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A Visit to Voss

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"This conversation got quite philosophical, did not think today would contain such eye opening events" her joked slightly, but with a semi-serous tone to it, [member="Jairdain"] was certainly an interesting person to speak with.

"What did people want me to be? probably like my father, or expected me to wind up like my father, living life of leisure, dealing in less then legal businesses, being easy to take advantage off that sort of thing... but no, I did my own thing, and now I am a profitable and legitimate businessman". "To top it all of I have not squandered my gift in the force and am also a planetary senator... I wonder what mother would think of my choice".

He let the words hang in the air for a moment, before suddenly perking up, clapping his hands together, "but enough talk of bad depressing pasts, where are here to train and have fun no"?

Laughing slighty and joining in on the humor Harley had with his words, she nodded. Jairdain listened to the answer and learned that maybe he did not have as much of an idea about what his people wanted him to be and just assumed it to be the case. From what he said though, it seemed he had done better than his father. Spread his wings further and might be more powerful than they expected. To her it seemed he was happier this way.

"Agreed. What has happened in the past has helped make us who we are today, but there's no need to dwell on it."

After he dropped his belongings into the room he picked, Jairdain would guide him through the temple to show him around.

"There is the mess where we eat, there's training and meditation rooms as well. The library got moved so any knowledge would need to be found in people or the holonet. Outside the mess is the garden and walk ways. Beyond that are the wilds."

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"Thought we do not dwell on the past it is still a source of council for others, ah but I'm starting to sound like a Jedi now, that Alexander woman must of had a bit more ilfunxe on me then I thought". Harley having met the Echani Grey master during his last visit to the Republic Rement enclave. Turning back to the task at hand Harley finished bribing in all his traveling items, following [member="Jairdain"] out of the room as they contours on their tour of what was left after the Silvers moved.

"Seems like this place functions well as an ace acedemy, I assume that the remaining Jedi conduct lectures in the garden area for wandering for users? Or are most lessons one on one like ours"?He was putting more chance on the latter, but in all honesty he was unsure, the amount of wandering Jedi these days was actually larger then people often suspected."So, where shall we be going first"?
Chuckling slightly when he said he was sounding like a Jedi, she paused for a moment and tilted her head in curiosity.

"Who is Alexandra? It seems maybe I should meet her."

It would be an opportunity to travel around and meet new people. ​In doing so, it would gain her a broader knowledge of different views and perhaps she could even share some of hers. With her being the last of her people, the more people that might know meant the longer some things would continue on.

"Ace academy? Not really. Here it's very informal. People come and go all the time. Much more personal and one on one. As to what to see first? I rather like the garden here."

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
Harley had to think for a moment about that question, he did not really know the woman that well, heck the whole her being an Echani was more just a assumption from their white hair and blue eyes. "I believe her full name was Alexandra Feanor beyond that I am unsure of what she does where she goes, all that I know is she's a grey force master". "If I ever see her again I'll introduce you, but to be honest you probably have a better chance of tracking them down then me, unless your not the outgoing type".

He continued to accompany [member="Jairdain"] though the hall of the once populated temple, taking in what sights remained. "Not an academy? so like a community college of sort? even so I can get behind that casual nature". More personalized learning also seemed to be more beneficial then bulk lectures that many school had. "Oh the gardens first? sound nice an roma- uop, better not finish that sentence, but anyways, lead the way, I am eager to see this garden".
A full name was provided for Alexandra and Jairdain nodded in thanks.

"Perhaps we can arrange a meeting sometime. If nothing else being Jedi might be just enough to bring this about. Grey you say? I am not sure where I fit in the spectrum of things, but I can tell you for sure I am far more light than dark."

Harley gave the thought she wasn't the outgoing type, but just the fact she had been here to greet him should indicate she was far from an introvert.

Giving further thought of what the temple was now, Jairdain more or less shrugged at he said.

"My own education is rather lacking in the sense of academics. You see, my schooling ended when it was learned I could use the Force and that was when I was ten. After that I was sent to a special school for people that could use the Force and was educated in its use."

She might have been b​orn blind, but that did not mean Jairdain was blind to everything.

"Leaving it unfinished would certainly be for the best."

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"Perhaps, I would have to meet her again some time, and yes I have noted your more light side appeal, but still your have a nice tint to it, sort of what I am looking for in a force teacher to be honest". "Perhaps it comes with being a politician, after all we are automatically evil" he joked as the two walked deeper into what remained of the old silver temple.

"That is unfortunate to hear, about your education, mine was quite intense to be honest, if you want I can teach you some things if you wish to learn, well that is math and science related, on offer if you ever need it". That was one down side he learned from Jedi, there education while good was either to general or to specialized towards certain skills, and it was least he could do for such a lovely lady.

Well one that seemed to catch up on the flirting and all, "yes yes, for the best, after all you stated something about being in a relationship already would not want to cause any friction". Last thing Harley needed was an angry Jedi boy friend out for vengeance, or at the very least some firm words and a not so nice reputation.

Eventually the two reached the garden area, green floors of grass, fancy and exotic looking trees, fresh air and the hummed of insects and birds all around. "Mhmm, such a nice sight, been missing the feel of nature, I could just run around bare footed on such and open field".

"Everybody has light and dark within them, Harley. Even those that consider themselves pure Jedi. Emotions are a part of nature. Just some let them rule them. There are times when they are useful and others when they are not. So I decided to walk that fine line between light and dark. It's a good thing you are looking for a teacher that has such an alignment then. As for politicians being evil, I'm the advisor to the crown prince of Commenor. So a politician in a way already."

He offered to teach her​ items that were math and science oriented and she nodded before speaking.

"Well, being without sight, much of that would be lost on me. Simple maths I can do easily. Nothing really about equations or measuring of things in science. There isn't a real reason for it. Unless you think there is?"

It wasn't a Jedi she was engaged to, but that prince she mentioned. Right now they were separate, but soon they would return to Commenor together and things would be known then. They were both doing soul searching, learning and advancing in their lives. He had gone into areas where she could not help him learn. Jairdain was not a physical fighter and that was what Bradshaw was. She was almost fully a mentalist and this is where she felt the strongest.

He mentioned what a nice sight it was to see the nature around them and she wore half a smile. The beauty he saw was lost on her, but she saw other things he missed. The emotions of the plants was an amazing sight and something Harley was blind to.

"I think it would be safe to do that here."

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
Harley gave a small nod to the force master, "would the same work in reverse for Sith and Dark Side users, that there is always that small amount of light in their soul? or are those people just often to consumed to know other wise"? The more they talked about the force the more Harley was becoming more interested, that curios side of himself that just wanted to find out the answers. "Though your name now rings a small bell, the CSA is always well known and liked, but funny how we are both in politics, all but differing positions", an advisor and senator, quite the interesting mix.

Her mention of being blind finally confirmed Harley's suspicion, "well no I guess not but it never hurts to see how far one can go, perhaps it would be possible for use to brail on a programmable data pad". "Maybe combined a data pad with the force in some manner that force sensitive's can use it without needing assistance from visual displays", all possible things he should check out with Nelson in the near future. There was also those eyeless species Harley had heard a little about, perhaps [member="Jairdain"] would be able to learn a few tips ad tricks, unless she had done that in the past.

"Safe to do that?you make it sound like there are times when it is not safe to run around bare footed, but I will take you up on it anyways". Removing his suit shoes Harley began to wander around the grassy garden, his pale soles, pressing against the soft blades of grass. "quite comfortable, perhaps I could get something like this built on Nar Hasska, I bet it would be very popular".
It felt nice to be outside of the temple and have nature around them. Harley asked about light being in those of the dark or if they were too far gone and Jairdain shook her head slightly.

"They also have some good in them, but most don't know it. I have followed that path once upon a time and came back from it. Of course, my mind had been shattered by the sith and those cracks filled in with lies told me. The light that is in me fought back and won in the end. So now I am a creature of balance and no longer feel I can call myself Jedi. Now unless I have a reason, I don't use my emotions to fuel my abilities. That, to me, is the difference between Jedi and Sith along with the code that is followed."

Picking up one stone on the path they were walking on, she held it up in her hand.

"The Sith are all about self empowerment, nothing in that code says they need to be evil. However the code leads people to do whatever they need to do to accomplish their goals. The Jedi," she opened up the palm of her hand laced through his arm and held it upward. "Speak of being selfless and go out of their way to help others."

Letting go of the rock like she had that code, its sound hitting the path was heard by both of them. Jairdain replaced her hand on his arm and continued on after he spoke of Commenor.

"I am the advisor to the crown prince there, so get to sit in on many diplomatic and political meetings. Perhaps someday we will meet again in one of those settings."

She chuckled slightly and wondered when her prince was going to be ready to return to Commenor. It would be nice to get back into that position and continue on with her life there. Until he was ready though, she was keeping away from there since there wasn't a reason for her to be on Commenor.

"Basically I have given up on trying to learn higher maths and sciences. I focused my mental abilities on learning more about the non-physical aspects of the Force and history. You might know tons about history, but well, you see, I'm not from a planet that was familiar with the history of the galaxy. So I had to learn all about it. Quite an interesting subject.

"As for walking around barefoot, you probably wouldn't want to do it on a city street. Here though, it should be safe."

Kicking off her own shoes, Jairdain joined Harley in walking the field that opened in front of them at the end of the path.

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"Well, everyone is different, but I do see your point, those usually with ill intent join the dark side, while others are forced or brain washed into it, or those rare few that honesty they believe they are doing the right thing in destroying world after world". The Sith where a strange bunch indeed, not economically sound, only those at the top of their society getting anything, if such where to rule the galaxy it would be a very unhappy place. "Though to be honest I think the Jedi at times are rather extreme, like the isolationist ones that don't use emotions and that stuff, but the modern ones seem more likable".

Harley ran his hand along a nearby tree left, letting the individual strange glide across his skin while [member="Jairdain"] continued to talk. "That is indeed a very high position, and who knows as the Republic Grows we may very well meet more often, I am kind of the defacto traveling diplomat for the senate due to my company". That and already establishing a good relationship with the CIS as well as not having any pressing matter to attend to back on Na Shadda, unlike the core worlds. "I could also see the CSA and Republic becoming close friends in the future, as our government is more neutral and is not really planning on starting many wars soon", unlike the CIS, GA or SJO.

He gave a small laugh to her comment on math, perhaps a lost cause but the option was always there is she needed it, "well, perhaps I could just pass on some knowledge verbally, so your not lost in the clouds when talking with scientist sometime in the future". "But it's your choice, though yes, history is quite the interesting subject, funny how the galaxy seems to constantly be repeating the same things over and over again", classic those who don't learn repeat.

"Well no da, but I under stand", he replied squatting down near one of the fabulous looking flowers that dotted the garden, "do you get around to the garden often, or is this a special case"?
"If I told you of how I was raised, you would probably think my people were bad for doing what they did. There was no mass genocide or destruction of worlds, but their beliefs. They felt all dark must be wiped out so when somebody showed signs of it, they were executed publicly. It was meant to deter others from following that path."

Harley pointed out his view and that some Jedi took the code to the extreme end and she nodded at that.

"There are extremists in both Sith and Jedi though. And others that are more middle of the road. Not like I am though. Having been at both ends, I consider myself neutral to light. Not afraid of the dark any more though."

The last could be taken​ in more than one aspect, but Jairdain assumed he would take it as she intended. Barely five years ago, she was afraid of the dark within her, but had come to accept it now. It had always been there and would forever remain. Part of human nature.

"Ah I would not be able to speak for the government of Commenor in the aspect of making deals or negotiate as such. That's what Lady Kay does. Even she has an advisor. So I can advise Bradshaw, it would be up to him to make any official decision. Having this connection between you and I established though, it would help in the future for something official."

When she​ had chatted with scientists in the past, she had always asked for clarification on something she didn't understand.

"Most people I've chatted with have never had an issue rephrasing something until I could understand what they meant. However, additional knowledge is always helpful. So sometime we can make that happen."

His reaction and question brought a smile to her.

"I spend as much time with nature as I can. Here at the temple though, I'm not as often. So while it's not special to be out, it is to be here. If that makes sense."

[member="Harley"] Fenstermacher

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"That is quite extreme, sounds like a cult of some sort, don't think I could ever get behind such thinking", even the mod was not that deadly to it's own people, he dreaded to think life under such rule. "I guess there are extremist of everything, people so dead set on bringing peace they will kill anyone who steps out of line, and sometimes thoughts that are on the opposite side bring so much havoc that everyone can do what they want no questions asks". In both cases nothing good coming out of it, just death and a lot of sad and angry people.

The advisor role was probably similar to the Republics, though he was yet to familiar with the exact tasks of such a role. "Yes I am familiar with Lady Kays diplomatic standards, though from what I hear it does land her in trouble a lot, with kidnappings ad all that jaz, but she has a steel resolve that is not easily broken that much I can say". Though deep down he always felt there was something more to the woman than just luck and good planning, or perhaps it was just usual paranoia that came with being in a political and business position.

"Anyway do not worry, it would only be at your request, for now let us frolic around the green fields and have a relaxing time... that sounded really odd didn't it, besides, special is only as you make it, even the simple things can be special if you think it is". It was anther one of those matter's of opinion thing's again, just how evil and good where subjective the same could be said for what is special, desirable, and much more. "Still, in a galaxy filled with planets almost covered in nothing but metal a nice shade of natural green is always a welcome sighted".

"Well, they are all gone now and my own view has changed since I left home. In a way, maybe they were a cult that ruled a planet. You might be behind it if it was something that was all you knew. There are extremists everywhere, doesn't matter which end of the spectrum you fall on. I'm happy in the middle though, if I have to pick sides though, I would go with the Jedi over that of the sith."

When he mentioned Kay being kidnapped, Jairdain almost laughed. Not that it was funny it had happened, but she too had been taken captive. Luckily she had either been able to escape or been rescued and her freedom returned. Only once had that not been an option, that had been when she was sith. While turning had gained her freedom, she was still chained by that code. Not anymore though.

"I too share that same resolve..."

It was all she said on that matter and gave no hint of her own past.

"You know even on those worlds covered in buildings, there is still life. But yes, let's run around and frolic at least for a time."

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"Well that is all in the past, best look towards the future instead of wallowing on what has been or what would halve been", after all that was how he lead his life, but still could not relate to growing up brain washed into thinking one thing and nothing else. He continue to slide his feel along the soft moist ground, only turning back to hear [member="Jairdain"] mutter about having the same resolve. "The moment I met you I could see that, you seems to have had a worse early life then me, but have stuck to your goals and have made substantiation progress and into a high position, you have my respect in that matter".

Compared to her Harley was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, "but again, let us have fun and stroll through this nice garden, maybe stop by a spar bath on the way back to the dorms, that is if Voss has hot springs". It was an assumption based on Sasori, the mega corporation being quite the resort making enterprise being quite good at hot springs, pools and much more, and if Voss was the original center for the Silver Jedi he was sure there was something like that here, natural or man made.
"Exactly right. The past helped make us what we are now, but we shouldn't be ruled by it."

She fell silent as Harley continued. The observation he had made when they met about her alignment. Giving a slight smile, he may or may not have noticed it. He mentioned she had a harder early life and she shook her head.

"My early life really wasn't that hard. Grew up in a society that was just starting out on space travel. My parents were business people on our planet and sold our goods locally there. Things didn't get really poor for me until I was a teenager."

That was the truth to an extent. Kids had made fun of her and being blind had held back in some areas. Those dealing with history, math and science mostly along with martial combat. It was why after she learned she could use the Force, she had focused on the mental aspects of it.

"Yes, I started off pretty much penniless and have certainly advanced in life through work. However, I'm not engaged to some Jedi, but that crown prince I advise."

Then he mentioned the natural springs under the temple. Not ever having found them or gone looking, Jairdain did not know where to find them.

"I have heard of some under the temple here."

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"Oh your parents where business people, guess that is something similar, even if the jobs where different... very different", well excluding his mother, Layla was not a business person, more on field work appealed to her. Shaking his head the Ehcani focused back on the event at hand, thaty had talked about the past enough as is, 'remember you where here to train, not back story lessons'.

"So there are hot springs hu, good perhaps after some training could have a dip in the water, which brings me back to that, what would you suggest we work on first while wander around this area hmm"? Seeing as [member="Jairdain"] was more a mental then physical force user he was expecting stuff related to mediation, force persuasion other tricks and so forth.
"Yes, different but both dealing with people."

​Pausing in the walk for a moment, Jairdain would point out something that looked like it might have been an ancient shrine. There was a stone head in what was at one time a basin to hold water. At the base, there was a circle of stones. Within those stones there were might have been offerings. It was not well kept, but it had yet to fall apart.

"You see that there? That is something from the Voss natives here. The head is the symbol of one of their Mystics. If you ever get the opportunity to travel the planet, you'll find these scattered around in various places. Go on and touch it, you might be able to pick up on some of the story behind it."

This exercise would allow her to teach him something even if he didn't know. A skill that could come in useful at times.

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
"Dealing with people, don't even get me started", he joked to [member="Jairdain"], no matter where you seemed to go it was the same thing with people you argued, annoying at the time but humors when you thought back on it. Upon stopping Harley's silver gaze followed the Force Master arm as it pointed to a strange looking towards the strange shrine looking structure.

"Well I do admit that it is a interesting, but what will touching it do? or is their some spiritual sense behind it"? Not really waiting for an answer the Echani approached the small shrine, placing his hands awkwardly along the strange object. "So is something supposed to happen? or"? He asked, not sure what Jair meant even knowing that the force moves in very odd ways that was hard to predict.
Giving Harley a smile as he joked, Jairdain knew exactly what he meant. The Prince she advised could sometimes be a pain in the rear to work with. He was just one person she had to deal with. Luckily she had a great amount of patience and could deal with most people. Very little truly upset her anymore.

"If you probe an item with the Force, you can pick up on its past. What the item is meant or used for. Quite often you also learn who owned or made it."

She would go on to explain what the skill was called and how else it could be used.

"I figured this would be a good opportunity to pass on a little something I know and in a way where it wouldn't appear to be a lesson of learning."

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