Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Admins Breaking Rules?

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Exactly and since this is chaos and we have zombie creating sith lords and people wanting to resurrect the dead it shouldn't make a difference since it's still fiction and also never happened in any canon. Wouldn't it be allowed as it's outside any and all existing canon? I just want to finish the story I had planned and I've given an actual way to do so that doesn't conflict with any rules. As in the words of everyone who's spoken on this matter said I can't do any existing canon characters NPC or not spirit or not. I wanted to work with the rules I've heard everyone in this thread state. To step outside and write a story that adheres to the rules in place. Why is this still a problem even if it were headcanon it's still within the rules stated? I'm trying to work within the rules and since it's not canon it's within the rules yes?

Plz explain to me how my proposed solution does not follow the rules in place. As to which saber it was the saber in question was the saber Atris kept. Not the one played with in KOTOR 2 (no that was not a euphamism) Having just re-read the rules for a third time just to make sure the only things stated are as follows.
  • Canon Star Wars Characters are not allowed.
From character creation rules

Banned Characters
Santa Claus
Any Canon-Star Wars Character (Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker)

Nothing about headcannon that I could find and thus within the rules. Not santa claus and not cannon therefore still legal after having looked at your NPC sumbission template, the rules on banned characters, the main rules. all the threads...There is still nothing pertaining to headcannon. And as I've stated the intent to finish the threads said illegal spirit is in to satisy the no cannon rule and am working to do so I'm still within the rules. Soooo.... my question remains what EXACTLY is the problem with what I propose? as all rules are still being followed.
Bunker-level Normal

There's a lot going on in this thread, but I think there's a key concept you're missing. Breaking the spirit of the rules can be just as bad as breaking the rules. Using word gymnastics and reasoning to skirt the rules is liable to get you reported and wind up right back in this situation.

No one's telling you how to write your stories. You want to write a story your way, that's fine. But if you want to write it on Chaos, remember, we do have general guidelines for what's allowed. For example, this site is PG-13, and sex scenes are not allowed. If you want to write them, go off-site, to email, Skype, what have you. Just don't put them on Chaos. Don't post them. Don't PM them. Just don't.

I'd have a hard time buying the argument that the above restricts your ability to tell stories. You just have to decide whether the story you want to tell is appropriate for Chaos, and if it isn't, take it elsewhere. The same applies for whatever problem exists for canon characters with your story.

If that seems harsh, it's not meant to be. Simply that there is a reality here, and that's that Chaos has to maintain some guidelines to create the environment they want for the site. The Chaos staff do take community suggestions over rules and enforcement, so if there's actually some good rationale for changing a rule, they likely will listen. Unfortunately, it has to be good for the community, not just one character.

You might be better off having Meetra Surik's ghost fade away, such as part of the unfinished thread you said you've started as a quest for her item. Maybe you won't be able to interact directly with the force ghost anymore, but your character could still meditate with the item and draw strength (or courage or hope or whatever they need) from the item's essence. Maintain your connection to the character that way.
yeah that was the plan actually to finish up the threads I'd actually involved said spirit in. I DIDN'T KNOW OK?! and have her spirit fade away to basially inhabit the saber as positive emotions to draw peace, strength, what have you from. As I'd already set up a way to follow the rules that are in place and add a NPC that keeps the spirit of what I wanted to do because it's still headcannon and still follows the rules as far as I've been able to tell. After the threads I think maybe 3 I involved said spirit in I SWEAR I DIDN'T KNOW! I'm going to have her fade away so that ADMINS are happy and I get to keep writing.

As to the spirit of the rules that's why I wanted to make sure what I planned to do with the NPC had no rules preventing it so that I can shut down the whole canon Force-spirit which was the real problem and let it lead into another story arc as said Force-spirit fades away. I want to follow the rules and because I didn't know now I'm aware for the future and can wind down the threads I involved the canon spirit in.
Bunker-level Normal
Celiana said:
Not sure why you're yelling or getting defensive. If you're feeling attacked, well, perhaps you should re-examine your rationale for starting this thread the way you did. I've found our staff to be rather helpful when you approach them first, rather than accusing them.
You didn't know.

You do now.

You didn't break rules deliberately or knowingly. No harm done.

But it's time to move on. Continuing down this path will not get you anywhere. This board has rules, and though they need clarification at times, they are not going to be ignored.

Therefore you have three options:
  • Either make the Force ghost an original character NPC.
  • Drop the Force ghost.
  • Finish the thread with the spirit fading away, never to return.

It is not complicated.

The rules we make and enforce we don't do to trample on your creativity or writing, we do it because there are issues at stake beyond one person. It is for the good of the whole community.

You have your choices now, let us hear no more arguments.
sorry probably should mentioned that the caps were my attempt at humor which I suck at. and aye and that's the intention to do as [member="Captain Jordan"] suggested and conclude the threads I'd already involved the spirit in and have said Force-spirit fade away to a Force nimbus surrounding the saber in positive, peaceful, strenght and courage filled moment but to have it done in such a way that it conitnues the story arc with the NPC I just submitted. I did try to submit said NPC in a way that follows the rules, doesn't OP an NPC and such. So if I need to change something I will. Also thank you for being patient with me and whatnot... Will that plan work [member="Valiens Nantaris"]?
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