Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"You will die." The Pureblood began to rave.

There was no other word for it. The darkside enthralled him. It pushed him forward, but it also consumed him. Wave after wave of power erupted and then seemed to crash back down onto him. Blood filled his eyes, vision obscured equally by flecks of white and red. His muscles twitched, his fingers seemed to float, moving without his command. Rage filled him as it had never before. A snarl formed upon his lips, and finally be began to take a step forward.

The sound of metal sinking into the Jedi's flesh was like music to his ears, the cry from her lips an unmatched orchestra.

He reveled within it.

Through the flecks and spots that floated across his eyes he saw her lightsaber flick forward slightly, the bright yellow blade coming in front of Jamie as she prepared to defend herself. His fingers twitched, curling as if attempting to grasp the saber-staff that was no longer there. The force swelled around him almost as in response, he shambled forward, and slowly his hand began to raise, fingers closing into a fist.

Chains of the darkside lashed out, tearing forward and grasping at her throat.
The aura of calm that Rominaria provided helped steady the twitch of her lip and eye that responded to the pain emanating from her left shoulder, her thigh, and hip. By comparison, the injury to her shoulder far exceeded both other wounds tenfold, but nonetheless each was a reminder of the pain she was in. In pulses the pain came, one after another. The ringing in her ears had become little more than a small nuisance given the gravity of the situation.

"Not by your hand." She quipped quietly, as Vrak's invisible grip tightened. "And not today."

The ground suddenly quaked in furious form, enough so to unsettle the trees just beyond the courtyard. Several feet behind Vrak stood a massive creature, a native of Naboo, and the source of the thunderous roar earlier. The Titavian was a creature that had taken to Jamie some time ago through a Force bond. Though not full grown, Titan was an incredibly large and powerful beast. As it settled down, wings folding back behind it, the jaws of the creature snapped and it bellowed again, echoing for miles as it directed its attention to Vrak, who had Jamie's throat shackled by way of the Force.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

The Pureblood suddenly whirled around, his attention drawn by the screeching beast. The hand he had been holding out retracted instantly, the force breaking away from Jamie, chains around her throat shattering as Vrak turned towards the beast.

His eyes caught the bellowing Titavian, red and white specks obscuring it's massive form as the beast folded back it's swings. The Sith Lord had no time to think, had no time to even consider what to do about the creature. It wasn't something he had ever expected to see here, certainly wasn't something he had expected to come to Jamie's aid. He hadn't been a fool, before coming here he had studied her, what she'd done to Naboo and the progress she'd made in her own studied.

The Titavian? He'd never even heard it spoken of.

Fighting such a beast at an ordinary time would have been difficult. Here? Without a lightsaber and wounds already carved into his flesh? Foolish at best. He should have run, he should have cut his losses and obscured himself in the force. But the darkside still gripped him, pushing him to act on pure instinct alone. Rage boiled over within him, and without a second thought the Pureblood lashed out.

A spark of lightning rippled over his fingers and then lanced out towards the beast. Half a heartbeat later his other hand raised, a second lance of bright purplish blue adding to the first.

The lightning arced and surged towards the Titavian, Jamie momentarily forgotten as Vrak was forced to deal with what he saw as the larger threat.
The blade of Rominaria cut across the section of pole from the Force PIke lodged in Jamie's shoulder, leaving just an inch or two still protruding from the flesh. Her eyes shifted from herself to Titan as the creature landed to aide her. And for a moment she felt relief from the pain, if only for a moment. The sound of its booming shriek would likely have been heard halfway to Theed. In the darkness it was still quite easy to make out the large Titavian, its form casting a large shadow from the moonlight onto the ground. With Vrak's attention on Titan, Jamie was able to will herself to a standing position slowly and cautiously.

There was but one opportunity to exploit this moment of weakness in Vrak.

With his focus on Titan, and the lightning surging from his fingertips, coupled with the shriek from the large creature as it weathered the onslaught, Jamie made her way as quickly as her legs could take her towards the Sith Pureblood. She had two options, thrust her lightsaber through her enemy's back, assuredly ending his life, or force him to the ground with her Jolt Ring. Oddly enough the decision was an incredibly difficult one to make, even for someone who swore never to take a life. The idea of purging the galaxy of this Sith felt almost more righteous than upholding her moral code.

Yet Jamie was Jamie, and rather than fulfill the act of murder, she chose the path of good.

With a violent thrust to the Sith's throat, Jamie tucked her blade and aimed to punch the Sith Lord from behind, discharging the full energy of the Jolt Ring into Vrak in an effort to bring the man down in temporary paralysis.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

The Pureblood saw Jamie out of the corner of his eye.

Her quick footsteps, the dash across the courtyard, he was vaguely aware of it all. Yet his focus remained upon the Titavian, knowing that even a second of split attention would be enough to allow the creature to strike and consume him in one go. His fingertips sparked and burned with lightning, and then the girl was upon him.

The Pureblood turned on his heel, shifting within the gravel just barely. The lightning around his fingertips crackled still, bounding between his fingertips even as he attempted to move away from the girl. Before he could however pain shot up his side, the wound that had been inflicted earlier sending a massive jolt of anguish through his body. His face contorted and twisted in a display of rage and desperation, his hand coming up just as Jamie finally reached him.

Her fist reached out to strike him, the ring letting out it's charge as it struck his face.

Just as the blow landed Vrak reached towards Jamie, the sparks of lightning between his fingertips suddenly bursting up and towards the girls stomach in a last grasp at vengeance before he fell into unconsciousness.
The blonde's eyes snapped open and then closed as the burst of electricity surged throughout her entire body. She let out a howling scream as the energy shorted out her ability to think, move, or react. Just as Vrak fell to the ground, so too did Jamie. Though not unconscious, Jamie felt paralyzed herself, unable to demand movement of her limbs. The pain in her shoulder was all the worse, having been a conductor for the electricity and doubling the burns caused by the lightning in that area.

From the ground she coughed several times, feeling the warmth of blood seep from her nose as she looked at the unconscious Pureblood with disdain.

Titan loomed over the two, the mighty beast acting as a sort of protector. It neither moved to devour Vrak, nor to spirit them away. It simply remained watchful.

As much pain as she was in, the effort required to make any kind of sound was simply too much work. Instead she laid quietly in the soft patch of dirt beside Vrak's body. In the distance she could hear the faint sound of engines, and sirens. Perhaps Mariya had made it to safety after all. At least there was that, she thought. If luck was on her side, perhaps help would arrive before Vrak awoke or escaped.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

The darkside coursed through him. Within the black void of unconsciousness he could feel it's ebb and flow seeping through every muscle in his body. It was a gift as much as it was a curse, the hollow pain that it brought, the strength that it pushed into you. For Vrak it was a thing of life. The Darkside had been born into him, given to him by his father and his father before him. For a Pureblood there was no other path, there was no choice between dark and light. There was only the darkness.

Nothing more.

Within the abyss of unconscious Vrak knew this more than ever. The pain was forgotten. The wounds in his side, the carved flesh of his arm. All of it was nothing more than a past dream. He floated within the dark, everything forgotten. There was no memory of the Empire, no thought of Seraphina, not even his daughter. All of it had been lost to the rage, the anger. Nothing pulled him back, nothing but the hatred. The Pureblood still felt it even there, the unadulterated rage.

His fingers twitched.

Rain slashed down against him, a shiver ran down his spine.

A breath filled his lungs, eyes slowly folded open. He didn't see Jamie, though he could feel the odd pinprick of the lightside beside him. The Titavian loomed above him, it's great feathers obscuring the barest hints of light that still existed within the light. He paid it no mind, his eyes instead slowly moved towards one of the other figures laying upon the ground. The Guard that he had brought with him, the men that Jamie had earlier felled. The purebloods lips thinned.

His fingers twitched again.

The darkside began to stretch forth, tendrils of red bloomed from his fingertips and seeped along the gravel. The thin lines caught the edges of his own men, touching them and suddenly enveloping them within his grasp. The two guards let out blood curdling screeches, pain and horror seeping into their very souls as Vrak took their lives for his own.
Jamie watched Vrak in silence, her body aching. Unable to crane her neck to witness the results of Vrak's efforts, she could hear the screams of the men he had brought with him without falter. Their agonizing demise as she felt their lives slowly drained away was repulsive. The Dark Side was truly reprehensible in nature. The sirens and speeders in the distance drew closer, but whether or not they would arrive before the Sith Lord was able to resuscitate himself was still in question.

Surely the Theed Tactical Peace Officers would bring at least a single Jedi with them, so there was still hope that Vrak would not be able to escape again.

Again the blonde tried to move, begging her muscles to cooperate, yet still they defied her. The woman blinked several times, concentrating on Titan. Then one more she closed them, communing with the beast, to give it a singular request, simple enough yet critically important to both her and those inbound to rescue her. Titan stepped once forward, its large clawed foot lowering over Vrak's body in effort to pin him securely to the ground while providing enough pressure to assure the Sith that he could be crushed to death if the creature so willed.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

The life ebbed away from the guard, flowing into Vrak and granting him reprieve.

It was not enough to mend his wounds, it was not enough to knit back the severed flesh and the cauterized skin, but it was enough to allow him to move. His vision cleared, a breath full breath filled his lungs. Life flowed through him, and then finally he could move. His hand closed into a fist, his fingers tightening as he prepared to push himself to his feet.

Then he felt them, the claws of Jamie's beast as it pressed into his back. The weight of the massive creature pushed him back against the ground, the creature's heavy feet pushing against him to trap him against the earth. Rage an indignation burned inside of him, The Pureblood tried to twist and move, shift to escape, but as soon as he pressed too hard the Titavian reacted. It shifted it's claw and pushed hard down on his form, pinning him so completely that moving even his torso was difficult.

His head swiveled, scowl deepening. Then he saw her.

Just a step or two away from him, where she had fallen after the strike of lightning to her stomach. His lips thinned, his fingers twitched and slowly his hand dragged towards the fallen Queen. Gravel shifted as he moved, and then his palm suddenly lifted. The darkside began to warp and twist within his palm, and then he spoke. "Release me, or she dies."

His words were loud enough that that creature would hear, though whether it would understand...that was another matter.

It was intelligent enough to trap him, smart enough not to crush him, surely it would understand the death of it's master. The Titavian could crush him, break his bones and send him into the afterlife, but he would kill Jamie before it got it's chance. The Pureblood was sure of that.
Jamie saw Vrak turn his head, her eyes met his just as he spoke to Titan, demanding the beast release him from its grasp. The blonde coughed, specks of blood leaving her mouth as she did. The action caused her a great deal of pain in her chest, and so the coughing followed a deep inhale of oxygen immediately thereafter. The Jedi managed a smile, quietly throwing her now raspy voice to Vrak.

"Idiot." She said, "It doesn't understand you." She coughed again, grimacing from the pain. "And I'm not its master." Though she had no need of divulging any other pertinent information to the Sith. The Queen paused to clear her throat. "Is killing me worth sacrificing your own selfish life?"

Playing to his ego was her only real move now. She certainly wasn't going to fight him.

"What will your legacy be then? Remembered by who? And for what? Crushed to death by a large bird? Your ancestors and successors will cast you out as weak."

She paused again, taking several moments in between to breathe slowly.

"So kill me, then. You will follow my demise. But whereas I will be remembered, you will be forgotten. A torn page in a very long book."

The sirens drew ever closer.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]


It was such an odd thing for her to bring up. He had once thought that his legacy was the Empire, something that his family had worked for centuries to build and create. The Resurgent Empire, the beacon that was supposed to have sparked a new age for his people. The Legacy that had fallen into pieces almost as fast as it had risen. For a brief shining moment he'd had it all. His Empire, his world, the knowledge of the greatest Sith Lord that had ever lived. For a brief few seconds he'd held everything he'd ever wanted.

Then it had been brought down.

It hadn't been his own ambition, it hadn't been the Jedi. No, it had been a distraction. It had been something entirely unexpected. The Legacy that he'd thought he would leave behind had been shattered and broken by something far more valuable to him, something that would truly carry his name; his daughter.

Jamie didn't know, she couldn't know.

"Do you really think you can hold me?" Vrak spoke, his voice a rasp, the darkside still flaring around his palm. "Keep me in a cage?"

The Sith Lord let out a laugh, a cough cutting it short as blood spilled from his mouth. "Locked away beneath your little ocean?"

Vrak already had his legacy in a way, though there was still a chance that it would slip from his grasp. The Empire was gone, but his daughter remained. For now Seraphina and he watched over her, but he knew that she would need guidance if she was to take the proper path, guidance that her mother would not give her. His fingers twitched, and then slowly they curled. The small wisp of the darkside extinguished, his eyes slowly panning to lock on Jamie's.

"I'll escape." The words were a simple promise. "Then we will do this again."

He laughed. "And again...and again...until one of us dies."
Jamie offered the Sith an oddly warm smile, given the circumstances both she and Vrak were in at the moment. Yet at the same time it was appropriate, given the history that the two shared. Oddly intimate, even, though not in the typical sense one might assume. They were anything but fond of one another, yet still Jamie couldn't understand why he had wished her dead that very first time. It was a question that burned at the back of her mind each time she thought of the Sith.

What was it?

"You didn't enjoy your last vacation?"

She choked on the dirt laden air she breathed from the ground, though the smile returned shortly thereafter.

"I will have to request better accommodations this time."

The prison that had been designed to contain subjects like Vrak was still being rebuilt, after all this time. It was a delicate process, and the previous installation had to be entirely abandoned as a total loss. That meant every aspect of the prison would need to be redesigned and constructed in a new, suitable location. The idea of him escaping once again was tiresome. He was an entity the galaxy was better off without. Whatever the cause for his will to live on Jamie felt she had struck him with the right words.

Perhaps that meant he wouldn't so unceremoniously kill her this evening also.

"What a burden. To hate so blindly. And without reason." She closed her eyes, tired, the blood that escaped the wound in her shoulder felt warm around her. How much she had lost she wasn't quite certain. It burned, more than anything now. The pain had begun to dull, leaving just the sensation of fire around each injury.

"Since neither of us are going anywhere immediately, perhaps you can enlighten me as to why we will do this again? I had done nothing to you that day."

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

'That day', he knew exactly what she was referring to, though in truth he barely remembered it. He had first encountered Jamie what seemed like a lifetime ago. The Resurgent Empire had not yet risen, they had not yet conquered Dromund Kaas and Vrak had not walked on Nathema. Everything had been in it's infancy then, the planning and preparation that they had been so careful of. He could barely even remember the feeling of affront that he had had felt.


His eyes closed for a brief moment as he recalled the moment, the fight. He remembered killing the guards, the brief clash between himself and Jamie. It was all a blur. So much had happened since then, so many more important things. His true hatred had not begun until the imprisonment, the humiliation that he had endured beneath that ocean. That was what had driven him here, the anger he had felt for that act and the bounty that had been placed on his head.

A smile touched on his lips. "You're a Jedi."

The words were said with an oddly soft conviction.

"It was enough." That was what he had always been taught. Jedi against Sith. There was no other way. There was no peace, no cooperation, nothing that could be done. His kin had fought Jedi since their first meeting, they had nearly been eradicated because of it. Vengeance and hatred stood at the very center of his society. It was who they were, what they were at their very core.
She parted her lips as if to speak, then withdrew for a moment, considering his words. What was a Jedi to someone like Vrak? Anything not born of the Dark Side? Or did he simply associate her with a Jedi because she seemed to fit the part? All things considered Jamie wasn't exactly a Jedi. She held no code save for her own morality, and held no allegiance to any Jedi Order, nor any government other than her home. She protected it with the assistance of the Force and the understanding of a lightsaber. but back then? She was just barely an adult.

"I was researching for an understanding of your people." Her eyes remained closed. It felt like work to open them now. "Not all who practice the light side of the Force are sworn enemies of yours."

Would he even understand? Or rather, would he even care?

Jamie had tried to reason with Vrak in the past to no avail.

"Your civilization interested me." Though now the picture painted of them frightened her more than anything. "You've tried to kill me several times. You've now tried to kill my sister, who is neither a Jedi nor a threat to you. For what? A need to satisfy a feud older than the texts you've read from."

Her head turned, laying back against the ground, blonde hair muddled with dirt.

"I'm not even what you believe me to be."

Then again, he seemed to use the term Jedi rather loosely so perhaps none of this discussion mattered, and they were doomed to replay this play over and over as he said.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Explaining the philosophy of thousands of years to a child who could barely speak wasn't in his interest.

The greater sum of him still wanted to crush Jamie's windpipe and hear her scream. Even if she wasn't a Jedi, even if she wouldn't fight his ambition, she had still trapped him within a cage. Sure it had been done after he'd assaulted her and killed her guards, but to Vrak that mattered about as much as an ant hill. The problem was one of semantics as far as he was concerned, and logic did not often attribute itself to the will of Sith Lord's. Especially when it came to things they hated.

"Jedi or not." He began. "It doesn't matter what you call yourself."

Titles hardly ever concerned him. There was an Empire that ruled over his former dominion now, they called themselves Sith and yet he saw only a pale reflection of his people within them. They were impostors, pretenders and fools who followed none of the old ways and had no understanding for his people. The galaxy had twisted so much of what it had once been, what it had meant to be. It disgusted Vrak more than Jamie did. "I remember your reaction when I killed those guards."

He sounded almost amused.

"I felt your disgust at the taking of the life of my men." The men he had ended only a few moments ago to sustain himself. "You stand my opposite."

The words could almost be taken as praise coming from someone like him. "You wish to preserve life, prolong it, protect that which cannot protect itself. To me, they are all just an means to an end."

In the end, that was really what mattered. Vrak saw the lives of most as little more than tools. He did not have friends, he did not have allies, he simply had ways to get what he wanted. Jamie wanted to protect her people, she wanted to preserve Naboo. For Vrak, even at it's height, the Resurgent Empire had simply been a means to an end. Even now, Seraphina, his daughter, both were simply an avenue to his own legacy, a way to preserve his knowledge and what he was.

"The end result was always the same." Whether they had met on Prakith, elsewhere, or never at all. There was no changing who they were or what they wanted, no 'getting along'.
Her suspicions were confirmed with each sentence the Sith spoke. He was nothing more than a violent animal that needed to be restrained and taken off of the metaphoric galactic board. There was nothing more to him than what he displayed on the outside. No inner morality, story, or life to be had. This was who he was, who his people were, through and through. There was no mistaking it. He was simply the embodiment of evil, and any attempt to otherwise negotiate with Vrak would be met with a force stronger than, well, the Force itself.

"Then imprisonment awaits you once again. Rest assured it will not be pleasant this time, either."

She took a breath, eyes opening for the first time in several minutes, allowing herself a look up towards the stars.

"You are the monster your ancestors designed."

Perhaps he would take that as some kind of twisted compliment, but her tone suggested it was anything but.

Her chest rose and fell as she breathed. Titan looked down at the two, his weight still forcing the Sith uncomfortably pinned to the ground. The speeders would arrive any moment, ensuring Vrak's capture by affixing a Force collar around his neck, injecting him with an anesthetic to render him unconscious, and then shackle the man with Force restraints before escorting him to a stasis chamber for temporary holding. Meanwhile Jamie would need time to recover from the ordeal.

"It's a pity that you returned. You had your freedom. Yet that wasn't enough."

She again closed her eyes as the roar of engines stopped several feet away.

"I'll be seeing you soon." She said quietly, the voices of a dozen men drowned her out as she slipped into unconsciousness. The last thing she heard was the shouting of Mariya as she directed the others to where Titan held Vrak, and where Jamie lay.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

The last time they had taken him he'd struggled and fought. He'd used every ounce of his strength, reached out to the force, attempted to sunder and rip apart the guards that touched him. He remembered the rage that he had felt, the indignation and the anguish that it had caused him. The memory flashed through his mind even as Jamie spoke, taunting him, attempting to stave off her own unconsciousness just long enough to see him taken in by her security forces.

Yet oddly enough as they crashed down upon him Vrak felt none of the same emotions. The anger that was always there still lingered, the rage that boiled inside all Sith simmered and slowly boiled, but it did not spill over. Even as the first guard touched him, as he was grabbed and suddenly felt the cold of an anti-force collar snap around his neck. It was all nothing. It washed over him like a gentle stream. Confusion bloomed in him, as if he wanted to rage and roil, and if he wanted to lash out and destroy those around him.

Yet he felt nothing.

It was all still there, but so distant. He didn't understand why, couldn't explain it even to himself. The Purebloods lips thinned, his eyes closing for just a moment as a deep breath filled his lungs. He felt the needle slide beneath his skin, heard the call of the guard and then finally noticed the lack of pressure as the Titavian released him. Hands wrapped around his arms and shoulders, they tore him free of the muck and dragged him away. A figure moved besides Jamie, her sister.

A psychotic smile touched his face.

It didn't matter.

None of it mattered. Not the collar around the neck, the restraints around his wrist, the sedatives inside of his veins. All of it was useless. The rage that was within, the anger that burned as fuel for the would always be there. No matter what prison she threw him in, no matter where she tried to hide him or who she set to guard him, it would all fail. Vrak knew that, and as he slowly lulled into unconsciousness he couldn't help but laugh, his body shaking violently as he cackled into the storm.
"There!" The voice of Mariya carried towards the two as the Jedi and security force approached the pair, as well as Jamie's rather large Titavian. It loomed over them all, though seemed to recognize Mariya. Most of the men saw to apprehending Vrak, cautiously and delicately, so that the Sith would not escape. Soon he would be asleep, even as his voice broke like thunder in a maniacal fit of laughter. Mariya only cast her glare to the Sith Lord once before turning back to her older half sister. One of the Jedi joined her, observing the wounds without touching the woman.

"She needs a hospital. Removing that rod here could be dangerous."

The younger girl nodded, placing her hand gently on Jamie's face to comfort her as her eyes closed.

"Lets get going then!"

Looking up to Titan her chocolate eyes flashed twice against the moonlight, her hand tapped the beast a couple of times, prompting it to look down with a soft snort. "Thanks, for keeping her safe." She had no idea if the animal understood or not, but she was grateful all the same. Had it not been for him, well, judging by the situation it looked like things would have been much worse for her sister otherwise. Mariya hadn't seen the creature up close before, and only a few times as it circled overhead had Jamie pointed it out to her.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Mariya Pyne"]

The drugs did their work eventually.

Vrak's system generally filtered out most sedatives, the darkside pumping through his blood and working almost like a form of dialysis, but the effect wasn't as pronounced after he'd been weakened by fighting and lost a considerable amount of blood. The life he had taken from his men had been enough to keep unconsciousness away, but now that the sedatives had been driven into his body he could barely keep himself awake, much less fight the security forces around him.

As his laughter continued on into the night Vrak slowly found himself getting drowsy, eyes wavering, fingers twitching.

His gaze followed Maryia for just a moment, her voice ringing out within the rain enough for him to hear. The laughter finally died in his throat as the effort became too much, his body beginning to feel heavier and heavier. Muscles failed him, and slowly he began to collapse.

He felt two of the guards grabbing him, ensuring that he didn't fall in the muk.

For some reason that amused him more than it should have. Perhaps it was an effect of the sedatives, but had it been his guards they would have allowed him to fall. The Purebloods eyes slowly began to close, his head hanging as he lulled once more into the abyss.
By the time Vrak awoke he would find himself bound in Force restraints, a Force severing collar, and within a stasis field in a generously sized room somewhere unfamiliar.The room was well lit, recessed lighting within the ceiling, turadium walls, floor, and ceiling surrounded him, reinforced by a ray shield located at the only exit. Beyond the door, it was a mystery. There was a desk built into the floor, several feet from where Vrak floated within stasis, a chair likewise built into the floor behind the desk.

Within it sat the smaller sister of the Queen, her feet up on the table as she sat quietly reading something on her datapad, waiting for the Sith Lord to awaken.

She seemed much more free spirited and wild than her older sibling, despite their somewhat similar upbringings. She was nobility, yet her hair was loose, wavy but not intentionally curled. She wore thin boots, security force styled pants, and a darkened tan tank top. There was no makeup, nothing that made her look more regal, she was rather plain, all things considered. At her side was her holstered weapon, a simple blaster that looked like it had seen its fair use. The leather that held it in place was worn in areas, scratches covered various spots of the metal.

Jamie would need time to rest. For now that was what was best.

So instead Mariya decided to sit by the nefarious Sith's cell, waiting for him to wake up. After all, he had all the time in the galaxy.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]

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