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A Long Lost Technological Terror [OPEN]

Tanis Val'dorn

Servant of Shadows
"Not so fast little Padawan. I still have a couple of tricks up my sleeve." Tanis mused to himself. Unknown to the Jedi, Tanis' ship is equipped with a cutting-edge cloaking system that he engaged with the flip of a switch above his head. Sending a coded communication, Tanis requested for backup. He hated leaving Frigus on Cormit, but the Sith was resourceful. Obviously he had made it that far on his own, Tanis was sure he would figure something out.

With the cloaking device armed, Tanis shadowed the Padawan's stolen ship until he received a reply from the Sith Superior he had contacted....

Asari Morin

Out in the deep darkness of space Moridin stood within the confines of a massive Dragon Class Warship, three similar ships of same design floated around this central ship with a fourth different looking ship hiding behind their picket line. This last ship was an interdictor ship, an artificial gravity well that would pull ships out of hyperspace. The Dreadlord had planned this he had taken the ship from one of the Imperial Navy fleets, they had objected at first of course but Moridin did not take no for an answer.

He had received a message from one of the apprentices within the Empire, or at the very least his Captain had. Luckily for the apprentice and his companions Moridin had not been busy, in fact he had been rather bored. So he had come here, directly in the jedi's path to Coruscant. The Dreadlord knew the Jedi would take this path, from the old station there was only one way to return to the core, and this was the path.

Hyperspace lanes were rather difficult to plot out, and finding this position in between the two points had been rather difficult, but his fleet needed privacy for this and no republic interference.

Ready the tractor beams. If he escapes I will not be pleased.” The Dreadlord slowly turned to his commanders, they simply nodded at him. He did not know any of their names, he used to 400 years ago but these were new soldiers. Each and every one of them grew up in this age, and Moridin did not. He no longer cared for fleets, for armies, or for the lives of those below him. That time was over. The Dreadlord mused on this as he looked at his chrono, soon.
Damn! Exclaimed Frigus as he saw the merchant vessel carying the young jedi leap into hyperspace. Having to deal with those chiss guards, no matter how breif gave him all the time he needed to escape. But he knows full well his companions ships abilities. Not stoping nor slowing down, Frigus boreds the ready and waiting storm and rockets out of the atmosphere. Once he reaches the limit of the planets gravity well he plots a course for the city planet and engages the hyperdrive. As the stars enlongate and twist into the familar maelstrom of hyperspace he send off a mesage to Tanis. Storm is also in pursuit, we must have those plans. The storms advanced 0.7 hyper drive should get me there well ahead of the jedi. Were ill be lying in wait. Little did he know the sith empire were already out there waiting, and his trip would be coming to a rather unexpectedly quick ending
Just when Jor'si thought he was home free, the azure of hyperspace turned to the normal black that indicated a premature exit. "What now?!" the young man exclaimed, frustration now boiling within him. First he thought maybe the ship was malfunctioning due to damage, but then he saw the ships that were before him. Putting two and two together, Jor'si realized he was being pulled in by a tractor beam and only had, at best, a minute before he was within the confines of the ship. "Ah crap..." he muttered. Acting swiftly, he took the datapad in hand and memorized the coordinates of the rumored schematics, then smashed it against the console to break it.

He then swiftly opened a line of communication. Thankfully, due to the fact that he was not within the ship just yet, he was out of range of any communications scramblers. Since he had been exposed to the Jedi Order, he made it a point to get the channels of a couple frequencies, just in case he got into a pickle like his current situation. He soon reached the republic patrol that was tasked with keeping an eye on the western borders of Republic space. Jor'si knew enough about the patrol to know they had more ships than these before him.

"Hello? This is Jor'si Denko of the Jedi Order," he added on the Jedi Order portion just to get them to listen to him, "I'm carrying some very sensitive intel and I'm caught in a tractor beam. It looks like there are...four warships, probably from the Empire. Requesting immediate assistance. Sending coordinates..."

The voice on the other line was that of a woman. She went silent for a second or two when he transmitted the coordinates, but soon returned with exceptionally good news. "Jor'si, we're sending a detachment to your position right now. Commander Rostu is on his way, ETA three minutes."

That was it. Jor'si had to survive for three minutes and the calvary would arrive...the young man leaned back in his seat and, just for good measure, produced his lightsaber. He ignited the violet blade and rent through the datapad with a single slice; just to be sure his captors wouldn't be able to access the data from the pad at all.

"Three minutes...I can handle that."

Asari Morin

“Sir, the Jedi sent a message, several of them. We don't know what but it was definitely sent.”

The Dreadlord raised and eyebrow at the Commander as they walked from the elevator down the hall, but he did not punish. Theoretically the Jedi's transmissions should have been jammed but apparently someone had messed up. For Once Moridin decided not to kill everyone and everything, but show patience. Whatever the Jedi sent was likely information, a location, or a call for reinforcement. If the Sith lord had to guess he would assume it was the latter, a fleet would be coming or so Moridin assumed. He shrugged slightly as he kept on walking down the hall until they reached a set of heavy blast doors. “Get us out of here. Spin up the hyperdrives I want us anywhere but here.”

The doors opened as Moridin walked towards them, and the Dreadlord stepped into his hangar bay. More than three dozen Sith Soldiers stood around the now landed Jedi Ship. Moridin looked at them, and then sighed. “Out of my way.”

The Soldiers moved, clearly afraid of the Sith Lord that now stood among them. He approached the back of the ship, where the ramp would be. Moridin looked at the ship, inspected the latches. He raised his hand calmly, and then gripped the ramp with the force. He crushed the metal, breaking and twisting it and then tearing the ramp from the ship itself. He threw the door across the hangar bay, sending it flying into a nearby wall. Then the Sith Lord called out “Little Jedi. You have one minute to come out unarmed. If you exceed this time limit I will destroy the ship around you and tear the knowledge I want from your mind.”

As Moridin made his threat one could feel the fleet beneath him move as the engines were spooled up. Quickly the Dragon ship's moved and readied themselves to jump away.
When the information was given to him at the hands of the Communcation's officer, Ned Rostu was, at first, skeptical. However, if this was truly a Jedi in peril, then they could not afford to let anything happen to him, despite the skepticism. So, the young Commander gave the order for his small detachment of ships to dive into hyperspace and head out to the coordinates that the Jedi had provided. His unit consisted of a Preservation-Class Star Defender, two Emancipation-Class Heavy Cruisers, five Freedom-Class Assault Frigates, and about a dozen Corvettes.

Normally, a man of his rank wouldn't have the honor of commanding a Star Defender, let alone a detachment of ships. Yet, due to the fact that he was the son of the Supreme Commander, Ned had the unique position to prove himself a capable leader and this was his one and only chance to earn a rather large promotion. Call it beating the system, but Ned had rank progression on the mind and perhaps skirmishing with some Sith ships would accomplish that for him.

"Navigation! Scanners!" he called out to the personnel running those particular stations, "Be ready to make your calculations when we come out. I highly doubt those ships are going to sit there. I want to know where they're going and I want us in pursuit!" The officers sounded affirmation.
Suddenly the swirl of hyperspace poped back into the familiar black of realspace, with alarms blazing for proximity alarms. He saw before him the massive sith warships, guns already beginning to track. He quickly sends an message out. This is apprentice Frigus of the sith, please hold your fire. I request docking clearance . A few seconds later a voice replies Codes confirmed. cleared for docking bay 3. He swiftly lands inside the docking bay and begins to check his systems for damage for the premature exit from hyperspace. About this time the ship begins to vibrate as the engines spin up

Tanis Val'dorn

Servant of Shadows
"Poor boy wont know what hit him." Bringing himself out of hyperspace, Tanis appeared before several warships of the Sith Empire. He knew his master was eagerly awaiting the arrival of the young and naive Jedi who thought he would ruin the Sith's plans. "I guess I dont need this anymore.." Tanis mused as he switched off the cloaking device of his ship. Although the Sith Shadow had a few problems, he had to admit that he wouldnt trade 'er for the world. Heck, he built 'er himself over the course of about 14 years.

As he approached the the warships, Tanis spotted the young Padawan's stolen ship being towed into his Master's tractor beam. "Excellent," Tanis thought to himself after plotting a course to dock within the ship, " Master made it right on time. If the Jedi destroyed the coordinates, I guess the only way to extract the information will be to kill the poor sap and rip it from his memory." At this thought, Tanis could barely hold back the smile that seemed to be spreading from ear to ear.

Tanis' ship touched down in the hangar bay of his Master's ship. Exiting his ship, he saw Master Moridin, already demanding the Jedi remove himself from the ship. Apparently his Master had given the Jedi one minute to come out unharmed, and this surprised Tanis. "Oh well, maybe this will turn out interesting...", he mused as he grabbed the lightsabers from underneath his robe. He was always ready for some fun.
Jor'si's heart beat away like a drum in his chest as the tractor beam finally finished pulling him within the hangar bay of the Sith warship. He was nervous, but far from afraid. And, to be perfectly honest, he was getting tired of the Sith altogether. This aversion to the Dark Side scum only heightened when the gruff voice of one addressed him from outside of the merchant ship. 'One minute...alrighty then.' he thought to himself, and frantically searched within the various compartments of the ship for anything he could use to survive. He found a blaster and a handful of military grade grenades within the glove compartment; apparently the previous owner of the ship had some bad customers.

Jor'si took one of the grenades and stuffed it into the mouth of the Nagai. He was regretful of this action, and slightly sickened to his stomach, but he had to be absolutely certain that no one could get the information except through him. That would at least add some value to his life, enough so that he may survive long enough for aide to arrive. He then limped over to the window of the ship and pushed it out with a solid Force Push, depositing the grenades within the pocket of his cloak and leaping out of the vessel with a Force Leap as the grenade within the Nagai's mouth exploded...The explosion was large enough to reach the fuel cell of the vessel, causing an even larger explosion to consume the ship. Its radius was large enough to catch the Sith outside of the merchant ship within its fiery grasp and occured so swiftly, so without warning, that it'd take nothing short of a miracle to react.

Jor'si himself landed outside of the radius of the explosion and utilized the distraction to begin a mad dash across the hangar, headed for the other ships within the hangar bay. All the while, he carefully began to guard his mind, fortifying it through the force in order to protect himself from getting the information ripped from his skull.

Tanis Val'dorn

Servant of Shadows
What the young Padawan didnt expect, was for Tanis to be expecting some kind of trickery from the Jedi. It had been, to date, all too hard to touch the man. It was almost as if he were superhuman. Nevertheless, Tanis was ready; he had positioned himself behind duraplast column of the hangar bay to avoid the blast as soon as it happened. Fire erupted all around him as the ship exploded, not once but TWICE. He was lucky the blast didnt destroy the column he had ducked behind just in the nick of time. The shockwave, though, did disorient Tanis. After regaining his composure quickly, he was in pursuit of the pesky Jedi.

"Nice try Jedi. You will not escape us this time." And with that, Tanis used the Force to accellerate his speed and managed to catch the Jedi. Tanis let the full destructive force of the dark side erupt from his hands, lighting crackling through the hangar bay, directed straight at the Jedi's back at point blank range. If nothing else, this would surely stop the Jedi dead in his tracks.
Frigus sped from his ship at the sound of the explosion. Rushing with all the speed he could muster into the main hanger bay next door. He sped through the door around the corner looking to the comotion. rounding one of the ships he saw the young jedi fleeing from pursuit, Tanis close at his heels. As Tanis unleashed his force lighting. Frigus unleashed another powerful telekinetic assault. but this time predicting his reaction. he surrounds the jedi with the force crushing his bones as the force lightning slams into his back.Frigus ignites both of his scarlet blades with the distinctive snap-hiss. End of the road . little jedi.....

Asari Morin

Moridin simply raised his palm as the explosive force lunged forward. A barrier of the force erected itself around him and only him. The concussive blast and the heat were absorbed, and the shrapnel stuck within the invisible wall. Behind him a massive wall of troopers screamed in pain and death as the explosion consumed them. The Dreadlord just stood, not even regarding the explosion. He sighed in exasperation. What did the Jedi think would happen? That he would win? Escape? No, this was his ship.

As the explosion ceased Moridin lowered his palm and followed behind the two apprentices stepping up behind them as one unleashed an assault. He turned and regarded who he knew as his own apprentice, Tanis. He spoke to the man calmly. “Take this Jedi down. Do not kill him, I need him alive.”

Then the Dreadlord turned to the other man, placing a gently hand on the apprentices shoulder and spoke to him. “And you, will not help.”

This was a test, the first of many to come for his apprentice. The Ship shook just as Moridin finished speaking, and his flagship jumped into hyperspace leaving the other three ships of the fleet behind.
Yes Lord mordin. Frigus responded as he felt Morodin's hand on his shoulder. Dropping his Telekinetic assault , deactivating his blades. He bows respectfully to The Dreadlord.
Jor'si didn't expect to get far without a scratch, but at the very least he didn't expect to be faced with the two Sith from the diner again. His displeasure was immense, and whilst he sprinted away from the ship, he sensed an immense discharge of energies from the Dark Side of the Force: lightning. Jor'si stopped in his tracks and spun on his heel, facing the oncoming lightning with the beginnings of a smirk upon his visage. What his opponent didn't know about him was that his lineage included the blood of the Kral'jica, an aquatic, near-Human species whom had unique ability to generate, discharge, and absorb electricity. With palms outstretched, Jor'si admitted the lightning into himself, guiding the surge of electricity into his system. It failed to harm him in the slightest, not even leaving burns upon the surfaces of his palms.

"That all you got?" He sneered, taking a bold step forward. He moved his arms in a flowing, circular motion before thrusting them forward once again: guiding and concentrating the absorbed Force Lightning and amplifying it with the additional oomph of his own electricity. The result was a maelstrom of electricity which launched from his palms and threatened to decimate his opponent. It was an uncanny ability that no Jedi, aside from his father, ever possessed. Satisfied, the young man reached to his utility belt and produced his lightsaber. The violet blade came to life once more and Jor'si stood at the ready.

Tanis Val'dorn

Servant of Shadows
"Shit!!!" Tanis exclaimed as his own Force Lightning rushed back at him. Using Force Leap he flew into the air just in enough time to only be burned by the lightning. While still in the air, Tanis immediately produced his twin lightsabers from his belt, igniting them both. Flipping over the Jedi's head and landing safely on the other side. His Master and Frigus had already left. The Hangar Bay was all his. Perfect, Tanis thought, nobody to get in my way.

Tanis immediately started his barage of attack. Slash, parry, lunge. This is what the Sith Apprentice lived for. Repositioning himself so that he had the optimum area of movement, Tanis decided on a different tactic. Coming overhead with one lightsaber, and bringing the other up from the ground, Tanis attacked the Jedi.
As the Sith Apprentice employed a Force Leap in order to land behind Jor'si, the young warrior spun on his heel to face his opponent and jogged back five steps in order to give himself some breathing room. 'Here he comes...' Jor'si breathed to himself. Then, his opponent moved, his blades flying in a barrage of slashes and lunges. Jor'si continued to back up, playing defensive so that he could get a read upon his opponent's fighting style, settling into the pattern of simply deflecting his blows away from the time being. Then, his opponent opted to change up his flow and Jor'si wasn't there to deflect it. Instead, he bounced back, getting out of his opponent's blade range. Whilst his chest was exposed from the motion, Jor'si summoned a rather solid concentration of the Force and punched the air, unleashing a sphere of telekinetic force at point-blank range.

This sphere was poised to enter his opponent's chest, shattering his sternum and unleashing just enough pressure to rupture his internal organs. It was a brutal, yet effective technique that Jor'si had come up with on the fly.

Tanis Val'dorn

Servant of Shadows
The young Jedi was skilled, that much was clear; the Force was very strong with him. Tanis sensed the Jedi was building up energy for some kind of Force attack. Luckily, because of his inexperience with offensive Force abilities, other than Force Lightning, Tanis had become quite adept at defense. As the Jedi, unleashed a potentially devastating attack at almost point blank range, the Sith drew in the energy of the dark side to put a Force shield that enveloped his body. Yet, the attack was too powerful, and still managed to crack Tanis' sternum. "I cant let him catch me off guard like that!"

In the process of projecting the Force as a shield, Tanis had switched off his off-hand lightsaber. Soon after the Jedi's attack, Tanis tried a very effective but dangerous technique. The Sith swung his lightsaber towards the Jedi, knowing that the Jedi would block his attack. As soon as the lightsabers came into contact. Tanis immediately switched off his lightsaber and dropped it, so that his gloved hand was close to the Jedi. As he dropped the lightsaber, Tanis grabbed the Jedi by the throat. Being a master of Teras Kasi, he could easily crush this Jedi's throat should he so chose. Upon grabbing the Padawan's throat, Tanis came up with his off-hand, poised to ignite the lightsaber that remained and run it through the Jedi.....
Jor'si had to admit that his opponent indeed had some skill under his belt. It was for that reason that the young male continued to play the defensive game. Shortly after his make-shift Force sphere, the Sith Apprentice came at him with another dangerous swing of his lightsaber. Jor'si, unlike what the Sith had thought, immediately dropped to a crouch and struck with a swift horizontal strike of his saber; aiming the blade to rake across the Apprentice's exposed midsection. Since the Apprentice turned off and dropped his lightsaber at the climax of his swing, Jor'si also took the opportunity to catch the Sith's weapon and ignite it, flipping into an underhanded hold so that he may parry whatever counterattack the Apprentice launched should Jor'si's attempt to split open his stomach fail.
It was almost amusing, Daxton had to bite back the smile. No one had noticed he had disappeared when the chairs started flying all over the place. Originally he had planned to take the old man back to his ship so he could use his collection to obtain the information. However, the brash young man threw a monkey wrench in the works. In the ruckus, no one had noticed that Daxton had his datapad close to the dead man's. That data pad automatically cloned all the information that was on the original, including the much needed coordinates.

With this information, Daxton quickly made his way out of the bar and blended into the crowd fleeing the confrontation. Let the two have their fun. Perhaps they would kill the young light wielder, perhaps not, no Daxton hoped they didn't. That one showed promise. A willingness to kill to get what he wants. Yes the Dark Side is growing in him, a most interesting prospect indeed.

The Grey Ghost was in orbit and scanning when the stolen merchant ship blazed into orbit. It was pretty obvious from the external scarring that this was the ship the Jedi was using. It was only a matter of child's play for Daxton to scan the jump coordinates with his scanner before it jumped into subspace only to be caught like fly in spider web.

Odds for the Jedi's survival were now slim to none. Punching in the coordinates obtained from the old man's data pad, Daxton engaged the ship's cloak and jumped into hyperspace. He had mission to fulfill.

Tanis Val'dorn

Servant of Shadows
Tanis saw the attack coming, but almost failed to act. As the Jedi sliced toward his stomach, Tanis immediately backed up out of the way, but not until the Padawan's lightsaber tasted flesh. It wasnt deep, but deep enough to make Tanis reassess his battle plans. "So much anger I sense in you. Good; thats the only way you will destroy me. Were you hurt as a child? Did mommy and daddy not love you enough?" Tanis scoffered. He was fishing for answers into the young Jedi's psyche, Dun Moch had taught him much. "You're powerful Jedi, never let anyone tell you different. You want power? You can have it. Its yours. All you have to do is open your eyes and see it, take it, and horde it."

As he spoke, Tanis danced around the room, staying just outside of the Jedi's reach. If he could get the Jedi to turn, not only would he have kept the Jedi alive for his master, but also had recruited an admittedly very capable Force user to assist the ranks of the growing Sith Empire. "Come on boy, tell me. You hate me, thats good. But you'll never destroy us; its impossible. WE are the rulers of the galaxy. It would be wise for you to acknowledge that fact, and act accordingly; momma's boy." As I said, Tanis was fishing. He knew nothing of this Jedi. Tanis was only trying to feed the boy's hate, with something Tanis could relate to; seeing as he had grown up in a lonely world after his mother had abandoned him. He could only hope that this would strike a nerve with the young Jedi, and make him embrace the power of the dark side.

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