Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A good day to die

Balthazaar roared and aimed a force-enhanced punch at the Jedi, knocking the wind out of him, and hopefully knocking him back a few feet. "You really are persistent. Now leave empty handed, or face the consequences."

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Josh growled as he coughed a bit from the punch that connected with his gut. Trying to ignore the punch, the human charged and nailed the Sith with a hard punch to the jaw, sending the wookiee a few feet due to the Jedi's superhuman strength. An eye for an eye.

"I'm not leaving empty handed"

Balthazaar's eyes narrowed, and he ignited his blade once more. The crimson-tipped pike glowed intensely as he brandished it. "Very well, Jedi. Meet your doom." The wookiee let out a savage roar, augmented with the force to show his power. Brute strength and raw muscle. It was time to show this human the error of his ways.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
The Jedi Knight didn't move a muscle. Fearlessly, he stared into the eyes of the large Wookiee without a hint of intimidation. The creature didn't scare him, despite his size, strength or the bloodlustful roar.

"Then so be it" Josh whispered, taking a breath before igniting his lightsaber. The blade hummed dangerously as Josh kept his eyes trained on his opponent, waiting for him to make a move...

Balthazaar decided to take this battle on the defensive, as he could feel the power radiating from the jedi. Grasping his pike with the force, he backed up and shot it at his opponent. Like an invisible enemy, the lightsaber flashed as it slashed and stabbed, looking for any place to score a hit.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
With surprising strength, Josh slammed the pike down to the ground with his lightsaber, holding it down hard so he couldn't use the force to bring it back or make it slash at him.

Waiting until the Wookiee gave up on it, Josh smirked and loosened his grip a bit, using the Force to bring it to his spare hand, twirling it a bit amusedly. He had seen his girlfriend Saoirse use a force pike a hundred times, he knew incredibly well how they were fought with. He had shared enough battles with his Miraluka companion to know how a pike was handled.

Josh gave the likely frustrated Wookiee a smirk, before tossing the Pike back to him. He could have killed him with his own weapon right there, and not given it a second thought... But it was not the Jedi way. It wasn't Josh's way. He believed in honour in his duels...

"Try me again" he instructed with a slight smile, with a tone that of a teacher lecturing and instructing his Padawan.

Balthazaar nodded, acknowledging the honor he was shown. He would act in the same honor. Stepping forward, he raised his pike and entered an Ataru stance. This would be an interesting fight. "You showed me honor. Allow me to return the favor." He tossed a small, rustic-looking lightsaber at the man, it's golden crystal showing through the handle. "With the length of my reach, you will compensate with two sabers."

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
"Fair enough" Josh agreed, catching the lightsaber and nodding in acknowledgement to the honor as he ignited it. Seems not all Sith had lost their sense of honour, after all.

With two sabers, Josh would be unable to drop into the Makashi fully like he usually did. Regardless, he dropped into stance and waited patiently, determined, for his opponent to strike again.

Once his opponent had readied himself, Balthazaar fell on him in a fury of slashes, using not only his lightsaber, but his claws and teeth as well. Using his full weight, he figured he would give this unusually strong Jedi everything he had.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Josh grinned as the Wookiee threw everything he had at the Jedi from the get go. Instead of stooping to his level, Josh played smart and sidestepped, ducked, weaved and sometimes blocked his sudden movements, letting his opponent tire himself out early. It was a common mistake that Sith made, and Josh would be able to take advantage of this flaw.

Balthazaar did not tire easily, as his jedi foe would soon find out. For with all of his beastly attacks, he had imbued himself with a sustaining energy from the force. He would eventually be forced to withdraw from the power, but for the moment he was convinced of his superiority over the boy. Snarling, the wookiee pressed against the jedi, aiming to make him lose his footing.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
The smirk never left the Jedi's face as he foolishly pressed against him, saber to sabers. Josh grinned as he pushed back, his amazing strength showing again as he held both sabers in an X line, pressing hard and actually pushing the Wookiee back. Josh knew it wouldn't STOP the Wookiee, but it would play with the creature's head enough to realize that he was dealing with a serious threat.

Realizing how strong the Jedi was, Balthazaar attempted at a force push. Though the wave would be powerful, it most likely wouldn't do a whole lot, as he was more skilled in internal force abilities, and less on external. However, as he raised his hand to deliver the push, he would also head-butt the Jedi to knock him back even more.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Josh, sadly, was thinking the exact same thing. Headbutting anyway. His skull cracked against the Wookiee's and it became evident that DragonsFlame had one of the hardest headbutts in the galaxy.

Sadly, this also left Josh open to the Force Push. The Jedi went flying across the room, managing to pull a backflip in mid-air and land on his feet near the wall. This time, Josh didn't give the Wookiee much chance to catch it's breath as the Jedi hopped onto and leaped off a table, lunging at the Wookiee with a war scream as he flew through the air, going for a hard slash across his shoulder, trying to shake the cobwebs out of his head from the duel headbutt all the while.

The wookiee couldn't help but roar in laughter as he heard the cracking of bone. However, the roar turned into one of pain as soon as the lightsaber found it's way in his arm. There was now a massive singe-mark where part of his arm had been. Useless. Handling the pike in his opposite hand, Balthazaar broke the bottom over his knee, making it a regular lightsaber. Now he was outmatched. And the sad part: he knew it.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
And the Jedi knew it when he had scored a direct hit. With the adrenaline coursing through him, Josh had accidentally taken the arm of the Wookiee, something he hated doing.

"STOP!" Josh shouted, stopping the Wookiee from striking again. Josh again could have easily struck his opponent down right there... The advantage was his, and would be no matter what he did. But to him, he was honor bound in this duel...

He took the second lightsaber, deactivating it and putting it onto the table he had just leaped off of, his eyes never leaving the Wookiee. This wasn't the first time he had shown kindness to a Sith, and wouldn't be the last. He recalled the last time faintly... A Sith named Vira, who Josh had refused to kill after he had bested her, her begging to be put to an end when she was shamed in her... Eyes.... Kind of.... (Miraluka) met only with kindness and a helping hand. Though she had taken advantage of the kindness and had the opportunity to kill DragonsFlame, she hadn't been able to finish it. He had turned her with that sense of honor without even realizing it. It was an honor he would show to all who dueled the same way, Jedi or Sith.

His eyes bore into the Wookiee's, not an inch of exhaustion crossing his face.

"... Are you ready to begin?" he finally spoke, now only using his dark blue lightsaber in his right hand.

Balthazaar nodded his large, shaggy head toward the Jedi. "You are unlike any other Jedi I have seen. You will become a great master one day." Something in his words said he had already accepted his fate, but he raised his arm in defense. His eyes locked onto the other' she prepared himself for his final duel.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
"We don't have to do this" he said, shaking his head. "The duel is already won. Surrender the files, and I'll let you walk. Don't make me do this" he said, a sad pleading in the Jedi's eyes. He really did not want to kill this Sith, but knew in his heart that if he attacked, he would have to...

"The duel is not won until there is a sure victor. Finish the job." Balthazaar kicked him across the room to give him incentive. "Give me the honor of a warrior's death. That is the greatest treasure a wookiee could ever have."

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Josh growled as he sat up and got to his feet, drawing his lightsaber again.

"A warrior's death is nothing if the Wookiee wishes it willingly" he said coldly. "What Wookiee finds honor in suicide?"


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