Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Meeting of Two Rivals

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
The Republic would host another meeting, similar to one held not too long ago, one that had ended poorly.

This one would not end the same way through the work of several factors, the first and most important being strict security protocols between both the Republic and the Mandalorians, making travel near or in the building where the meeting was happening extremely scrutinized. Anyone that did not belong there would not be there and anyone that caught close enough to the meeting would be taken into custody. Those who were there would be approved, and yet still watched for any signs of betrayal like during the Summit.

But even with near threats under watch, threats from above and around were also kept in order. The Republic's first and second fleets remained over the planet, and the Mandalorians bringing their own fleet to ensure that their soldiers were there too, ready protecting the location and the meeting. There would be a planetary shield also ready for use when the time came, if the time came.

And inside the room, there was but a simple round table, with an equal number of seats on each side. No difference in lighting, no difference in the entrances to the room, each side containing their own. And along the walls there were seats for those like Alexandra who had no place at the table, but a vested interest in this. She was here to ensure nothing happened that could not be controlled and she sat fidgeting as she realized that her exclusion was due to her connection to the Mandalor. Her voice was tainted on this matter and as such the woman would remain impartial where she normally came with her own voice.

The Chancellor in turn though would make one of his rare appearances, already at the table and resting with both hands on the table as he waited for his guests. The man had documents on each of the individuals he expected, and knew there would be a few he did not know that came. After all that was the nature of meetings like this, holding aces up the sleeve to be used in order to throw people off in such talks.

Perhaps that is why he still allowed the Jedi Grandmaster here today, his eyes slinking to the side and looking over his shoulder at the redhaired woman messing with her hands. He smiled, turning his eyes back and thinking about this all like one giant wargame, thinking about how to use his pieces to achieve a more favorable standing for the Republic. He was admittedly a lame duck, but in a game like this, he could play his pieces quite well.

And yet, he expected the same from the Mandalorians, curious to see who they bring and what they bring to the table.

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