Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Actual Notice I Suppose

Jorn Mair

oh dont worry. I dont get weird like that..... well actualy I just did so I cant say that anymore? O well.


Disney's Princess
Ah. Yes. Well... Ahem. I suppose I was expecting, erm. More. From tonight's entertainment than just myself. Oh well. Guess I'll just back to my camera phone and hiding outside ladies windows. Peace! :p

Jorn Mair

Um im going to ask this but where do you live. i want to make sure that you cant check my house.


Disney's Princess
Your house? No. Your fridge? Yes. ...*mmm* Des, lef'vers are dw'ishess. M'fm, is dis lasungna? ...*mmm* Because wow. Mmm. That was good. Though, I do prefer 2% milk. Just me ya know. Maybe next time?

Jorn Mair

Well you dont live near me because we have 2% mlk all the time. and dont start hating on the americans. we kicked your brit cans once we can do it again. :p

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