Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Access Denied

Location: Bloc 3
Allies: Collective [member="Wes Rykker"] [member="Sanguinaria"]
Enemies: Compact [member="Aver Brand"] [member="Loray Tares"] [member="Slevin Thawne"]

There was a lot going on. A whole lot. Droids blowing up, the bloc breached, and forces from both sides firing at each other. Two of Vilaz's allies with devastating grenade launchers put the heat on the opposition.

As for Vilaz, he didn't carried one. He wasn't the type for big weapons as it slowed him down. The Concordian was a simple man when it came to combat which was why he carried what he had. Something that made him mobile, yet deadly. The Mandalorian was always like this since...well, whenever the heck was his first battle.

The warrior's HUD alarmed him about many things all of which was very important information, but the one thing he truly cared was that grenade being lobbed back at the area of the cybernetic female.

Ah, feth.

Out of instinct the Mandalorian stretched out his right arm and activated his grappling hook that would twist around Sangria's upper body. Then activating his jetpack he would slightly levitate above the ground while going in reverse; therefore, yanking the cyborg with him with the grenade exploding on impact causing whatever damage, death, injuries that was around it. "Get cover," which was a warning as a big man with a big gun started spewing plasma projectiles at their way. The Munin's personal shield was on and would take quick peeks while shooting out three slugs at him from his rifle with each trigger he pulled.
Bloc 3
Allies: [member="Sanguinaria'] | [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Enemies: [member="Slevin Thawne"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Loray Tares"]


Grenade after grenade popped out of his barrel and exploded upon impact at where the charging synthetics were located. Wes could fire three in succession before a weapon malfunction occurred at the worst of possible times. A scary one at that. When he had pulled the trigger, the action had turned but nothing had come out of the barrel. The weapon hadn't jammed, the next grenade was loaded and Wes felt a cold shower run down his spine for a brief second.

There was no overthinking it. He hucked the damn thing away as humanely possible towards the chokepoint and took cover as the fallen weapon's barrel pointed at an adjacent wall to corridor from which the enemies were pouring. If someone decided to take the nade launcher and pull the trigger the thing would blow up.

A nasty explosion nearby showered him with rubble, he took a glimpse to see a Mandalorian armored man pulling the cyborg away from harm's way. Someone had lobbed a grenade over perfectly. Once again, Wes tried to peek out from cover before being force to lie behind it as heavy plasma pounding engulfed the area. The moment it seemed less battering at his position did the mercenary come out and initiate a systematic firing salvo upon hostile targets.
LOCATION: Gorba's Palace
ENEMIES: [member="Tytos Ardik"] | [member="Gorba the Hutt"]

Damn it, Janeth.

She didn't say it. That would entirely undermine the idea of calm and collected and with some measure of control in the outcome of this exchange. She would wait until the woman in question could hear her loud and clear. But sure as she was she could fix this mess, moving her frustration into a box and pushing it to the back of her mind was costing effort.

Of course, she did it anyway.

Authority. Yes, she had some degree of authority inside the Collective's ranks (more than Janeth, anyway). Evoros could, in theory, convince their forces at the Network Access to surrender. She didn't want to. But yes, in theory, she could.

"I am, yes," she answered evenly.
So they surrendered. Grabbed their things and cleared out. Then the Network Access belonged to the Helix Syndicate. And then - relocating, she supposed, although she wasn't certain yet how much distance the Syndicate would require in order to remain peaceful. A shame, but the hub was replaceable (everything was). The Collective could find somewhere to stay that didn't endanger their existence.

"If we surrender the Network Access, the hope is that the fight ends there."
Bloc 3
Allies: [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Loray Tares"]
Enemies: [member="Vilaz Munin"] | @Sangria( [member="Sanguinaria"] ) | [member="Wes Rykker"]

Slevin perked an eyebrow as he watched a Mandalorian suddenly pop out of the blue and pull the small female...whatever it was out of the way with a line of cord. The plasma grenade popped off a second later, bursting into life and splashing over several of The Collective's automated defenses.

The Crime Lord frowned slightly, his grip tightening on his blaster as he suddenly grabbed one of the HRD's and pulled it close. "Take them."

The Coratanni Synthetic Enforcers had been pushing forward hard, but Slevin was growing tired of this. He didn't care how many he lost, he didn't care how many were destroyed, there would always be more from Natalia's little side project. The truth was this entire situation was getting on his nerves. These children were taking up far more of his time than he'd wanted to, and it was time to end it. His fingers unfurled from around the HRD's tattered synthweave vest, the droid nodding slightly and surging forward.

With an odd sort of renewed vigor the Human Replica Droids bounded forward.

They rushed in an instant, bright red bolts flaring as their weapons fired over and over again. Slevin watched them absorb plasma fire and explosives alike, some falling, some literally being torn apart, but others smashing into the Collectives defensive lines and tearing into them.

The Crime Lord glanced at his allies for half a heartbeat, watching as Loray poured Plasma fire into the enemy and Aver used the force. He scowled, and then surged forward behind his troops. He allowed the HRD's to take the brunt of the fire, slugs and blaster bolts striking one of the figures running ahead of him. The droid shield worked perfectly, and within half a heartbeat the armored Slevin closed the gap between himself and the Mandalorian.

Before the man could react Slevin reached out, the grav-glove on his hand surging once more to grip and then tear the mans blaster to the side, giving Slevin an opening to kick him in the chest and hopefully send him flying to the ground.
Network Access

Tertiary transports had taken off with what number of sentients they could, following close after the second wave. Unfortunately the stragglers were caught by the swift response of the nearby security speeders. There wasn't anything special about the vehicles' defenses, which were as susceptible to ion weaponry as any other. A few of the shuttles were fried, and began to drift downwards into a controlled descent. There was no way for them to maintain flight but the pilots could at least direct their crash; for what good that would do.

They fell deep below the nearby sector and crashed somewhere in the undercity. If there were any survivors it wouldn't amount to much, but now they had to brave the dangers present. Scavengers would no doubt rush to claim the wreckage for themselves. A treasure trove of scrap and slaves--should anyone live--to be sold to whoever would buy them.

For the transports that made it away safely, there was nothing they could do except acknowledge the losses of the day. A fourth wave of transports were not coming, those behind would have to find their own way out. The bulk of those left behind remained in Bloc 4, with a small number of defenders scattered throughout the other 3 blocs. Leaving what was left of the automated defenses to continue firing as their programming demanded, with no one to shut them down, though they fired blindly.

[member="Bareesh Kajidic"]

[member="Evoros"] | [member="Ar'ekk"]

Just as Tytos was about to say something smarmy, a protocol droid waddled up behind him to deliver the good news. The Collective was fleeing. Shuttles had already been leaving, though there were likely still some stragglers hanging around the District. The automated defenses were still going on as well, albeit at a reduced threat level due to some bizarre act of self-sabotage. The Umbaran's eyes narrowed considerably. So they had sent someone to surrender when everything of value had probably already escaped on their first wave of transports? Maybe these people weren't as stupid as he thought. Whatever the case was, this battle was over and someone was now here to sue for peace.

What a remarkably happy ending this was shaping up to be. Now all that remained was to actually end it. He hit the button once more after a lengthy pause. "The fight could very well end here. But now your forces have abandoned Network Access. It appears I have all the chips. Is there something else you'd like to offer to secure peace?"

What else did the Collective have? What could they give besides their clothes off their back? Although this emissary in particular definitely could stand to gain something of a negotiating edge in the case of the latter, Tytos decided. Not that he would ever acknowledge such a position out loud. Wasn't proper.

[member="Janeth Farr"]

Once the transports had overrun the defenders that had encamped themselves at Bloc 4's main junction, two of them opened up to disgorge their droid forces: Dozens of Mk. I battle droids accompanied by a pair of Mk. IIs. It might have been a good fight for the Ganks without the Mk. IIs present, but the heavily armored behemoths saw them either routed or killed. It did not end well. Fortunately for the remaining grunts, the battle droids had protocols for surrendering combatants. They were stripped of their helmets and weapons, which were thrown into a pile, and lined up against a wall on their knees, hands behind their heads. Then ordered to stay like that. Once the location was reported secure, the rest of the Heralds moved in.

This time they were accompanied by six Satyr-Class Scout Walkers. As entertaining as it would have been to run the Minotaurs through here, they were too slow moving to chase down an enemy on the run. The Satyrs weren't. They split off into pairs down each road. Auto-turret defenses were picked off as they were encountered, lacking the firepower to be much of a detriment to the walkers. For the most part they ignored any fleeing enemies unless they happened to shoot at them. Round-up of the remaining defeated was relegated to the Shock Troopers and Sharmat Rally Masters that followed after them.

Vorit Delyll, meanwhile, was looking thoroughly disgruntled at the pile of discarded blaster rifles. This was really par the course. What else had Clelon been expecting? Ordered them to wait over half the damn battle. And to do what? Round up a bunch of runners? Snore.
LOCATION: Gorba's Palace
ALLIES: [member="Janeth Farr"] wake tf up
SEDUCING: [member="Tytos Ardik"]

"The Network Access, yes."

Well, that was inconvenient. Circumstance seemed hellbent on making her job needlessly difficult - and truthfully, she had only stuck around this long because it was her job. Janeth Farr was a nice lady, but surely not worth this effort. If it weren't for her godforsaken orders, Evoros would be having drinks with cute agents and talking about things entirely unrelated to her job. But she had her orders. Thankfully, she had faith in her ability to carry them out.

"But we haven't left Shaddaa yet. We're still nearby." Nearby enough to cause trouble, her mind added, but she let Ardik work that part out himself. He might've had his sense of fun surgically removed, but he seemed competent enough.

"Neighbors should be on good terms, don't you think?"

We won't make life hard for you was arguably not as good a bargaining chip as Evoros would have liked. But for one matter, she had confidence the Collective could make life hard for the Helix Syndicate if things came down to that, much as she would prefer that they didn't. For another, there was only one other option available to her and this situation seemed to call for professionalism.

[member="Evoros"] | [member="Ar'ekk"]

Tytos scoffed loudly through the intercom. "If you're still going to squat on this world after this latest demonstration, I suggest you find something to placate Gorba and I very soon. Otherwise good terms may not be an option."

What kind of simpleton's game was she playing at? If they remained on Nar Shaddaa it would be more to their own detriment than his. Tytos was not looking to have a lot of real estate on this world outside of what had just been captured. With the Syndicate's resources, the Network Access district would be fortified far more than it had been now. If they were looking to ignite a guerrilla campaign of hazing himself and Gorba, they would do so at their own peril. It would still be something of a nuisance, however minor, but not enough to warrant. Tytos was not about to accept "we won't be a nuisance" as their only offering in the middle of peace talks in any event..

"Why don't you come inside, agent? Perhaps you'll be more inclined towards substantive negotiations in a more dignified setting."

Seemed unlikely, but in the worst case scenario Gorba got another ornament. Maybe then the Hutt would explain his dealings with the Blackblades.

The tone of Tytos' voice did not imply it was an offer she had the luxury of declining. If she could not think of something relevant to offer, Tytos would have to come up with something himself. As the Syndicate's forces were now witnessing with the Collective retreat, these were not a very imaginative group of people. Downright uninspired, frankly. Tytos looked towards both Ar'ekk and his Death Troopers after removing his finger from the 'talk' button once more. "If she tries anything, kill her immediately."

That clarified, the Umbaran flipped a switch on the control console for the door and pressed another button. There was a loud crack as the locks disengaged, then a groaning as the doors opened just enough to let a single person through. Behind her, Gorba's retainers shifted uneasily, hands on holsters and brandishing vibroweapons in the event Evoros decided to disagree too strenuously.
Bloc 3
Bae 1&2: [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"]
Bae 2’s Murderbot: [member="Six-O"]
Sulky Nephew: [member="Onley Xiangu"]
Broody Niece’s Current Side Ho: [member="Xian Valart"]
Allies: [member="Helix Syndicate"] | [member="The Prince"] | [member="Slevin Thawne"] | [member="Gorba the Hutt"] | [member="Kaine"]'s NPCs | [member="Kael Rose"]
Enemies: [member="Janeth Farr"] | [member="Sola Tymon"] | [member="The Slave"] | [member="Dyxra'a"] | [member="Delilah Keyes"] | [member="Mara Kellarov"]
Vicinity: [member="Sanguinaria"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Wes Rykker"]

The rigged launcher blew out the side of the corridor not a second after the agent had chucked it away. Good reflexes. Lessened firepower, though.

This battle wasn’t on the Collective’s side, and everyone knew it. Her comlink was alive with reports of a fleeing enemy, shuttles scuttling past the perimeter Gorba had set up. Unfortunate, but expected. Rats had a funny way of getting out ahead of the flood.

Funny way of carrying plague, too – but that was a thought for another time.

While the first man of Coratanni and her lover bore down upon the last of the defenders in the corridor, Aver went to slink past. Wasn’t difficult in the clusterkark of explosions, writhing HRDs, and streaming blaster fire. Especially not when she was using VF’s live camo.

While the Mando and the Collective droid dealt with their tangled tango away from the grenade, the Equalizer was making headway towards the Security room.

Not much left in terms of obstacles, now.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Bareesh Kajidic Pleasure Palaces

The young Jedi warrior remained alongside the Death Troopers and Gorba's retainers as Tytos made usage of the intercom to speak with the Collective agent standing outside, whose plans remained unknown yet they would have to stay on alert in case things went south. Little did he knew about this small group of people who apparently were outlaws and counted with many resources at hand but regardless of their intentions everyone was prepared for an eventual battle, once again, inside the Palace. The crime lord's demeanor was menacing towards the girl and challenging him (And everyone, for that matter) would be a really dumb move.

"She's going to suffer eternally if something of a major scale occurs. I am not worried." He countered back to the man standing by the intercom in a harsh tone.

As the big metallic doors unbolted and allowed whoever stood behind these, Ar'ekk grabbed his lightsaber and prepared for the worst by igniting it. Standing in a strategic position where he couldn't get hit should an offensive tactic was performed he waited for whatever had to come, perhaps nothing if the girl was intelligent enough. Not for anything, a squad of lethal Death Troopers and cannonfodder retainers stood on alert with their weapons ready to engage and kill anyone on sight. The Jedi moved back and forth as he anticipated any incoming action, the hissing made by his mask echoed loudly as he breathed inside and out.

She would waltz into the Hutt's palace anytime soon now, deep into the heart of the enemy's headquarters.

[member="Tytos Ardik"] | [member="Evoros"]
ALLIES AT LOCATION: Droid Boyfriend [member="Six-O"]
ALLIES ELSEWHERE: [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Aver Brand"]
ENEMIES: [member="Janeth Farr"] | [member="Mara Kellarov"] | [member="The Slave"] | Collective NPC's

Perhaps at the beginning of her zenith she might have made the mistake of assuming rank meant something, that ability to wield the Force meant something. It was easy to imagine one had met the ceiling and that no others occupied its heady space. But it had become quickly apparent that running in higher circles only provided higher competition, and thus no ceiling was ever reached. She was not an arrogant creature by nature - perhaps a quality that allowed her to control her interests around hundreds of smaller, hungry groups every day in New City. And time had only taught her to stay away from learning the trait.

So assuming the man - young, features cut from marble - wasn’t a threat simply wasn’t in her purview. It was difficult to tell he was an acolyte anyway; what was that sickly slick, that thing that ate up her sides and arms? It started at her fingers, near-disgusting and unwanted as it pushed between them and crawled up her forearm. Strange, half-felt through cybernetics that were unsure how to interpret this particular touch. When it found her neck she recoiled, glass features falling high in planes of pointed concentration. No, without knowing him it was impossible to guess that he hadn’t yet climbed the ranks.

Matsu operated on the same principle as most Sith, using her emotions and those around her to fuel her power. But instead of flaring them in one big but wasteful burst, she let them simmer...seethe… Cold and fiercely controlled, when she used it, it was directed like a gunshot.

She didn’t get all that close, staying out of the blonde man’s wingspan in case he attempted to take a crack at some glance of her out of his peripheral.…

A wave of telekinetic power burst out of her hands, directed at his feet. It was powerful enough that one would need to pay attention to it, but not as strong as the one that directly followed it, aimed above it as she dropped her invisibility illusion to completely fuel her telekinetic push. It would be natural to easily avoid her first move by jumping or backing away - it was, after all, simple to escape that way. By following up with the second, she shoved with all the unexpected might of a woman of her size to try and take him by surprise. This might send him careening towards the burning Air Refresher factory behind him. His armor looked light despite its phrik plating, built for stealth perhaps. But it would be no matter - she had practice pushing at opponents in much heavier armor.

The walls of the Air Refresher Factory were unstable as its insides crumbled, intense and blazing heat from the flames making structures soft. Equipment died, combustible materials exploding as flames reached them. The ground shook with its blaze, the asphalt glittering and hot in absorption.

That would make his face something to remember indeed.
ALLIES AT LOCATION: [member="Kael Rose"] | [member="Six-O"] (Ultra-V) | [member="Ruug'la Jag"]
ALLIES ELSEWHERE: [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Aver Brand"]
ENEMIES: [member="Janeth Farr"] | Collective NPC Forces

The butt of a rifle smashing up against the bottom of his ribcage was not a feeling he might have expected on this side of the line...but the strange cast of characters that had followed Six-O’s arrival on Maena continued to defy expectation. As the child inched by him, harassing him with words he barely understood despite being fluent in Huttese, Onley could only shake his head. There was no time for anything but a deep sigh of consternation as he moved forward.

"They've got masks."

Onley immediately turned towards the sound of the other man’s voice, waiting for a volley of fire to pass before sprinting between cover to reach the loot. He narrowly avoided losing a bicep, hot molten slag from a blaster bolt hitting the edge of the wall he’d ducked behind splashing in to the air. Kneeling down, he grabbed one and started strapping it to his face before tossing a slightly smaller one to Ultra-V. None of them were kid-sized but he’d have to make do. Something told Onley he was used to that, and fine with it.

His chest hurt from the toxins. Not even trying to control his breathing and the effects of the gas through the Force had spared him the worst of it. He took deep breaths through the rebreather, trying to gain equilibrium.

Looking to Kael, Onley carefully pulled one of the grenades strapped to his belt off and handed it to the other man. It was warm to the touch, its contents carefully shielded from cold and light until triggered. Once someone pressed the detonator, they had seven seconds to throw their projectile towards the target before the shielding pulled back over the crystal within to expose it to light and…

“You don’t want to be anywhere near this when it goes off, but it’ll get you out of a pinch,” Onley offered.

He waited for another barrage of blaster fire to subside before moving up. He had a good arm but he wanted to be sure this grenade went where he aimed it. He moved up again. He moved up one more time. The entrance to the Bloc was a narrow hallway designed to choke invading forces together to be easier to pick off. He scrambled between doorways, a blaster bolt taking him in the arm despite his best efforts to save that bicep. He hissed, expression darkening as he took cover in a doorway he decided was close enough for his attempt. Switching the grenade to his right arm as the left was now a mass of pain, he pressed down on the detonator.

A thrill of delicious, self-preserving terror overtook him at the thought of what he’d just set off.



He threw the grenade with a force-enhanced toss, sending it careening for the doorway that led in to a large, open part of the Servers where what was left of the Collective forces defended themselves.





It landed, a few feet shy of their makeshift barricades.


It exploded, a blast much larger than it seemed to have any right to be as the Obsidian Nova Crystal’s awesome power protested exposure to light and the air-conditioned insides of the Servers. The crystal shattered, slivers of glass-like shards spraying in all directions to slice through computer, man, woman, and droid alike. The harsh gutting sound of razor-sharp crystal slivers slicing through flesh and cutting off screams rang up through the hallway, terminals letting out great screeches of electricity as they were pelted by debris. Heat and flames wafted out from the grenade’s center, lighting one man closest to its detonation on fire - though he was unlikely to notice considering several of his limbs had gone missing.

“Push forward!” Onley yelled to his men, glancing back for the man he’d inadvertently teamed up with.

Inside the larger section of Bloc 2, they would undoubtedly find a room in desperate need of being secured, and no doubt more automated defenses to take down.
Location: Nar Shaddaa, Network Access, Bloc 2 (Atop the nearby rooftops)
Allies: The Collective & NPCs - [member="The Slave"]
Enemies: The Compact & NPCs - [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Six-O"] | [member="Onley Xiangu"] | [member="Bareesh Kajidic"] | [member="Kael Rose"]

She had been prepared, body tensed ready to either fire another bolt or move out of the way depending on what Matsu did. What she hadn't expected was to feel a cold chill reach across the expanse between them, and touch her mind.

Of course she's a mentalist...

It had been many years since Mara had faced off against one, hell it had been right back during her SIS days. Their minds had been specifically trained to resist, given the nature of their work it was always paramount that no matter how much an agent's body could break, it was there mind that had to remain impenetrable.

But that usually got thrown out of the equation when an actual Force user got their hands on you. From the different ranges of power and ability, to how vicious the person could be. What was most alarming, was the fact they made it so easy. An agent could defend themselves mentally as best they could, but get a master mentalist on the other side?

Your mind wouldn't be safe for long.

And right now, Mara felt like a spider's legs were crawling across hers. It immediately triggered something, a memory - no, a piece of information. There had been a report of an agent who had managed to escape the clutches of a Sith years ago. They had mentioned what they had felt, something about the sensation of spiders...

Darth Yaomo.

Mara would've laughed at her luck, if she wasn't currently trying to fight a mental battle.

What is the point? It’d be easier to run. She remained where she was.

It’d be easier to turn my rifle on myself. She dropped her weapon and kicked it away.

It’d be easier to just fall off this building. Quicker. Go. Do it. Come on, don’t be scared. It’s faster than what she’d do.

That one had the strongest hold, enough that Mara could feel herself trying to shift; to move forwards enough to just simply lean over and fall. End years of suffering, of betrayal at the hands of those she trusted. But Mara fought against it, hands twitching as she reached to her belt. There several pouches were attached, but the question was which one. Mara tried racking her mind for the answer, despite it currently being in the midst of a battle of will.

Feeling herself stand up, Mara made her choice and flipped open one of the pouches. She pulled out the syringe and immediately jabbed it into her arm. The rush of the benzodiazepine flooded her system, rushing to her mind and wiping it clean of Matsu's influence. Mara collapsed backwards safely onto the roof.

Karking mentalists.


The Pan-Galactic Scumbag
LOCATION: Bloc 2 Entrance
ALLIES AT LOCATION: Spooky Girlfriend [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Kael Rose"] | [member="Bareesh"] Karjidic
ALLIES ELSEWHERE: [member="Loray Tares"] | Totally Androgynous Not Vrag Creature [member="Aver Brand"]
ENEMIES: [member="Janeth Farr"] | [member="Mara Kellarov"] | [member="The Slave"] | @Collective NPC Forces
NPCS: UltraV
EQUIPMENT: Gorgon Web Rifle | Magnetic Reaper | MK-3 Heavy Bolter | On-Board Weapon Systems | Phrik Machete

The application of logic to IGa-60 and the Machines never ending cast of wildly deranged and erratic contacts would be a momentous task to wrestle with. Something [member="Onley Xiangu"] would only lose sleep over as he tried to intellectualize his way through Cannibal Child Soldier Gang Leaders, Mercenary Slavers, Paramilitary Death Squads, Restaurant Owning War Criminal Mass Murderers, Drug Peddling Prostitute Torturers - really, he needed only be glad that his mother, [member="Matsu Xiangu"] now, through the Droid, controlled these wonderfully unhinged assets.

They really fit in well on Maena, what more did the young Xiangu need?

UltraV had elected to conduct this raid shirtless, his ebony flesh savagely scarred, each vicious mark a tale of the cruel lifestyle he had led here in Hutt Space and on the streets of Nar Shaddaa. He'd undoubtedly receive countless more once the Dead Chuba Killers began warring for territory on New City Streets for the rest of his life, however short or long it may be. His pants were a grungy grey, torn up and frayed, spotted with filth and heavy blood stains, the leg openings bloused over combat boots that looked too large for him, but he somehow managed to move around in effortlessly.

Around one wrist a black and grey rag was tied. A lit joint burning between his fingers as he clutched the under-barrel hand guard, purple paper shriveling under a tide of orange in an uneven bend that slid along it's engorged stomach - the smoke a very unnatural sort of gold. Whatever the blend of Spice, it didn't seem to dampen the juveniles prowess.

From the hip he unleashed oblivion, his head bouncing to some unheard music as another Op's humanity and life was disunited. Flesh blossoming in to bursts of flesh and fragmented bone, splashing the walls and servers like some maestro of interpretive art. It wasn't until Onley was thrusting a Gas Mask at UltraV did he stop firing.

Pressing his face in to the seal and triggering the suction, after he shouldered his Rifle. He elected to watch Onley as the man motioned for cover and a barrage of Obsidian Nova Grenades, tools of war UltraV had thus far in his young life, never encountered.

While the Server Terminal rattled with the obscene violence of Obsidian Nova Grenades, bursts of black fire which expanded wildly, snapped with tendrils of green electricity and the howl of razor-edged glass needles. Ultimately evaporating life in to viscous, charred, froth. Another battle was being waged out in the street.

A Factory burned, the street now rife with smoke and the fulsome smell of a thousand-thousand contrasting scents. [member="Mara Kellarov"] had favored not revealing her new perch quite yet, or had abandoned the battle entirely. Of course, Six-O had no way of knowing the actual plight of the woman. But another threat loomed. [member="The Slave"]. From where the Droid stood it had the perfect vantage of it's essential companion, it monitored the events transpiring. Observed how she made to thrust that lesser flesh creature with. . . The Force.

An aspect of Reality that IGa-60 could not break down to code and comprehend further than what it was capable of experiencing during the slaughter of it's practitioners at every opportunity that arose.

For now the machine simply waded backwards towards the pair, calculating the damage it's Primary Heavy Weapon could have on that frail-made organic and his florid armor.

Final Estimation: Maximum Efficiency.
Network Access
Bloc 2

Friends │ Collective & [member="Mara Kellarov"]
Foes │ Compact & [member=Six-O] , [member="Onley Xiangu"] , [member="Bareesh Kajidic"] , [member="Kael Rose"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"]
Equipment Sword - Pistol 1 - Pistol 2 - Necklace - Armor

As the first strike towards his feet was let loose, the sickly humid air that surrounded her seemed to harden, almost shock her skin in minuscule prickles that threatened to draw blood. The Slave moved with a lightning fast reaction, falling right into her trap as he leaped into the air. It seemed whatever aura that seeped from his pores became its own sentient form of sensation input, allowing him to bypass the illusionary magic through its secondary gaze.

This of course didn’t stop him from getting lambasted by the second harder strike she sent above him; sending him reeling backwards towards the blazing hot Air Refresher with extreme prejudice. It seemed his extra sensory prowess had a second purpose, helping to cushion his head as he landed in the distance. A tight jawed Slave seemed to respond instantly, however, despite the force of her strike.

From the first holster on his hip, he pulled a Verpine Shattergun and fired a barrage towards where Matsu had appeared for her brief moment. Even if she had decided to reintroduce the illusionary magic again, nearly a dozen massively damaging projectiles moved downrange towards her; waiting to tear the flawless skin from its bone.
Bloc 1
Allies: [member="The Prince"]
Enemies: The Grunts of [member="Janeth Farr"]
Objective: Collect themselves and prepare to check on other Blocs

"Did we make it?"
Huff. Huff
"I think they left! We pushed them back!"
Huff Huff

Sturgis whipped off his helmet and gave his team a big thumbs up before falling on his arse heaving and sweating. Had the other team not made its way to Network Access he would have had to take a second hit and that wouldn't have been good for anybody. His heart was still racing from the Celeber and he needed a downer asap. Almost on cue a blue pill bottle slapped him in the face.

"You forgot them didn't you?" Sturgis din't even answer. He just frantically opened the bottle and dumped the contents into his mouth. Chewing pills probably wasn't the ideal way to consume them, but it worked and it was fast and Sturgis really wasn't thinking of the long term consequences of his drug addiction. "We should try and help in other Blocs. They probably didn't get as lucky as we did."

Sturgis didn't have his helmet on, he was too busy washing down the downers with water. It ran in ribbons down the sides of his mouth and chin, dripping onto his armor. The one thing he did hear was a slight ring and dull thump as his heart started to slow down to normal pace.

"He can't hear you Joura." With a groan Joura moved and took a knee beside Sturgis and tapped his head.

'Should we get ready to move on other Blocs?' He signed. A few more gulps from Sturgis and a nod. The Mandalorian commander smirked before wiping the remaining water from his mouth. He gave the Mandalorian sign for kill and put his helmet back on, snapping it into place.
Bloc 3

Allies: [member="Aver Brand"], [member="Slevin Thawne"]
Enemies: [member="Sanguinaria"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Wes Rykker"]

Another hallway, another series of defenses, falling over like dominoes. These were the tastings of a battle that demanded something more. The ebb and flow of conflict was held just beyond a great sea wall, insurmountable for the lack of those present who would engage.

Where his ally was inconvenienced by the lack of movement forward, Loray was inconvenienced instead by boredom. Anger swelled within him as he released the trigger from the turret, the perforated barrel red hot and deforming beneath the constant fire. Tossing the thing aside, he felt a growl resonate from deep within and found stifling resistance beneath a clamped jaw.

The Voxyn Al’do extended outward, Vong prosthetic arm taking on a life of its own. The carbuncle visage formed in his palm, eyes and mouth breathing in at the expression of persistent misery. Agony, born from being given nothing. It's teeth, force shut, creaked open in silent wail as wandering and ghastly eyes winced in the direction of the floor. Bile, tinted saliva, dripped across the floor as the whole arm heaved and shuddered.

The gaping maw of the paled face gave birth to a black cylinder, wrapped in the brass formation of a great serpent. Pushing out with every dry heave, blackened fingers gripped around the hilt. The opened jaws of the dragon vomited out a blade of deep violet, foundation upon a core of pitch, the likes of which were held in place by suspended flecks of ember and blood.

The soulsaber hummed to life, emanating malice and mania as Loray stepped forward. Calling the immense darkside nexus into his body, serving the CERS beyond what would ever be needed, he moved past Slevin Thawne and his Droids. Serpentine force speed, an electronic on jagged and dodging path, defensive fire split open the world around him as he raced towards the first living defender that warranted cutting down. His threshold for this criteria was extremely low, needing only having the capacity to breath.

There was life before him. And it needed snuffing out. He would take this choke point and make the collective choke on it.
Bloc 3
Bae 1&2: [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"]
Bae 2’s Murderbot: [member="Six-O"]
Sulky Nephew: [member="Onley Xiangu"]
Broody Niece’s Current Side Ho: [member="Xian Valart"]
Allies: [member="Helix Syndicate"] | [member="The Prince"] | [member="Slevin Thawne"] | [member="Gorba the Hutt"] | [member="Kael Rose"]
Enemies: [member="Janeth Farr"] | [member="Sola Tymon"] | [member="The Slave"] | [member="Dyxra'a"] | [member="Delilah Keyes"] | [member="Mara Kellarov"]
Vicinity: [member="Sanguinaria"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Wes Rykker"]

The doors of the security center were rated to withstand several things. An Equalizer wasn’t among them.

In the wake of their failing resistance, Aver faced no opposition breaking through. A couple of well-placed charges later, the merc pushed inside under the cover of gray smoke and the dying heat of mangled metal. She stepped over the cooling corpse of a technician who’d found himself on the wrong side of a concussive blast, phrik boot pressing wetly down into the film of torn flesh.

Aver stopped for a moment, assessing the myriad terminals surrounding her. She wasn’t a slicer. Never had the patience for code-monkeying and sitting on her ass all day, staring at a screen. Employed plenty of others to do it for her, though.

She’d spent more than a week preparing for this… disappointment. The facility itself was defended alright, but its protectors? Barely a blip on the radar.

Strolling over to the main terminal, the woman calmly plugged in a computer spike…

...and whipped her head around, eyes wide.

A screaming, pitch-black presence spilled down the corridor whence she came. She knew that scream. She knew that black.

It tasted like grave-soil in her mouth.

You brought it here?
Location: Bloc 3
Allies: [member="Wes Ryker"] [member="Sanuinaria"]
Enemies: [member="Aver Brand"] [member="Loray Tares"] [member="Slevin Thawne"]

Somehow, someway, the man that rushed him using a droid as a shield took away his rifle when his hand reached out towards the Mandalorian. Perhaps he was a Force User along with the rest of his companions at this bloc. Following that the warrior received a kick to the chest and was sent backwards; however, he used his momentum to his advantage and was on one knee with two of his favorite pistols out of their holsters. Then a barrage of red blasters were shot out to the man.

"Have some."

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