Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A New Mandalore

With our dominion of Echoy'la complete, and the likelihood of upcoming conflicts with the Mandalorians, The Primeval are seeking to create a sub-faction of Mandalorians supporting a contending Mandalore, basically those who for all sorts of IC reasons might disagree with the current Mandalorian leadership and seek to establish one of themselves as the new Mandalore.

As a faction The Primeval are quite active, friendly, and very open to story-telling. Not to mention many of our current members can attest to our inclusiveness for all sorts of character archetypes and Ambitions. After taking a few worlds in Mandalorian space, the idea came across as something that could potentially build on an amazing story and further the growing warlike state between us and the Mandos.

If anyone is interested in this concept, please post in a reply or PM me. What I'm looking for:

  • An active and prominent Mandalorian character interested in contending for the title of Mandalore.
  • Mandalorian characters interested in supporting him or her and building a militaristic sub-faction.
  • Lore-writers interested in helping make this story come together in a fun and original way.
The perks of this are:

  • The 'false' Mandalore will be able to ICly rule some of the former Mandalorian worlds we've claimed through dominion.
  • To be part of something new and interesting, and to be the catalyst to brew further conflict.
  • Lots of storytelling that will be reflected by current and continued Netherworld dominions as well as threads outside of the event.
  • We have Echoy'la which has Beskar, so all of our Mandalorians will be able to have access to the resource.

For someone interested in being a 'false' Mandalore candidate, please PM me so we can discuss!

I should add that any Mandalorian, supporting a Mandalore or not, would be considered Dar'Manda for failing to follow the Resol'nare. While there's the rule of two for the Sith, there's the rule of one for the Mandalorians- only one Mandalore. Your 'false' Mandalore would have to challenge [member="Azrael"] for him/her to be even remotely accepted by the community, otherwise they'd be considered a warlord or governor.

Although the idea of a Death Watch-like faction seems neat.

Falcon Rekali

I like the cut of your jib, [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]. The Mando'ade looks forward to what stories this will bring. All I see is opportunity here, and if anyone doesn't agree with that, you need to go chill for a few, and think things over. This is just a game.
[member="Jared Ovmar"]

I actually got the idea from just that! (Sort of) in a community I came from, there was a religious faction that basically had a 'pope' who all the Kings/leaders considered the authority on religious matters. Suddenly one of the faction's had a coup and their leader contested the title. So I thought it'd be a cool thing to do here.

[member="Falcon Gyndar"]

Definitely! Which reminds me, if anyone loyal to [member="Azrael"] would like to, I'd love to have participants interested in helping develop some kind of backstory for this.
Sounds interesting, but keep in mind any Mando world isn't going to instantly sway to the banner of the "Fake" Mandalore, if at all. The Mandalorians as a culture have 1 mandalore and only 1. But i think you guys can build something.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] I would also like to point out that attempting to Dominion a planet we were going for, and also trying to dominion a planet containing besk'ar for the purpose of obtaining rights to the mines of besk'ar is not going to set well with the Mandalorians. I'm all for challenge, but that's an act of war right there.

Oh they took a planet with Beskar'gam did they? I may have to swing by and make sure I give them some fun times while they attempt to mine it.
[member="Arumi Zy"]

And they say God resides in Rome; that argument didn't work out when the 30 Years' War came around.

But yeah, I do believe this has potential. Lots of ideology, lots of slander campaigns, and war. :p

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
[member="Anija Ordo"]

That's why I'm OOCly asking for Mandalorians :)

Nothing happened yet, there's no IC basis for this idea. It's merely an interest check that has the potential to create roleplay between the two factions.

[member="Preliat Mantis"]

I'm taking multiple concepts. If you'd like, I could PM you some idea drafts for opinions? (When they're ready)

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