who come here will not risk exposing themselves to the sickness either, no one wants to come to this world unless they have to. That is what has protected it for thousands of years."
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Ah, that made plenty of sense and left Camellia feeling rather embarrassed about herself. Of course the people inhabiting the planet would want it cleared up as quickly as possible and have their own research teams looking into the matter. If they had people enter the quarantine zone and ended up wandering near the Sith Academy and the laboratory they were adding onto it, it would be very bad news after all. Having Sith forces around to eliminate those who got too far in was a necessity. If done fast enough and efficiently, the population would just assume their teams were lost to the sickness in the end.

Hopefully. "With the lack of progress at least, we can assume that any attempts to come this far in or cure the sickness are unlikely. that's fortunate for us and them as well one can suppose."
[member="Camellia Swift"]

"There has never been a cure discovered for it. Few know the secret to keeping the flowers alive or how to make the sickness." Balaya was looking around the lower chamber and the rooms down there were filled with storage crates as it amused her now. They had been doing what Camellia suggested mostly. If something was preserved from the rooms it was being cleaned by droids to ensure nothing dangerous was in it. A smart thing to do and she approved looking at some of the other rooms. There were droids keeping them secured and Balaya looked at the chamber above them that led to the central tower. "I wonder pet, how much engineering would it take for us to hide any power signatures or have something that gives false readings. If anyone looking thinks there is infected en mass at the academy."

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori responded to Seras Goto with a simple nod. “The cold is temporary and necessary. I am ready to play my part as and when required.”

In truth she was a woman of action and waiting was worse than anything – but she had learned patience on Ambria and so put up with the inevitable delays with a stoic bravado that belied her inner thoughts.

Her troopers sat in perfect stillness. With their helmets in place, they could have been statues save the gentle rise and fall of their chests.

Melori closed her eyes and meditated. She connected to the Dark-side and practiced Sithese in her head – she’d recently learned the language but it was at best basic and she knew she needed to improve if she were to use some of the documents her eldest sister left behind.

[member="Seras Goto"]

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