Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Night On Coruscant (Open to all)

"Oh, I see." Then he saw it out of the corner of his eye. Three guys, two of them Zabraks, one a Weequay, were walking through the alley behind them, all with blasters drawn. Orion spun around to look at them, putting a hand on one of his own blasters.

[member="Iris Issey"]
The Mankarii ends his perpetual pace when two people leave. He cautiously sits down and reclines on the open space. Vyron studies each creature intently. After examining each attendant he studies the tech around him. Then his eyes flicked to the colorful jars on a cabinent. He had saved the best for last. Vyron enthusiastically began ranting with the bar-keep about flavoring and fermentation. The bar keep was just there for the job, not in depth discussions (and rants) about anything a creature can eat and enjoy.
Orion stared straight at the large zabrak in the center, but watching the others out of the corners of his eyes. "Good evening!"

"Shut up. I want all the credits you can cough up. I saw you put down way more than you needed to at the bar, it's obvious you have plenty of money!" All three raised their blasters, aimed straight at Orion's head.

[member="Iris Issey"]
Iris would slowly grasp her blaster and slowly pull it out before shooting three shots and hitting all 3 mens hands. She had impeccable aim from her time at the gun range "You wont touch him"

[member="Orion Trex"]
Orion watched the robbers all get hit, disarming them. He watched them all start wailing in pain, one of them turning to run but falling over. He turned to [member="Iris Issey"] "You are a fantastic shot!"
Orion stood and watched the muggers run away, then he took his hand away from his own blaster. He could see the sky starting to get brighter and realized just how long he had spent just talking to [member="Iris Issey"]. "Wow, we have managed to stay up all night!"
Orion smiled, and led [member="Iris Issey"] back towards the landing pad. There were people who were just waking up wandering everywhere, and Orion passed all of them. He walked up to his black Jedi starfighter, opening the cockpit. "It's small but I think we can both fit."
Orion reached his hand out "Of course." He reached down and picked up [member="Iris Issey"], carrying her over and setting her down inside. Then he climbed in himself and shut the cockpit. "Strap in!"
Orion fired the engines, grabbed the yokes, and took off. He flew into space very quickly, spinning a few times and laughing. He turned to [member="Iris Issey"], hoping she was okay with the fancy tricks.

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