Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tide Bringer (Protector of Mon Cala)
Tyluko led [member="Iris Issey"] out of the diner and back out into the hustle and bustle of the Coruscant cityscape. Speeders were flying too and fro, filled with beings making their morning commute.
Tide Bringer (Protector of Mon Cala)
Tyluko sat down in the pilot seat, trying to get adjusted to the controls. "I can do this, I can do this" Tyluko said to himself as he started prepping the ship for take off.

[member="Iris Issey"]
Tide Bringer (Protector of Mon Cala)
Tyluko spoke over the inner com systems

"Taking off in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, now."

Tyluko activated the engines, easing the ship off of the Coruscant street way. Lights showed green across the board, indicating steady systems. He looked at the security cams to make sure, [member="Iris Issey"] was secure. As the ship left the ground, Tyluko then increased the thrusters as the ship began to ascend through the skylanes and into the upper atmosphere.
Tide Bringer (Protector of Mon Cala)
Tyluko could sense her uneasiness, as he eased the ship out of Coruscant's atmosphere he halted the engines and went back to check on [member="Iris Issey"]
He went into the bathroom "Are you ok?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.
Tide Bringer (Protector of Mon Cala)
Tyluko nodded and patted her back. He then walked back to the cockpit of the Time Bandit. He thought back to his lessons two thousand years ago, before he was put into stasis. A Jedi knight who was visiting his people offered to train him in starship operation. He remembered how the Jedi taught him how to perform several maneuvers, how to use the weapon systems and also how to activate the hyperdrive. Tyluko loved the feeling of flying in a starship, especially a small maneuverable starfighter. Just like how a Jedi uses his lightsaber as if it was an extension of their arm, Tyluko learned how to fly a starship as if it was an extension of himself. He may have lived a sheltered, isolated life but a starship seemed familiar to him. He inputted the coordinates for Mon Cala into the navigator and then proceeded to prime the hyperdrive. Soon the ship shot into hyperspace, the black void of space replaced with the blue and white tunnel of hyperspace.

[member="Iris Issey"]
Tide Bringer (Protector of Mon Cala)
Tyluko for some reason felt at ease, despite not being off Mon Cala very much, space was comforting to him. However he could sense that [member="Iris Issey"] was not faring so well. He went into the back to check on her again.

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