Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Visit to Voss

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"Probe it hu, I think I can do the easily enough" mind tricks and certain mental skills where his fortay, such should not be to difficult in that regard, only question was what he would find or see from this artifact. "Ill give it a go then, learning through practical use and all, not a bad way of teaching", means you found a use for a new skill right off the bad instead of just learning it but never using it.

Placing his hands against the relic he concentrated on the force, feeling through it's own little connection seeing different things, people touching it, moving it, history in a sense, but also getting a feel for it's actual use. Such was... strange one could say, like living a different persons memories or what they saw, quite interesting. Pulling away from the object Harley looked at his hands, a little bit stunned by what had happened, but also filled with confidence, "never knew the force was so strong".

It was skill that had been taught to her, but Jairdain had actually found very little use of it since. While in certain fields such as investigation, it would be far more useful. As a consular, diplomat and advisor, it wasn't something that was needed for her.

Giving Harley the time needed, she could tell he picked up the skill easily enough and got some impressions from the relic he held in his hand.

"The fresher the memory or use of the item, the stronger they are. If you probe deeper, you could even find out from this stone which quarry it came from and who molded it into its shape. It's called psychometry, if you want the name to add it to your resume."

Speaking with a little sense of humor, she wondered if he had such a thing.

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
Harley kept looking at the stone as [member="Jairdain"] continued to explain this... power? it was certainly something useful, thinking about it more there where many real life applications of such a skill now that he thought about it more. "Probing all the way to the quarry from where it came, I could see myself doing this in business deals to see where marital come from, where people have been and much more, surely a very useful thing to have at my disposal".

"You know what, I will add it to my ever expanding resume, but considering everything else I can do it would only be natural such a skill would be with me" he replied in a mock Coruscantian accent, trying to sound all posh and important. Placing the stone back down he returned to the blind master, nor even more eager to lean under her."So, what else did you have in mind for teaching me? I have a feeling we've only scratched the surface".
"Psychometry can only be used on items, not people."

That was a totally different skill and not one to be used lightly, when he asked if there was anything she might want to teach it did cross her mind to tell him about Drain Knowledge, but chose not to. If it was taken too far, it could leave a person with no mind left at all. Not wanting to take that risk here where nobody else was near, she didn't mention it.

"With the Force there is so much you can accomplish. Literally anything you can think of you can do. It could be something as simple as starting a fire to well bringing a rainstorm into being. Do you have any idea how to start a fire?"

Jairdain would wait to hear his answer before continuing.

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
Harley gave a light shrug, but understood what [member="Jairdain"] meant, after all people where a living things, constantly changing and such a power would just simply not work. "Still it can be used one something a person carried with them, lets saw a criminal that leaves a spent shell casing at the crime scene, or to know if money has be laundered from some other place". In those cases something like that could be used... right? Hopefully because Harley had a few ideas of how to use said skill from the get go.

"Starting fire, I think I understand the concept of it in a physics stand point, exciting the atoms in the air until they reach critical temperature and combust, something along those lines"? Well it had to be unless magic was involved, but even still fire needed some sort of fuel to burn, be it arcane of real.
"That is correct. Used on something they carried. Also depending on how long it was with a person, the strong the connection they will have to it. Here, tell me what you can about my lightsaber."

Unclipping the weapon from her belt, Jairdain held it out to Harley to take. If he did and he probed into it, he would know of all her items this one thing meant the most to her. It had been with her for the last six years or so and created at the time of her trial to become a Jedi Knight. It had also been with her through her sith days. The touch of her corruption might be felt still, but she had done her best to cleanse that.

Listening to him say what he thought of as the concept of pyrokinesis from a scientific view, she nodded in agreement.

"That is exactly what is needed. Watch."

If he could sense through the Force what she did as she held her hand out again he would see the tiny atoms of air around her palm speed up. As she focused, a ball of flame would actually appear there.

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"Your lightsaber, uh oh, hope I don't see anything questionable" he replied taking a hold of the blade. How long had she had this weapon for? Would he see past battles? or what the Force Master got up to in her off time? Only one way to find. Taking the hilt he hilt into hand, probing the weapons for a few moments, looking into it's past bit by bit, seeing a fight between her and a bounty hunter, training Jedi... other things, but most of all he could sense the deep care she had for the saber.

Handing the saber back he turned attention back to the woman's hands as she shifted into the new lesson on pyrokenisis, the air shimmering around her hand as it heated up, finally a small ball of flames coming through, shine a natural light around the entire garden. "Whoa, now that is cool, what exact feeling do you use to achieve such a feat"?
"Nobody's life is perfect, Harley. Of all the items I have, that lightsaber has been with me the longest. So is very well connected to me."

It was not so much she cared for the saber, as she had minimal training in actually how to wield one. Little more than some basics of the Forms with a focus on defending. Jairdaina was not an aggressive person, even when she was sith.

Accepting the saber back, she clipped it back to her waistband to perform the pyrokinesis. When he asked what feeling she used to accomplish the ability, she shook her head.

"I don't. The use of emotions to power a skill can lead to a reliance on them. While that can be useful at times, it always better to maintain a feeling of being calm. You had mentioned before you understood this ability from a physics standpoint. As you know, that's not something I know about fully. What I do know are small particles part of everything. You just need to make them dance."

It was how she had learned about it. As time passed, she had delved deeper and while she was far from using this ability on a regular basis, she had control on it.

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"Oh trust me I know no one's life is perfect, though certain people do have better lives then others, but that's not where here to talk about now is it". The age of her lightsaber did not come a a surprise, it was quite common for force users lightsabers to stay at their side. Continuing to listen he could not help but be a little odded out by her description of the art form, staying calm, letting the partials dance, not relying on emotions to much.

It was interesting never the less, even if it was a little strange to the ear, but that was what happened to a person not very well versed in the force and how to use it. Possibly to a Jedi that grew up learning the force from a young age such was just second nature, for a fully grown man, not as simple, but never the less he would try, Halrey was persistent if nothing else in what ever goal was put out before him.

"Okay lets try this out then", taking his hand Harley set it out in front of him, open for [member="Jairdain"] to see, keeping a clear mind and keeping focus on the area around his hand. 'Make them dance.... hmmmm', slowly a small shimmer would start to appear around his palm, heat rising but a fame yet to come from it, but his method was making headway.
Giving him half a smile, she nodded what he said they weren't really here to talk of their pasts. It had only come up in the conversation because of the Psychometry lesson. It was now up to Harley to practice more with what he learned.

Jairdain sensed his slight confusion at how she explained she didn't use her emotions to fuel her skill. Confused may not quite be the right word to use, but it was close. It was all about understanding the theory behind the ability though and he was clearly on that path.

She nodded and stepped back so she could observe what he did through the Force easier. It didn't take him very long to catch on to what she intended though. A spark through the Force indicated his focus on the air above his hand. His scientific training had really paid off. When she had been taught this skill, it had been very difficult for her know what was meant.

The shimmer was lost on her, but the dancing particles were not.

"You're a quick learner."

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
Bit by bit the heat increased, [member="Jairdain"]'s words almost breaking his concentration, but Harley could multi task, kind of a requirement of a business owner and more. "I get that a lot, mother and father often pushed that sort of 'be able to adapt' bit along, though I do remember a few time when she used force powers, it was a while ago but I remember fondly". It was an often thought, of how mother was doing, did the woman know of Harley's new achievements? maybe, through considering her life style if his mother was to hear anything it would be down the military chain line through the products his company makes and not politics.

Suddenly a flame burst from his hand, almost catching Harley off guard, the Echani soon bringing it under control, the red flame shimmering in his blue eyes, the coolest of flames, but a flame never the least. "Hee hee, that was a surprise", though why so sudden? had looking back on past memories done that? if so was that linked to emotions? or had he just reenacted how mother had done it? There where just so many question he had about the force.
As they spoke and Harley worked more at getting the flame to appear, he mentioned his mother being able to use the Force. Even remembering times when she had used it around him.

"My own parents couldn't use the Force. So when it was learned I could, I had to go to a special school. It was a nice life."

If the flame was brought about by his thoughts from his past, it wasn't apparent to Jairdain. There had not been any spikes of emotion she picked up from him, just a natural ability of him to perform pyrokinesis. When they did appear, she felt his surprise, but that was all.

"Flame comes quickly often enough. Not out of the ordinary there. Practice when you can safely and you'll learn how to control it. Trust me, comes in handy if you're ever trapped and need to cook something or keep warm."

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"Special school? was that the Jedi or just some other force order"? he asked playing around with the flame in hand, though being careful not to burn is clothing or skin. It seemed strange to have a flame so close but yet not be damaged by it, perhaps that was to do with telekinesis and directing the heat and thus the flame away from the body unlike a natural fire.

Harley played around with the flame a it more before letting the fire go out, tuning back to [member="Jairdain"] "Keep up practice and use it piratically, that I can do, I know someone may like to see a light show from me and all". "Anyhow, is id safe to suspect that cyrokenisis works in the opposite way, cooling the air to from ice and then using telekinesis to blast the cold icy attack at an enemy"?
At first his question confused her and that would show on her face. It took a couple moments before it clicked and she shook her head.

"No order. It was one my people had. A single school for a planet built for those of us that could use the Force. Only we didn't call it that. We weren't raised with light, dark, Jedi or Sith. I'm not from this galaxy or at least I don't think so. The last of my people or so I've been lead to believe."

If he asked any other questions, she would answer them. About her home, school or beliefs she grew up with. It was not a painful subject anymore.

"You can do that. It essentially kills the air to make it so one can't breath as well. I've used that before in battle."

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
Harley was quite intrigued by what [member="Jairdain"], revealed about herself, he had heard about trips to the outer rim and attempted expeditions to other galaxies, but to perhaps meet some one from there, that was new. Wait could she have been a possible decedent of one of those expeditions out of the galaxy, who knew, but that was her private life, not for him to push into.

"Sounds like my kind of ideals to be honest, just the froce, not so much a side or set code", hence why he had come here in the first place and not gone to the republics own Jedi. "Though what do you mean by kill the air"? he questioned, do you mean make it still so people can't breath or change the compounds in the air so their is actually no oxygen for an opponent to breath"?

The phrasing of such a power seemed very strange, unless there was something more to it.
"Flowing through all, there is balance.
There is no peace without a passion to create.
There is no passion without peace to guide.
Knowledge stagnates without the strength to act.
Power blinds without the serenity to see.
There is freedom in life.
There is purpose in death.
The Force is all things and I am the Force​.

"That is more or less the code I follow. Adapted from what my people taught me and put into words for ease of explaining."

He hadn't asked for it, but Jairdain spoke her code anyway.

"As for what I mean by killing the air..."

A Force Barrier would ​appear wrapped around his head a heartbeat later and the air inside quickly became too cold to breath. She only allowed it last a few moments so Harley wouldn't freak out or think she was actually trying to kill him.

"You ask about the science behind it and that is something I am unable to answer. I'm sorry."

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
Harley listened to the recited code with genuine interest, "sounds very two way, little parts of life the everything that need one another to be balanced out, not like the greys who are like bad and good together, your code seems more balanced and more thought out". More like a moral compass and explanation on how to bring about something, "especially the first part, though the last parts sounds quite Jedi like, not that I am complaining".

As they moved on the sudden 'practical' lesson was kind of a heart skip, the Echani almost panicking, "gees war me next time... though i can see how that is effective to someone without a suit of some sort". Note to self don't piss [member="Jairdain"] off or died through other strange means, guess that was why she was a master. "Unbearable? pffft I think more ice cold humor, though I can respect the sense of humor, even if it was life threatening". "Though I assume you used something else in that little demonstration? looked like a force bubble of sorts there".

"In a way we are all good and bad together, Harley. Light and dark as well. It's finding that balance that some people are unable to do. Accepting of themselves they are a mix of both. Many people think of themselves as good or bad, light or dark only. However, the lightest person can still kill, even if it is done is defense. That death will leave a mark on them and taint them slightly.

"As for the code sounding a bit like a Jedi, well, where do you think it came from? The last part that is."

A combination of sith and Jedi, that is what she was. More light than dark for the most part, even Jairdain could be dark and cold if it was needed. Not something she went searching for ever though.

Chuckling slightly, she shook her head when he told her to warn him next time.

"Look at it this way, in the heat of battle, you're not going to get warned something like that might happen. A suit? What do you mean?"

Being blind, everybody essentially looked the same. Armor or not. The fine details were missed by her.

"Yes, I put a barrier around your head so the ail inside could be killed."

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"Well that is true, but I was more pointing out people that one minute blow up a planet and then next save one, the fact that two extremes don't balance each other out like most people think". "As you said finding balance between both side, not trying to counter measure acts that one may undertake in their life... the last part.... the Je'daii? does not sound something like a Sith would say, or am I wrong in that mater"? Or did she mean the death part? either way he was unsure, the force codes of all the different orders where not exactly something he looked at very often.

Look back to the small demonstration he had to give an eye roll, "yeah yeah I know, but my position does not always warrant front line fighting, would be silly for the republic to send it's senators into the fray against Sith". "Anyways it was a rather fancy stunt, I may give it a try here and their, though I guess learning force barrier or shield would be required for that air killing trick"? Funny how force shield and barrier, powers people usually associated with protection where used for an offensive means.

"I've never known anybody like that. At least that I have noticed."

Shrugging her shoulders s​lightly, Jairdain wondered which person or people he was talking about.

"Correct, they would think they are balancing like that, but it doesn't quite work that way. I live in balance every day. Temper my actions and reactions, but still let loose when the time is right."

Shaking her head, she looked confused when he mentioned the Je'daii.

"I've never heard of them. I also highly doubt a sith would say anything like I do."

Giving Harley half a smile and nod when he mentioned his position didn't require front line fighting.

"I wanted to be a consular when I grew up. Yet, I have been in quite a few front line battles. Yes, the barrier most people only feel can be used in a defensivly, but there are many uses for it. You can even breathe under water using one."

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