Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Good Day to Die Hard [Republic Invasion of Balmorra]

Location: Gorinth Canyon (PVP/NPC, C objective)
Allies: None
Enemies: Republic, [member="Alva Calvarona"]

The woman rolled to the side and jumped backwards and the droid took a step forward, following her, still pressing his attack. Rapidly the mechanical mind calculated where she would land and reacted instantaneously. The Lightsabers snapped to double their length as she moved through the air with the lower blades making an x pattern slash for where her knees would be, and plenty of extra room behind that if she tried jumping again.

As she came down she attempted to crush the left shoulder of the droid, and she found some resistance, but weakened as it was, the crushing of the unregistered force caused the shoulder to crush around the ball socket, making the arms on the left side stiff and slow to respond. The droid seethed with rage noticing the damage. Small droids moved from its carapace and covered the injury, steam rising from it.

The other two blades spun around slashing for her collarbones again, but they were not alone in all of this. It was time to overload her with offense and disable her once and for all. The missile fired for her feet hoping to seriously injure her and throw her to the ground. The electroray discharge burst again for her body, the electrical current and heat energy intended to test the limits of her armor and shock her. The Charric blasted out for her chest hoping to throw her off balance and allow the droid to press its merciless assault. The Ion beamer aimed to her right with its white elongated beam hoping to close off that path of escape. The Cyroban gun flared once again, firing off to her left, making that area nearly uninhabitable to life as we know it. All as the droid slashed for her knees and her collarbones.
Objective: B PVP
Location: Balmorran Arms Factory
Allies: The Galactic Republic
Enemies: [member="Bix Slisia"]

The anger had been quick and volatile, so fast that it erupted, he had barely seen the ore flying right at him before he ducked his head, quickly looking up at Bix with a new sense of understanding. As she apologized, he nodded slowly to her as she seemed to think he was speaking on something... more. Though, it was becoming more dangerous, seeing she was a bit unstable if she misinterpreted what he said by that alone. Her power was great, and it seemed as if it could become unhinged at any time.

"Okay... Why don't we start over? You said my presence felt familiar, so we had to have met somewhere down the line. Now, you don't look like anyone I met, but perhaps I don't remember who you are, and you said you don't know of your past other then the Imperial records, yet you can use the Force it seems. Maybe you were once a Jedi?"
Location: Factory District
Objective: Get those darn Sith
Allies: [member="Alyona Volkovna"]
Enemies: [member="Trin Gravois"] [member="Lucas Gravois"]
Gear in Bio

Nolan slammed his hand into duracrete behind the slippery Sith as she bolted for the man that was being skewered by a young Jedi. Duracrete rubble spattered outward from the impact as the crushgaunt left a crater the size of a fist. Pulling his hand out he turned to see the female Sith run after the Jedi and he immediately fired his grappling hook at the Sith girls back. Then grabbing the cable once it would hopefully score a hit, he'd release a large jolt from his taser gauntlet.

"Get over here!" Nolan growled as his prey attempted to flee from him.

If the cable struck, and the charge went off, he'd yank on the cable and bring his enemy back to meet a metal boot that would be aimed for the stomach.
Location: Space (Objective A)
Objective: Slay Catalys Maijora's flank
Allies: The Republic, [member="Lash"], [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="stardust"]
Enemies: One Sith, [member="Thanith Gumara"], [member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Eliza Lunelle"], [member="Darth Carach"], [member="Darth Nephthys"], [member="Laguz Vald"]

Hesitance came at great cost in battle. The brave may not all conquer, but the undeciding will inevitably perish. The Republic had the Sith's allies pinned for what it was worth. They were on the reverse course, warships struggling to back away from the assaulting Revelation fleet at the sluggish speeds of the Primeval-class, none excluded, for they had yet to deactivate the gravity well generator of the flagship. It was just too convenient for Shapochka.

"No response from the enemy vessels. Fighters are closing in and we will have damage reports from our HVC rounds soon enough." The solar winds remained favorable. The Sith and their Primeval minions were doomed.

The Republic vessels continued to approach, coming well within long range but still employing their makeshift, tons-massive shields tethered by tractor beams. They would be within moderate influence of the gravity well within moments, and the time for release would arrive and thus the scourge of the Sith would be realized. Ingenuity would provide the advantage.

Bastion took the head position of Admiral Shapochka's flank with Emancipation casting its shadow on Bastion's immediate dorsal. Ackbar and Conviction settled in behind the two lead destroyers with the assembled squad of Rieekan-class frigates filling the gaps, and Solo remained the only one out-of-line, sailing lazily to starboard.

No one fired. They simply advanced and watched as the fighter swarms prepared their attack runs on the unfortunate opposition.

With the temporary calm, there was enough time to report of the intrusion to the admiral. "Reports from Partition 6, Deck 7," Matusi presented. "A lone fighter penetrated our defenses and its occupants seem to have infiltrated the Ackbar, though there has been no noted contact between the enemies and our crew."

Discomforting, to say the least. But it could be remedied with some spare creativity. "Shut down facilities in the partitioned deck and evacuate crew. Then shut down all lifts connected, yes. If they leave, we will find them."

The intercoms rang with orders from the admiral herself to deactivate all systems on this deck of the partition and then remove all personnel. Anyone left behind would be stuck here waiting for the turbolifts to reopen--perhaps until the end of the battle. Needless to say, no one really wanted to be trapped alone, so they complied and the procedures were carried out with efficiency.

Kwrashhar, Whifful, and Adstral maintained their investigation in the meantime, continuing to sniff out whoever it was that was dropping blood all over the place. DH-17 blasters drawn, they continued cautiously, not intending to be taken by surprise by whoever these either daring or stupid pilots were. It was a strange game. They feared their enemy might be just around the corner, yet they still understood that the enemy must have felt confined and pressed for time before they were found out. And that was the trouble. A desperate enemy proved the deadliest.

But Kwrashhar and Co. were pretty deadly themselves. Hopefully they were the wiser. Or luckier. They were getting close, at least. The Wookiee could smell it. They were human.

Champion - Admiral Ackbar ~light stern structural damage~ > Maintain steady course behind point ships (72 fighters) 12 fighters maintain approach

Champion - Conviction ~9% main shields loss; light port-stern structural damage~ > Maintain steady course behind point ships (72 fighters) 12 fighters maintain approach
Bastion - Bastion > Take point with Emancipation } Fire 14 long-range ion cannons, 8 heavy long-range ion cannons on Catalys' Primeval (36 fighters, 12 bombers) 12 fighters maintain approach
Centurion - Emancipation ~3% main shields loss; light stern structural damage~ > Take point with Bastion (12 fighters, 96 bombers) 24 bombers maintain approach
Solo - Solo > Maintain steady course to starboard of point } Fire 28 heavy long-range turbolasers on (72 fighters, 48 bombers) 24 bombers and 24 fighters maintain approach
Rieekan - Calamity > Maintain steady course behind point ships
Rieekan - Veracity > Maintain steady course behind point ships
Rieekan - Deadly Diplomat > Maintain steady course behind point ships

Noblesse - Restitution - Taeli's command
Mothma - Inculpable - Taeli's command
Rieekan - Virtue - Taeli's command
Vinnath - Mother Goose - Taeli's command

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Objective: Kill.
Location: Factory
Allies: The ability to tag, [member="Trin Gravois"]
Enemies: Copy-Paste, [member="Nolan Detta"], Long names, [member="Alyona Volkovna"], writers who use the same character under three different names, China’s 1-child rule being revoked, kittens with FIV, Dogs with three legs and parakeets

Lucas knew how this worked. It was war, it was bloody, it was dangerous. He also knew that he was a Sith. He would not run from an injury. He would allow it to fuel his body and mind, utilizing his hatred and being thrown at the enemies. And the things Lucas had a supply of was hatred, anger and rage. It would strengthen his body, quicken his reflexes, and speed his connection to the dark side. Sure, he was a mere acolyte, but Lucas had been around a few blocks several times.

He’d read texts, read what he could pull from holocrons, and knew how to focus his inner being, how to make himself a more useful hunter. And with the injury he’d already taken, the hybrid was fuming.

His reaction time was faster, his whole body was faster, and when he saw the swing coming for him? No, his hand was not going to be lost to this scum, his appropriately-sided arm extended in an effort to grab the Jedi’s wrist while the free hand would make a hit, intent on breaking the arm at the elbow.
Location: About to be ROFLstomped in the Balmorran Arms Factory
Objective: A
Allies: Corvus Raaf, Arsix
Enemies: Darth Vornskr, Vrag, Vaulkhar

| [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Vaulkhar"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] |

Ella's eyes widened as the supports holding the platform Vornskr had just vacated, begun it's collapse towards the ground. Stretching out her hand, the Jedi Knight attempted to pull on the Force to catch Corvus before she dropped. It was in vain. As the Jedi Grandmaster disappeared over the edge, she scream, "MASTER!"

Taking a step forwards, she was stopped in her tracks when she realized that a Sith Lord was stood in her way. Her eyes averted from Vornskr, when Vaulkhar reappeared. The cybernetic enhancement that replaced his arm in their earlier confrontation looked deadly.

She searched her surroundings, but saw no escape. She was trapped. Defiantly, she lifted her lightsaber diagonally to the right.

"It is never too late to stop this madness, Vornskr. You can still end this."

Whether 'end this' meant her or stopping the battle was in his court. She already knew he would go with the former, as would Vaulkhar. For the lost arm, Balmorra and the galaxy.

Arsix wobbled on his feet, moaning and beeping in panic as he watched the events unfold. Master Raaf had dropped. Ella was trapped by the Sith Lord that be responsible for the Grandmaster's fall; and to make matters worse, the man that had thrown him off the platform had returned.


Still jacked into the control room, the astromech searched for ways to help Ella. There was a crane nearby, that was used to carry munitions, crates and equipment. Tapping in, Arsix planned to ram one of the Sith off with the crane. But before he could do that he would have to takeover it's functions. That would take a little bit of time.


He begged the maker to allow Ella to survive in the time it took to activate the crane. Or he would lose a very dear friend.
[SIZE=10.6667px]Location[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]: Closing in on target[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Objective[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]: A[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Allies[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]: The One Sith - [member="Darth Nephthys"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Enemies[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]: The Republic - [member="Tålamod Shapochka"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px](OOC: Quick note, I didn’t get a tag from you, Shapochka. Might wanna check if you are copy-pasting ‘em.)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]His eyes closed as her little finger traced a line across his jawline. He leaned into the touch without even realizing the motion until it had happened - [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]strange[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px], this foreign feeling was unknown to him and yet… it felt pleasant. An emotion that was just as unknown to him, Carach had known many things over the years; pain, agony, wroth, pleasure… apathy, but simple pleasantness and a warm feeling?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]Never before.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]Then she made it known she was capable of walking herself. The Sith Lord was concerned, but he respected her request, putting her down on the ground and steadying her with his frame if she had need of it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]“We need to move fast. I feel we are approaching a turning point, sister.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]Somewhere in the distance Carach could sense their hunters coming closer. A fight would happen either way and it would be… interesting to say the least.[/SIZE]

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
[SIZE=10.6667px]Objective: PVP[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Location: Balmorra Arms Factory[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Allies: The One Sith | [member="Countess of Báthory"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Enemies: The Galactic Republic | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Rexus Drath"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]“Mmmhmhm, the Countess [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]does[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] look good while angry~”[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] Kala would think to herself as she started to gather more energy for what was to come.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]It was a gathering storm raging around her metaphorical self and she drew it in. Her cells getting energized with the action potential of the Force itself… it was all preparation for that one moment when Bathory did [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]her thing[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] and gave Kala an opening of her own - and it came almost within the span of a single second from thought to action. The piece of debris rocketed back to the two Jedi and Kala acted, her hands glowing red in the near darkness that was being excreted by their presence in the Force, and she would attach her lightning as a tether to the flying projectile.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]An insidious application of Force Lightning with an added benefit~[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]If Keira tried to bounce it back or manipulate the debris as she had before, she would find that messing around with the electrical currents raging across the surface of the rock would cause a reaction few people could foretell… [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]Explosion! BOOM. And charred Jedi remains~[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]Kala was already preparing her second application of power, a shield for if the explosion took place, you could never be too careful.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Location[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]: In space![/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Objective[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]: A: I[/SIZE]n Talamod's flagship
[SIZE=10.6667px]Allies[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]: The One Sith [/SIZE]- [member="Darth Carach"]
Enemies: The Republic - [member="Tålamod Shapochka"]

Nephthys set upon her feet on the ground. Behind her helm, crimson eyes would peer out into the turbo lift doors before them. The diminutive form of the Vahla would be comically tiny next to the towering ramrod straight from of the Voice of the Dark Lord.

With no power in this sector of the ship, they had to get creative. No power meant they would not be able to manipulate electronics in an easier manner...

But that didn't mean all of their options were gone.

Dry blood crusted under Nephthys' nose and over her mouth. Without even bothering to wipe it away, the level of determination from the woman's stance would relay her commitment. She was still weary and suffering the effects from earlier, but there was no stopping her.

Out her hands went, reaching towards the lift. The Force went surging within her like a rising tempest, then lashed out. Metal groaned, would creak, and then suddenly...

It would rip off of the hinges crushed under the telekinetic power of the Darth. With a sweep of her hand, she would shove the turbolift door to the right. Without power, the alarms would not sound off.

// We have our path. //
Objective: Fleeting
Location: Aboard command ship.
Allies: [member="Laguz Vald"]
Enemies: [member="Tålamod Shapochka"] | [member="Lash"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Fleet: x1 Primeval-class Star Destroyer | x2 Time Rift-class Star Destroyers | x1 Hood-class Cruiser | x1 Partisan-class Cruiser | x2 Spewer-class Carriers | x4 Gulandi-class Escort Frigates
Length: 6650m

Desperate measures?

The crew of the Primeval-class vessel were quite confused by the actions of the enemy. By now the warships were reversing at the same pace as they would if going forward, simply due to the unique design of a reverse propulsion system acquired based on advanced designs acquired from one of the most prestigious sources in the galaxy; truly a marvel in these dark ages.

Yet it was almost as if somewhere in the back of his mind, he had a moment of confusion. Certainly a Star Destroyer that didn't go much quicker, couldn't have scaled the vast distances proclaimed so quickly. Of course, perhaps smaller ships could've if they decided to break formations but alas fleets move at a single pace to prevent their formations from separating. Not to mention if they were attacking visually--they'd have to account for the vast discrepancies of distance using their minds alone.

Even when the first beings went into space, they found it virtually impossible to visually perceive distances in space at such ranges. By now it was likely that starships relied so heavily on computers and internal systems, that they couldn't even function properly without them no matter how hard one tried.

Did that matter much? Maybe not. They could still fire, and fire they did. Blankets of firepower shot out towards the constantly receding fleet that was wedged in between no man's space and the gravitational pull of the planet far off from its flank. Even if the enemy were to attempt the flank, it would take quite a bit of effort to pull off such a maneuver, something that certainly wouldn't happen right away.

Thus the amount of firepower sent their way relied heavily on chance. Beams of energy, and streams of projectiles danced around the Primeval fleet. A few shots managed to skim the heavy shields of Catalys' flagship, dipping the energy field somewhat but not significantly. But much of the assault dissipated or fired wildly off target without the help of their computers. There was still no telling how that Proton Beam Cannon would affect Balagoth, though.

Nonetheless the more the enemy fleet closed the gap, perhaps the more hits they'd be able to score without aid of their targeting computers. Certainly if they got close enough it wouldn't matter at all--the officers knew that was something they couldn't allow. "Jamming seems to not be deterring the enemy. Shall we attempt to hack their systems completely? It is possible to overload, or at least temporarily disable their weapons systems." The AXIOS' advice was sound. They still had the ability to completely hack into a vessel and do more than jam their weapons. "Go ahead, let's see if it does the trick." Catalys was quick to reply.

During this time they didn't stop firing. The hellbores continued to fire at the same targets. "Enemy squadrons are moving into attack range. Orders?"

"Fire HELIX missiles into their path. If it doesn't destroy the lot of them then it should at least split their formation," he was still waiting for the right moment to enact the final phase of their battle plan. Unfortunately the Sith fleet didn't serve as a distraction as long as he had hoped it would.

>Continuing pace.
>Continuing fire upon same vessels as earlier.
>Firing six HELIX warheads at starfighter squadrons.
>Suffered minor shield damage to Primeval-class.
>Suffered minor interference to radiation sensors due to enemy fire.
>Attempting to hack enemy systems and main guns. (Tålamod's Champion-class vessels)

Location: The Balmorran Arms Factory (Somewhere near the upper levels)
Objective: keel & b keel'd
Allies: The 1Siff ft. [member="Vaulkhar"] w/ special guest [member="Vrag"]
Enemies: The People's Democratic Republic of Chazwa, and dat minx [member="Corvus Raaf"] ft. [member="Ella Nova"]

"You are very brave to stand against me, little Human. If only your Jedi brethren had been as bold, I would have had more fun scouring their wretched Order from the Galaxy." The monolithic Sith Lord taunted as the Jedi Knight brandished her lightsaber against him, and he in turn held aloft his blade and angled the crimson line directly towards her. His eyes fluttered over to Vaulkhar as he rounded the corner to rejoin the battle after being flung from the observation platform down below. And it looked like he managed to graft a cybernetic arm onto himself in the interim, so perhaps he wasn't completely useless after all. Still, he doubted he'd need the whelp's aid against Knight Nova, but it didn't hurt to have a back up plan.

His gaze slowly fixated back onto Ella, and his smile widened; "I could spare you an agonizing death, young Jedi. You'd need only kneel..." He knew she'd refuse, he suspected that her heinous Jedi teachings were too ingrained into her mind for her to ever bow to the bidding of a Sith Lord, especially one as vile and infamous as he.

Meanwhile Vornskr was entirely oblivious to Arsix's machinations elsewhere in the Arms Factory, his attention purely devoted to Ella Nova at that moment.
Location: Gorinth Canyon (PVP/NPC, C objective)
Allies: Republic (I guess, no idea whose nearby)
Enemies: [member="Agamemnon"] and the Sith

Gear: Dragoon Class Combat Armor, Crinan Energy Blades, Slicewire, E-11 Blaster Rifle

No. . . . .enough was enough.

This farce had gone on for long enough, and she was tired of pandering about to a droid simply because it had so many tricks up its sleeve. Its bladework was good, but what feats had it accomplished to boast of it. This battle wasn't even close to the one she had eventually lost during the tournament of the gods held by those of the Moross Crusade, it wasn't even up to par for her fight against Maud Dib in the second round. In a battle of mostly blades she had defeated two Sith Knights and only lost to a Jedi Master who specialized in speed and strength enhancement so much he literally had kicked her across several meters and left her with broken ribs. There had been many fights since then too, as well as training with her father prior to the fall of her homeworld.

It made Alva rather mad watching the droid presume to be such an aggressor she could not keep up with it. She was a Knight of Crina born and raised and who thrived in battle. She had survived civil war, subjugation, invasion, and slaughter. Dropping low to brace herself from the droid's upper arms, the Imperial commander ducked beneath the charric and electroray shots while she swung her left arm to halt the advance of the droid's x cross attack, her right arm swinging overhead to batter first her opponent's upper right arm before sweeping back to catch the slower left arm, her eyes watching as smaller machines scurried across her foe's body toward where she had damaged its limb.

Eyes widening at the missile though, the crinan woman blurted out the word of power, because as stated among other instances Crina's force users were quite similar to Dathomir Witches who treated the force like 'magic', causing a burst of wind to batter the tip of the rocket, sweat rolling down her face as she watched the explosive pass beneath her arm, so close to skimming her body before it flew off behind her to detonate and frame the combatants in its glow. One had to wonder at the droid's thought process there, considering that with the distance so short between them it would have definitely been damaged severely as well. She had done it a service as much as she had protected herself.

Protecting herself wouldn't win this battle now though, she needed to move in bursts, she wasn't going to handle the insanity of a drawn out battle in such an ugly place. Her blade skimming down the lightsaber of her enemy's after the missile passed by, Alva pushed forward, chanting, drawing the force into her body, pressing against the weakened arm of her opponent while keeping the lower arms pinned as she pushed forward on them. Everything was moving so fast in such a few seconds, at least if one were transcribing it into words, the droids attack taken but a few second, and Alva's counterattack itself only took the same amount of moments as she knew she only had a moment after battering the droid's other arm aside to try a debilitating blow. It wanted to repair its weakened arm? She was going to press while it was damaged though and see to it she would leave a blow that wouldn't be repaired as easily. So as said, her blade skimmed down till it neared the hilt, at which point she flicked the slicewire contained in the spool on her ring finger out, the distance between her hand and the droid's own not very fair apart at all with their blades locked. Wires that cut through durasteel almost as quickly as a lightsaber looking to wrap around her opponent's wrist.
Objective A
Arms factory
Allies GR, [member="Aston Jacobs"]
Enemies OS, [member="Khallesh"] [member="Sage Bane"]

Finally, the two of them were gaining some ground. With them both charging in the sith lord started to show a strain in fighting them on two fronts.
Cooperation was how they were going to beat this dark beast. Hits landed and sparks from the lords armor flew off, now and then shortcutting their sabers forcing them to reignite. While slowing them down this feature was so common these days that it was to count on and the jedi calculated on how to reignite as fast as possible without stopping the Ataru assualt to much.
With the irritating hisses of the snakes and a more and more grim expression on their hosts features Mantic pulled back his saber to spin around and forcefully make a high cut toward [member="Sage Bane"] s neck. The intent to separate the head from its shoulders but just as he was about to land the hit the force wave surprised him.

Mantic flew several meters back, barely managing to put up some resistance until the gap had been created. Then he landed on his knees and pressed his armored knee toward the floor to minimize the length he would otherwise have glided on the cold surface.

Mantic did not know a fourth party had decided to join the frey and with little concern of that aspect he instead immediately leaped toward [member="Sage Bane"] to reengage and make sure the respite he and his padawan had gained would not be lost.
If he reached his target he hoped to use the force of the leap to land a more powerful overhead strike to overwhelm their enemies defence.
Objective: PVP
Location: Balmorra Arms Factory
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
Just as in life and those fighting for survival, those who stopped would invariably become victims. And just as [member="Vrag"] had taught him so well in the Grashal upon Selvaris, those who spoke were likely to be taken advantage of. So little time, so much to do, the hop back with the jet pack and armor let the orange blade of the chom-huun sing through empty air, slashing awkwardly as Gabriel was forced to continue his spin, unable to prevent the inertia. But he wasn't standing still, not so much, like a kite taken to flight, he wouldn't brace the ground so easily.

With the force still pulsing through him, he charged forward as the woman steadied her weapon, reloading it. Like an electron upon it's path, Gabriel cut right as two shots smacked across thin air just above his left shoulder. Cutting on his right foot, his right hand flung upward with the chom-huun ignited, as the bullet hit against one of the scales of the war-torn armor. With the movement upwards, the slug would ingrain molten in the roof of the factory. The kinetic damage, while pervasive, was far from impacting against the voxyn arm, a thing with similar resistances to damage as the original species from which it was bred. And with those shots, he had finished full force movement towards her, flinging the blade upward to attempt chop the barrel of the gun from the rest of the body.

On infinite circles, the blade would turn over with a twist of the elbow, on a spin, and clamor towards the neck line of the soldier, crashing down from his own right. The trail of it's path would smack from the upper left of her own body and follow it's path down to her right hip, respectfully. Nevertheless, his left hand would remain remained anchored to his body, ballast for the need to center his weight in his core and amplify the power of the force if needed. In the frame of things, Gabriel had planned himself to be roughly a step to the opponents left and in front, allowing for the strafe of an attack as he attempted to scrape by on the force. And from the well, there would be more for her to handle, as he appreciated the intellect of the voxyn, naturally inclining him to her state in a nexus of nothing.

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...
Location: Still the battlefield
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Mullarus"]

What he had ‘earned,’ in Nubica’s opinion, was to be handed over for review. Was happened from this point on was way above her pay grade.

“I don’t offer anything,” she shrugged. “I’m here to arrest you. After that it’s up to the courts to decide. We don’t look to turn people to the Light-side, we rely on them wanting to. Nobody will try to break you.”

She cuffed him and carefully but firmly escorted him to the shuttle that would take him to the prison barge. Here they had the appropriate equipment to ensure he wouldn't be able to use his Force abilities. But until he was officially in Republic custody he was still her responsibility.

“But I know this. What you’ve earned depends on what you’ve done. How many laws you’ve broken, lives taken. At the least you’ll be a prisoner-of-war. At worst, sentenced as a murderer. It depends if any crimes committed were on the battlefield or not. At least that’s my understanding.”

She was oddly ill at ease. Fighting was straightforward. Talking like this was not. She probably ought to be pleased and eager to tell her Master about the fight, but she wasn’t.

But one fewer Sith on the battlefield was never a bad thing. As she thought on this, she grabbed a drink from a medic and passed it to the Sith. “Here…and I don’t think I ever introduced myself. I’m Nubica.”

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Objective: PVP at B
Location: Arms Factory
Allies: [member="Keira Ticon"] the republic
Enemies: One Sith and the backyard boogie crew [member="Countess of Báthory"] [member="Kala Maedrin"]

With the piece of electric metal flying towards Keira and himself the host of light was at the point of no return, either this was going to work or the host would be defeated, and that just wasn't a option on the table. So with a good amount of room between himself and the metal slab the host ducked down to tuck in and have the deadly volleyball pass over him, the aura of light purging the darkside from the metal as it passed. Standing back up the host was ready to purge the darkness from their souls.

"I SAID BE GONE SITH!" The host said with his blue aura and shining white eyes focused on the two Sith.


With both hands up the light pulled on the last reserves of power the host had without killing him. Pure white hot light of the force shined out in a one hundred and eighty degree arc that shined against the entirety of the wall of the arms factory and would envelop the Sith in its purging light that very well had the possibility to sever the Sith from the darkside for the moment.

"REPENT!" The light said with heavy and near angelic voice of power.

With the light bearing down so that wherever they would run, except bellow and a few meters above the light would press. It was make or break time and Keira had better of come up with something because once the light had faded Rex would be nearly out of energy and to expend any more through the force would one hundred and ten percent kill him.
Location: Balmorran Arms Factory
Gear: In signature (Grenades 2x Force Breakers, 2x EMP Grenades, 2x Anti-Force User Flash Bangs)
Objective: Fight somebody
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Republic

Balmorra is an arid, rocky world with massive canyons and mountains. The fighting had been going on the planet for some time before I arrived, but it was here that the One Sith were being invaded, for a sudden change of pace for all of those involved no doubt.

Armored and readied for battle, I did one last check as the small shuttle prepared to land on the roof of the Balmorran Arms Factory. Not too long ago in the grand scheme of things ArmaTech had been a small customs shop on Balmorra. Now it was much different than it had been. But that was neither here nor there. What was here was Republic Forces fighting throughout the factory.

Perhaps one or two of them could still put up enough of a fight to be a real challenge, we would just have to see. The shuttle landed and I disembarked from it, looking at the grenades on my gunbelt. Two Force Breakers, two EMP, two Flash Bangs. Plenty of ammunition for my wrist weapons if I got the chance to rearm and reload. Ion beamer, charric, Acidthrower, and ion beamer should be a pretty good combo for this, especially with Taak’Shukur and Drahr’edee strapped to my back. Looking forward to a good fight.
Location: Balmorra
Allies: [member="Thanith Gumara"] | [member="Eliza Lunelle"] | [member="Darth Carach"] | [member="Darth Nephthys"] | [member="Catalys Maijora"]
Enemies: [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Lash"] | [member="Thane Drexel"] | [member="Juwiela Melec"] | [member="Tålamod Shapochka"]


Laguz didn’t know much about ships, because let’s face it, who was interested in big floating hunks of metal? None of the cool guys, that’s for sure. What Laguz did know, however, were guns, of all shapes and sizes, and xe also knew a bit or two about how light functions in space.

Which is to say, if xe knew what the enemy admirals were attempting in order to try and score a hit, the merc would be laughing xir shifting ass off for days to come.

But xe had no clue what the boys on the other side were up to, and so xe kept peeking over Lord Keres’ shoulder as the Commander ordered xir fleet around with great efficiency and skill, snapping at officers left and right until his bidding was done to a T. He was a harsh man, this Sylvan Keres, but he seemed to get the job done, and that was all that mattered to the merc.

Until their sensors lit up with warnings as enemy fire cut through the black void beside Balagoth, licking at its heavy shields with a vengeance that unfortunately continued rather unspent deeper into the impermeable darkness of space. Laguz had half a mind to pet AXIOS on its proverbial head, but a grin and a commendation would suffice for now. Apparently jammed sensors weren’t enough to stop the enemy from aiming.

Very well.

Xe exchanged a sly glance with Lord Keres, and for once xe thought xe spied a flicker of amusement in his cold eyes before the Commander turned back around and voiced the thoughts zooming though the Exemplar’s mind.

“I want those guns taken down completely. And take over their systems too, while you’re at it.”

Ever sharp, ever fast. AXIOS would double down with its magic of science and innovation, reaching out with invisible tendrils to infect the digital infrastructure of the enemy fleet and make it theirs. Oh, how science works wonders!

Speaking of science; that beautiful, if cruel a beast cracked down again in the form of Hellbore cannons, redoubling the efforts to annihilate the two support cruisers. (Ironically, of the Annihilator-class.)

And because the enemy just couldn’t seem to get enough of that Wild-space love, Lord Keres threw missiles into the mix as well. A welcome gift to the approaching starfighter squadrons, if you will; should one look close enough, they could see the Host Lord’s signature on the projectiles.

From Anja with love.

  • All ships continue pace
  • Minor shield damage to Balagoth
  • Hellbore cannons continue firing at Tafcon & Moors
  • Six HELIX warheads at incoming fighter squadrons
  • EW attempting to jam the fighter squadron’s sensors
  • Attempting to hack enemy systems and main guns ([member="Lash"]’s Imperial MK-III SD)
Location: Arms Factory
Objective: Survive.
Allies: [member="Darth Vornskr"] and [member="Vrag"]
Enemies: [member="Ella Nova"] and [member="Corvus Raaf"]


Vaulkhar glared at the woman from behind, the hatred he held for this woman consuming him. He had given her a choice for peace; she denied it. A Jedi had denied a chance at peace in such a dark setting, yet she refused for the sake of battle. And now here they stood. His hand was gone, his hate consumed him, and he was one with the dark side. Ella pushed him towards what he was attempting to avoid; consumption of his hatred. He charged her, his speed enhanced by the force. He launched himself into a tight-knit flurry of blows, all of which were enhanced by the force as well. The style of Ataru was evident as his beat at her lightsaber mercilessly with his own.

His saber flew high and low in arching attacks as Vaulkhar's body twisted left and right. His anger flew from him, feeding his force enhanced movements.

"Today you die, Jedi."
Objective B: PvP​
Location: Balmorran Arms Factory​
Allies: The One Sith​
Enemies: [member="Mak Manto"]​
“Ok”, she answered quickly as Mak mentioned if they could start over. She quietly listened as Mak continued to speak. “No, I Know as much that I was never a Jedi”, she felt so emotionally exhausted. Her Imperial military records was not her knowledge of whom she might be. She may not have the memories of her former life. She did have even disturbing emotion though. She held strong emotions concerning the Jedi. She hated and distrusted them. She did not know why but she did.

“Look”, there was a tone of frustration in her voice. “You never seem me in your life and I have no clue of whom I am. Other things I do know. Not all the skills I possess match my Imperial Military records. My emotions and psychological profile do not match my Imperial Military records. Combine with what I just found out by you. I am not who I thought I was. I’m someone else in this body.”

“Feth my head hurts”, Bix began to reach into her pocket. Pulling out a small bottle of aspirin. She began to aggressively open it.

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