Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A wretched hive of scum and villainy - Republic Dominion of Terrijo

Location: The Shadowport
Objective: Try not to die *shrug*
Allies: [member="Anastasia Rade"]

Orick watched the quick exchange between Ana and the boss, the guards were shifting slightly, some of them were beginning to fan out. He knew that trouble looked like, and dirty jungle guards with itchy trigger fingers were trouble. He slowly brought his hand down so that it was gripping the pistol grip of the rifle he was holding. He never took his eyes off of the guards and he hoped that maybe Ana would be able to bluff their way out of this.

He had the portable transmitter in the small pack on the speeder bike, if he managed to get past these next few minutes alive, he would be able to give the coordinates to the shadowport to the fleet above. This was obviously a pirate haven and as much as Orick wanted to profit on a new port, he didn't want the pirates to have a hidden base either.

He stepped forward so that he was next to Ana and he tilted his head, "Shi hokaanir ibic ad'ika b kovid gurire! par duse cuun ca'nara." He said with as much anger in his voice as he could, as he ran his finger across his throat. He wasn't making a serious suggestion, merely trying to intimidate the guards around him. He wasn't even sure that any of them spoke Mando'a, and if they didn't, then it would wound even more intimidating to hear.
Location: Arendal-class Heavy Cruiser Arendal, over Gessbenna City
Objective: Eliminate the Bloodcrest pirates and their corporate backers
Allies: [member="Dazuto"] | [member="Aqulia Audax"] | [member="Kayleigh Tyven"]
Enemies: [member="Veldar Tor'Vaas"]

[ 11 / 20 ]

"They must realize that this is a hopeless situation," said Gir, "you've seen the new Republic fleet under our Supreme Commander orbiting this world with its large star destroyers, including one of the most advanced warships in the galaxy. Do you think they will accept a plea bargain if they peacefully turn themselves in?"

The droid quickly translated the words into the sullustan's staccato language before giving him back a reply in basic.

"Many of the lower-ranking members are already jumping ship," reported the droid, "the strength that the Republic has committed here has sent them scampering. Others are trying to flee or lay down low. Some will stand and fight when backed into a corner, but I do not think that any of them will come forward peacefully-"

"Sir," interrupted Lieutenant Lod, quickly striding up to him, "there was an explosion at the traffic control tower, it's no more."

The droid quickly began to translate for the sullustan as Gir scrambled to come up with a response to Lod, "Isn't that where the energy being was last sighted?"

"You think he had something to do with it, sir?"

"Well, our people didn't get to it yet..." said Gir, "I want a tracking team down there stat, and see if you can them to deploy some seekers to find him. If we have any models available with stun blasters, I want him taken down."

"Yes sir," replied Lod, hurrying off to carry out his commander's orders.

Gir turned his gaze back to the holo-projection, but not below quickly glancing down at his own console's screen.

"Mister president, I have no word that this second project you mentioned has been found in the city. The first of our troops should be arriving at your headquarters soon. Perhaps the security forces loyal to yourself can link up with our soldiers to search for it."

The droid and Snuib exchanged some words.

"It must be on Binior then," said the president's droid, "it left our facility just before your fleet arrived. One of their enforcers has been travelling there providing them with modern weapons and technology."

"To what end?" said Gir with a frown.

There was a quick exchange between the two before the droid returned his artificial gaze onto the republic officer.

"I don't know what the Karka Syndicate's ultimate aim is, their reach extends beyond Terrijo, but it cannot be good."

We'll have to see if we can figure out that connection between the Raydu Council and the Karka Syndicate if we can...A series of loud noises echoed from the CEO's office, and suddenly the communication's channel became static. Gir immediately turned to face the communication's officer, who met his gaze steadily.

"I'll see what I can do sir, but I'm not picking up any signal right now. It's possible one of the relays was hit in an attack. Our troops are just starting to enter the vicinity of the Gessbenna Headquarters. Perhaps some of the fighting knocked out a relay."

"Well, do what you can," said Gir, "and let me know the second you've reestablished a connection with the President."

"Yes sir."

Matron Malgus

Location: Binior Battlefield
Objective: Scavenging and Exploring
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Credit Count: 100
Post count: 1/20
**Got approval to join from [member="Gir Quee"]

Bare feet stepped calmly and precisely on the battlefield of Binior. The owner of those feet had managed to escape the initial conflict that had resulted in losses on both sides - the natives and the Republic. She had enjoyed watching such bloodshed occur, especially when credits and weapons were left behind for her to take. After her escape from Nal Hutta and her forced leaving of her home on Dathomir, she had to find some way to rebuild her life and so far exploring the battlefields of the various factions in the galaxy was the best idea. Once they were focused on a task neutral parties like her could get in and out with relative ease. She had been mostly invisible since her time on this planet, and now she was free to scavenge on the battle field as they continued their petty conflict in the distance. She couldn't imagine herself joining in on such fighting, if only because of her own sense of self-survival. But, she sure did enjoy the excess credits and materials that she could gather off of the dead.

As it was right now, she could wander the battlefield in peace and enjoy the rather quiet nature of those that lay dead on the field. She wasn't a sick individual, but she didn't really like most people when they were alive either. They looked so peaceful when they were dead, almost as if the galaxy had given them the greatest mercy of all- to escape the violence and to travel whatever awaited them after death. That was what she enjoyed about death.

As she neared another dead soldier she could hear faint voices coming from the helmet that he wore on his head. As she knelt down next to it, and leaned in close she could hear voices that sounded like they were issuing orders. So, she removed the soldiers helmet and took the comm of placing it in her own ear and listening silently for any orders that the soldier may have received.

What better way to find new goods to scavenge than to listen to where all the action is?
Location: Binor, Ground (Raydu City)
Objective: 2
Allies: Republic Forces, Rebels
Enemies: Raydu Council

It was going fairly well, with tanks advancing on all enemy positions, supported by Republic and Rebel Infantry. We were one good push to reaching the city, and no doubt shorty after that happened the Raydu Council would surrender, or be destroyed by the commandos attempting exactly such a task. Infantry filed past my Skocha, leaping into the trenches and using them to advance further up the line. "Master Chief, we could use a hand dealing with the bunker at mark one, point three." I call from allied infantry came over the unit channel. I picked up the comm-link and pressed the call button, "Roger that, responding. Heads down." I flicked to the vehicle channel, "Fire one at mark one point three." The gunner replied with traversing the turret to the correct facing, "Fire one," he said, sending a proton round at the target. A few seconds went by, "No good, over shot by about three meters." That wasn't good. That meant they were calling the wrong location and put them at serious risk, nonetheless, they required assistance. "Drop barrel five degrees and hit em again." I told the gunner. Another round belched out causing a fireball to rise into the sky. "That got em. Thanks for the hand." The officer called over the comms.

"Sabers roll up, hatches down. Eyes on sensors from here on out." I called over the open channel, noticing the trenches provided an excellent ambush location. Continuing to advance we hit the first of the enemy armor close to the half way mark. They were pissed and opened from their concealed positions with a furious fullisade of firepower, catching several Reliants from the group in front of us. "Sabers, spread out, don't make it too easy for em. Pick targets in pairs and engage at will." I said, instructing them to fan out. Seconds later the enemy guns started firing at us, with a round glancing off the sloped armor of the Skocha, but taking a chunk of ceramic plating with it.


Bred to charge Ipods and fry enemies
Location: Remains of Control Tower
Objective: Survive
[member="Gir Quee"]

Up was down and sideways was nowhere. This is an accurate description of how #24601 felt at the moment. As he slowly came to, he was somewhat aware that he was dangling from...somewhere...which was nowhere...ugh....There was something quite painful sticking out of his was hurting his back, too. He eventually noticed that he was suspended up in the a piece of metal that was becoming increasingly painful.

He lifted his head when he saw a light catch his attention. He raised his eyes, his body pulsating slowly with energy. He flinched away from the sudden light of a scout droid of sorts. Blue blood dripped from his mouth as his head drooped towards the ground. He didn't have a clue where to go from here and his mind was slowly losing the ability to care.
[Post count = 8/20]

The other pilots had now circled behind her. She initially put the afterburners on and saw, as expected the ships behind followed suit. She eased off slightly, allowing them to close – all the while she weaved and bobbed to deny them a clean shot. Then, as she sensed they'd closed enough that she'd present a relatively easy target, she cut her speed drastically. The two ships behind shot past her and she immediately kicked in her afterburners again to give chase. Now she was on their six and her finger was paused over the missile button.

A simple application of pressure from her thumb and a missile was sent on its way straight up the tailpipe of the bird on the right, whilst she dabbed the yoke to reposition her ship and used the trigger to take out the other with her laser.

Two down and one to go.

And right on cue, Archie the astro-droid put the next song on…
Objective: Blow Everything up!
Allies: [member="Orick T'ane"]

Ana was quite impressed with his Mando'a, he was getting really good at it. Even the foul words that he was spewing at the pirates melted her heart. He was really embracing her culture to heart and acting like any member of the clan would. There was no time for any cuteness right now. Ana was still hoping that this ruse of being big bad bounty hunters worked and event though they weren't that per say they could still kick some butt.

The men looked at each other for a few minutes almost as if they were wondering what it was he was trying to say. They could have also been confused as to why the pink one looked to be in charge of this little operation. "Kill them, for wasting my time." The small middle stated as he waved at the two "Mando" turning to head back to his throne. He wasn't going to be playing anybody's game. He had enough and wasn't looking into anything. His men could take care of them.

As soon as the middle one turned Ana's blaster flew to her hand which was pointed in the direction of the pirates. The two were clearly out matched and needed to find cover. In the distance she could see more of them headed this way and in her mind the best way to get out of this mess may be to just blow it up. Pulling a grenade from her pocket she held it up for them to see and Orick. If she decided to use it they would need to get out of there fast.
Location: Ground, Binor
Objective: 2
Allies: Republic Forces, Rebels
Enemies: Raydu Council

The shells the enemy fired buzzed through the air, some of them finding purchase on the hulls of the Reliant Battle Tanks. My Skocha, and Saber Three, outfitted with more powerful ceramic armor were able to withstand the initial fusillade without taking significant damage, but something needed to be done soon. "Fire one on main target," I called over the vehicle intercomm. The gunner swiveled the turret and put the crosshairs on his target, squeezing the trigger just as they fell over the enemy vehicle "Fire one," Escaped his mouth just as the proton shell erupted from the barrel, sending the enemy vehicle up in smoke and fire. I eyed the sensors, noticing another enemy vehicle moving around behind the main group. It was hoping to outflank us. "Traverse Right, target two." The gun turret moved to respond to the new threat.

The enemy vehicle fired an anti-tank round, catching the turret in the side of the hull, punching a hole into the ruptured tiles, boring straight through the turret. The loader, caught by the round, slumped over, dead following the hypervelocity round piercing his side. My gunner without missing a beat, placed the crosshairs on the enemy vehicle calling "Fire one" even as he squeezed the trigger, detonating the enemy vehicle and instant later. "Saber Three, pull to our right. We have a hull rupture, but we are still moving." I called over the unit comm channel. "Responding Saber One." came the reply as I dropped into the loader's seat, taking over the fallen soldiers duties and attempting to pull double duty. Scanning the sensors quickly I found our next target, "Open up on indicated target with secondary weapons." I ordered, the heavy blaster cannons washing over the enemy vehicle's hull in rapid succession. I slipped a proton round into the breach and slammed the weapon closed. By the time my gunner could fire I was hefting the next round, ready to push it into place. It was going to be difficult to call the shots from the Loader station, but we needed a loader more than we needed a shot caller.
Location: Ground, Binor
Objective: 2
Allies: Republic Forces, Rebels
Enemies: Raydu Council

My gunner took over duties as shot caller as best as he could, glancing through the weapon sights and sensor systems to call targets to other vehicles as often as he could, but the immediate threats of the enemy vehicles took most of his attention. Shell after shell was sent through the barrel, detonating the enemy vehicles in brilliant fires as each round found purchase in the enemy vehicles. The next wave of Republic vehicles moved into the battlefield just as the tide turned in our favor, Reliant's unleashing their weaponry as they advanced on Raydu City in a firestorm of power. Enemy resistance increased for several minutes, our vehicle taking several hits, and becoming immobilized late in the battle, but still able to provide fire support. "Saber One, drop a shell at Mark four." Came the voice of the Task Force Commander over the comm. We had been transferred to artillery duty since we couldn't move the vehicle at the moment. "Fire One," my gunner called as I opened the Loader's hatch and looked out at the battlefield.

Hours passed us by, the fighting dying down as Republic tanks entered the city. No doubt there would be resistance for some time, but all in all the campaign seems to have been successful. At least for the most part. I wasn't sure about the other theaters of the Terrijo campaign, but I was pretty sure Republic Forces were claiming overall victory all throughout the system. I climbed from the ruined, battle-worn Skocha, dropping to the ground. The remnant's of my crew followed, most of us covered in blood, sweat, and grime, ready for a good rest and a few days leave. "This is Master Chief Draco Vereen, I think we are done with Raydu City."
Location: Shadowport
Objective: Stopping to poodoo from hitting the air circulation device.
Allies: [member="Anastasia Rade"]

Orick saw the grenade and had his rifle up and aimed at the first couple of pirates before most of them could react. The pirates were all tough men, killers and maniacs, but he was a trained Republic operator, there were three dead pirates before any of them could even respond. He hoped that Ana would hold on to the grenade long enough for them to get to cover. He darted back as blaster fire glanced at him. He felt more than one glancing blow skip off his armor.

Sprinting for cover he tuned just long enough for him to see the light hover-tank moving forward. " Goorar goore bal pabida at cigihtr. Ni malyasa'yr hukaatir gar." He yelled at Ana in Mando'a as he ran for cover. The confused look the pirates gave each other when he had first spoken to her in her language confirmed that they didn't speak Mando'a, so as long as they communicated that way they had an advantage. He finally got close enough to the small building that he slid the final couple of feet into cover, the blaster bolts splashing against the small pasteel wall. He reached down and flipped the safety off on the underslung grenade launcher and leaned out just long enough to fire the grenade at the tank. The loud ping and the large puff of smoke were all he needed to know that the smoke round had hit it's mark.

He watched as the grenade that Ana held only moments ago blow a small crater on the ground near where the gathering of pirates was at. He wasn't sure if any of the pirates were hit but it was enough of a distraction to put him in motion again. His next movement took him towards their speeder bikes, he didn't have time to jump on it before blaster fire caused him to drop behind it. He saw blaster fire coming from another direction and a flash of pink, letting him know that Ana was holding her own. He flipped the small cargo bag open on the back of the bike and pulled out the long range transmitter, toggling it on he wasted no time in sending out the emergency ping on the open fleet channel, he only hopped that the [member="Gir Quee"] was listening.

The hover tank made it's way forward through the billowing cloud of smoke and he knew that his time was up. He tossed the transmitter off in the bushes and ran as fast as he could, the following explosion of the speeder bikes from the tank round picking him up and throwing him forward, as the world went black.
Location: Arendal-class Heavy Cruiser Arendal, over Gessbenna City
Objective: Secure Terrijo
Allies: [member="Orick T'ane"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: [member="Veldar Tor'Vaas"]

[ 12 / 20 ]

"It is good to see that you are unhurt."

The holographic visage of the Sullustan bobbed his head in understanding before babbling words to his protocol droid to translate.

"With my loyal security peoples and your troops, the people of Gessbenna City can finally live to see reforms."

"That is going to be an issue..." started Gir, but he abruptly stopped himself, not wanting to delve too deeply into local political matters.

But the droid had already translated his comments to the sullustan, who in turn seemed somewhat amused by Gir's discomfort.

"The corporation and the state need to be two separate entities," translated the droid, "in the end, it will be what's best not only for the people here, but for the corporation as well. It is bad to be so tied down in one location. But that will require some division of the governing apparatus from the rest of Gessbenna Corp."

Out of the corner of his eye, a notification window began to flash on one of his consoles with a high priority code.

"You'll have to forgive me Mister President," said Gir, "but I have some urgent military matters I must attend to. I look forward to seeing you in person when this is all over and done with."

The droid quickly translated to the sullustan, who gave him a traditional sullustan gesture for farewell. The channel went dead between them, allowing Gir to fully view the console's notification. [member="Orick T'ane"]'s emergency beacon? Well, that's not so good...He rapidly typed in commands to his console, bringing up the status of his available starships and other forces. The middle-aged man quickly selected several units he had placed on standby as reinforcements. Within a minute, a single D25 Dropship with almost a full platoon of marines supported by a pair of LLS-4 Devastator-class gunships sped out towards the beacons location to investigate the distress signal. He could only hope that whatever had caused the man to use his emergency beacon hadn't got to the man before the cavalry would arrive. Another voice called out to him from his right.

"Sir, Master Chief [member="Draco Vereen"] has reported that Raydu City is under the control of the allied Republic-rebel forces," informed his gruff communication's officer.

"That's good work," said Gir, "get me a status report on their losses, fuel, ammunition, wounded, prisoners, and the like. We need to be able to get any support they need out there. If they've got the men, see if they can investigate and find this second project. It may have left Binior already, but it'd be nice to have a bit more of a hint about it. We also need to link up with the operators who were working inside the city before it fell into our hands."

"Yes sir."

Another voice called out to him, "We've found the energy being sir. It appears that he's impaled on piece of what was the space port control tower."

Gir quickly typed in a few commands, pulling up an image of [member="Veldar Tor'Vaas"] as seen by one of the seekers. Interesting. It appears that he can be harmed by matter, or at least be constricted by it in certain places of his body. But he's hurt...

"Let a medical team down there now," ordered Gir, "escorted by armed marines of course. As soon as his body signs are stable and he is secured, I want him brought onboard."

Even as the order started going down the chain of command, Gir knew it would be a hard one. This being was special, and Gir half-expected the being to escape their grasp or fight back. Yet there remained a swell of hope within him that they'd be able to bring him back to fully sort matters out between him and the Republic, though he knew not what that conclusion would be if it was to be obtained at all.
Location: Shadowport
Objective: Blow it all up and save Orick
Allies: [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Gir Quee"]

As Orick sprinted away Ana threw the grenade that she had at the pirates before running in the opposite direction behind the other building. This she hoped would divide the rest of the forces that were left here.

Her head turned as she heard a few explosives go off around her. One was the one she had thrown and another looked to be from Orick as one of their tanks blew up. That was great in theory but she saw another coming right after him. Ana would have helped him but she had her own set of problems that she was facing.

The goal was to get to the speeder bikes but Ana was finding that there were a lot more pirates here than she original had guessed. They were sorely outnumbered. She was lucky as she was able to push some away using the force as well as use force blind to confuse a great number of them while she made a run for the speeder bikes.

She couldn't see Orick through the mess of people. The black armor that he had was similar in color to that of the pirates. She could only hope that he would be alright.

Ana was stopped dead in her tracks when the bike was blown up. It was where he was supposed to meet her and Ana had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach that something had happened to him.

Amidst the bullets Ana ran towards the scene to see him laying on the ground not moving. Checking for a pulse Ana felt a bullet whizz past her head as she verified that he was alive. Lightly shaking him she placed a protection bubble around them to keep them safe. It would last long but she could hope he would wake up because they needed to move.

As if on cue a drop ship along with two ships arrived on the scene. Ana could see from the side of them they were pub friendly so she wasn't concerned. It was nice to have backup. They needed it.
Location: Shadowport
Objective: Stop the ringing in my ears
Allies: [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

His eyes opened and he saw Ana kneeling next to him her hand was on his shoulder, her words were drowned out by the ringing in his ears. " Stop shaking me, I'm awake." He said as he sat up. His side hurt, a lot, every time he took in a deep breath. He must have broken a rib when he landed. His helmet was cracked across the face, he could feel the hot air seeping in through the cracks. He looked around and saw that there was some sort of force barrier protecting them. He smiled faintly and groaned a bit as he pulled the broken helmet off. He could see Republic marines and ships in the area and he smiled. "It seems that the admiral got my message after all. " He said as he stood slowly. " We need to get to cover." He looked around for his rifle but couldn't find it, he quickly pulled out his pistols and looked down at the still kneeling Ana. "Cut the power to this thing and lets get out of here."

As the force barrier dropped he ran for cover in the direction that the marines were approaching from. He waved one of them down as he dropped behind a large tree at the edge of the clearing. "Get that gunship to move forward, there's a light tank out there." He pointed in the direction that he remembered the tank being in. " Also, assume that everyone here is a pirate. Hostile action should be expected from everyone you encounter." He shook his head and rubbed at his eyes, the ringing in his head was starting to fade, but it was going to be around for a while in the background.

He found Ana nearby and he nodded to her as he moved forward with the marines. He hoped that she would follow them back into the base so they could shut this shadowport down.
Location: Ground, Binor, Raydu City
Objective: 2
Allies: Republic Forces, Rebels
Enemies: Raydu Council (Destroyed)

I stood with my troopers aboard Saber Three, my re-appropriated Skocha now being utilized to hand out relief supplies to the civilians of Raydu City. It was an important task, after weeks of being told we would be enslaving them or casting out their way of life it was most important now, the squash those rumors brought on by propaganda. Supplies were being handed out, it was simple stuff like blankets, fresh drinking water, and power ration bars. "One per person, sorry. We don't have enough for everyone as it is." I told a family at the line who had brought their small children to attempt to recieve extras. I wanted to, but as I said, there wasn't enough for everyone as it was. Former Rebel troops were assisting us in handing out the rations, standing side by side with the Republic Troopers giving aid to their former enemies. If the holoNews crews could see this it would fit right in line for what the higher ups wanted.

One of the Rebels nearby muttered, "They basically enslave us and we are supposed to hug it out and give them food and water. We wouldn't have gotten as good treatment, I tell you that." to a fellow alien. I am far from xenophobic, but I understood where humanocentric regimes were coming from. It was an easy thing to separate the people and reduce the risk of uprising. "You'll hand it out with a smile on your face, you got me," I said, closing the distance so we could whisper and not be over heard. "You have to live as these people's neighbors for the rest of your life, and I tell you that, it would suck if you piss them off enough to over throw you the same way we took down the Raydu Council, you get me?" I hissed in his face.

He stood, shocked for a moment. The rebels were unused to being treated like a military, and were even less used to having any real power. Some of them, like this piece of garbage wanted to take advantage of their new found position, but I wasn't having it here, and he seemed to know better. I had a decent reputation among the Republic Troopers, and I guess the nickname Papa Dragon had caused some rumors to start up in the local camps. "Yeah, i got it." He said, not exactly reassuringly. "The first and last words out of your mouth will be Sir when addressing me." I said, glaring him down. "Sir, I get you, Sir" he stammered out, the gravity of his situation hitting him like a truck.
Location: Inside the cathedral ship
Objective: 2 Infiltrate the cathedral ship and take down high priority targets
Allies: Galactic Republic Forces
Enemies: Any and all Raydu Council
[6/20 Posts]

“Six of the five high priority targets have been eliminated. One the way to our last one.” The lieutenant spoke through the microphone on his wrist. This channel was connected to the rest of his team so everyone knew what was happening. The mission was about to be completed.

“Copy that.”
“Moving to the upper decks with you.”

Various different voices crackled to Jaccer through the earpiece implanted in his ear. Every team had been accounted for and they were beginning their assault on their final objective. It seemed this mission would be a clean sweep. Jaccer’s team met with two of the other unharmed teams in one of the dimly illuminated corridors. The plan was for them to stick together until the mission objective had been met. All the other teams would head the opposite way out of the cathedral ship to prepare the fireworks.

“Let's hurry this up. I plan to get home before this day is over.” The commanding officer told his units as they headed down the metal corridors of the crashed ship. Only the small torches mounted on the soldiers weapons were lighting the curved tunnels. If someone was to die it would undoubtedly happen in this cramped, close quarters environment.
Location: Inside the cathedral ship
Objective: 2 Infiltrate the cathedral ship and take down high priority targets
Allies: Galactic Republic Forces
Enemies: Any and all Raydu Council
[7/20 Posts]

After a brief split up between the three 6-man squads, radio chatter picked up. “We think we've found him.” “… But there may be a problem.” That wasn't good. The lieutenant hoped for an easy final kill before the team could head back for home. It seemed, however, that this wouldn't be possible. Jaccer rushed to the location of the the last target, anxious to know what this problem was.

Upon arriving, he found what the problem was. A lone man was knelt in the centre of a confined room. Himself and the room was absolutely covered in the explosives. From their distance, it didn't seem like anyone knew what explosives they were or how to deactivate them, it seemed it was time for some improvisation. Reaching back to his belt, Jaccer removed a spherical object; an ion grenade. The idea was that the grenade would fry the detonator and would therefore prevent any of the explosives from going off.

Pressing the red button began the countdown. Counting in his head the seconds until the grenade blew, Jaccer prepared to throw the grenade. “3..2..” He rolled the grenade towards the suicidal enemy. A silent and invisible wave washed across the room. From the lack of explosions when the target released the detonator, it seemed Jaccer’s plan had worked. Now one thing was left…

Blaster fire was all that could be heard. It drowned out the screams of the kneeling man. The mission was finished.
Objective: Stop the ringing in my ears
Allies: [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Orick T'ane"]

A sigh of relief escaped her lips as he woke up. Ana had seen the broken helmet and thought the worse. His armor was nowhere what her's was and she would like to help gear him up. There was a lot of tech out there and much of it she now had access to. The Republic had their gear yes but he seemed to need something stronger. When they got out of here she may suggest him get some different armor. She would even be willing to help him get what it was he needed.

As the protection bubble faded Ana grabbed his hand so that they could find cover. Ana knew he was hurt, she could see it in his face but that Orick would never tell her outright. She would have a look at him later on the Ranger but right now they needed to take out these pirates. He was tough so she had faith that he would be alright.

"Are you sure your alright to do this?" She glanced at him as Ana fell by his side as the group moved forward. Ana didn't even know if anyone heard her though all the blaster fire. She didn't want him to get hurt even more by trying to help shut down the rest of this operation. There were several buildings in the base and through the smoke and gun fire it was hard to see which was HQ. "We need to take out all of these buildings." She spoke not turning around to the group but hoping they were listening. Ana wasn't in charge of this group but it wasn't as if she hadn't done this before. "I suggest that we split up between all four buildings. Take out the pirates and destroy all communications. I don't know what it in any of them." Ana didn't know what they were holding but it didn't matter. Ana would just assume taking it all out and not worrying about their crap.
Location: Shadowport
Objective: Mop up the Pirates
Allies: [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

He nodded at Ana's assessment of the situation as the pirates began to fall back. The arrival of the gunships completely changed the fight, the hover tanks that the pirates had were quickly turned to scrap by well placed laser fire and there wasn't a whole lot of fight left in the pirates after that. Orick turned to the lieutenant in charge and waved the man over. " Have the pirates rounded up and placed into one of these large hangar buildings. detail a 4 man squad to guard them. Have the other men break off into two teams of three and have them sweep the remaining compound for stragglers. you and the remaining man go with the Rally Master here and go find the boss, she knows what he looks like. " He turned to Ana and smiled at her, his tone was all business and he would make ti up to her after things had settled down

" I need to call the big man upstairs and check in, please don't be too rough with the boss, he's going to be valuable to someone." He groaned slightly as he turned too quickly for his broken rib's liking. He began to walk towards where he knew that the portable transceiver that he brought had been thrown into the jungle. After a quick search of the brush around the smoking wreckage that used to be two speeder bikes he found it. It was designed to be durable, but even then it was battered and dented from the abuse it suffered at his hands.

He flipped frequencies to the main fleet channel and routed his personal com through it. " After Action report from Major T'ane to Admiral Quee. Shadowport found, suspicions that it was a raider base were spot on, lots of stuff to comb through. Thanks for the assist, things were getting a bit complicated. Will continue with clean up and report finding when area is fully secure, T'ane out..."
Location: Inside the cathedral ship
Objective: 2 Exit the cathedral ship.
Allies: Galactic Republic Forces
Enemies: Any opposition
[8/20 Posts]

“Those explosives better be set when we get out of here.” The lieutenant warned his forces that should've still been outside the ship. Once they were out, the plan was to blow the ship into oblivion. And in the process destroy all evidence that the Republic had been there. It would also provide a great celebration for the forces that had preformed this time consuming mission.

To get out of the ship, the small group of soldiers simply retraced their steps and soon enough they were able to see the star covered sky. They were free of the enclosed, metallic death trap. Soon they would leave the planet as well.

When the team was far enough away from the blast radius of the charges, Jaccer spoke two words into his transmitter. “Blow it.” Without a moment to waste the explosives went off. The deafening noise was unlike anything Jaccer had experienced. The fire consumed the ship and the smoke began to attack the clear night sky. Dying it matte black. It was likely that the fireball could've been seen from orbit and the bang was heard across the planet.

After the smoke set and the ground stopped quaking, all that was left of the ship's resting place was a stained black crater. All evidence of anyone being there was obliterated. Mission accomplished.
[Post count = 9/20]

Aqulia sensed the importance of the next few moments. A victory here and she was sure that the planet would be theirs. So she pulled out all of the stops, using all the tricks in her book and looked to gain the upper hand with the last of the pirates.

He was the best of the trio and every time she had him in her sights, he'd shake her off. Some of the moves suggested he had Republic training. So she tested her theory. She attempted text-book attacks and sure enough, his response was from the Republic Navy school of flying. So she considered the best option.

Baking right, she attempted a simply move - to sweep in from underneath the pirate. She knew the standard response and as soon as she saw the pilot manoeuvre his ship the way they were taught, she was one step ahead. What transpired was he simply moved directly into her line of fire and she pressed the trigger smoothly and confidently. One ball of flame later and she somehow knew she'd done enough.

And right on cue, Archie the astro-droid put the next song on…

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