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Aermoira Cyone


NAME: Aermoira Nohemi Cyone
ID: S12-CC728

FACTION: First Order
RANK: Commander
SPECIES: Human -

AGE: 32
SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5'4" / 1.63m
WEIGHT: 148lbs / 67.13 kg

EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Brown



Father: Iaxic Nash Cyone
Mother: Unknown | Error Corrupt File

Stepmother: Reijka Willa Cyone
Siblings: Illyana Cyone, Ryon Cyone, Reia Cyone, Iaxic Cyone II
Stepsibling: Aria DuSang


[+] Science
Nerd: Aermoira was always a gifted girl with math and science, it was her mind that led her to eventually command FIS Kleve. Her theories regarding quantum mechanics and singularities earned her recognition among First Order Scientists. Her ability to work things together gives her an innate ability to see the numeric value in all things, granting her an edge when working on alchemical formulas.

[+] Leadership Skills: Commander Cyone's skills were developed at the First Imperial Military Academy where she learned how to be a leader thinking under pressure the Commander can rally allies around.

[-] Bleeding Heart: In spite of her training and skill, Aermoira has been known to be a bleeding heart. And at times too, trusting, which can lead to some disastrous problems down the line.

[-] Stubborn: While Aermoira likes to think she's not argumentative or stubborn, she is. She truly believes in her view and when she has committed to an idea, it's very hard to dissuade her.

Not much is known about Commander Cyone beyond the fact that her father, Iaxic Cyone is a committed Imperial and brought his family to First Order space just as soon as he was able. We do know that Commander Cyone has four siblings, five including Aria DuSang. Commander Aermoira Cyone worked as a scientist before joining the First Order military and was then tasked with a classified mission aboard the FIS Kleve. Following the incident involving the then Marshall Vaas. Commander Cyone was reassigned to Admiral Fiolette Yvarro on a brief temporary duty assignment and is now training at the First Imperial Military Academy and awaiting the completion of a new line of Science-type frigates.







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