Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A note to people.

In spite of recent events with the invasion, and the open or hidden drama, I would like to have a small rant if you don't mind reading what I have to say.

TL;DR: Be kind to people, have and open mind, apologize and love and tolerate the poodoo out of people.

First of all, man up.
No I do not mean to suck it up and deal with it. I mean that everybody needs to learn how to be the bigger man. Go to the person you have a problem with and TALK it out like civil people. As much as I hate politics, I know there is a time and a place for them. and right now is one of those times. If someone is making a post you don't like, tell them through a PM OR SKYPE so that if it does come to you two arguing, it's not in the open where people get called out. Use nice words, keep your language clean and civil. In fact, before you start a fight with someone, PM them that you are going to attack them so they can OOC wise expect a post in there somewhere. Talk about arrangements on how far you can injure them in a battle. Be chill about it. Ask questions to confirm on their posts, and take as Lon as you need within reason to post so you can create a good back story for both of your characters.

If someone calls you out in public, put a return post about talking about this or whatever it is, in private. Be civil, and use kind words like please and thank you. Common sense stuff. If someone corrects you publicly or in a private message, Keep an open mind about what they are saying. If they happen to be wrong, post back about links hat have proof and show them kindly where it is they messed up. Don't yell at people because they were wrong. The people who come here are surprisingly not paid to do awesome works of story telling and writing. Yelling or bulking them only makes them want to leave.

Love and tolerate the poodoo out of people.


Kindness goes a long way people. Treat others how you want to be treated. Really I ask, is it that hard to put a :) in your posts or even :p or ;) to make it look like you are not being serious about every little thing. It's hard to convey emotions on the Internet, and that's what emoticons are for. Share the love and help people by talkin to them. Not by threats of reporting people or giving ultimatums. Once again I say, keep an open mind about what people are saying. You just may learn something or even earn peoples respect just by talking it out to people.

And finally the fourth thing. Say you are sorry.
I don't want the one linners with hardly two words. Whenever I say I am sorry, I write like four paragraphs! Explaing my thought process and how I was wrong, at the same time, I thank them for helping me in understanding if I did something wrong. Make it formal if you have to! Write it like you would write a letter to your grandparents or to a parent, hell even your boss. Be kind, add emotes and lols. And most importantly say something about how you wish to have discussions like what you had in the future, so it can convey a respectful relationship between you and the other writer. Don't just blow it off. And if you see something else like the same happening, tell them WITH KINDNESS about how they could be incorrect or misinterpret the information.

My thumbs hurt from using my phone to type this all out, and I don't want to dwell on this any longer. Please just be respectful of one another.

Silver Wolf - Xander Carrick

Ps, I posted one like this in the Republic Forums, but decided that it would reach more people to see it here. You may discuss on what you like or don't like about this. *opens arms wide to allow talking*
I died when I saw "My Little Ponies" I cannot take you serious anymore! But I still love you!

Additionally, I forgot how to spell, I somehow typed "Wen" and caught me mistake. I think I'm suffering a stroke...

In addition, to the addition, I have found this place to be fun and really haven't seen it but I'm sure it exists. Any big forum where Invasions occur or whatever, it'll happen. Hell we had it in Expansions of the Force back in the early 2000s. Just sayin'
Xander Carrick said:
Kindness goes a long way people. Treat others how you want to be treated. Really I ask, is it that hard to put a in your posts or even or to make it look like you are not being serious about every little thing. It's hard to convey emotions on the Internet, and that's what emoticons are for. Share the love and help people by talkin to them. Not by threats of reporting people or giving ultimatums. Once again I say, keep an open mind about what people are saying. You just may learn something or even earn peoples respect just by talking it out to people.
I feel like I am a Master of emoticons. :p At least three quarters of my posts have them, I think.
Aaralyn Deltain said:
I died when I saw "My Little Ponies" I cannot take you serious anymore! But I still love you!
I knew that would happen, and it loosened up my rant. ;) I thought it would work.

Aaralyn Deltain said:
In addition, to the addition, I have found this place to be fun and really haven't seen it but I'm sure it exists. Any big forum where Invasions occur or whatever, it'll happen. Hell we had it in Expansions of the Force back in the early 2000s. Just sayin'
if you have not seen it yet, then be ready for when you do. and don't worry, you WILL see it at some point.

Maria Zambrano said:
I feel like I am a Master of emoticons. At least three quarters of my posts have them, I think.
Just about right. :p

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