Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Night On Coruscant (Open to all)

Orion smirked again, taking another sip of his drink. "Well, I was there. I served as a Separatist general during the war and managed to avoid getting wiped out by the Empire. One day while I was investigating an abandoned laboratory, I found myself inside a testing chamber. The button I activated froze me, and I woke up here." He then looked back to her, letting the story sink in.

[member="Iris Issey"]
"That's basically it. The other adventures I have had since being unfrozen are completely different stories altogether." Orion glanced over his shoulder, noticing [member="Vyron Auralia"] step inside. He was the first person that Orion noticed walk in since entering.

[member="Iris Issey"]
"Really? What is her name?" Orion asked, wondering if he possibly knew her. He had only met one other person that was alive during the Clone Wars, and he had never met him during the war.

[member="Iris Issey"]
[member="Vyron Auralia"]
Orion paused a moment, trying to recall if he had ever heard the name. It wasn't one that was familiar, neither the first or the last name. He knew so many others, Ohnaka, Mundi, Koon, Ventress, Organa, Gunray, and so many others. But he had never heard Colson before. "I don't recall that name. Did he say if what he did during the war?" Orion was very intrigued, and tried to probe for information again.

[member="Iris Issey"]
[member="Vyron Auralia"]
Orion thought for a moment, realizing he didn't really have anywhere else to go. He looked around the bar, and then looked back to her. "Would you like to go outside? Maybe you could show me around? I haven't been here in a long time." Orion really didn't want to leave [member="Iris Issey"] alone, especially after hearing her story.
Orion smiled, "I'll be outside" Orion stood up, setting a few credits on the table for his drink. He turned around, looking around to see if there was any suspicious characters around before he walked outside.

[member="Iris Issey"]
Orion looked around, taking it all in. "And I assume you don't live, or didn't live, far from here?" Orion kept looking around, noticing the strange shaped walls and the busted blocks, not paying attention to anyone on either end of the alley.

[member="Iris Issey"]

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