Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A request for aid from the Republic.

Flint Pherson

Darren Brunswick said:
Anyways.... Flint, may I still participate on defending the Mandalorians?

PM me if you want more than one NAVY vessel Darren. We love helping the Mandalorians. But I'm not sending a bazillion assault ships to Junction. I'd prefer to keep the NPC's to a minimum when it comes to Jedi reinforcements. :D
Dear Chancellor of the Galactic Republic,
Darren Brunswick was once the CEO and the head of the Corellian Engineering Coporation as well as the admiral of the Corellian Homeland Defense Security Force. He is a very skilled tactician, and can maneuver his ships in and out of enemy lines like a shadow. :cool:

Flint Pherson

Your a Senator. I don't care about your command history.

Look. Take a personal ship, take some personal guards, and fight for your personal glory. Then, it can be 'All about You'. We call this 'Padme Style'. All the ladies love it.
Fair warning, you cross my path and I will gut you like a fish......or maybe fillet you like salmon........or grill you like a cheese hail the mighty Hypnotoad.

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