Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Not-So-Common State of Affairs (Commenor Systems Alliance)

The World of Commenor
Capital of the Commenor Systems Alliance.
"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.
The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear".
Fear and uncertainty, there was much of this in the Galaxy to date. Standing together within the Chambers of Congress awaiting their fellow world leaders of the Systems Alliance as well as their ministers of the world of Commenor itself, Veiere Arenais and [member="Lady Kay"] had seen much of the turmoil that was plaguing the far reaches of the galactic map. It was no secret that the many larger powers of government and military might were waging war upon one another in order to stake their claim, the dominion of territories and control, the divide in political and cultural natures and for some, simple and petty disagreements that would see the spark of war and the loss of millions of innocent lives taken up in the fighting of lesser men...

He had seen a great deal of this lately, more so than he would have ever wished for; it would be little news to those whom were closest to him that Veiere had spent more of his time away from his home with the The Jedi Order than he had there with his wife helping her to run the former Senate. It had been his suggestion and ultimately one that had failed, Yutan had nearly separated themselves from the Systems Alliance entirely and it wasn't until Kay and Veiere had answered their pleas for help that the world had seen the light and realized that they were better off with them than without.

As for the Jedi? Darkness was rife within the Galaxy and matters there were nothing short of complicated. The organizations and pockets of Jedi in the Galaxy were slowly coming to mutual terms yet so deep were the seeds of resentment between the people and the Order's they had dedicated themselves too that society made it no small matter in keeping them apart.

War was coming to them, Veiere could see that much. His dreams of late had been flooded with worry; He stood there with a crowd of peoples at his back and before him tyrannical figures of darkness, silhouettes of chaos with no particular or defining features resembling what could only be described as the Darkside of the Force looming over them. These premonitions of the Force coupled with the recent attack on The Force Praxeum by these Iron Knights of some unknown contingency and their promise to return ten fold in aggression...-The future was looking bleak indeed. Such were reasons to Veiere's return. Not as a Jedi Master by as a King of Commenor and a husband to his beloved Kay. His priorities demanded his attention be returned home that he help them all prepare for the trials that were ahead while the rest of his Council upon Deneba would keep the Jedi strong.
This conference would be the first since the dissolution of the Senate and the return of Order to the Government. The former Senators now considered World Leaders all with just as vital duties in representing their worlds yet at the head of all things the reigning monarchy, it had been unfortunately proven that for the benefit of all and the mutual freedoms and prosperity that they all sought, the Systems Alliance was best headed under their former confederacy; one that should times of emergency demand it, the King and Queen could over rule the other voices for the common good of all. Those that knew the pair would also know however that the frequency of such a happening was exceptionally rare and they were not the kind to reside over others with an iron rule, but rather seek to walk beside them on mutual level; the ideals that the Systems Alliance was born into, having started at the very beginning with the world of Commenor and Lady Kay's commemoration as President, and later a most humble Queen.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] | [member="Corey Brave"] | [member="Yusana Fenni"] | [member="Natalie LaForte"] | [member="Jorhan Stahl"] | [member="Virak Ip"]
[member="Effie Duanna"] | [member="Darth Interitus"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Macoda Haberon"] | [member=B'enor Benjeel] | [member="Bradshaw Ku"] | [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Kirie Ito"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay wasn't sure who would show up to this meeting, if anyone. Given how her past calls for Senator meetings had gone, her faith in her staff had dropped considerably. There was much going on in their lives, so much so that the stability and governing of their Alliance had fallen almost solely on Kay's shoulders. And right now she needed that burden to be lifted somewhat.

[member="Veiere Arenais"] had volunteered. He knew that she needed help and as such, he has stepped back slightly from his duties of running a Jedi Order to fulfill his duties as both a King and a husband. Kay was ever so grateful, yet she still felt a pang of guilt for taking him away from his path. Hopefully it'll be worth it.

Kay waited in the Council Chamber. As she wasn't entirely certain of how many would show, she had extra chairs brought in for the table just in case. The auditorium might of been a better choice, but if only a small handful showed up, it'd be a waste. Here their meeting could be a bit more intimate and seem more private. Hopefully that was better suited to everyone's tastes.

Tea, water and refreshments were on hand and Kay was already cradling a cup inher hand. She looked over to her husband, gratitude written on her face for arranging all of this. "I hope that this change is what is needed. [member="Corey Brave"] has already gotten a head's up. With the Gyndine shipyards under his jurisdiction, it made more sense for him to take on a more military position. I just hope that this is the right choice for everyone."

Kay had yet to make any formal announcement on their future into parenthood. But all in good time. She didn't want some to use that as an excuse to not allow her to make any decisions. Especially right now. They had the Iron Knights to worry about, as well as a Padawan that needed rescuing from their clutches. Hopefully they'd be able to save her.

[member="Bradshaw Ku"] [member="Kirie Ito"] [member="Virak Ip"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Cassius Droma"] [member="Natalie LaForte"]
Doubt is a strange thing. Even when you think you have it all, that you've found your calling, and there is hope in your future, it has a way of creeping up on you. The doubt had been worming its way inside her since they'd returned from Wann Tsir. The thrill of being recruited to work in the palace had faded, and been replaced by reality. At first, she'd been beside herself to find that many of the palace staff at least spoke some sign language, but, she'd soon found that even though they could speak to her, it didn't mean they would. Beyond giving her tasks, nobody graced her with conversation, and she had failed to make any friends. The closest she'd come were a couple of cleaners that would smile politely and wave when she walked by. Not exactly something to write home about.

The atmosphere in the palace, and in the senate halls, was tense. The recent attacks had put everyone on edge. Most of the officials looked noticeably greyer, and a few had not returned to their jobs after the dissolution of the senate. There was a feeling of unease in the air, and Kirie was filled with an unshakeable sense of dread. Everyone pretended that things were fine, though. Diplomats still chatted with secretaries, typists still typed, and nobody talked to her, except to give her pile after pile of never ending work.

Still, this was still much better than her life at on Balmorra, sitting at home trying not to think about the hunger that burned inside her stomach like a raging monster, or when she was drifting from system to system, never knowing if she'd find somewhere to sleep each night. This place was not the perfect paradise of diplomacy and class she'd heard about, but it was so much better than anywhere else she'd ever been. She just hoped one day she would belong here.

Kirie walked slowly down the hall, basking in the sunlight that streamed in from the windows. Today she was dressed in her standard red coat and loose black pants. Her hair hung, brushed but untied, across her shoulders, covering her ears, which were scarred heavily from the childhood illness that had stolen her hearing. She paused to look out the window, watching a bird fly to the crown of a tree and place a stick in its nest. She missed going out and experiencing nature. She'd been cooped up in her stuffy office for weeks, only leaving to run errands between departments. Maybe she would find some time to go for a walk in the mountains, it might clear her head.

She tore her eyes from the scene outside, gazing mournfully at the stack of paperwork she was carrying, and resumed her walk down the hall.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay started to pace back and forth. She was restless, nervous and just unsure of things. It wouldn't really surprise her if no one showed. Lately the only way that she had gotten anyone's attention was if she saw them directly at their convenience. But that gave them all of the control over her. She sipped her tea, as always it was her crutch. "What if no one shows up, Veiere? What'll we do then?" Did the others really stop caring? Did they really just want to be told what to do without having a say in the matter? Were [member="Veiere Arenais"] and herself just not going to have an Advisory Council or Ministers at all?

She sighed as she was getting a little bit frustrated and started towards the door. "I'm going to see if anyone's coming." One of the guards opened it as she approached. Kay first looked one way down the hall and then the other. [member="Kirie Ito"] was spotted almost right away with a big stack of papers in her hands. Of course signing with her wasn't going to be of much use with her arms full of papers. So instead she just waved her over. She signed to her as well as she could while carrying a cup of tea, and spoked out loud for Veiere and the guards to hear her. "Hello Kirie. Why don't you come in here and take a bit of a break. I'd like to know how you're adjusting." The last thing that she needed was for the young lady to be completely overwhelmed.
Veiere had truly yet to see the decline in enthusiasm that their government had taken on into it's service to the people until recently, his return to Commenor had been decided upon out of seeking to help his beloved wife lead the people as they had before he had left to reinvigorate the Jedi Order that had eventually led him to reform the enclave of Denebe. Now with the Jedi situated there on the cusp of the Systems Alliance's territories, Veiere had found the ability to reaffirm and dedicate himself once more to the pursuit of democracy and the example of peace they hoped to set to the governments and major powers of the Galaxy outside of their cloud of influence. Only now was it becoming apparent just how far things had slowed.

"If this is all we're to be presented with then we've got problems..." He turned to look to the [member="Lady Kay"], his brows furrowed with concern. Glancing to that of Kirie Ito, he gave the younger woman a curt nod and a faint smile though his mind was set on the present matters of government. The fact that while they had one, he wasn't certain those that were among the presiding counsel, the ministers and the world leaders were even aware of their importance to the Alliance. "Where's [member="Darlyn Excron"]..." the man was usually somewhere about. Veiere hadn't seen him in some time yet he had always been one of Kay's more faithful of supporting ministers. "[member="Darben Skirae"] should be here...-Is he not still our public relations advisor?".

At this point it seemed like the concept of an Empress was exactly what they needed, though Veiere wouldn't suggest such a thing out loud, his frustration was growing more and more obvious upon his expression the longer they were forced to wait.
[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Kirie Ito"]
Trailing behind the Queen, Kirie stepped into the Council Chamber. She'd seen it briefly on her first tour of the building, but to be inside the room itself was something else entirely. The towering ceiling, mirrored surfaces, and dark, Victorian architecture awed her. She took a step back, gazing, wide-eyed around the room. Along the walls on either side of her, angelic statues watched over her from above. Kirie suddenly felt very small, and she lowered her head, focusing instead on the solid table, with its ornate chairs in the centre of the room.

At the table sat the King of Commenor, Lady Kay's husband, [member="Veiere Arenais"]. He sat alone, and as the Queen sat down, Kirie stared on in panic. A rising sense of anxiety bubbled inside her stomach, a tide that threatened to overflow and drown her. Why was she the only other person there? Surely there should be World Leaders, and ministers. Not just the King, the Queen, and some secretary. Kirie ran her hand nervously through her hair. Sheepishly, she placed her papers on the table, and took a seat next to the King, so that The Lady would see if she were to sign.

The King, it seemed, shared some of her concerns about the lack of other guests. Kirie read his lips as he talked to Lady Kay, and Kirie's frown grew deeper. Surely Commenor was not in crisis, was it? Had the leaders of the alliance simply lost faith in Commenor's politics? Kirie didn't know, but the King's comments worried her.

Looking back at the Queen, Kirie signed to her. My Lady, forgive me, but I do not understand. Where is everyone else?

[member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay shook her head to [member="Veiere Arenais"] when he spoke of [member="Darben Skirae"] . "Darben is our Minister of trade. I have yet to appoint a Minister of Foreign Affairs, or rather, Public Relations. I thought that perhaps [member="Silfe Sosuri"] could do the task. She will hopefully be joining this meeting as well." Though at this point she was worried. Veiere was worried. Maybe they were both feeding off eachother, given their Force bond and rings that further enhanced their connection to one another.

Her attention was drawn to [member="Kirie Ito"] while she signed. Kay tried to show some confidence, but she didn't really quite feel it, so of course that was evident in her eyes. She set down her cup on the table so that she could properly sign, and spoke what she was trying to communicate as she wasn't quite fluent in it, so at times a few words would be missed. "I don't know where they are. Perhaps they've gone to the Palace by mistake. Although if they were all off world, they should have let me know." Should have. But that doesn't mean that they would.

Her grip on them had slipped so much it seems, that they wouldn't answer any of her summons. It wasn't as though she nagged at them constantly, nor did she want them to constantly be at her beck and call. But at times when it was important, that was when they should be here.

Her thoughts drifted to her meeting with [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] and one of his fellow officers. He spoke of ruling with more of an iron fist, punishing those that took advantage of her kindness. Is that what they needed to do? To not only strip people of their positions but to hold them accountable as well? That was certainly something that she'd have to discuss with her husband.

What should have been a bright day was turning into a very dark one rather quickly.
Late. Again. Silfe, could not help but sigh at her absolute inability to find the Council Chambers. It would be only the second time that she would have been summoned there, first since the dissolution of the Senate. Since then, Silfe sat on the edge of a knife. To one side was her father and the certainty that he would soon hear of the Senate being dissolved and would call her home. The other side was a fear so thick that she would be unwanted here and dismissed utterly leaving her no choice but to return to her father and his retribution for surely he would consider this somehow a failing in her. Behind her, her guard rushed though he could not look more bored and annoyed if he tried.

Her dark curls bounced over her shoulders as she half jogged. She held the skirt of her long dark green velvet dress as she moved through the corridor finally her troubled dark eyes finding the door she sought. The young woman could just see herself once again busting in on a meeting full of people, late again but she steeled herself and walked in anyway. Her eyes and face briefly turned to glance at her guard who now entered behind her and turned away again. His scowl deepened. Her cheeks were pink from her exertion to arrive on time and her eyes were bright with not a little amount of terror. While she knew intellectually that Lady Kay was not her father, she still had fear in her so ingrained that it showed for a brief moment before she could school her features.

"[member="Lady Kay"] my apologies for once again coming late to a meeting. I will endeavor to have my assistant work with me this afternoon to learn the way more fully." If I am allowed to stay that long, she thought pessimistically. Then her eyes fell on the only two other persons present, a man she had never met before, but recognized and a woman she had never met before and did not.

She curtsied low towards the King, delicate hand on chest. "Your Highness. Welcome home."
Speak of the devil and he shall appear, such was the saying was it not? The ever growing dark spot in the force approaching them at least betrayed that much, that the man ever made a good hunter was difficult to believe most days, you almost didn't even need to be force sensitive to be unnerved by him. At least, that was how it had been since the attack on the Praxeum. Though the man tended to be uplifting and sarcastic, to the point of making light of serious matters and easing moods, what had happened had hit him particularly hard. Time was less spent in his office, and more so at four little graves he made sure were well tended to, and training with an ever more aggressive zeal.

And drinking, naturally.

Speaking of which, as the Minister took a turn into the room, he was drinking yet again from a brandy bottle, though more out of a comforting need than ever as his subtle body language would betray. When he moved the drink from his lips, and began to move to the table, his face's worn and tired eyes contrasted greatly against the persona he'd been well enough known for. Not to mention his hair looked like a mess, hardly kept and looking as though he'd simply ceased caring to it. Black robes billows out from him, including the fancy cape, as he took his seat, and promptly leaned back, putting his feet up and his arm dangling to the side, still clutching the bottle of brandy. "Sorry I'm late. Had to find flowers." His voice grumbled from out under his hood, the man seemingly ignoring everyone's presence besides that of [member="Lady Kay"].

Of course he only knew her and [member="Veiere Arenais"] anyways, and at least one wasn't too fond of him.

[member="Silfe Sosuri"] | [member="Kirie Ito"]
[member="Darlyn Excron"] and [member="Silfe Sosuri"] had arrived to which Veiere dipped his head in greeting to them both, pleased to see that they had indeed sought to attend. "Thank you, Senator" he replied with good manner to Silfe though he didn't recall her name, the pair had not met before now. Turning his attention to that of Darlyn, the mans behavior caught him off guard, seemingly only interested in appeasing the presence of their Queen, Veiere dipped his head in a sideways gesture of indifference, his eyes glancing to Kay in a moment of consideration before standing to his feet and looking about those who had come to share in the discussions to be had.

"As you can see, we're at something of a loss for representation today" he gestured to the empty seats, the tables that were meant for the other joined parties of government having gone unused for the time. "One of the reasons for which this conference has been called upon...". There were a number of things to be discussed between the leading and founding members of the Systems Alliance's Government, a means to seek to ascertain where the others had found themselves, where loyalties lay following the incident involving Yutan and what state their territories were left in following the coming and going of the Iron Knights of the contingency as well as the recent attacks dealt against neighboring powers and governments across the Galaxy.

"No doubt you've all heard of the Senates dissolution..." Veiere chose to begin with the first of the larger subjects, leaving no time to spare them the controversial matters for last. "Having narrowly avoided a coup against the CSA, it's been put into motion the unification of governments to be represented before this very room. Senators to be confirmed as World Leaders of whom will form the Council of the Systems Alliance, Kay and myself to resume precedence as the governing monarchy; though we will be relying heavily upon those of you here who have remained faithful to the peace that we've always sought to encourage both in and outside of our sectors".

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] | [member="Corey Brave"] | [member="Yusana Fenni"] | [member="Natalie LaForte"] | [member="Jorhan Stahl"] | [member="Virak Ip"]
[member="Effie Duanna"] | [member="Darth Interitus"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Macoda Haberon"] | @B'enor Benjeel | [member="Bradshaw Ku"] | [member="Elaine Thul"] | [member="Kirie Ito"]

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor

"What.. are you doing!?” Bradshaw’s 8’2’’ muscle bound Yezzem body guard asked gruffly, confusion evident in eyes spread wide.

In front of him, the Prince danced and spun down one of the hallways of the Chambers of Congress. Body parts pulsating and bending to a rhythm only he could hear. That is to say, it was his closest approximation of something that someone in the galaxy might’ve described as a kind of dancing — if they were drunk enough. Fortunately the Chambers of Congress had been uncharacteristically quiet and sparsely populated as of late which spared staff members and senators alike from having to stumble upon the Crown Prince, dressed in smart cream and light blue Jedi robes, earbuds in, doing a jig down the austere halls of the centre of power in the Commenor Systems Alliance. At least, it was until his parents dissolved the senate. Apparently a lot of the senator’s didn’t like working and responsibility almost as much as him. Or something like that. It would've been an absurdist sight, to say the least. He’d been so many things in his short life: runaway, smuggler, combat pilot, pilot for higher, playboy, and now Crown Prince and Padawan, that he wasn’t sure which one he was meant to be, it was so hard to focus.

“What?!” He yelled up at Freeosk.

“What! The karking hell are you doing!”

He popped an earbud out. Then did a little spin. “What does it look like I'm doing ya dingus? I’m dancing.”

“Why.. are you doing that? You look ridiculous.”

“Because, walking collection of shower drain hair, I feel like it and I’m in a particularly good mood. We’re always crawling around in one galactic cesspool or another, being shot at, and someone's always punching me, while we look for Rea-Anna that it’s nice once in a while to be someplace clean and safe — as much as I do enjoy a good cesspool. Besides, I don’t give being Prince enough credit.”

He smirked up at his bodyguard.

“Are you drunk?”

“Nope. And you know I’m not. You’ve been following me around all day. Speaking of which, you don’t have to follow me everywhere and all the time.”

“It’s my job.”

“Yeah, but don’t you think going with me to the bathroom is maybe crossing some kind of line?”

Before Freeosk could answer, they’d arrived outside the Council Chamber’s entrance. He could hear [member="Veiere Arenais"] speak about the dissolution of the senate. He was late, but he also wasn’t too concerned. He wasn’t a senator, or a minister, after all. He was, of course, the Prince, but one without any particular responsibilities and he hadn’t been keeping up with the specifics of the government — much too busy crisscrossing the galaxy looking for his younger sister.

“You shouldn’t come in, there’s really no need for it, so…” he looked around at the other bodyguards and security guards lining the hallway, “Go play with the other guards until I get back. I’m sure you’ll delight them with your glowing personality.”

Upon entering the lightly populated Council Chamber with still a pep in his step, he quietly nodded to each member present. There was, of course Veiere, and his mother, and he’d felt [member="Darlyn Excron"]’s unmissable brand of darkness before even entering the building. Speaking of whom, the Minister of Justice looked worse for wear. And, with his feet up on the table and gripping a bottle, he was being more unprofessional than him. A very disconcerting thought. The Iron Knight incident must’ve really gotten to him. Bradshaw hadn’t been there, which was very lucky as he would’ve certainly gotten himself killed or captured.

He nodded to [member="Kirie Ito"], the deaf office worker he’d met on Wann Tsir. They hadn’t spoken much for many reasons, not least of which because he couldn’t sign. Then his eyes drifted to the only person in the room he hadn’t met before. A young woman in one hell of a fancy green dress. Was she another office worker like Kirie? Certainly not, that dress must be worth as much as Kirie’s salary. She had to be a senator or some kind of world leader. Quite impressive for someone who couldn’t be more than his age. She was tiny, but the dress did a good job of masking the fact that she was too skinny.

He was already feeling good about his decision to come to this meeting. Maybe it was his good mood, or something else, but he was feeling particularly flirtatious — not that it took much. After sliding into the seat next to the mystery woman, he would turn to her with his characteristic, big mischievous grin and whisper -- not wanting to disturb the meeting -- “How you doin’? Can't say I've seen you around before. Name’s Bradshaw, and who might I have the honour of sitting next to?”

It wasn't going to be easy to pay attention to this meeting. Not one bit.

| [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Silfe Sosuri"] |
Darben realized he was running late to the calling of [member="Veiere Arenais"] and [member="Lady Kay"]. A meeting, a conference. He came into the Chambers of Congress, the meeting place. He brought Mute along, with some datapads held by both of them, although he was not sure if they needed them or not.

"Sorry, sorry!" he was calling out, expecting to see Kay, or someone inside the entrance. He didn't find them there, so instead he headed for where he had been directed in a hurry to find others there, such as [member="Darlyn Excron"] and some others he did not recognize. He had arrived midway between Veiere giving his talk, behind the reasoning of them to be needed here. He gave a small awkward wave to everyone, trying to be less awkward with those he knew.

After his meeting with Faith on Corellia, he was looking better than usual. Mute, she was just about the same. He had Mute sit by him, and she immediately stared at her own feet, avoiding any sort of contact with anyone. Darben sighed, then quickly put on a smile, that may have been a bit forced. "I apologize for my late entry" he quietly said. He then went to listening about. Politics, they weren't fully his thing.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay was glad to see that [member="Silfe Sosuri"] was still on Commenor. Although the young lady was horrible with directions. Again she had gotren lost. She'd have to make it a point to have a guard posted to her that knew exactly where to go. Regardless, she had arrived.

Her eyes were drawn to [member="Darlyn Excron"] as he arrived, the smell of booze wafting from him as badly as the Darkside radiated from his form, fueled by grief and anger over what the Iron Knights had done at the Praxeum. She hadn't been able to talk to him about that, but knew that she must make the time to do so soon. Kay gave him a look that told him that she understood his reasoning and she sympothized.

[member="Veiere Arenais"] held the floor though. She nodded in agreement to his points as the two had discussed them at length in private. As he spoke, [member="Bradshaw Ku"] , [member="Darben Skirae"] and Mute had stepped in. Her attention was drawn first to that of her son. Her jaw dropped slightly as instead of paying attention to matters of state, he preferred to pay attention to his playboy ways. She recalled him wanting her to set him up an arranged marriage with some Princess. Well if he kept this up, she probably would, although he wouldn't like her choice. Maybe a Wookie, or an Ewok, maybe even a Bothan or a Hutt. He needed to get his priorities straight. Kay gave him a look that told him that his behaviour was unacceptable. If looks could kill....

Kay looked to Darben as he apologized for his tardiness, but also to Mute. They both had been through a lot lately and normally they weren't called to big meetings. But this was different.

Veiere was finished with the first part of the discussion and she chimed in, so that it showed that they were both working together on this. "Given that the Senators had done so little, even avoided requests and meetings altogether, we had to make this choice, otherwise we'd be forever in a standstill and be unable to move forward. With both Veiere and I reigning as head Monarchs, decisions can be made faster. Your imput, your advice, all will be taken into account. Silence only means that you don't want a say in the goings on of our Alliance. And that has been what's happened for some time. Any grievences that you have with others, anything that you need, you must come to either of us about it. Is that understood?"

[member="Kirie Ito"]
Just after her entry to the chambers, in came a man who caused her eyebrows to raise. [member="Darlyn Excron"] looked like a troubled man who definitely wore his emotions on his sleeve. The bottle in his hand was a testament to his broken state and there was something she could feel in him that was dark and scary to her. She shied away from the man and took a seat as her sullen guard joined the rest outside the chambers. He didn't like being excluded as he reported back to her father as often as he could find time. Well, doesnt that just suck eggs for him, she thought bitterly.

Silfe had listened diligently to [member="Veiere Arenais"] and was about to respond with a question of her own when the chamber doors opened to admit someone new. Her guard had watched the young man as he had come down the hall corridor to the Chamber and he grew more sullen than ever. [member="Bradshaw Ku"] 's flippant nature was enough for the guard to sum him up easily and he was found greatly wanting.He would have to keep this man from interacting with Silfe at all costs. Her father would strongly disapprove.

She turned to see who the newcomer was, though she thought it was unlikely she would recognize most everyone. She was right. The man was new to her but his manner was shocking in such a stately room. Even more surprising was his move to sit next to her. Silfe blushed a soft pink at his obvious flirtation. She tensed and quickly spoke her name, "Silfe Sosuri, new and now former Senator. Pray excuse me, I really wish to pay attention to the meeting." she whispered in reply and turned away, glad for the excuse of new people coming into the chamber to draw her attention from the boy-man. She was relieved not to be the last to enter the Council Chambers. [member="Darben Skirae"] and his assistant came in professing, like she had, of their apologies for being tardy for the meeting.

Her eyes drifted briefly to Bradshaw as she turned back to look at [member="Lady Kay"] and the King. Having watched Darben enter, she had not seen the deadly look his mother had given him.

Raising her hand in a simple gesture to garner attention. "While I understand what you are wanting, Lady Kay, I do not know that I can remain here if I am no longer a Senator. Surely my father will summon me back as soon as he learns of the Senate's dissolution. I am of course committed to continued peace in this sector but I am unsure how I can assist you any further without position." She blushed realizing it sounded more like an ultimatum than she wanted. She wished so desperately to stay.
[member="Lady Kay"] never stops wanting to see Natalie it seems. Infact, she had gotten so many notifications about her wishing for Natalie's presence that it was becoming recognized as spam from her mail system, but Natalie knew that among rags there were riches to be found, and that's why she painstakingly manually sorted personal mail, even those claiming to have hot singles in her area wishing to meet up for... various activities.

As she had done months, possibly years ago, and was her forte, (pardon the pun) arriving late to meetings. Though, one could not call this particular 'meeting' a 'meeting', moreso a conference on what to do when fascism under a different name is on the rise, or more commonly known as a monarchy. Not that Natalie had any distain towards Monarchies, she really did want to be called a Princess or a Queen one day, it just depended on what system would fall under her influence first.

But for now she was dedicated to representing the people of Cato Neimodia in the Commenor Systems Alliance 'Council', which for all intensive purposes was a re-branding of the Senate. Just instead of everyone doing everyone's job, everybody had their own to fulfill, but unlike a senate, they couldn't remove the Monarch's power and their staff acted more as advisers than anything else. Having the job title of 'adviser' was not something she was actively pursuing, but it would have to do.

Natalie followed in shortly after [member="Darben Skirae"] and looked around the room, recognizing some and seeing some new faces before speaking. "Natalie, pleasure to meet your acquaintaince to those I've not met before. Fashionably late as ever!"

[member="Silfe Sosuri"] - [member="Bradshaw Ku"] - [member="Veiere Arenais"] - [member="Darlyn Excron"] - [member="Kirie Ito"]
Was his wife trying to show that dominance and assert herself as they had been discussing privately prior to the conference? Watching and listening to [member="Lady Kay"]'s choice of words it did indeed seem to be so. Her confidence had been shaken of late and she felt as though she weren't being taken seriously anymore, yet Veiere wasn't convinced that it was due to her being 'too nice' as she seemed to have put it down to. Perhaps the mention of their silence being taken as their means of agreement might have been better left out yet if this was what she felt she needed to convey in order to help her reclaim some order in her government then who was he to interfere.

[member="Silfe Sosuri"] it seemed would be the first person though not likely to be the last to question these new changes and what they might mean for her position and general use to the government and the Systems Alliance. Nodding slowly in understanding, Veiere turned to her and elaborated some on what their future was to look like. "Your former position and continued representation of your world is now more vital than ever, there will continue to be great need for your voice within this counsel. The Systems Alliance is not being cast aside for a dictatorship but devolving back to it's former confederate state. While this may seem like a step backwards and may sound to exclude your governments, that's not the case. Through your position here along side us your people as well as every other world that supports us will continue to thrive and be catered for in every way we can offer. Trade agreements, export and import partnerships, military alignment and systems defense will not change, nor will this affect any financial status already agreed between our worlds. As King and Queen, we reserve the right to act on extreme emergency yet we are but two people who still require the advice and loyalty of all of you. Without those of you here, the CSA would not be what it is today".

[member="Bradshaw Ku"]'s entrance being what it was, Veiere's gaze took to the lad a moment, his head lifting back and a quiet breath escaping him in mild frustration though his mind was poised on the politics of their more present concerns, this change of government and how it could leave the others somewhat uncomfortable with the sudden announcement. "When Commenor first reached out to worlds outside of it's system, we had the dream of being the example of neutrality and the deterrence of war in the Galaxy. We offered embassies to all governments whom most accepted and came to visit, now holding still to this day. Our stance towards the turmoil in the galaxy was to offer a place of mutual ground where warring powers might come together and negotiation ceasefire, where we could offer humanitarian aid reaching out to afflicted worlds and ease some of the catastrophes that armies have left in their wake. Never have we been a dominant organization or government, we do not intend to become that now, yet the internal conflict that was encouraged within our former system conflicted and undid what progress we had made. Today Yutan stands with us yet there's a shadow of doubt over that world, they do not feel safe as they once did and we're trying to remedy this...".

"Darker days are ahead of us, I fear. This Iron Contingency or whatever they call themselves have promised to return bringing war to our people...-We cannot remain parted through the center and still hope to hold our own when they arrive. This shift must happen and I implore you all to consider it. We will not force your hand, that is not what Kay and I do..." He paused, glancing to all of them, soon dipping his gaze to his wife with a wary half smile before turning back to conclude his response; "But we need all the good people we have and I would rather have you all with us".

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] | [member="Natalie LaForte"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Bradshaw Ku"] | [member="Kirie Ito"]

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
How many good moods were ruined throughout galactic history with a woman’s cold shoulder and a mother’s scorn? Or, a father’s disappointment? Surely the Sith hadn’t dealt a fatal blow to so many.

And yet, they all had good reason. [member="Silfe Sosuri"], it turned out, was indeed a senator, or rather, ex-senator, and there was no way she rose to such a prominent position with child’s play and meeting tomfoolery. It was difficult going from one slave trade depot, Hutt cartel, bounty hunter lair, smuggler’s den, and rotten cantina — the former four usually just ending up in the latter — to the privileged and disciplined life at court. Though her reply was polite, she was clearly tense and taken aback by his advance, and not having any of it.

It never occurred to him that she wouldn’t know who he was. Not because he thought himself very important, at least, not in that sense, or because being Prince meant women aught to swoon in his presence, but because even he had forgotten he was a Prince and only now remembered himself.

He didn’t need to look over at his mother’s reaction to feel her eyes burning into the side of his head. He gave Silfe a courtly nod after she asked to be excused in order to pay more attention to the meeting. When he finally looked over toward [member="Lady Kay"], his fears were confirmed in full. He nearly physically rebounded from the impact of the look she was giving him. His eyes narrowed and he clenched his jaw for a moment, almost as if he were bracing for impact. Now he’d done it. To top it off, [member="Veiere Arenais"]’s frustration and disapproval rippled through the force toward him, though it was masked by his worry about the greater issue at hand.

Sorry, he mouthed back silently at his Mother and tried to match his presence in the force with the apology.

Having been so wrapped up in family matters, he just barely caught [member="Darben Skirae"]’s entrance, which was soon followed by another young woman Bradshaw had never met before and who introduced herself. He sighed internally. It was as if the Force were conspiring against him to forever distract him from the task at hand. His mother’s laser stare, though, put an efficient end to any near future attempts at flirtation. Besides, Natalie’s presence in the Force was as tinted as a pair of sunglasses and he’d already had his run-in with the Dark Side, which didn’t go well for him, nor his mother’s furniture.

All this talk of political and governmental technicalities really didn’t interest or concern him, but he tried his best to follow along. What did interest and concern him was Veiere’s ending words about darker days and the Iron Contingency. When his stepfather finished, Bradshaw rose from his seat.

He cleared his throat, “Hello to all of you who have heeded the Alliance’s call. I’ve been away for quite some time and even when I’ve been here… I haven’t been. For those who I haven’t met before, I’m Bradshaw and for better or worse, I’m also the Prince. I just wanted to say that, Commenor, or the Alliance has always respected and needed those who are willing to serve. There’s always a home and a purpose here for those who want it, no matter what shape the government happens to take. More importantly, I was unfortunately not present at the tragedy of the Praxeum but,” he glanced over toward [member="Darlyn Excron"] for a moment, “I know that any incident and any threat that can disturb Darlyn and strike fear in my stepfather is one that will require everything we have to offer.” Turning toward his parents, he spread his arms out wide, “So, what can I offer?”

[member="Natalie LaForte"] - [member="Kirie Ito"]
When you're hard of hearing, the skill of being perceptive becomes of key importance. As such, as the representatives of the Alliance filed in each later than the last,, Kirie did not miss a single detail. She saw the stress in the shoulders of [member="Silfe Sosuri"], and the dark rings under her eyes betrayed the stress the young woman held inside her. Silfe hid her insecurities well, but nobody was unreadable.

The next man to enter the chamber carried himself like an open book. It seemed to Kirie that she'd felt him approach before he'd arrived at the senate chamber, and a miasma of alcohol hung around him. The man himself wasn't so intimidating, a man of slightly below average height, and medium build. The main thing about [member="Darlyn Excron"] was the shadow that hung over him. The man's trauma, grief, and anger was so thick she could almost see it. It was in his shoulders, the lines of his face, and especially his eyes. His dark aura hung in the air wherever he travelled, and it shook Kirie to her core.

[member="Bradshaw Ku"] was an interesting case. She'd seen the Prince of Commenor back on Wann Tsir, but she hadn't been able to see much of him. As he strolled happily into the chamber, Kirie observed the way he deliberately avoided the gaze of his parents, the King and Queen, instead choosing to flirt with the young representative of Cyrilla. It seemed to Kirie that this action was not born of arrogance and overconfidence, but of fear.

Following the Prince, came the former Minister for Trade and Finance, [member="Darben Skirae"]. The man seemed more suited for a life of business than a life of politics, but perhaps he had to settle for a position as an advisor because of his clinical fear of showing up on time. Slipping into the room after Darben came [member="Natalie LaForte"], a woman who loudly announced she was 'fashionably late.' Kirie wondered if that meant she just didn't care.

Kirie observed it all without comment, but she began to wonder how the alliance could function with such a dysfunctional group of rulers and advisors. Amid the whirlwind of strange personalities it seemed the only rocks were the King and Queen, [member="Veiere Arenais"] and [member="Lady Kay"]. So maybe it was for the best that they resume their places as heads of the monarchy.
War and Famine. Anymore it's what the galaxy seemed to live and breathe with. The CSA seemingly sought to end that and create a means of diplomatic discourse as a route to peace. Unfortunately, Ulic understood something entirely different. While for some factions diplomatic discourse could take hold and promote diplomacy as peace - for other factions they simply didn't care what words you threw at them or what lives they had to sacrifice in order to get what they wanted. At the end of the day, the only way to end war was with more war - specifically with those factions who were seemingly more greedy than others. Seems rather circular doesn't it? Solving the problem of war with more war.. Although the only way to completely stamp out the factions across the galaxy who sought violence over peace was to end them in a swift and violent way.

Ulic thoroughly appreciated the ideologies of Commenor and knew that the only way to change the current status quo of "shoot first - ask questions later" type diplomacy was with their ideologies; however, at times you simply can't take your finger off the trigger.

The Jedi Knight strode into the room adorning his common corellian robes. His necklace draped from his neck given to him by his mother at a younger age - and his green eyes scanned the room at all who were inside.

He was fresh off from the Jedi Order and sought to join this faction as he thought that they would play a pivotal part in upcoming changes in the galaxy. However, upon entering the room he remained quiet to assess the situation and assess what was currently going on. He remained behind the rest of the crowds analyzing those who spoke within the chambers. His hands were folded in the front of his robes, the sleeves concealing his actual hands.

It was always polite to have someone address you first before simply announcing yourself.
The first evidence of the Zabrak's approach towards the council chambers that any of the gathered would be able to pick upon would the rhythmic, stead beat of word against metal as it echoed ahead of himself. Accompanying that steady beat were the rare sounds of grunts - noises coloured with pain and strain in equal measure. However, said sounds would not herald his arrival for long for, soon, he would appear to any who happened to have been looking in his direction. And, with his appearance came the reveal of the source of the rhythmic sound: the wooden cane that he leaned upon as he grasped it tightly in his right hand.

Pausing for a moment at the entrance to the room - his single, piercing amber gaze flickering from face to face of those gathered - those gathered would have ample opportunity to gaze upon his chosen attire. Unlike many of the others, Virak was not clad in ceremonial robes of Office - symbols of the political power he and the others had managed to grasp with greedy fingers - a statement that could not be denied, even if, perhaps, some of them had grasped with greed born of good intention. (And maybe those good intentions had even survived the corruption of power?) Instead, Virak's warrior background was being promptly displayed in the gleaming, metal breastplate strapped to his chest and the clearly armourweave-made greaves. However, that was not to say that he wore no signs of Office, though, for, fastened to the front right shoulder of the breastplate by a metal badge, a deep, crimson cloak hung across his shoulders and down his back.

Other oddities of his appearance would jump out towards those gathered, oddities other than the outfit he had chosen to wear. For one, at his hip hung an elaborately decorated leather sheath, dancing patterns, runes and foreign letters of golden thread weaving their way across a sea of dark, mahogany hued leather; whispering their tales and stories through art. However, rather than containing a blade, the sheathe was empty, the rather archaic durasteel longsword having been handed over before Virak had stepped foot into the chambers. However, the oddities that perhaps stood out the most were the bandages. The entirely of his left arm, where it poked out from his sleeve anyway, was wrapped in stark white bandages. Similar bandages were wrapped around the right side of his face, hiding it from view; the odd scar winding its way across weather-worn skin from beneath those bandages.

Grunting slightly as he finally began to move, Virak stiffly limped his way towards one of the still free chairs, the one designated to the representative of Sev Tok. With one of his legs not bending properly, his gait held an odd side-to-side shuffle to it as he made slow progress towards his seat. However, other than the few stifled guttural noises of strain, he showed no sign of the aches that darted throughout his body with the ferocity of lighting. His decent into the chair was slow and careful, as if he was wary of worsening any pain, but, after he had settled into the seat, he immediately spoke. Gruff and gravelly, the hints of a growl laying beneath every uttered syllable, the raggedness of his appearance was evident in his voice, but it was harsh and level, no sign of pain present.

"Please do forgive me for my delay." A self-deprecating smirk pulled at his lips. "I'm afraid that speed is not something possible in my condition. Might I enquirer as to what I have missed in my absence?" An arched eyebrow would be directed towards the King and Queen of Commenor. They were the only ones within the room who he was most familiar with after all, but, there was also the fact that he expected them to move towards directing the meeting - perhaps Kay more than Veiere - as Kay had served as the voice of direction in prior meetings.

Without pausing to wait for a reply to his question, Virak busied pouring himself a cup of tea similar to the one that Kay cradled firmly between her hands. The soothing aroma and taste was certainly something he required after dealing with the issues and annoyances that had actually lead to his delay.

The course of his delay was, of course, not so much to do with his physical condition, but, more to do with the chaos he had had to fight to manage on Sev Tok. Their fleet being readied and sent into battle as quickly as had been necessary during the conflict above Yutan had not been without repercussions. Indeed, the chaos of the chain of command being broken so as to ensure that the Fleet arrived as soon as possible and was assured to be under the command of Kay, even if through a proxy, had meant that many had been protesting and arguing about the fact that their authority had been undermined. He had delayed as long as possible so as to put out as many fires as possible, but, even now, fires remained and even more were surely being lit.

All of that had, of course, been reported to Kay already. Just so that she would have been aware of his potential delay in attending the meeting.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Kirie Ito"] | [member="Bradshaw Ku"] | [member="Natalie LaForte"] | [member="Silfe Sosuri"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"]

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