Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Waltz for Three


Iris frowned, glancing between the two only briefly before glancing back to her art. A lot of non answers. She wasn't too sure what needed to be secret and what wasn't. Nor did she know a lot herself. So, well. She followed her Master's lead for this part of the conversation, quietly listening to the discussion.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"There isn't too much I can say right now, but we're first taking some steps to cripple their military strength and supplies within the Core. Once we made enough progress, a liberation front will start. Empress Teta is one of the planets we'll get free again, but not the only one, and I can't say where all of it will start."

Alicio took on an embarassed aire about him as Valery responded to his question, subtly grimacing and looking away. He knew better than to ask someone about classified millitary information. In his bid to make pleasant conversation, he had nearly committed some kind of treason against the Alliance.

With that in mind, while Valery's response was a non-answer, Alicio accepted it with a deferral nod. "Of course. Ah, forget I asked. It's not my place to know." Alicio did take solace in the fact that many of the refugees of Empress Teta could likely return to the planet, if it were retaken.

Whether they would want to return, or even had homes to return to, was an entirely separate matter.

"Well, transportation, I can get sorted out with Alderaan's navy, and what Alliance resources I can scrounge up. Extra supplies, too. Finding space for all the Tythonians will require a meeting with the Council of Sanctuary City, but I have faith the process will be simple enough, especially with what I've learned today." A few taps on his datapad signaled the Count's finality. He powered the device off, and threw it into the driver's seat of the speeder.

"You've both gotten me a foot in the door, and some legitimacy, and that's all I need to get started. Which means we can get to our... secondary objective."

Alicio retrieved his cane from his seat, and held it gently in his hands, tasting the thrum of the Force from inside. "Training?"

- Valery Noble Valery Noble - Iris Arani Iris Arani -

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Location: Alderaan
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Noticing his look of defeat, Valery reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder,
"It's alright, and I'm sorry I can't say much more on it. I know it's important to you and many others, but I'm just playing it safe." She pulled her hand back and offered a brief, but kind smile before she looked at her Padawan, who had been a little quiet now.

"I also feel confident that you can help us with the refugee crisis, but for now..." she smirked a little, "...let's focus on that other objective, hm?" Her eyes shifted between the other two, a spark ignited in them from the excitement she always got when it was training time.

"Iris, would you mind helping me teach Mr. Organa here some Makashi?" She was still a bit weird about using his first name, but in this case, it was also just amusing to refer to him like that, "I believe it might be the most suitable form for him. It's very much like an elegant dance, and as an Alderaanian, I know it's going to work well for him."




Iris never did like secrets.

She kept her mouth shut though. The Padawan at least understood their importance in protecting those who needed the protection. Soldiers on the front lines. Operatives, usually. Loose lips sank ships, and the like. But she was probably the worst at keeping secrets. Or keeping secrets from. Still, once the subject changed she hopped up from her painting, waving a hand in the process. The supplies she had out floated back into her pack, neatly tucking away where they should.

Then she pulled out her saber. Domxite hopped from her shoulder, settling atop the paint supplies much like a cat would, watching.

"Okay." Iris bowed her head slightly to Alicio before igniting her blade. Not the plasma one, but the oddly cold one. It still worked as a saber, but at least it wouldn't accidentally hurt anyone. She turned her wrist, giving the classic Makashi salute. "Let's begin."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

At the pair's affirmation, Alicio flicked a catch on his cane, splitting the stick in two. One side, he collapsed into a small bar, which he placed on a loop behind his cape. The other, a chic black hilt, he grasped firmly in his hand, activating it's variable power settings to make it non-lethal, easily more comfortable with the weapon since the first time he and Valery had trained.

But he didn't light the weapon yet, instead shrugging off his cape, letting the fabric pool around his ankles. He noticed Iris' strange lightsaber blade, and the odd beginning motion, both of which earned curious glances from the Count. He responded to the Padawan's easy, practiced stance by attempting to mirror it, holding his unignited lightsaber in one hand.

The Count's presence in the Force focused and crystalized, as he began peeking a second into the future. Introspect growled to life, blue and black energy hungrily stabbing into the Alderaanian air. He looked to Valery for assistance. One thought took precedence over all others in the nobleman's mind.

I am deeply, royally screwed.

- Valery Noble Valery Noble - Iris Arani Iris Arani -


Location: Alderaan
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Iris, you look like you're about to kill him," Valery blinked but couldn't hide her smirk — it was just far too amusing. Her Padawan had spent a lot more time training, and it was showing in more than just her skill. She could focus a lot better and right now, she seemed very serious about showing Alicio how to duel.

"I'd rather not be involved in the death of a very important Royal family member..." she glanced at Alicio, the dumb smirk still on her face to show she was joking around, "So go easy on him. You help someone learn by matching them, and gently pushing them out of their comfort zone." Perhaps Iris already knew this, but it was a good opportunity to help her learn more about being a teacher.

One day, Iris would train Padawans herself, so anything she learned now would help her later.

"Makashi is much like a dance, back-and-forths like a waltz or a heated argument — the contention between duelists that this Form was named after. Be precise, tight in your movements, and be elegant."




Iris blinked, glancing from the all too worried looking Alicio to her Master. Why were they so worried about the duel? She frowned slightly, glancing to her saber. Nope, she'd selected the right blade. No chance of death or even hurting Alicio. Well, if he didn't end up falling and hurting himself that way. .. Oooh.

The realization hit at once, and the Padawan just smiled.

"Okay. Here."

Then she reached out. Not physically of course, but through the Force. Towards Alicio's colors with her own. Intermingling without a second though to pull their minds together. There was no easier way to match someone than by melding two into one, right?

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Valery Noble Valery Noble

While Valery's advice on training was intended for Iris, Alicio filed away the knowledge for later, eager to absorb as much information as he could from his scant training sessions with the master of the Force.

On the mention of the style being more like a dance, the Count nodded in understanding. They had talked about this at the masquerade. Alicio shifted his stance slightly, to that of the opening position of the Alderaanian waltz. Albeit, a slightly uncomfortable proxy, but the thought was there.

But then Iris grew a smile. Alicio wasn't sure what to think about that, nor the sudden taste of seawater blasting him in the face as the Padawan connected their minds.

Alicio twitched his head to the side, as he began to experience things he shouldn't have. Sudden bright colors erupted from the world, swirling all around him as thoughts not his own dug their way from his... her... mind. He could see the Force, the way she did. She could likely taste it, like he did.

For the briefest moment, Alicio's mind was laid bare to Iris. The brilliant, blinding light of selflessness, casting long shadows of fear and doubt, tangled around each other like creeping vines. That fear rose up, unlashing itself from around the Count's mind, as it excised the connection, and Alicio pulled away.

Reality snapped back to the nobleman suddenly, and he frowned, a bit overwhelmed, and not quite sure what had just happened, nor it's importance. "What was... Um, warn me next time you're going to do something like that, please."

- Valery Noble Valery Noble - Iris Arani Iris Arani -


Location: Alderaan
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Okay. Here."

Valery raised an eyebrow and looked between her two students as a Force Meld formed between their minds, "Iris-" she blinked and looked at Alicio as she felt him getting overwhelmed by the sudden merging in the Force. There wasn't much Valery could do to sever it, not without taking more risks, but he managed to snap out of it himself.

As expected, he wasn't overly fond of what had just happened.

"No Melds, Iris," Valery's tone was slightly more stern but settled back down quickly. "Not only should you always ask for consent to form such a connection, but it's highly unnecessary as well. The Force isn't a tool to make every part of your life easier — it's no crutch to rely on," she explained while she allowed a pause in training so Alicio could process what happened if he needed to.

"Force Melds also come with great risks. I know you have a gifted mind, but very bad things can happen to those within a Meld. Please be very careful with them, and only use one if it's actually necessary."

A soft smile finally tugged at her lips again, and she'd look at Alicio, "Do you feel good enough to continue training?"



Iris blinked.

The scents, they matched the colors? Her head tilted as she looked about the world in mild surprise. So she wasn't the only weird one who saw the Force differently? Though hers was more sight than scent, like his. But where he had apprehension, the Padawan was only more curious and interested. At least until the sensation of being overwhelmed was shared between them.

If he hadn't cut it, Iris would've herself then and there.

Her gaze shifted to Valery, listening to her master for a moment. She'd done it again, forgotten something important. The girl bit her lip before bowing her head to Alicio.


Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Valery Noble Valery Noble

Alicio was still blinking colors out of his eyes as Valery chastised her Padawan. It had been the oddest sensation Alicio had ever felt. Like he'd carried two perspectives at once. Knew two realities at once, one slightly off-kilter from his own.

Not a bad sensation, just odd. Perhaps even pleasant, if it hadn't shocked him so much.

"I'm alright," he said, nodding to Valery, before flashing Iris a comforting smile. "I'm alright. I was just... surprised, is all."

And, to be fair, he did feel a bit less nervous. Either it had something to do with having a significantly calmer presence in proximity to his thoughts, or perhaps it was the humanizing realization that the Force held color to the young Jedi.

He reentered his dancing pose. "Ready," he said, not quite sure if he was, or if he would ever be more ready than now.

- Valery Noble Valery Noble - Iris Arani Iris Arani -


Location: Alderaan
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

For just a few seconds, Valery looked between the two as they readied themselves in their stances. Both were fine, and that's all that really mattered to Valery. So she offered a smile that she hoped would help keep the mood up, and offered Iris a nod, signaling her that she could initiate the sparring session.

"With Makashi, the footwork is the most crucial part of the Form. It gives you balance, and allows you to fluently shift between advancing and retreating to control distance, and thus the fight." They had to duel like true fencers and be elegant in their movements. To control the pace and distance meant they could manipulate their opponent, and win the duel.

"Your strikes should be precise and calculated. Keep them light, and try to land them with the tip of the blade. This is no Form for heavy swings and wild behavior. Gradually poke at your opponent's defenses, find or create your openings, and land quick strikes to immobilize them."



He was alright, or at least said he was, but Iris could still see how unsettling it'd been in the colors around him. She'd been told before, once, not to just bring people into it. The meld, her world. She knew how overwhelming it could be for people, and yet, she'd done so carelessly anyway. Had she gotten so used to being able to meld with someone that it was her go to when things seemed complicated?

Or just, laziness in general.

Iris flashed a smile in turn, but it wasn't as genuine as Alicio's. At least the nod from Valery let her turn off her mind from the thoughts on how best to apologize. She moved then, lifting her blade in a single hand. Closing the gap between them in a burst of movement. Too fast, she realized as she started a simple thrust.

A grimace took over as she slowed her attack, only making her look sloppy as can be as she lost whatever momentum was behind it. Right. Match, don't beat.

That was a whole different thing, huh?

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Valery Noble Valery Noble

With the duel beginning in earnest, Alicio once again began to see double, experiencing the present, and a heartbeat ahead at the same time. Out of everything he had tried to learn, it was this skill that came easiest to him. Why, he had no idea. He just knew that it would help him not embarrass himself today.

At least, that's what he had thought.

In a flash, Iris was already upon him. The shock on his face was evident, even with the assistance of his future-vision. In that moment of surprise, Alicio didn't execute a block Valery had taught him, neither did he rely on the Force. Instead, his years of dance instruction kicked it.

The Alderaanian waltz was a spinning sort of dance, full of circular motions and the necessity for timing, lest someone got their toe trampled upon. The proficient dancer knew just how to place their feet to rotate on a dime. He used that fleetness of foot to...

Slowly sidestep a half-hearted stab.

To be fair, his return wasn't much better, Keeping his blade close to his form to intercept any sideways strike, the tip of Introspect swung down weakly, as if to lightly bop Iris' dominant hand.

It probably wouldn't work, but Alicio was still getting used to attacking someone, even for training. It was all he could manage at the moment.

- Valery Noble Valery Noble - Iris Arani Iris Arani -

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Location: Alderaan
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Valery watched as Iris initiated the duel, and while her lunge seemed quite fast, she also noticed that her Padawan was actively trying to restrain herself. It wasn't an easy thing to do, but with some practice, Valery was certain that she'd be able to match other people confidently and help them train. Hopefully, it would be a valuable skill one day, when it was time for her to continue forward as a Jedi Knight.

The woman's eyes then turned to Alicio, who struggled at first but quickly tapped into his instincts and used some dance-like movements to keep himself protected.

"Very nicely done. Subtle pivots and sidesteps to evade and control distance are very proper form. If you're minimal but precise, you'll conserve energy and set yourself up to exploit weaknesses in the opponent better," Valery added as the spar continued.



Iris rolled her wrist. Bringing her blade around to catch the strike, push it away in a single, fluid motion. This was different. Nothing like when she'd fought Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri before. Was this what it was like for him and how slow and hesitant she was as a fighter? She continued her flourish, whipping her blade around in a slow, but not as slow as her earlier thrust, cut for his shoulder.

She held no qualms about actually hitting the Senator. The cold blade she had couldn't harm anything, just sap someone of their energy. Just, had to be careful about doing it too much and knocking someone out.

"Don't hesitate. People will exploit that."

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Valery Noble Valery Noble

Alicio's form was a stunning batch of contradictions.

Slow to act, but extremely quick to react. His legs moved as if he'd been studying Makashi for years, while his upper body moved like he'd been studying it for a few minutes. His distancing, his footwork? Impeccable. His grip and blocks?

Leaving much to be desired.

Alicio brought up Introspect to push away Iris' blade, while taking a half-step back. He felt a sting of cold and a wave of fatigue grip his shoulder, as the lightsaber barely pierced him. It would have been far worse, had he not moved away, but the hit stung regardless.

Alicio grimaced in disappointment. He could have done better. As Iris spoke, Alicio used the time to distance himself, and narrow his eyes. Don't hesitate.

He peeked into the future again, looking for an avenue of attack. He found one he liked, and attempted to enact it.

Alicio closed the distance, with a bit more fervor than he'd shown previously. At the last possible second, the nobleman shifted his weight to the other foot, and executed a few swift chops. Left shoulder, right shoulder, hip.

- Valery Noble Valery Noble - Iris Arani Iris Arani -


Location: Alderaan
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

This time, Valery remained mostly quiet — she had offered advice for them to get started and with Iris already having studied Form II, all she needed to do now was watch and correct the few things that really required it. But for the most part, it was best left undisturbed, so the two could learn from each other, push each other and try new things.

Rather quickly, it led to Iris landing the first hit, but she handled it perfectly by offering him a tip, one that he seemed to take to heart. It made Valery smile proudly, and with Alicio tapping into the Force again, he seemed to be on a path to impress as well. The strike was far more calculated than what he had tried before, and so Valery was left wondering how Iris would respond.

"Keep this up, you two."



Iris kept her blade up. Loose in her grip. Watching, waiting. Trading blows, right? That's what they were supposed to do in a spar. .. Yeah she really wasn't sure what she was supposed to be doing, but she kept her blade up and waited regardless. He came in and her blade followed, ready to parry away his strike. Only he feinted.

Her blade spun around in a wild arc to try and catch his. Too bogged down with her own inner thoughts she'd failed to keep her attention on the now. Her defense was sloppy. Her footwork even more so. The sharp sting as his blade bapped her hip had her eyes narrow and her lips pull back into a grimace.

Ahh this was frustrating. She spun around, changing the field as she slipped away. Make room before diving right back in with a flurry of thrusts. Not as fast as she could, but testing. Probing to see just what Alicio's limit was.

At least that way she could tell where she should limit herslf.

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Valery Noble Valery Noble

As Introspect slipped past Iris' lightsaber to land a clean hit, Alicio felt a flash of accomplishment, followed by worry as he noticed her expression. Alicio's guard dropped as Iris slipped away, his face showing concern.

"Sorr- agh!" Immediately, Alicio was put on the backfoot, his future-sight being the only thing to save him from a rather chilly nap. The Padawan rushed in with a series of jabs, and Alicio dipped and ducked through the barrage, using his thin blade to guide Iris' weapon away from his dodges.

After a moment, Iris would find Alicio's limit. And it was there that he began coming into his own as a fighter.

Makashi was traditionally a very linear form, a dance of back-and-forths, where distance was key. But instead of retreating and advancing, Alicio sidestepped, keeping in close proximity with Iris, relying on his view of the future, his footwork, and his thin, maneuverable blade. He rarely struck back, but when he did, it came from a weird angle, or at a strange time.

He was still sloppy, still unrefined, still slow, but the more Iris pushed him, the more he improved.

Finally, Alicio found a smile.

- Valery Noble Valery Noble - Iris Arani Iris Arani -

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