Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A wretched hive of scum and villainy - Republic Dominion of Terrijo

Location: One the ground heading towards the cathedral ship
Objective: 2 Infiltrate the cathedral ship and take down high priority targets
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Archer"]
Enemies: Any and all Raydu Council
[3/20 Posts]

One after another, more ships arrived. This continued until all eight ships had a landed and the 800 elite soldiers had exited. With no warning the thrusters of the transport ships fired up and the soldier were left on their own behind the enemy lines, only a few kilometres from the cathedral ship that there targets were inside of. The mission was kicking off and Jaccer was excited to begin the assault. Half of the force would stay to protect the landing zone from enemy assault and counter attacks, while Jaccer and the remaining soldiers would start a move on their target. As the highest ranking officer in the group, Lieutenant Ramirez would be commanding his force of 400. He would coordinate their major movements and attacks but would allow for each unit’s officer take command of their individual squads and their men.

Less than an hour passed when the small force finally reached the cathedral ship. It was unlikely that the Raydu Council even knew of the Republic’s presence at the ship as the naval battle above atmosphere and the vehicular attack being preformed by [member="Draco Vereen"] had caused chaos amongst most of the population of the city. Ideally, they would breach the ship, kill whoever they had to kill, and then escape unharmed. Of course it wouldn't happen as smoothly as that but it was worth a try. And it was time to start the mission.

At several locations around the cathedral ship, extremely high explosive and high impact thermal detonators had been placed at week points in the hull, these would be used to breach the ship and hopefully aid them with the element of surprise. “All thermal detonators are in position and ready.” Jaccer spoke over the comms to all the units under his control. “Detonation in three, two, on-”. The ear shattering explosions dwarfed all other noise in the area. Whoever was inside definitely knew of the Republic’s presence now. But it would be too late for them. Room-by-room the squads of soldiers would begin to sweep the structure, searching for targets and enemy contacts.

[member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Archive"] | [member="Caid Centurion"] | [member="Tobias Wraith"] | [member="Kiyron"] | [member="Liam Ettagar"] | [member="Kayleigh Tyven"] | [member="Dazuto"] | @Sresseschka | [member="Lugus Porkins"] | [member="Ric Ardellian"] | [member="Orick T'ane"] | [member="Ali Hadrix"] | [member="Fedrig"] | [member="Yandere"] | [member="Jarin Eldaro"] | [member="Shane Williams"] |


Morality Policeman :)
Location: Spaaaaace
Objective: 1

Angel Leader had not eve had time to finish her breakfast before the alarms rang, signaling that all pilots needed to get to their ships. Thus, she had brought along a little bottle of a highly-caffeinated drink and downed it in just a few gulps to get in the game. The things she did for flying's sake. Of course, it was all in service of the Galactic Republic these days, so it was not like she had too much of a choice.

Captain Sressechka had no fondness for the new R46 fighters, but she would have to with what the Republic was providing. It was not a bad ship--just not what she wanted to be in. The good news, at least, was that it was decently formidable as an interceptor fighter. The Cutters would give her some trouble, for sure. But the Blazing Angels could certainly take them. "Blue the R2 is in. What Angels do I have up here? Ten and Eleven?" Ocean and Diamond had been heard over the comms, she thought. The other must be late to the party. That was getting annoying as of late.

With deft hands of perhaps the most adept pilot in the entire Starfighter Corps, the rutian flygirl rolled out from the concentrated battlezone and skirted the edges whilst climbing away from the planet below. "Coordinating on the Marauder. I'm taking ventral." Reaching a peak in her climb, Sressechka nosed her craft downwards and throttled forward, zooming through the silent battle and spraying fire into the midst of a formation of enemy ships. While she only scored a couple hits, she was going at incredible speeds and flashed through the crowds of dogfighters before angling her fighter back upwards for the bottom hull of the targeted corvette, momentum carrying her ship swiftly and keeping opposing interceptors from catching up to her.

"Let's blow this thing, then form up!"

[member="Sressechka"], [member="Keanu Shan"], [member="Tadel Perris"], [member="Jamie El-Eison"], [member="Braha Saca"], [member="Lugus Porkins"], [member="Ric Ardellian"], [member="Roth Tillian"], [member="Tela Uolmi"], [member="Aqulia Audax"], [member="Dazuto"], [member="Larana Holst"], [member="Gir Quee"]
Location: Airspace over Gessbenna
Objective: 1 - Eliminate Bloodcrest Pirates
Allies: Gir Quee | Aqulia Audax | [member="Sressechka"] | Arendal
Enemies: Bloodcrest Pirates

The guns of the Marauder came to life in an instant. Bolt passed in every direction, traded between corvette and starfighter. Dazuto fired head-on at his target. Predictably, the frontal shots did no noticeable damage. His fighter passed over the top of the corvette and dove behind it.

"Blue, glad you showed up," teased Dazuto. Knowing she was there, buzzing around, comforted him greatly. "This is Ocean; keep fire focused on the front of that Marauder. I'm going to get it in the ass."

Dazuto pulled back on the yoke and flew high, twisting as he did it. With no little effort, his starfighter was now zooming in from behind the corvette. It's captain had evidently ordered deflector shields to be focused at the front of the craft, giving Dazuto the opening he needed.

The Marauder's ion-engine array was a small target at the end of the ship, but Dazuto flew in slow enough to get a nice barrage. By the time he'd pulled away, the engines were smoking.

"It's all yours, Blue."

[3/20 Posts]
Location: Flying low over the Sulia continent
Objective: Find the shadowport
Allies: @Anastaisa Rade

Orick noded, Ana had a good point, trying to fly in right now with the Republic having just entered the system would being up too many red flags. He just needed to find the right spot to put the ship down. He saw a clearing coming up, it wasn't the best possible spot, but it would work. Orick guessed that it was carved out by locals a long time ago to serve as an old blue water launching point or some kind or the other. there was the shell of what must have been a small building on one side of the clearing and the other half was slowly being reclaimed by the forest. " Good call, I just got her fixed up, the last thing I want is itchy trigger fingered pirated taking pot shots at us."

The clearing was just large enough for him to land the Ranger and have 10 or so meters leftover on the front and back. Setting the ship down was a totally different experience for Orick, it was smooth and light, something he was positive that hadn't been the case for his old ship for a long time. Money well spent, the old girl's riding better than he had been since I've gotten her. the landing strups flexed as the ship settled softly on the ground. He smiled brightly at the way the way the ship was handling. He had sunk almost every credit he had saved up to get the ship the work it needed to function properly and he was feeling the difference with every thing that he did in the ship.

He turned to her as he began powering down the ship. " I was thinking that we could go in as bounty hunters. We were paid to capture a few of the local Gurrcats for a Hutt. It doesn't really matter who we pick, out here no one will have a solid connection to any one in Hutt space. That way we could go ni fully armored and armed. We could tell them that we were going to find a local to help us in Gessbenna City when the Republic showed up. We can easily fake a reason for that, being wanted for something or the other. Hiding from the Pubs would be a great reason to find the shadowport, in a situation like this, all ships would be searched and checked before they are allowed to leave the system. Your being a Mando means we can easily make all of this work."

He Stood up and pulled the pistol belt out of the small cubby that he had next to his chair. " I think full armor is the best way to go. Lets go get dressed up for the ball. I'll meet you in the cargo hold."

[member="Jaccer Ramirez"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Archive"] | [member="Caid Centurion"] | [member="Tobias Wraith"] | [member="Kiyron"] | [member="Liam Ettagar"] | [member="Kayleigh Tyven"] | [member="Dazuto"] | [member="Sressechka"] | [member="Lugus Porkins"] | [member="Ric Ardellian"] | [member="Ali Hadrix"] | [member="Fedrig"] | [member="Yandere"] | [member="Jarin Eldaro"] | [member="Shane Williams"] | [member="Gir Quee"]
Location: Doing what he does best - IN SPACE
Obj. 1
Alies: [member="Aqulia Audax"] [member="Dazuto"] [member="Sressechka"] [member="Gir Quee"]

Lugus himself was in the middle of breakfast whimpering actually because their quiet run turned into a dog fight at the worst possible time... While he was eating. He made an effort to shovel the last of it into his mouth. His mother taught him not to waste food after all then proceed to his designated ship. He almost forgot his helmet as he started up the ship. Luckily one of the mechanics jogged it over to him. Lugus made a mental note to bring them all some freshly made cream horns for the less than thankless job of making sure the ships were in tip top shape. With helmet in place, Lugus accended into the dark black of space instantly checking his systems and comms.

"Angel Six checking in. Where's the action?" He asked as though it wasn't obvious.
Location: Arendal-class Heavy Cruiser Arendal, Terrijo
Objective: Eliminate the Bloodcrest Pirates and their corporate backers
Allies: [member="Dazuto"], [member="Aqulia Audax"], [member="Sressechka"], [member="Lugus Porkins"]
Enemies: [member="Veldar Tor'Vaas"]

From his vantage point on the bridge of the Arendal, Gir watched as the Blazing Angels and the other Republic pilots take on the Cutters of the Bloodcrest pilots. While the enemy ships were certainly fast, it seemed that the teamwork and natural skill of the Republic pilots was more than offsetting any mobility advantage that the pirates could have enjoyed in such a fast-paced dogfight. As a naval officer, it seemed to Gir that now the tables were reversed. Instead of having his ship harassed by starfighters, it appeared that the new pirate corvettes were now getting their fair share of the treatment.

Those jocks...can't ever save some for us barge driver's,” quipped the ship's captain, strolling up to his side.

A smile flourished across Gir's face, “That's hardly a compliant, you know.”

Oh...I suppose so.”

Gir only half-ruefully shook his head at the remark as the Arendal and the small cohort of Republic capital ships slipped by the embattled Marauder corvettes. A coordinated salvo of turbolaser bolts and mass driver shells rippled out of the Republic heavy cruiser through a pre-cleared firing vector to batter the piratical corvettes. The naval officer hoped that the brief exchange of fire would make the corvettes easier targets for the Republic pilots present.

They have their job,” noted Gir, turning his gaze to the duros, “and we have ours.”

You really think they can handle the space fight?”

I do,” replied the blonde man, “besides, it's not like their fighters are carrying lots of ground troops.”

You mean to take the Gessbenna star port before the pirates are fully defeated?”

We might not have a choice,” noted Gir, “it would appear that they've deployed some sort of super soldier to defend the port. It will only make their escape easier if we don't take him out of the way now.”

Super soldier?”

Gir walked Hep over to his command chair's holo-projector and showed him the footage of their marines fighting [member="Veldar Tor'Vaas"]. Never had either of them seen such abilities or anything like the strange creature in front of them. The footage and any information on him would certainly be forwarded to GRIM (Galactic Republi Intelligence Ministry) for further study. But Gir was as interested in studying the strange being now, so much as he was interested in eliminating an obstacle that stood in his way of securing the Gessbenna corp executives.

So what are you going to do now?” questioned the duros officer.


Well that escalated quickly.”

I'd agree.”

Even as the two men spoke, a pair of LLS-4 Devastator gunships dropped out of the Arendal's hangar bay and sped towards the hangar bay guarded by the strange energy-absorbing being. While both of them packed a fairly good punch between their grenade launchers, light quad laser cannon, and anti-vehicle cannons, Gir hoped that the real punch would be in the four man fire teams each ship was carrying. These men would be tougher than the first marines Veldar had face. These marines were much protected by wearing a full suit of Warden-class body armor, and carried heavier firepower in the form of Vanquisher Light Repeating blasters and carrying a variety of specialty grenades. Hopefully under the heavy supporting firepower of the gunships, the marines would land and then engage this strange new being.
Location: Flying low over the Sulia continent
Objective: Gearing up!
Allies: [member="Orick T'ane"]

She could tell that he had just gotten her fixed up. The Ranger[/color] looked really good. Ana knew that he had sunk all of his savings into it. She could have and would have helped him as she had access to ship parts. It seemed though that fixing his ship up was something he wanted to do by himself. Ana understood this and gave him his space. He had done a very good job of fixing her up and she had made sure to tell him so.

"Sounds good, I'll also check and see if maybe other Mandalorians are already at the port. If they are those are the people I can get Intel easily." She spoke as she stood up from her seat and began to walk. They would be Vode even if they were bounty hunters. They could chat and catch up without Ana having to worry about being caught.

Her armor when not in use was always hanging with pride in her wardrobe. When she first had made it Ana had taken hours to gear up but now she could do it in less than five. Which gave her plenty of time to check the database to see if any known Mando's had "checked in". Nobody had but she had no doubt that some

Grabbing her helmet Ana went to meet him in the cargo hold. She certain was all geared up with plenty of weapons just incase. Honestly she felt naked now without her armor being all decked out.


Bred to charge Ipods and fry enemies
Location: Hangar Bay
Objective: Close those doors
Enemies: [member="Gir Quee"]

Obey. Close those hangar doors. With the majority of the men now outside the hangar doors, #24601 sensed an opportunity. If he could shut the hangar doors, he could stave off the assault and avoid future pain. The device may have been prodding him on to do their bidding, but he was largely motivated to avoid more pain from a task he did not wish to do. He jumped up out of cover, doing his best to not run with obvious movements for the snipers to predict.

He jumped on top of fighters and metal cargo containers. As he did, he started to move faster as he jumped from metal surface to metal surface. This made him much harder to hit, yet much harder to balance and stay safe. He accidentally hit a metal section of a star fighter. The force of his impact flipped him in the air and he landed awkwardly to the ground. A large charge traveled, upon contact with the metal, from his body and worked its way into the cockpit. From there, it somehow sparked the guns to misfire once before the charge was gone. The shot wizzed past one of the marines and likely caused him to soil his armor.

Not wanting to deal with direct starfighter fire, the rest of the marines took up defensive measures just outside the hangar. He looked up and saw the hangar control panel on the wall. Reaching out to it and feeling the currents beneath, he willed it to close. "Close!"

It did as he bid and the hangar doors started to close. Now, being a pirate base, the doors were really only a notch above metal garage doors one might find in a residential area. It would delay the marines but not stand up to serious firepower. The marines, seeing what was going on, started to make their way inside. About 10 of them in a line charged the closing hangar doorway. Before the could come under the shutting doors, he stepped out from cover.

Oh, boy. This is going to take a lot of energy. He shot a continuous bolt of electricity into the first man. He dug deep into his reserve to keep up the connection as he willed the electricity to jump quickly from the metal of one man's armor to the next. Soon, they were all connected together and grounded by a string of blue electricity. They all spasmed in place until the doors were closed enough and he let go. The men all took steps backwards and then he couldn't see them anymore.

Tired from the expenditure, he let his arms drop and he walked over to the closest source of electricity he could find. He started to go about the hangar and take energy from enough starfighters until he was at max charge. Looking around, trying to find the pirates, he flinched and ducked as the top of the hangar doors caved in from a concussive force. One gunship flew into the opening, another one waiting to take its turn and come in. It wouldn't take long for them to find #24601....

(To be continued...)


Bred to charge Ipods and fry enemies
Location: Hangar Bay
Objective: Survive
Enemies: [member="Gir Quee"]

#24601 wasn't prepared or experienced enough to deal with the forces arrayed against him. He focused on the first problem, the gun ship. Holding his arms up at the gun ship, he directed a long barrage stream of electricity at the viewing windows of the gunship. He wanted them to not see him. What he ended up doing, technically, was create a localized electromagnetic storm. This carbonized the air just above the windows and created a rock hard sheath of electro carbon atoms. The gunship was able to stay steady, thanks to sensors, and deployed its own forces.

The special forces that dropped soon came up on the exposed position of #24601. They raised their weapons as he said, "Please...Please don't---!"

They opened fire and he raised his arms up. A flow of energy enveloped his body and created an aura. This made the energy get absorbed faster and protected him against the shots, thus reducing the damage to paintball shots again. However, there were so many shots coming all at once from four different angles that he was gaining too much energy too fast and the pain was wrecking him.

"PLEASE!...STOP!...IT'S HURTS TOO MUCH!!! AAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!!" He had to figure out some way to get rid of the energy. Involuntarily, as a self defense, his body purged the vast majority of his current energy in one massive EMP wave. It knocked out any and all electronics and electrical sources in the hangar area. The gunship outside decided to not go anywhere that cluster kark and the one inside safely, if nervously, made an emergency landing with minimal damage.

#24601 lay on the ground, his body faintly glowing only in occasional small streaks across his body. He was near unconscious and the majority of his body was a dull dark blue, his skin rough. The slave collar lay dead and mangled, some of it next to his head and some of it still around his neck.

Location: Ground, Binor
Objective: 2
Allies: Republic Forces, Rebels
Enemies: Raydu Council

The enemy tanks, sent to reinforce the capitol since our arrival were faltering. Dozens of armored units and Republic led groups were hitting targets all around Raydu City. The Council had fortified the area to the north of the city, the area we would be hitting them from extensively, and though we had denied them precious reinforcements and armored vehicles, we were still far from breaching the city and offering an escape route for our allies that would be inside, and were currently inside. That was our mission, soften the enemy and then spearhead an assault against the city. The battle would be two pronged, commando's in the inside and an army assaulting the military entrenchment on the outside. Saber Squadron along with our rebel escorts were on our way to start hitting the outlying pill boxes and trenches were Raydu troops were waiting to repel us. It wasn't the best plan, but it put the least amount of civilians in danger, and so that is what command had settled on.

A forward command base had been placed and the weary captain there was already prepared for this campaign to end. "Alright we have one addition tank squadron of Reliants to assist you, but we are really heavy on infantry. I have a company of two hundred already positioned on the way, and I have another company of seventy Republic troops to go with you. Load em up and take that perimeter. May the Force be with you Master Chief." He said, offering me as much help as he could.

"And with you captain, best of luck." I responded to him, climbing back into the Skocha. Eight Reliants wasn't anything to sneer at, but they certainly weren't as potent as the Skocha's under my command. "Alright, Sword Squadron roll in behind us, and carry those troopers as best you can. We have a ways to go before we hit enemy lines and they don't need to walk twenty klicks and then fight somebody." I called of the comms. "Sword one confirm." it took the officer a minute, but he did.

"Sword One confirms orders. All aboard the pain train boys." He said, and Republic troopers climbed aboard the tracked vehicles. I wanted my Skocha's clear just in case we ran into trouble and eight Reliants was more than enough to transport seventy troopers. The two hundred rebels already advancing would be another matter, and they would likely muck things up.
Location: Space
Objective: #1
Friendlies: [member="Lugus Porkins"] | [member="Dazuto"] | [member="Sressechka"] | [member="Aqulia Audax"]
[ 1 / 20 ]



When the alarms sounded, Jinelu almost dropped the datapad in her hands. She had been leaning over a datapad and holoprojector in her personal quarters. She was surveying local system astronomical anomalies in gravitational pulls. A voice soon followed the alarm, "Attention, all combat personnel: Please report to your action stations." Jinelu knew the alarm was bound to sound anytime soon, but it still had given her quite the fright when it had.

She deactivated the projector and datapad, tossing the datapad onto the table. She turned and quickly fled into the corridors. The passageways were abuzz with fighter pilots that were funneling down into the hanger. They liked to keep the pilots living quarters closest to the hanger, allows them to quickly jump in and shoot off. The voice came through the local network again, "This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill." Adrenaline rushed through Jinelu, for she had not been in such a moment in many centuries.

She knew she had served in the Galactic Civil War, she knew she had watched the Stark Hyperspace War from her datapad within the Liran Nomadic Fleet, and the New Sith Wars. She had sat through the passages of time. But was that truly her? The memories, experiences, consciousness, that which her own species had uploaded into her; a clean slate, a clone of the woman who had died before her, and before her, and the clones of her felt as numberless as the stars at night. They called it the beginning stages of The Madness, an existential crisis that could turn many to insanity, and those who did succumb would never be reborn again.

She hastily set aside those thoughts and focused on the present. Her eyes darted around the large hanger and followed the direction she was waved in by a flight officer. She spied her starfighter before long, men and women with pairs of wheeled staircases came screeching down the hanger towards her to allow her to climb into the cockpit, and once she was in, they ran off as quick as they had come. Engine power looked fine, check, thrusters online, deflector shields were fully operational. Everything was perfect for flight.

She hit a module and the cockpit cover came over her head and pressurized the small space she sat in. She strapped herself in, and watched for the men and women waving the glowing sticks. Other pilots were still clambering into their starfighters, and she spied a peculiar pilot who had almost forgotten his helmet, if not for a nearby mechanic delivering it to him. Almost all at the same time they were given the green light. Mechanics raced out of the way, and not a single soul was seen on the main hanger floor, all personnel stood against the walls to keep a safe distance from the starcrafts.

She hit her thrusters, pulled on the yoke and her fighter began to hover, and in formation, she slowly increased the power to her thrusters as they soared out of the hanger and into the endless void, a darkness that was blacker than black. She pulled up her landing gears and followed them in formation. Once she was on her correct flight path, she expelled all power to her thrusters. First law of motion; An object in a state of motion will remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. In space, there was no force that would slow her down. Her thrusters were not needed once she was moving.
Location: Arendal-class Heavy Cruiser Arendal, over Gessbenna City
Objective: Eliminate the Bloodcrest Pirates and their corporate backers
Allies: [member="Dazuto"] | [member="Aqulia Audax"] | [member="Sressechka"] | [member="Lugus Porkins"]
Enemies: [member="Veldar Tor'Vaas"]
[ 5 / 20 ]

It was an odd experience to travel in such a large ship as the Arendal through the atmosphere. The usual turbulence didn't really buffet the ship, but merely flowed around the massive ship. Instead, he found himself feeling more concerned about the problems that would arise if the ship were to crash. Not only would it be harder to escape on a larger vessel, but the damage to the world below would be much more catastrophic too. At best, most of his crew would survive. At worst, the entire crew would be dead and the Republic would have a public relations nightmare dealing with the environmental damage wrought at the crash site. But such fears couldn't be helped now. Lod interrupted his thoughts with a new report.

"Sir, we have lost contact with the marines contracting the energy beings."

Gir turned from the viewport to face the duros, even as view of Gessbenna city began to enter the horizon, "How? Are they dead?"

"Ah...I don't know sir, we detected a large magnetic pulse in the vicinity; one large enough to affect our gunships."

Gir frowned, "That's more than enough to fry personal comlinks or any other communication gear our boys could carrying. We'll have to make contact again the old fashioned way."

"Shall I ready a shuttle then sir? I have a marine squad standing by..."

"That's very proactive of you," complimented Gir, " know what, go ahead and do that. But we might not land quite yet."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to check something first," said the blonde man, striding over towards his command chair, "communications, see if you can patch me through to their port administrator or something of the like. Also, I'd like to get the number to President Snuib."

"Aye sir."

He turned his attention back to Lod, "Besides, the team or the gunships might be able to get a signal to us through some more unconventional means if they can't fix their equipment."

"What are you trying to do?"

"I'm going to see if I can prevent some bloodshed."


"Well, I don't expect the Bloodcrest pirates to just surrender..."
Location: Ground, Binor
Objective: 2
Allies: Republic Forces, Rebels
Enemies: Raydu Council

It took us about an hour of travelling through the rough terrain to reach the area the rebel company was supposed to await us, but there was no sign of them. It appeared as though they had set out and left already. It was dangerous to chatter through the comms if the enemy didn't know we were coming, and they might not. Warning them proposed serious risks to my men, and the men under my command. Even still I had to try and gain contact with the rebels. "This is Papa Dragon, Republic Command, reaching out to Oscar Hotel Niner Seven. Come in company." I spoke over an open channel. Several seconds ticked by and I thought the worst when the comm crackled and a voice whispered through. "Oscar Hotel Niner Seven here, we are pinned down, heavy losses on the ridge. Enemy emplacements and trenches are keeping us from being able to retreat, we need rescue." the voice pleaded. I raised my hand for everyone to mount up and get ready to roll out. "Oscar Hotel Niner Seven, confirm authorization. Lightning." I ordered, covering my bases before I ran to their rescue. It could always be a trap. "Flash," came the appropriate response. I swapped the comm over to the local channel. "Alright boys lets go save some rebels." I could hear hooting and hollering from the Republic Forces behind me.

Minutes ticked by and we came upon a massive hedgerow, with our allies on the otherside. I decided to take a minute and allow four Reliants on either side of my Skocha's, Saber One in the dead center. The Republic forces lined up behind the tanks as we about faced the hedge row. "All forward, keep it slow, and keep tight infantry." I heard confirms click over the comm channel as I hunkered into my position on the vehicle. As the tanks crossed onto the field we could see our allies laying in the field. "Come on, eyes up and keep track of out boys on the field. Watch your spacing and advance slow. Here comes the pain." Even as I spoke infantry weapons from the Raydu line started barking laser fire in our direction, glancing off our composite armor, or impacting harmlessly. Some minor scoring took place, but with the size of their weapons, no real damage was being done, the real danger was to the troops behind us.
Location: Scouting the Sulia continent
Objective: Ride like the wind!
Allies: @Anastaisa Rade

Orick smiled as he stood, she had the added bonus of being a Mandolorian, which gave her a totally different network of information that he couldn't access even if he tried to. He had just picked up a new set of armor a few weeks before this mission was even on the maps. now he was glad that he did. it was difficult to put on though and he would have to get used to all of the straps and buckles involved in getting it on. Once he finally got everything in place, he buckled on his pistol belt and grabbed his helmet. He started towards the cargo bay and wasn't surprised to see that Ana was already there. She had this funny way of always being somewhere before him, even when he tried to show up early, she always ended up waiting on him.

He stepped into the cargo hold and smiled, " This is going to be interesting for sure. These speeder bikes are top of the line, and they are new, so they should be fresh and ready to fly." He walked over and tapped the panel releasing the mag lock for the floor. The bikes were now free to be moved without the magnetics in the ship keeping them in place. He then hit the button on the panel for the right side cargo door to open, a wave of moist hot air rolled into the ship. " Alright lets go find us a spaceport." He walked over to one of the two bikes and tapped the power button and stepped back as it began to hum slightly and lift off of the ground. He carefully stepped onto the bike and guided it out into the small clearing around the ship.

Once they were both outside of the ship he jumped off his bike and slapped the panel to close the cargo hold. He then tapped in the security code, effectively locking the ship down until he unlocked it. He turned to Ana as he stepped onto the bike again. " Alright, lead the way," He adjusted his blaster rifle that he had strapped to the front of the handle bars and smiled.

Location: Bindor, ground
Objective: 2. Aid Binior revolutionaries attempting to overthrow the Raydu Council
Allies: none yet

She had arrived late to the party but she came more than prepared to deal with the Raydu Council. Her orders were clear cut and simple, aid the rebels and bring down a tyrant. Check. So in preparation for play time, she had chosen to take a small group of rebels with her, five in total, to sneak in and set the enemy's hearts ablaze. Literally. From a high advantage pointe, she watched through her sniper scope as her allies prepared to engage the enemy on the battlefield, a place that she avoided since her skills dealt with a more unique style of showing the enemy the error of their ways. She counted in her head five targets of opportunity that she could take down to open a path for her and her five rebs to move through so they can plant a series of explosives on the two shield generators that would protect the leaders of the opposing forces.

"When I open fire," she said without taking her eyes off her targets, "You will proceed to move down the eastern side of this hill quickly and quietly. Do not engage the enemy forces. They are not...I repeat not our targets."

The moment the enemy began firing, so did she. Her five targets when down in a crumpled heap and the five rebs with her began filtering down the side of the hill. To ensure the safety of her little band, she took out a couple of more targets before rolling from her position, electing not to stand up until she reached the eastern section of the hill herself. As she moved down toward the rebs, she threw her sniper rifle over her shoulder and removed both of her blasters from her sides. They needed to reach their main objectives quickly before the enemy realized what they were attempting to do.

Leading her group through the terrain, stopping only briefly to drop more targets that seemed to stumble in their path, they were drawing closer to their targets when they came underfire themselves; losing two of her five men in the process. She spoke a few expletives outloud that no woman should ever speak before she began returning fire back to the enemy.

"You two," she said pointing to the two closest men, "Loop around those rock formations and lay down some suppressing fire. Now!"

She and her remaining rebel began laying down covering fire to draw attention to themselves, though they really didn't need to, until the two men where in place; and then they opened fire. The enemy turned their focus to the flanking fire and where caught between them and Cricket. With a smile, she activated a thermal detonator and tossed it in the centre of the enemy and her smiled became more defined when the explosion cleared the path.
Obj. 1
Alies: [member="Aqulia Audax"] [member="Dazuto"] [member="Sressechka"] @Gir

Trix was right behind [member="Lugus Porkins"]. The two had developed a really weird friendship, only in the sense no one would peg them as the type to want to hang out together. Maybe it was the fact Porkchop was 6 and Trix 7, either way it somehow worked. The alarm was fine. The food was horrible at best, though Lugus seemed to eat anything. The Caf was great though, and Ric gulped it fast. Good thing the suits were designed to have a filtration system.

Rushing to his bird, Trix ran a very fast pre-flight before launching into the void of endless black and starshine. It was what they all trained for, and Ric was excited.

"Angel seven checking in. I'm on your six, six."
Location: Ground, Binor
Objective: 2
Allies: Republic Forces, Rebels
Enemies: Raydu Council

The small arms fire they were pelting us with was nothing, leaving us open to fire back with impunity. Or so we thought. A cannon roar sent a massive shell straight for Sword Three, detonating the tank in a brilliant explosion. "That was a hypersonic round, somebody lock it down on the scanner." I called from my command chair. Another round roared from the tree line, glancing off Saber Two. "I've got eyes on target, traverse left twenty degrees." Almost immediately the Saber's responded to the commander of Saber Two's orders. Seconds later three proton cannons demolished a whole section of the forest with their volatile ammunition. "Eyes out, there are probably more." I said over the comm. A few more seconds of simple laser fire and a third round smashed into Saber Two, it didn't penetrate because of the protection from the ceramic, but it did leave the tile broken and fractured from the shot. "Traverse Right eighteen degrees," I called, sending an answer back to the enemy forces. Three more explosions leveled the anti-armor pillbox.

"Alright, light these boys up. All guns open fire." As if finally taking notice of the small arms fire we opened all guns into the Raydu trenches, leaving dirt, mud, and bodies spraying into the air. The multitude of weapons on the Skochas and the powerful Reliants began raking into the Raydu forces. As we continued to advance the Reliants rolled over trenches and small earthworks, crushing those below. Finally we reached the ten meter mark from their main trench lines, our allies having fallen in behind us. "Get your boys in the fight, lets go." I called to the Republic Officer in charge. He leaped down off the vehicle and waved his forces forward, a little over two hundred troops bull rushing outnumbered, wounded enemy lines. It was over fast. Real fast.
[Post count = 2/20]

Aqulia was acutely aware this was not a usual mission. Typically she'd be in formation and either working on a capital ship of engaging the enemy's fighters. But she was comfortable in this solo effort. Once she'd been able to locate the enemy base, she'd at least be in a position to either call in reinforcements, mark the site for an air strike or...well, just wing it.

She had a distant visual on the ships but it was her HUD that told her the pirates had opened fire on the decoy vessel. Simulating a lucky hit on a critical system, the empty freighter exploded in a spectacular way. Once the debris was evident, the pirates lazily turned tail and headed back wherever they came from. Aqulia hesitated. Firing up her engines too early would alert the pirates of her presence - but too late and they'd make a clean getaway.

She timed it to perfection. She was an experienced pilot on a superior ship - and used that to its full advantage. Hitting the power, she was able to manoeuvre into a position where she could stalk the pirates and keep the asteroids between them for as long as possible. Once they were up to cruising speed, she kicked in her own afterburners and closed the gap to a measured distance.

The trap had been sprung and now the cat was going to see what the cheese had tempted into play. The main base would be the jackpot, but a secondary site - typically harder to find - would be just as useful a find.
Location: Bindor, ground
Objective: 2. Aid Binior revolutionaries attempting to overthrow the Raydu Council
Allies: none yet

The explosion cleared a path for her and the three remaining rebels to make a direct line to their objectives, but unfortunately their advance was halted when their allies unleashed a barrage of fire onto the entrenched enemy. Bodies and body parts flew this way and that way, turning the scene into something one would watch in a military holowar movie. Their once open path was shut down, completely. Again she cursed. She hated delays. But there was nothing she could do about that right now. So it was time for plan B.

Firing first with her left pistol then with her right, she killed two more of the enemy as she led her band of merry rebels back into the forest in an attempt to loop around and catch their targets from behind. Running in a crouched position to avoid detection from the enemy, which she hoped were more interested in the main force than a small rag tag group, they moved between trees and thick foliage toward a river bed she recalled from the mission briefing.

Upon arriving at their temporary destination, she bit down hard on the small plastic piece in her mouth to activate her com link. She needed to make sure that whomever was ordering the barrage not target the sector they were about invade themselves. She didn't care about dying, everyone did at some pointe, but she didn't want to die from friendly fire.

"This is Cricket to Command," she began as she motioned for her three rebels to take up laying positions on the muddy banks then followed it with a gesture of two fingers to her eyes then pointed those fingers in the direction of the enemy. "Halt attack on sector Zulu Alpha 43 at once. Comply?"

She returned her twin blasters to their nesting spot and produced her sniper rifle, then she too fell on the muddy banks as she waited for Command's reply. Peering through her scope, she again put four enemies on her to kill list as she eyed the back of their heads. Her thoughts turned to what she was going to have for dinner tonight.
Location: Arendal-class Heavy Cruiser Arendal, over Gessbenna City
Objective: Eliminate the Bloodcrest Pirates and their corporate backers
Allies: [member="Dazuto"] | [member="Aqulia Audax"] | [member="Sressechka"] | [member="Lugus Porkins"] | [member="Ric Ardellian"]
Enemies: [member="Veldar Tor'Vaas"]

[ 6 / 20 ]

"Who the kark are you supposed to be?"

Gir eyed the holo-graphic woman in front of him carefully. His eyes briefly flashed to over to side to view the ongoing dogfight between the Blazing Angels and the Bloodcrest pilots, but turning his attention back to the port administrator. A whole different kind of a fight, but just as important...

"My name is Grand Admiral Quee of the Republic Defense Forces," repeated Gir, "you do understand the importance of this request, don't you?"

"I ain't closing the port because some hot poo-doo outsider came here demanding it, after he violated all of our own rules..."

"Because you didn't first start violating international rules about piracy," cut-in Gir, "we wouldn't be here if your port wasn't home to a band of pirates who regularly our citizens. We're both here, and neither of us are about to go anywhere, so we can work this out together, or we can go at each other. I'd be willing to bet that I have more guns if push comes to shove."

"Oh, so you just think you can dictate to me because you're stronger-"

"I'm not suggesting that might makes right," said Gir, "I'm just saying that it's probably not in the best interest to pick a fight with me."

"You're the one who started this."

"That's it. I'm landing troops," declared Gir, "they will soon take over your tower and bring you in to custody. Then we can talk in person but that's after the legal officer gives you your rights for piracy."

"What? I'm no pirate..."

"Your activities are supporting pirates, and at best, there will be negligence charges for failing to report wanted criminals in accordance with the Venzeiia Sector extradition treaty that Gessbenna City has been a signatory of for well over a hundred years."

"Look, I don't have any real power over who comes and goes here, it's really the big shots..."

"Maybe it is," agreed Gir, "but if you want to plea deal in the court system, or maybe even an acquittal as a victim of Gessbenna Corp, you're going to have to start building goodwill with us."

She sighed, "Fine. I'm locking everything down, no-one's flying out. But if I'm to do this, I got to have safety for myself and my staff."

"I can send in troops to protect you and your personnel."

"It's only me, three other people, and five droids. I know it doesn't seem like there's many of us to protect, but there's no amount of your troops that I'd trust to stop them."

"Who's them?"

"The enforcers," said the woman, "tell you what. I'll do everything that you ask, but as soon as we lock and transfer everything to you, I want to take my staff and I onto your ship for safety until everything is sorted out. Like a protective custody thing."

"Fair enough."

"Do I have your word?"

Really? Kind of quaint, but I suppose we don't have lawyers or anything here to enforce any type of deals...noth that I would break a deal.

"You have my word."

"We'll be coming up on a Port Authority shuttle then, with the transponder code GSPA 1."

"Got it. I'm sending down down a shuttle with marines now to secure a certain hangar bay with an unknown energy being, if you cannot make it to your shuttle, you and your people can climb onboard that one for a trip up."

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