Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Mariya Pyne"]

The Pureblood shifted slightly, sliding off the roof top and onto the ground level.

There was no way he would be getting into the starport through the front door, not in his current condition. The truth of it was that even a standard stun blaster would take him out now, and that left...well that left only one option for him. His lips thinned slightly, and he looked towards not the starport itself, but just outside of it.

A part of who he was, a part of him that had always stuck out prominently for both Jamie and Mariya had been his pride. The Sith Lord had been nothing less than a narcissist in front of the two women, pride and absolute dignity above everything else. That was the truth of it, and that truth came with a very poignant fact. Vrak would never humiliate himself, and yet...the idea he had was just that. The very concept made him want to puke, but it was the only way he could think of getting off-world.

Thus Vrak stumbled slowly towards a small storage area.

There he sneaked past the single guard in place, glancing up through the various marked containers until he found one headed off world within the next few hours. His face twisted in disgust as he pried open the lid to a crate, his stomach churning.

He had to do this.

With as much dignity as he could manage Vrak squeezed himself into the tiny crate, pulling the lid in place with a quick swipe of the force.
While Mariya sat with chocolate eyes looking down at the datapad in her lap she heard the radio next to one of the stationed guards alert them to the presence of an abandoned Bongo in the harbor. Apparently it had been spotted during a flyover of the area by a patrol. That meant Vrak had arrived, and was in Theed somewhere. That served to unsettle her a bit, and any thought of sleep now was gone. The last thing she wanted was to wake up with a Sith standing over her, waiting.

She heard them for another moment or two discuss things but her mind had already floated towards Vrak, trying to gauge what he might do based on her earlier interaction with him.

Her guess was that he would simply try and leave, not having her as collateral anymore meant that he would have to risk more to get to her first, and then get off of Naboo, rather than just fleeing through any means possible. However on the other side of things, he was exceptionally prideful and egotistical. Perhaps he was bold enough, even injured, to try and come after either her or her older sister. It would be a foolish choice, one that would more likely find him imprisoned again, but that made the idea seem somewhat more pleasant, if only for getting him captured again.

[member="Vrak Nashar"]
[member="Mariya Pyne"]

Vrak felt as the crate was shuffled around and loaded onto a ship, the heavy clunk and thud of doors ringing out even inside the enclosed space.

The entire process was as humiliating as he had assumed it would be. His neck was bent at an odd angle, his arms were wrapped around his legs, and the rage was steadily building inside of him. Yet it had worked exactly the way he had hoped it would. Within the hour the crate had been loaded onto a small freighter, one of many hundreds that were being sent to one of the Alliance's core worlds. All the paperwork had been done, everything was set and ready to go.

It was quiet for a time, almost deadly silent within the cargo-hold as the freighter did it's pre-flight checks. Vrak remained completely still, simply letting himself breath. He attempted to meditate more than once, but each time was startled from his concentration by a sudden noise or the sound of a boot crashing against deck floor. His fingers readied, his muscled ached, but eventually he felt the sudden lurch of starship drives activating.

The Freighter raised from the hangar floor, it's repulsors droning loudly within the Cargo hold.

Then the ship took off, shooting out of the hangar bay and sending Vrak's crate crashing against those beside it. Still, the Pureblood didn't move a muscle, knowing that it was better to wait. Once the Freighter was far from Naboo, once the planet was gone, he would break free and slaughter the crew.

They deserved no less.

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