Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Hard Day Under The Ice


Rocho Rocho | Nateo Nateo

CEDF HQ, Csaplar, Csilla, Chiss Space

Maiven stepped out of her ship at the CEDF shipyard for the first time in months. The bitter cold was, ironically, a warm welcome to her. She watched as a crew of mechanics began to work on her clawship, then she turned to leave the landing platform and headed inside.

CEDF headquarters. Her home for the last half decade. Her operations had taken her farther away from Chiss Space than most Chiss could possibly fathom. The doors slid open to the lobby and she approached the receptionist. "Rama'ive'nuruodo, requesting security clearance level I." She said in her native Cheunh. "Right this way through screening please, and then you'll be free to enter." The woman said to her.

Maiven moved through the security clearance with a professional grace, acquired by the hundreds of other times she had done it. Once through the checkpoint, she was released into the CEDF headquarters. The hit the armory first, grabbing a new vibroknife since she had lost her last one on a mission. From the armory, she moved along the catwalks that overlooked the giant open area far below where young Chiss soldiers performed everything from military drills, martial arts, and firing ranges.

The Chiss had lost almost everything, including any semblance of a standing army, in the Gulag Plague. The CEDF, while it rebuilt and retrained an army as the years went by, often resorted to licensing bounty hunters. Maiven entered the bounty office and approached the notice board. She wouldn't sit idly by while off mission, it wasn't in her character.

The office was abnormally busy...
Csilla was having a hard day...​
Maiven Nateo Nateo

The hunt. It was what Trandoshans lived for, to take down target after target. This day was no different. Rocho had a tendency not to take many of his targets in alive, of course, he also tended to choose those types of targets. However if they were to live it did not bother him, it was just that, the targets meant to die were simply a better choice for him to make. They usually were the ones more dangerous, and as a result, worth more to him just as they were often worth more credits.

This one was no different. A Clawdite assassin who had picked too many of the wrong targets. One of them wasn't even paid for apparently, and was more of a revenge killing. At least that's what he heard. He was also unsure if the individual was male or female Clawdites were strange. It didn't matter though, he'd managed to hunt them down. And once he sensed their presence, he had gotten good at not forgetting it. Even for those who weren't force sensitive, there was a presence. And he was able to tell them from each other.

Blasters could be heard from he skies as a mki-enforcer-multipurpose-fighter-transport came soaring after a b-29-light-bomber-freighter. The Enforcer was following just close enough to prevent the bomber from turning around while firing shots repeatedly into its already seriously damaged hull as the lighter cannon turrets on the bomber attempted to fight back but would mostly be held off long enough for a final shot to send the bomber crashing down, fortunately, enough away from civilization that nobody probably got hurt.

Rocho landed his Enforcer, armed with almost all his weapons as he stepped out and watched the downed enemy ship, slowly making his way towards them. He could have just blown it up. But he wanted a corpse at the very least. As long as the Clawdite continued to fight, he would continue to attempt to kill them. He held The Beast in his left hand, in his right the heklerkok-tdl-1-tempest. He didn't waste time speaking to them or waiting to see if they'd figure out how to make the weapons work, sending one of the thermal detonators from the tempest straight into the turrets of the ship and creating a sizable hole and thrown rubble, some of which he had to avoid as a shred was sent his way.

Only now did he finally speak
, "Gim Slohzok! You are being given a chance. Step out, and I may spare you long enough to see your accusers. Remain inside, and you shall be granted no courtesy."
He waited a moment longer and finally heard shuffling and the door shoved open as the Clawdite came out, dripping of blood from an arm. He dropped the Tempest to the ground. Holding now only The Beast in his hand. The Clawdite looked up at him, eye wincing. And grinned as he raised a hand with a small disruptor pistol. Rocho didn't give him a chance, his lightsaber axe was activated and thrown at Gim rending his head from his body before returning to him and deactivating. "Barely worth the effort." he muttered in disappointment. Rocho had been to war, he'd fought non-sentient creatures that were a bigger trial then this pitiful thing. "Assassin" Indeed. He'd probably sell the Clawdites ship for parts and to have his repaired. And then get the body back to those asking for it. He sighed, here came the boring part.

A heklerkok-double-barrel-shotgun-dbs (armed with slug shot holstered at his right Extra ammunition on belt and legs.)
t-7-vibro-brace on the left arm
g-11-shield-gauntlet on the right arm)
Hekler'Kok LA-2 Light Armor (Isn't wearing shoes, helmet, or gloves.)
Nateo sat leisurely at one of the small desks in the corner of the CEDF's bounty office, working on some paperwork concerning his most recent capture. "Species," He muttered out loud to himself as he worked his way through the various check boxes and info sections. "T'Surr. Name...Ryango. Bounty number...." Reaching into the pocket of his long leather duster coat, he pulled out a standard bounty puck and keyed the relevant information. "3201102. Crime...piracy against the Ascendancy. Condition....alive, minus two arms."

Nateo smirked at the thought of the giant blue skinned monster creature writhing around on the ground without it's arms. He had to admit, it had been one of the more amusing scenes he'd come across in the last five or so years he'd been working as a bounty hunter. Turning his head over to the clerk that sat behind the main reception desk, he called out. "Excuse me," His voice carried the clipped, almost antique, accent that had been all the rage on Csilla several centuries ago. "The bounty price, that isn't by the pound it is? I'd hate to think I left that that many credits lying on the deck plating."

The clerk, for her part, seemed to utterly miss his attempt at humor as she began to comb her personal console for the answer to his question. For his part, Nateo simply sighed and went back to filling out his paperwork. It was about this time that another figure entered the room. It wasn't unusual to see other hunters-or CEDF soldiers moonlighting as hunters-to come in and out. And in fact, today had been a particularly busy day so far. But there was something about the way the figured moved that caught his eye.

"Well now," He murmured to himself as he ran a quick, appraising eye over the posterior side of Maiven. "Don't we have quite the pleasing wiggle." Quickly returning his attention to his pad, he finished up the rest of his paperwork silently until it came to the final question. "Collateral damage/lives lost:" He said a little bit loudly. "Approximately three dozen want-to-be henchmen."

Then he stood and with a couple of great strides, he handed the pad over to the office clerk. "All done there, love." He said with an easy smile. "Please send the reward to the same account as usual." Looking over to newcomer he nodded. "Ayan'ate'ouco," He said, proffering his hand. "Nateo to my friends."

Rocho Rocho


Maiven's eyes scanned across the bounty board quickly and intently, making sure to write down the names and numbers associated with Csilla's various criminals before the holo-board changed to display new faces. There were a few she was interested in, but nothing much. Certainly nothing that would take too long. She approached the clerk knowing which tracking fobs she would ask for.

"I'm applying for these tracking fobs," she said handing her data-pad to the woman at the desk. The woman looked up and clearly eyed the CEDF insignia on Maiven's breast and shoulder. "Why on Csilla would a CEDF officer come to my bureau, don't you have your own mission room?" the woman said gruffly.

"You're right, we do have our own mission room. However, I just came back from a tour of duty in the core worlds and I'm looking for something simple. If anything I'm doing you a favor."

Maiven looked around at the rag-tag group of would be bounty hunters, mostly young Chiss wearing poorly fitted armor and stupid enough looking for a fight. Naive kids from all over Csilla had been getting themselves lost and killed in the planet-spanning tunnels for thousands of years. She supposed it was part of the martial culture that the Chiss held so dear; these kids trying to prove themselves to their family and friends, maybe even the military.

The few other bounty hunters in the office that looked half-decent at their jobs were mostly off-worlders, aliens smart enough to know how lawless the Unknown Regions were. Half the job was getting out to Csilla, so Maiven respected them.

As Maiven argued her intentions to the clerk, a tall man approached out the corner of her eye. Nateo Nateo 's stride commanded power, and when he spoke to the clerk his accent cut sharply into Maiven's ears. Not an accent she had ever heard around the Ascendancy.

After he gave his data-pad over to the clerk he turned and gave his hand to Maiven. She shook it firmly. "Rama'ive'nuruodo... Maiven if you will."

She retreated her hand and looked at the man squarely, "Did I overhear you say three dozen casualties?"

Rocho Rocho
"Maiven," Nateo repeated as he shook the woman's hand. His grip wasn't crushing, but it was firm and unyielding. "A pleasure." Once the greeting was finished, Nateo rested his arm at his side and met Maiven's gaze easily.

"Give or take," He replied with a slight grin. "The bounty was a pirate captain who'd taken to raiding our shipping lines along the border. I guess she learned about the price on her head, so she stopped leaving the ship altogether. She even got to the point that she stopped allowing it to land to take on supplies and the like. Made her men go down in shuttles."

"Anyway, I stowed away on one of the shuttles as it left Cioral. Spent a few days skulking around their ship looking for an opportunity to make the kill quietly, but even on her own ship she was as paranoid as one can get. So, I got bored and decided to take her out right there on the bridge. Her crew obviously took exception and well...three dozen."

"Give or take." He repeated with a slight shrug, as he finished the story.

"So what about you? CEDF, I overheard? Just returning from a tour? Where were you deployed?"
Rocho decided to call a salvager and marked the coordinates of the b-29-light-bomber-freighter. It would most certainly have lost parts by now, after all that damage. But it'd still be useful. He tossed the body in a large bag and the head into a plastic bag. And then he began carrying the corpse onto his gfv-2-scout-speeder and tying it onto the back before heading to the bounty office. He was still in full gear as he began to walk in, draggin the sack behind him, the blood slightly already seeping through the bag which was only barely water-proof. The head however just sitting in the clear plastic bag. He came up to the office.

Chiss. They had their own history, but it was much more refined then that of Trandoshans. However, this particular Trandoshan had been a soldier for long enough to not really care that it wasn't the hunters life they lived. He dragged the corpse up to the desk and set the head down, tying a knot in the bag so the blood didn't go anywhere, "This used to be Gim Slohzok. I want the bounty. He was however extremely boring. Do you people have anything more interesting? I've been to wars at least you could find something that in some way was worth killing. A cybernetic besalisk, a rogue force user, some battle you people are waging?" He enquired glancing at Nateo Nateo and Maiven as he overhead mention of the woman having been on tour.

"So you Chiss are at war? I'm bored of these bantha fodder, bombers, fighters, and blasters. It's all a bunch of poodoo. They give credits and that's it. Maybe you know of something more interesting to hunt, or battle. At this point I'd be out for mercenary work."


"War? Not exactly... It's been a long time since the Chiss were formally at war," She said turning away from Nateo Nateo and towards Rocho Rocho . "The Defense Force is exactly what the name says it is. We defend the Chiss from outside threats, and part of that job comes with having a bearing on galactic events. I just returned from a number of special assignments in the core and mid-rim. Unfortunately for me, I'm in the same ship as you Trandoshan... there's nothing exciting since I'm back here."

Maiven turned back to the Chiss man. "You sound like you know your way around a fight, right? And you, Trandoshan, you're looking for a fight like I am. So... I have a proposition:"

Maiven picked one of the tracking fobs she had been given up off the counter. "If you would indulge me for a moment..."

Maiven fiddled with the fob before a bright blue hologram projection of a Chiss man appeared from it. "This is Pord'obias'oazest. or Dobias. He's a Csillan crime lord, well known to the defense force for years as the proprietor of most of the lower levels of the city, and until recently untouchable. According to this bounty listing he finally dropped the ball when he ventured into the spice business and tried to import it into Chiss space. Also according to this, they're taking all comers for the bounty since the army can't just rip up the city looking for him."

Maiven looked back and forth between them. She had always been bold and headstrong, but she hoped these complete strangers would be kind enough to facilitate her thrill seeking nature. From the looks of it they themselves wanted some action just as she did.
"Yeah, love." Nateo responded easily to her question. "I can handle myself."

He glanced over at the large Trandoshan ( Rocho Rocho ) and had to work a little to keep his lip from curling. Nateo didn't much care for other species. He wasn't a stupid man, obviously the large lizard-like creature looked very capable, but Nateo had never really forgiven the species of the Core for their failure to stop the Gulag plague all those centuries ago and it was a resentment that over time he had translated to any race that wasn't Chiss.

When Maiven produced the holo-fob and activated it, Nateo turned his attention to the matter at hand. He listened as she briefed them on the target while reading over the essential data located along with the target's picture. The bounty was quite handsome, but that was only a small part of the attraction this job held for him. A slightly larger part was the fact that Maiven intrigued him and he wanted to get to know her better, but it was the fact that a Chiss had been allowed to operate in such a manner-counter to everything the Ascendancy stood for-for so long unchecked.

Nateo had never been, and would never be a soldier blindly serving the flag. But he was a patriot. And his patriotism had led him through a centuries long journey right to this moment. If killing a crime boss was the first significant action to aid the Ascendancy that he would do in nearly four hundred years, then that is what he would do.

"I'm in."
He made a 'tsk' sound as Maiven mentioned they weren't at war. A shame. However, she began to speak as if there may still be something of interest to them. And produced a hologram from a fob of a man by...nevermind. Rocho nearly just decided to settle on Pordo but she sait to call him Dobias. Alright, whatever works. Some kind of crime lord who was being quite a hassle and difficult to catch, until now. He let out a thoughtful grunt looking at it, and heard as Nateo Nateo agreed to it.

Another nod from the creature, "Sounds worthwhile, I'll certainly join in on this hunt. Is there a particular plan in mind or are we just set loose with the tracking fob to see who gets there first. Personally I'm open to either but I don't know of this guy so I'd need some information on the whole system of it."

Rocho neither noticed, nor cared, about Nateo's not liking of other species. As far as Rocho was concerned every species had their traits, some were weaker, some were stronger. He considered Wookies and Trandoshans to typically be among the stronger, of the more common species. But he knew of many that in one on one combat had a number of advantages over them.

"And, will this be a battle or an assassination. I'm not to fond of being a spy. Not that it'd work around here anyway. You're almost, and....shorter." He said pausing as he realized just how that might have sounded, "But if this is an actual battle or comes to a matter of accuracy, I can work more efficiently."


"I admire your ferocity Trandoshan. Warriors must stick together. Come," she said turning away from the others and with a flick of her hand motioned for them to follow. She led them out the door of the office and she leaned on the railing of the walkway, high above the training areas. "I wish it wasn't like this. I wish the defense force could could just turn loose in the city and clean it up. But we're undermanned and under trained. I hope one day I can see the Chiss like they were centuries ago, but for now it's this."

She turned around to her new companions. "So, Nateo Nateo , where are you from with that accent? And Trandoshan, whatever your name is, what made you pursue a target this far out?"

Rocho Rocho
Nateo watched for a brief moment as Maiven turned and began to walk out of the office, motioning for himself and the Trandoshan ( Rocho Rocho ) to follow. "Hmm," He murmured out loud, to nobody in particular. "She really does have a pleasing wiggle."

Then, setting his mind to the task at hand, Nateo stepped forward and caught up easily to Maiven as she passed through the door to the outside area over looking the training grounds. He came to join her, leaning over the railing and looking down at the soldiers below as they trained. As she spoke about the past glories of the Ascendancy, he felt himself getting slightly misty as he remembered. "Yes," He said again, softly but loud enough to be heard. "We were much stronger back then."

While his words could be taken in a number of ways, his inflection made it sound as if he'd actually seen it. "But everyone has to start from somewhere."

To Maiven's question, he chuckled slightly. "I was born in the far north," He told, somewhat vaguely. "But I spent quite some...time off world. Perhaps it's muddled my accent some." It wasn't a lie exactly, but it was far from the whole truth. He saw great potential in Maiven, but he would have to know her much better before he would share the entirety of his story.

Turning his attention back to the Trandoshan, Nateo quirked an eyebrow and waited to listen to what he had to say. He too was curious what would bring a being like him so far away from the Core of the galaxy.
He'd leave the desk woman to handle with the body as they'd left. He was their business now.

He nodded at Maiven's comment about warriors. Following along and raising a brow as Nateo Nateo murmered about the woman's "waggle." Rocho really didn't care that much about him saying it, it was just a little out of the ordinary to actually hear it said. That, and the general wording was odd. He heard the woman speak about how the Chiss were once a more powerful people, and Nateo's agreement. And that perhaps one day they could be brought back to that, "A person can only control their own greatness, if your greatness is decided by your people, then try and make them better." he said, "Or, accept that it is as individuals that you can achieve greatness. And that it's someone else who may do that job, if it is done at all."

It was not a judgement about them, more a world-view. Rocho used it on himself often naturally. The woman asked about the mans accent, who's response was apparently being born 'up north' which seemed a strange response. Though he did finish it with having spent time off world. They both seemed to wonder about the Trandoshans reason for being here, he let out a grunt, "Disappointing though it may seem to you as a story, this isn't far out for me. While the Fel Empire was still worthwhile I was one of their Imperial Knights. I could fly from here to there as a weeks vacation, not that I take those often. They however have become stagnant, and I have no more reason to aid them."

"Truthfully, it would be better for me if they were at war with someone. But, they are not. So I continue my hunts just as I did before I joined their military. Oh, sorry, I forgot. My name is Rocho Krul to make things easier."


“Rocho, pleased to meet you. You seem like a seasoned warrior, which I respect. Now, I know Csaplar pretty well from my time training here. Dobias and his people rule the underworld, both literally and figuratively. We’ll have to get a taxi to the lowest levels.” Maiven moved away from the railing and strode towards the main entrance, once again gesturing for the other two to follow. She stepped out the doors and into the cold, dark city. She stared up at the glacial ice that encased the city, so thick that the midday sun could not even shine through it.

“I suggest we wait here for a taxi, and perhaps discuss this bounty.” She drew her charric rifle and held it up, “So, what weapons are you two working with?”

Nateo Nateo Rocho Rocho
"Rocho," Nateo repeated as the large Trandoshan spoke his name.

He wasn't familiar with the Fel Empire that Rocho spoke of, but he had listened quietly as the hunter had explained his history. The mention of 'Imperial Knights' tweaked his curiosity somewhat. Since his return to the land of the living, Nateo had only just barely come to understand the galactic landscape. The Jedi, it seemed, had splintered into differing factions. The Sith maintained something of a united front, it seemed, but as usual it appeared to be just as dedicated to stroking its own ego as it had been when Nateo had walked among them.

But the mention of other groups always interested him, so it was something that Nateo knew he would want to discuss with Rocho once they were finished with the matter at hand.

Regarding Maiven, Nateo nodded. He motioned to his own rifle, which hung easily off a chest rig he wore beneath his duster. "Well I picked this beauty up while I was in the Core. A little maintenance heavy, but treat her right and she does the job well enough." He also wore a pistol in a low slung drop holster on his right side. He also carried a small cylindrical object in a black leather cross-draw style sheath on his belt to the left and another, tonfa-style on his belt sheathed on his belt to the right.

He didn't know if Maiven would recognize them as lightsabers, but it was a good bet Rocho Rocho would if he was looking. "So there's that, my side arm and a couple of other tricks if things get dicey. And, of course, my sharp wit."

He waited for Maiven to hail a taxi. This was her show and he was more than content to play the part of sidekick for the time being.
Rocho gave another nod as she said she was pleased to meet him and said he seemed like a seasoned warrior. While explaining more about Dobias and how things were going to work. As they began to move she also mentioned they'd get a taxi, discuss, and asked about the weapons. They'd be using, Rocho let out a chuckle. Charric rifle, yeah, that was good weapon. Those were supposed to have more of a kick behind them. He approved of that. He patted the heklerkok-double-barrel-shotgun-dbs at his right. Also noting the ammunition on his legs. Then the t-7-vibro-brace on the left arm and g-11-shield-gauntlet on the right arm. Lastly The Beast which appeared somewhat like a cane, that was what he was really pleased by the most. "I call it The Beast. It's a Lightsaber axe. Lightsabers are too finicky and don't pack the punch I wanted. But with a bit of weight behind it, it lets me break an opponents arms instead of allowing them to deflect it."

He glanced at the weapons that Nateo also had. A rifle, good. He never believed in focusing too much on melee so the fact both of these two had chosen the route of the rifle was better. Rifles had higher firepower then those measly blaster pistols a lot of people carried around. The ones who thought themselves too capable for something that could weigh them down. That always bothered him, fools. Get stronger and the weight wouldn't be as much of a problem. Then again, he was a Trandoshan, so heavier weapons was probably a bit expected. It was not the rifle that had him interested however, but the very specific shape of a cylinder. The simple existence of the one was not always truly a lightsaber there existed ammunition packs like that, even if it was a good guess. But the tonfa-style one confirmed that. He gave a slight raise of the lip, a grin really. Toothy, but a grin. Recognizing the weapon and the fact he'd chosen to have two.

"Well then, it shall be interesting to see how this all plays out won't it?" He added finally, awaiting the taxi.


"With the three of us? It'll play out all right."

The taxi smoothly set down in front of them on the landing platform. "Quadrant 4." she said, and the droid driver let out a whistle that ascended in pitch, a yes. "Hop in."

Once in Maiven turned again to Nateo Nateo . "I like it. I'd like to see that sharp wit in action as well."

Maiven had noticed the lightsabers on Nateo's belt, but didn't comment. If he wanted people to know he was a Jedi, he would've shown them off. It was such a rush for Maiven. Being able to lead a squad again, and not a bunch of idiot recruits who barely knew a blaster, but real warriors.

Rocho Rocho
"If nothing else, it should definitely prove interesting." Nateo added as the taxi set down in front of them. Nateo nodded and slid into the taxi as smoothly as his armor and gear allowed him to. He could see that Maiven was in her element, assuming nominal command of their little group. Her enthusiasm was somewhat contagious and he honestly found he was enjoying the experience so far.

Glancing over to Rocho Rocho as he waited for the others to join him inside the taxi, he took in the 'beast' of a weapon he carried. "A lightsaber axe," He said thoughtfully. "A very interesting choice." For as long as lightsaber technology had been in use, Nateo knew that many groups and individuals had used it in non-standard ways.

Even his tonfa-style shoto was an example of a departure from traditional doctrine.

One potential weakness that Nateo could see about the weapon from the get-go was the length of it's hilt. If Rocho was smart, and Nateo was quickly coming to learn that the Trandoshan was, he would have coated the hilt in something resistant to lightsaber attacks. Otherwise, all it would take was a flick of the wrist and any decent swordsman would be able to turn the axe into a useless pile of slag.

Then there were the inherent differences between fighting with an axe and fighting with a sword. Axes were generally simpler, trading precision striking for raw power. It wasn't wrong, but Rocho would likely have had to adapt a very extensive set of footwork skills in order not to end up skewered in a thrust or decapitated on a back swing.

"I'm very interested to see you use it," He told the Trandoshan truthfully. He then turned his attention back to the woman and allowed his ever-present smirk to widen into an easy smile. "Whatever the lady wants," He said in mock grandiosity, "The lady shall have."
He stepped onto the Taxi after Maiven, weighing the The Beast thoughtfully. Yes, three people, who should be skilled. If this was going to essentially be a rush team then all might go very well. Though he imagined if the enemy was well enough prepared it could be difficult, but he rarely found that to be the case. That was why they were always hiding.

He nodded as Nateo Nateo commented on the choice of the weapon. "Lightsabre's simply wouldn't work for me anyway. This was more efficient." he held up a hand, to demonstrate how many fewer fingers trandoshans had by comparison. Of course, they were also considerably stronger, as were they much sharper. But those were not traits that made wielding a lightsaber much easier. Nateo's concerns, though not said aloud, were fair. The weapon was harder to have precision with as compared to a lightsaber. It was not unwieldy, not at least in a strong Trandoshans hands, but still much less capable of the more maneuverable actions. It was an exchange for the power of the weapon. The other concern however had indeed been thought of, and the weapon was made with the addition of Phrik in order to protect it from getting damaged in a lightsabre battle. Or in general perhaps, due to the extreme power of his swings it needed to be durable just to last long enough.

Another nod as the man said he'd be interested seeing him use it, "I hope it shall be." Rocho had no extreme tendency to pride. He knew much about himself, his strengths and weaknesses. He did not know much about this man, nor what would impress or disinterest him. He glanced among them, he could sense them. The specific way they felt through the force to him. He'd remember that. He'd gotten prone to remembering people by their presence just as much as appearance and voice, armor, no armor, whatever it was. Eyes could be deceived, the force was harder to trick.

He remained quiet, momentarily closing his eyes. His mind and body focusing. Consider it a type of meditation, allowing him to focus himself in greater ability. Focus himself in greater intellect, intuition, and skill. The force would flow as it always did, he was just going to take advantage of that flow. It was a tool, another weapon in his arsenal. And a powerful one. "I'm looking forward to this."


Maiven smiled at Nateo Nateo , "Good, that's how I like it."

The rest of the drive down Maiven said nothing, letting the others speak. As they descended further into the dark depths of Csaplar, she began to tense up. This bounty would serve as a major victory for the defense force, but she was always uneasy killing other Chiss. It's not like she hadn't before, but it was never as easy as killing an alien. That was half the reason why she took so many missions outside of Chiss space. Her officers had called her naive for these thoughts years ago, and they were probably right. If she could capture Dobias alive she would feel much better. She was glad Nateo and Rocho Rocho were with her, perhaps to dull the guilt of killing her brethren, or because she knew they would make short work of her enemies.

She quickly snapped out of those thoughts. It was better if she assumed her normal facade, cold and unrelenting.

"So guys, how long have you been bounty hunting?"
Nateo nodded along as Rocho Rocho spoke. It made sense, given the lesser number of fingers on the Trandoshan hand, which was something that he hadn't really thought about. As the group conversation began to dry up, Nateo sat back in the taxi and looked around. Modern Csapiar bore on a small resemblance to the Chiss capital of his day. Generally when he was on Csilla, it was only to bring in a bounty and get a new one. Or, in a few cases, he would spend some time in the north at his home: Frosthold Tomb.

Getting a chance to see more of his homeworld was yet another reason why he'd been willing to take this bounty. When Maiven spoke up once more, it brought Nateo out of his own reverie. "Oh just a couple of years now, love." He responded simply. "Just to keep the lights on, you know."

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