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Faction A Gathering of Witches, or, Mandos come to Dathomir (Witches of Dathomir, Mandalorian Protectors)

The Signal Fires were lit. In the various centers of each Clan, the Magick was signaling the need to gather. Unknown ships in orbit. Somewhat familiar. But before the Witches made a move, they needed to be brought together. Clans were sending their Clan Mothers, Champions, and reasonable beings to the meeting.

The statues of the ancient Clan Mothers stood in a ring around a plateau, the location of the Gathering. Above, a Mandalorian starship. Shuttles coming down to the planet. And the witches, many who have not left Dathomir? In discussion. Many remember the Mandalorians, some as protectors, others and conquerors.

But all remember the protection of the Mandalorians. And the promise to hear them out when they returned. For any who were already there, the Witch Clan Mothers were clammoring and pointing to the sky.

“They have returned!”

“Yes, my sister, but with them comes protection, protection we have not seen in many decades.”

“We are a free world, why not throw in with the Sith instead of these invaders?”

“The Sith? The Jedi Order can protect us.”

“Do you not recall the stories… protection… beskar.”

All the while, the shuttles got closer, more larger cruisers reverted to real space. The more technological of the Witches, the more traveled would recognize the Concordia-class Cruiser, flanked as it was by two Sorgan cruisers and additional support ships.

“We should at least hear them out…”


As the discussions were occurring, Brooke Waters, Champion and Farseer of the Blue Coral Diver Clan had found her way to the gathering. She had been returning periodically to the world to inform her Clan Mother what was occurring off world. How the Blue Corals were working on other worlds, and the work the Clan was doing the galaxy over.

Dressed in traditional robes of her clan, blues and whites, supported by enhanced leathers from various shark-like species, she summited the plateau, coming up the way of the Champions, rope vines and rock ledges. It was not a difficult bouldering process, but was designed to give the Champions of clans some sense of ritual to attend.

Filling herself in with what was going on, the blonde stuck her Lance into the sand near the First Mother Statute of her Clan, and approached.

“I feel that no matter what we are going to come up with, they will keep arriving.” She pointed to the shuttles. “It won’t hurt to hear them out, at the very least.”

She was ready to hear what other Witches had to say, but even in her heyday of being a fighter, she knew it was better to listen first. First came smiles, then lies, last was fire.

OOC: A thread set up to bring the Mandalorians and Witches of Dathomir together. They control Dathomir now, how will the Witches behave? Remember: The Mandalorians and Witches have a decent history on Chaos.

The echo of Kytarra's staff hitting the ground reverberated through the dense jungle. A sweep of iridescence leather and the jingle of bone, polished stone, and feathers came next. Her leather-clad figure, adorned with bone, stone, and feathers, emerged from the mist, drawing in the humid air. Among the witch elders and their chosen, her presence commanded attention. With every step, the Allyan shamans' milk-white eyes would peer upon the gathering of witch elders and their chosen. Then towards the metal shuttles marked with the sigils of Mandalor.




Each thud of the staff tip would slightly resonate upon the ground. The tiny, almost seemingly frail-like crone of a woman would amble forward until she came to a halt of decorative leathers and beads. Her thick white dreadlocks held bits of bone, metal, and stone. A few feathers and the rattles of snake would quiver along the staff, held by ribbons of sinew.

That seemingly flimsy thin skin upon her hand would curl around the Maalraas bone of her staff. Kytarra, elder and shaman of Singing Mountain Clan had lived decades with and without the oversight of the Mandalorians. Under Clan Rekali, they had seen and worked well with one another. So much that Clan Rekali had bequeathed her the Temple of the Blue Leaf Cluster. It now served to train witch shamans such as her.

Who the Manda’lor would be this time around is uncertain, but perhaps with her knowledge of working alongside them, they would heed her council.

Location: Dathomir
Objective: Meet the mandalorians
Tags: Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Kytarra Hawk Kytarra Hawk


Asaaj was not far from Dathomir when the call went out. She and several other Sisters we on vanquo recouperating from their battle against the Graug horde on mandalore. Then Protectors wanted to visit Dathomir, now nominally within their territory. A decade ago, Asaaj would have had no time for the mandalorians, she had no emnity for them, simply that their culture had little of interest for her. Then she met Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae and after a series of events, ended up marrying into one of the greatest mandalorian houses. Funny how the galaxy threw these curveballs.

The teleportation circle was ready and Asaaj and her sisters stepped in, dire engulfing them one by one until they were nought but ash. Just a few thousand lightyears away on Dathomir, a similar circle formed and one by one the witches appears as burning columns of ember before becoming whole and cooling. Asaaj led them and walked to the mother's of dathomir. She looked into the sky and saw the arriving ships. She also saw a strangely dressed woman ( Brooke Waters Brooke Waters ) of a sect she did not recognise, she didn't look dathomiri at all. Curious.

Following the witches were a cohort of Revenant warriors an honour guard but also an insurance policy should things turn hostile with either the mandalorians or the other clans gathered. A new Revenant had recently joined the cohort, a mandalorian themselves, born of House Solus but whom had sworn themselves and given their vitae to Asaaj.

The red haired woman looked at Kytarra Hawk Kytarra Hawk , allayan perhaps? She wondered, and gave her a cordial smile, she did not always see eye to eye with the more light sided cults but she had manners enough to ensure peace.

"Do we know who they are sending?" she asked the gathered witches "There is one, Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch , she is an abomination to the force, but i would call her a friend, please do not offer her hostility" Several dathomiri gods would consider someone force dead to be such a crime against the force as to be put to death, one of the more militant witches even gave Asaaj a disgusted look, spitting what looked like blood out onto the floor. Asaaj only smirked back at her. <<Old and soon to be dead, do not test me night mother>> she sent telepathically to the hooded zealot.
TAGS: Brooke Waters Brooke Waters / Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani / Kytarra Hawk Kytarra Hawk

Yet, among all of the Mandalorian ships, one of the first do descend slowly to the Gathering was not one of traditional Mandalorian make. A BT-7 Thunderclap, a bygone ship from the ancient days of the Republic. Yet scrawled on its hull was a design incorpating tribal motifs, ending at a jagged Mythosaur skull emblazoned on the bow. The ship, named the Munit’kad, landed a respectful distance away.

Hydraulics hissed as air pressure normalized, and a landing ramp extended. A figure disembarked from the mechanical innards of the ship. A Mandalorian, dressed in seemingly archaic armor. Precious beskar and durasteel shaped and painted to resemble the bones of some nightmarish beast. The style of the Crusaders who once rode with Mandalore the Great.

The Mandalorian walked his path toward the sabbath of witches before him before stopping to a distance he felt would be respectful of their space. The draconic helm bowed toward the Dathomiri, before hands came to remove it with a hermetic pop. Black hair, skin like slate, and one eye black like night. An Evereni, child of a tempest world.

“Daughters of Dathomir, I send my respects to you for allowing my kin and I this chance of meeting.” He spoke in an even tone, “I am Dravien, of Clan Deshra. Servant of Kad Ha’rangir. More shall join us soon.”

The Evereni looked over the Witches, his cybernetic left eye making subtle whirs. He was likely one of the closest things to a Mandalorian shaman or priest this caravan had. While the Dathomiri worshipped wholly different gods, Dravien nonetheless respected their warrior spirit he heard from many tales. It was his hope to mend the histories between the two peoples.
He didn't travel with the others. Not his time. His mind and heart were not in the social niceties required for trips through hyperspace at the moment. He instead had chosen to simply arrive and so He did. Near a clearing, an old landing area of an old base He appeared.

The sounds of bugs, birds and crawling things halted as a gust of wind brought dust and detritus across the cracked duracrete. At least one ship had arrived but His brief stop to align His memories to the present had taken more from Him than He had expected...much more. The fog that usually accompanied His stronger emotions was clear now. As was His purpose going forward. Now, He was here on Dathomir, a world that had birthed what He had now become as much as any other. Where He had trained with Ember of Rekali and The Sisters of Singing Mountain. Where He had learned that limits were a matter of will and belief. Now He was limited only by His choice to be so.

He walked with steady determination as He willed the force itself away from His path. Shadows sat long across the old landing field as He approached the treeline and sat His fragstorm on the ground. He pulled His recovered string of lightsabers over His head and laid it beside His shotgun. The varied hilts clattered in a pile as He removed His buy'ce and took a deep breath of humid air. He placed the dull grey helmet on the pile and followed it with His breastplate, gauntlets and greaves. He stood His armored boots beside the pile and removed His armor weave under suit. The armor weave dropped on the pile and left Him exposed and unprotected before the jungle and The Manda that empowered Him. He knelt down and took mud from the ground and painted old designs across flesh that seemed as much scar tissue and skin. Then, bare and unarmed He walked into the Jungle and began hunting.
Dathomir felt familiar beneath her feet, the jungles whispered to her in welcome. Old memories settled deep in her mind began to stir. Recollections of the first time she had come here, when the Mandalorians had treated with the witches the first time she had been among the many who had come. She had not been of the force then. She hadn't even earned her rank as Field Marshall.

She had been full of mistrust. Surrounded by force users, agitated that many of the witches had wanted to claim the men around her. How different she had been back then...She'd no doubt that the woman she had been would have killed the woman she'd become without hesitation.

She stepped into the clearing, lifting her buy'ce from her head. Past Mia definitely would not have done that. She hooked it onto her belt.

"Daughters of Allya, I thank you for your hospitality. I know it has been a long time since we have plagued your skies, or walked beneath your trees. I come on behalf of our Mand'alor, I am call Mia Monroe, Al'verde of The Protectors. We come in peace, with understanding that this is your home. We have no interest in ruling you or your planet, we simply come to extend a hand and to offer protection, not that you need it."

A slight smile tugged at the corners of her lips. The witches were more than capable of defending themselves.

"We were allies once, we would be allies again, if that is your wish. If it is not, then you have my word that no harm will come to you. But there are threats coming that we will be stronger against, than we will standing apart."

Eyes scanned the witches present settling on a familiar if not age weathered face. Her eyes widened in surprise. "Kytarra?"

Dravien Deshra Dravien Deshra Kytarra Hawk Kytarra Hawk Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
With a cant of her pale, white, dreadlocked head, Kytarra faced the first of the Sky People to return to the womb of Dathomir. It was no surprise that a representative of the Nightsisters had come, but the Allyan still harbored a mild distaste for those who worshipped the Fanged God.

Survival, however, demanded compromise when dealing with outworlders on Dathomir. While Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani laid claim to Arla Rodarch, Kytarra focused her attention on those who descended from the skyships of metal.

The first, Dravien Deshra Dravien Deshra , was unfamiliar to her -- black hair, skin like slate, and one eye as black as the void. Strong. Good teeth. A suitable mate or breeder, perhaps. But a male nonetheless.

His words spoke of respect for the meeting, but as a man, his authority held less weight than the one who followed. Milky white eyes filmed over with a blue glow as Kytarra's blackened teeth grinned.

Clucking her tongue, Kytarra Hawk, Shaman of the Singing Mountain clan, stepped forward, her staff rattling with each quivering step. Shadows danced over her shrunken features as she approached Mia Monroe Mia Monroe .

"Pleased am I, Dhat dha Winged Goddess casts her smile upon ye, Mia Monroe, Al'verde of Dha Protectors," Kytarra declared. Blind in all aspects but the magick that allowed her to see, Kytarra recognized the aura of the woman before her.

"In death, ye overcome. In destruction, ye find rebirth. Change ahn growth," Kytarra continued, her lips curling into a pleased smile.

"Once more, we welcome ye to dha bosom of Dathomir. Yer word holds truth," she proclaimed, turning to the other elders and their chosen. With a slam of her maltrass bone staff, Kytarra declared, "The Singing Mountain Clan bears witness to Mia Monroe, Al'verde of Dha Protectors. Dhey held truth in dha past, and dhey shall hold truth dhis day. So mote it be."

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Location: Dathomir
Objective: Meet the mandalorians
Tags: Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Kytarra Hawk Kytarra Hawk Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Dravien Deshra Dravien Deshra Ordo Ordo



The pair of Mandalorians Mia Monroe Mia Monroe and Dravien Deshra Dravien Deshra made their greetings and Asaaj nodded politely at them. She watched as Kytarra Hawk Kytarra Hawk gave a short welcoming speech on behalf of her sect and eyed Mia closely for any reactions before speaking herself.

Welcome to Dathomir, Al'Verde, Vod." she smiled at both of them. "As you may be aware, I am also of House Solus by marriage and as such, my alliance has already be made for me, and I have no qualms about that.

But I must ask, as a Dathomiri. You have aligned yourself with the Jedi"
even the way she spoke it it you could hear the bile that the word conjured in her mouth. "Should your allies in the Alliance demand that you betray my people, perhaps make demands that we end certain practices on dathomir. What say you and your Alor Mereel?" She practices she referred included blood magic and ritual sacrifice, and while not all dathomiri were party to such tradition, there were many, including herself that partook. Even at the battle on Mandalore, Asaaj had used necromancy on a large scale to resurrect graug warriors to turn on their masters, and she was well aware that several fallen mandalorians were also inadvertently effected by her spells.

The red head waited for her response, she would endorse the partnership with the mandalorians, but she wanted assurances to come out of the mouths of the visitors, a typically honorable society, she hoped that any promises made would be kept. She thought of the others in her own sect that could not attend, her coven was hidden on a distant world that noone here knew about. This put the witch in a position where she ultimately could just leave dathomir to its fate of she wished, but her love for her birth planet made her want to fight to see it protected.

Ordo held tightly to the bull rancor’s huge thumbs as the massive beast tried to pull His arms from their sockets. He could simply kill the beast or exert His will on the bull and dominate it. However, there were rules He had chosen to honor and honor them He would.

He could feel ligaments and tendons reaching passed their natural boundaries as He fought to pull the beast’s hands closer together and spare Himself dismemberment.

The rancor roared.

The Ordo roared back.

With a twist He dislocated the Rancor’s thumbs just before His dermis forfeited to the powerful creature. As the bull let go Ordo fell to the jungle floor and quickly regained His feet.

The Ordo rored.

The Rancor roared back.

And the two began circling one another again.
She was a worldly being, she’d been around the galaxy a time or two. It made Brooke see things a bit differently. The Mandalorians were some of the best hunters in the galaxy, and that was something she envied. She always treated herself as a bit of a bounty hunter, a summoner of beasts, and a chaser of targets. She was a Farseer of the Blue Coral Divers. It was what brought her here. Seeing the Mandalorians approach, those clad in the legendary beskar armor, while most of the witches were barely in anything that would be allowed on a civilized world.

Before Brooke made a move, one of the Clan Mothers, clad in green, spoke.

“We welcome those clad in Beskar to our world. You who have respected our ways in the past. That shall not be forgotten. I do not speak for all of the clans beyond that they will hear what you have to say.”

Stepping forward, she looked to her Clan mother and whispered a few words of whisper, bowing her head. The Clan Mother whispered, in a sing song fashion, a blessing for Brooke to speak on behalf of her clan. The elder witch had her robes adorned with corals, and an effect crossed her skin that reminded most of scales, similar to Brooke’s own skin.

Though, the latter was a matter of biology and not magick.

Her clan and magick was one of water, and the rare blue ichor, harvested from the seas and linked to the Corals that were their namesake. As she stepped forward, siding up towards one of the elders, she believed from the Singing Mountain Clan.

“I echo the elder. Welcome to Dathomir, Mandalorians. I have heard the tales of our two people in the past. What would be expected of the Witches for the protection of the Mandalorians?”
Brooke had her accent of someone from both Pamarthe and Dathomir, as she spoke. “The Blue Coral Divers Clan are curious as to the offers.” Brooke was a witch, but also one who had worn armor, of songsteel.

This should be very illuminating.

Ordo Ordo Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Kytarra Hawk Kytarra Hawk Dravien Deshra Dravien Deshra
"Pleased am I, Dhat dha Winged Goddess casts her smile upon ye, Mia Monroe, Al'verde of Dha Protectors," Kytarra declared. Blind in all aspects but the magick that allowed her to see, Kytarra recognized the aura of the woman before her.

"In death, ye overcome. In destruction, ye find rebirth. Change ahn growth," Kytarra continued, her lips curling into a pleased smile.

"Once more, we welcome ye to dha bosom of Dathomir. Yer word holds truth," she proclaimed, turning to the other elders and their chosen. With a slam of her maltrass bone staff, Kytarra declared, "The Singing Mountain Clan bears witness to Mia Monroe, Al'verde of Dha Protectors. Dhey held truth in dha past, and dhey shall hold truth dhis day. So mote it be."

Mia smiled, old friends were few and far between, not many stood the test of time and those that had were either scattered in the wind, or were no longer friends. She brought a hand to Kytarra's arm giving it a gentle squeeze. "Rie jate at ret', ruug'la burc'ya" To have her bear witness, to have her support made some of the tension roll away from her shoulders as she turned are attention to the questions that followed.

Welcome to Dathomir, Al'Verde, Vod." she smiled at both of them. "As you may be aware, I am also of House Solus by marriage and as such, my alliance has already be made for me, and I have no qualms about that.

But I must ask, as a Dathomiri. You have aligned yourself with the Jedi"
even the way she spoke it it you could hear the bile that the word conjured in her mouth. "Should your allies in the Alliance demand that you betray my people, perhaps make demands that we end certain practices on dathomir. What say you and your Alor Mereel?"

She was not aware of the marriage. So vast was House Solus that Mia had little hope of remembering any of it. "The alliance we have with the Jedi is one born out of necessity. We have a common enemy in the Sith Order. Any requests to target people that fall under our protection will be refused."

“We welcome those clad in Beskar to our world. You who have respected our ways in the past. That shall not be forgotten. I do not speak for all of the clans beyond that they will hear what you have to say.”

Mia brought a hand to her heart and bowed her head at the elder. that there were many people who remember the old ways, the old alliances. That Ra had not reached Dathomir in his quest to purge, that the mand'alors that followed him had not broken old treaties filled her with joy.

“I echo the elder. Welcome to Dathomir, Mandalorians. I have heard the tales of our two people in the past. What would be expected of the Witches for the protection of the Mandalorians?” Brooke had her accent of someone from both Pamarthe and Dathomir, as she spoke. “The Blue Coral Divers Clan are curious as to the offers.”

"We ask only that you stand with us. Trouble brews to the northwest, a new power stirs, we are not yet sure of its intentions and to our east, the Sith State has its gaze fixed upon us and the undead are marching. Some of you might remember the blackwing virus. We're still recovering our numbers since the Empire's purge, we need all the help we can get. If you can provide it, we will accept it."

Ordo Ordo Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Dravien Deshra Dravien Deshra Kytarra Hawk Kytarra Hawk Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
He sat astride the Bull Rancor and guided it with his knees. Trees bent and cracked as they steadily blazed a trail back to the gathering of Witches and Vode. He would have just followed Mia for this, she was the better of the two to face the Matriarchal society, but He did have history here. He had adopted family here Mothers and Aunts and sisters and nieces.

They soon broke through the tree line, and none too soon. As much as this seemed like a good idea before, his seat was not a pleasant one without His armor covering His generous soft parts. The Rancor stopped and bowed to the gathered members with a clicking of Ordo's tongue.

He hid His discomfort and hopped down. He stepped forward the Rancor in tow.

"I am Jasper Ordo be'Ordo, Brother of Mia Monroe Mia Monroe , Brother of Ember Rekali, Child of The Manda, Guardian of Souls, War, Protector...and I have come to fulfill an old promise and show Myself worthy to wage War at the side of your daughters. To reforge the bonds of our peoples."

Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Dravien Deshra Dravien Deshra Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Kytarra Hawk Kytarra Hawk

Location: Dathomir
Objective: Meet the mandalorians
Tags: Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Kytarra Hawk Kytarra Hawk Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Ordo Ordo Dravien Deshra Dravien Deshra


Mia Monroe Mia Monroe answered her direct question plainly and with no albiguity. "Thank you Al'verde Monroe, your people value honor so you word in that matter is enough for me."

The woman adressed others in the group, Asaaj did remember the blacking virus, there had been several caterstrophic outbreaks in her lifetime and talk of it was never a good thing. Mandalore was close, if the sith unleashed blackwing there, then it could easily spill over to places like dathomir. "Any chance to be a problem in the plans of the Sith sounds delightful" she laughed to Mia's offer. For too long the sith had been a curse for the dathomir and even now there were some among their ranks who swore fealty to them, it made her sick to her stomach the idea of serving anyone, particularly the Sith.

The forests parted and a large bull rancor came striding out with a man riding on its back. Asaaj turned and walked to it, holding her hand to the bowing beast and sizing it up. "Welcome Ordo be'Ordo. Your mount is impressive, recently bonded?" she smirked, she could feel the new bond between beast and man, and the pair had clearly been in recent conflict. "Any man who can tame one of these beautiful creatures is worthy to fight amongst out people... have you exchanged names with your ally?" she asked, wanting to know if ordo saw the mount as a beast of burden or a friend.

Brooke had not been here during the last time of the Mandalorian-Witch interaction. She had still been moonlighting as a Jedi-dark Jedi-Jedi and a bounty hunter… you know. When she wasn't dancing at a Bright Star casino to gain some sort of information or another. Back when the Abrion Systems knew of a "Siren" who protected the Bright Star interests.

Back before she found her way to Manu Xextos and then to the Blue Corals. And finally to the Starchasers. She worked with the latter but focused on supporting the middle. Even if she was a bit far flung from the traditional clan role.

A "champion" they called her at times. A Farseeker, of seas yet untouched, was more accurate.

As Mia arrived, Brooke paid attention to the sisters. One speaking slightly ill of the Jedi. Her own personal cyber crystal was tucked into the hilt of her lightsaber pike, albeit a functional spear even in its own right, so she was listening for that tone even more. Mandalorians and Jedi. Both hunted by Sith in eras past. Add in the witches and one had a hat trick.

"I have heard of the new Sith rising. Seen their armies. Unnatural." The Nightsisters may use the undead. However the Blue Coral Divers had more fathomless allies in the ichor.

The arrival of a Rancor was one thing. The arrival of the man astride? Something much different.

"The Sith do possess technology many of the witch clans do not. I know some would be willing to help but to help so far from the Home? Many would seek to defend and bolster Dathomir. Some of us do see a more proactive approach to be wise…" Her own clan was known to travel and several even had their own starships.

But armor, advanced weapons? Not so much.

Mia Monroe Mia Monroe
A Rekali witch, she had no true clan within the witches themselves, Evelyn's presence here was one of curiosity. She was of both worlds, a mandalorian and a witch, intrigued to see how the Al'verde her daughter had chosen to serve would handle the clans and their concerns.

So far, so good. For all her sins, the Liberator seemed to have learned.

At the back of the gathered group, she was leaning against a tree, a tree whose boughs snapped at the entrance of the bull rancor and its rider. Yellow eyes lifted to study Ordo, watching him as he introduced himself as Asaaj stepped forward to greet him.

His body was a pattern of stories, scars born from a lifetime of battles. War indeed...

She smiled, but said nothing. Her good ear stayed tuned to the conversation among the clans and Monroe, while her eyes stayed fixed upon Him.

Ordo Ordo Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Kytarra Hawk Kytarra Hawk
As promised, the Evereni was joined by others. Firstly, by a sister-in-arms, the wise Mia Monroe Mia Monroe . Dravien listened as the women talked among themselves, blackest eye flicking between speakers. He was no fool, as he knew the women of Dathomir tend toward harsh views towards men. Then he was met with thunderous steps as Ordo Ordo came astride a rancor, in an ever extravagant enterance.

"I echo what my comrade speaks." Dravien motioned to Mia, "The Galaxy brews with uncertainty, and Ijaat Mereel seeks the coveted mantle of Mand'alor. Yet we recognize that quest requires allies."

He paused and listened to the responses of Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani and Brooke Waters Brooke Waters . Their concerns were valid, in his opinion. Facing the Sith, in any of their forms, was no small favor. He turned to address them again, his mind focused on a distinct memory.

"I was a child when Carnifex came with his horde from Hell to my home." He practically spat the name of the former Emperor, "I witnessed the carnage they brought to my people, my clan. I survived, though forever marked."

He carefully touched the wide, disfigured patch of skin near his mechanical eye. A scar, given to him during that day of blood. An erratic strike of Sith lightning searing the flesh of his younger self. He could still recall agony in which it brought him.

"And yet, like a tenacious parasite, the Sith resurge to infect the Galaxy yet again with their abominations." He seethed before returning to calm, "I wish there to be a Galaxy where none, be they Mandalorian, Dathomirian, or otherwise, need to feel the cruelty of the Sith. Think of all your sisters who have fallen to their cause."

It was no secret that many Sith sects had attempted to exploit the mysteries of Dathomirian magicks. By the nature of the Sith he knew, there were likely many Daughters of Allya who were coerced, manipulated, or otherwise harmed by such pursuits.

"The time has come for us Mandalorians to rise up and say 'no longer' to the tyranny of the Sith." He spoke passionately, "What say you, mighty women of Dathomir?"
Kytarra responded with a nod and a firm grasp of her maltrass bone staff at Mia Monroe Mia Monroe 's words in Man'doa. The old crone's time with the Rekali's and the different iterations of Mandalorian oversight allowed the woman to understand their intent.

As the gathering continued and more questions were levied, another familiar face came riding on top of a rancor, his many scars over his firm musculature and boldness in levying a bull rancor under his domain was impressive. Yes, he will also serve the witches well should this gathering prove fruitful.

There was concern about what could be offered in return, what expectations were. Kytarra listened quietly, musing over this. Their participation in battles past with the Mandalorias had indeed taken them from their world to others, but the witches' tenants had always been respected.

"Mothers and daughters," Kytarra began, "In dha past, dha Sky people have blessed us with beasts dhat fly we can ride within. Some of which have grown since then into large behemoths. Ask and ahm certain dhey be more dhan willin' ta trade in a manner dhat shall allow us ta defend not only our home, but to other worlds we've lost contact so long ago."

If perhaps, there was a way to reconnect with those worlds once more and find a method of traveling; perhaps combine the witches ability to manipulate nature with the Mandalorian's armorers, much could be done. There were materials out there that the witches have not had access to, perhaps the Mandalorians would know.

The Sith yes, were a scourge. To hear that the Daughter of the Fanged God was not akin to work alongside them, a relief. For Kytarra, Singing Mountain clan was ready to form an alliance with the Mandalorian Protectors. It was just a matter of getting the rest of the clans on board.

Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Dravien Deshra Dravien Deshra Ordo Ordo Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani
Mia let out a groan at her brother as he entered the meeting sat astride a rancor, stark naked. She knew exactly what he was doing and who he was paying homage too. She'd seen it the first time too and she definitely hadn't wanted to see it a second time. She shook her head.

"I am Jasper Ordo be'Ordo, Brother of Mia Monroe Mia Monroe , Brother of Ember Rekali, Child of The Manda, Guardian of Souls, War, Protector...and I have come to fulfill an old promise and show Myself worthy to wage War at the side of your daughters. To reforge the bonds of our peoples."

"Ni cuyir dar'buir gar, Jasper" She called to him"Vaii cuyir gar beskar'gam? Nate... Ni narir va copaanir at kar'taylir."

She passed a hand over her face. turning her attention away as Dravien Deshra Dravien Deshra spoke, passion driving him, a passion she could respect.

"We would never ask you to leave Dathomir without defence and we will be more than happy to share technology and bodies to help bolster those defences should the need arise. For the moment, their gaze is mostly on Mandalore and disrupting our restoration efforts, but how long that will last I am not certain. Those who wish to fight we can provide armour weapons whatever you need."

She paused for a moment. "Mandalorians and Witches have stood together for over a century, we work well together, not just in a fight but in all areas. there are many of you that might have the skills to heal and restore our home that we have not yet found. In return we can build and develop planetary defences to protect you, early warning systems that should you be targeted, will allow us to be here to aid in your defence."

Ordo Ordo Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Kytarra Hawk Kytarra Hawk Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Dravien Deshra Dravien Deshra
Some of the names that she was seeing coming out of the woods, so to speak, were those that she had heard tale of. During the time she was out being a Jedi-wannabe and a bounty hunter. Her old Siren alias. She was fine with that.But it was interesting to see who was here. From the Mandalorian side, Monroe and Ordo were shoe-ins. She was suspecting that maybe their leader was not truly here, busy doing what was needed of them to bring Mandalore back to its glory. She had respect for the beskar, even if she was more trained in the ways of kyber. And songsteel was just lighter and easier to work with.

From the Witches, though, she know Kytarra by reputation, and the clan of Rekali was spoken of in hushed tones through the galaxy. She’d heard of the clan who was both Witch and Mandalorian. They were the thing of legends. And seeing one here, who was she representing more? The Daughters of Allya, or the children of Mandalore. It was something for her to pay attention to.

“Does no one claim the title of Mandalore?”
Brooke wasn’t hearing any difference from the leader and the world and spoke as much. Did she speak out of turn? Potentially. She was the Farseeker of the Blue Coral Divers and that meant something to the other Witch clans, but may not to the Mandalorians.

As Elder Hawk spoke, Brooke turned and nodded. “I believe that we can work with the Mandalorians, and learn from them. Not all Witches follow the traditions of the world. Some have become more worldly and expanded into the galaxy, but I feel even us who have traveled can learn from each other. “A good offense can be a strong defense.” Looking to her own clan’s elder, she nodded.

“Should the Mandalorians bolster the defense of Dathomir and her interests, the Blue Coral Divers will stand with, and provide our skills. We have specialties that may not be found in the other clans, and some of my sisters and brothers can help grow your world, and boost even the fighting spirit of the Mandalorians.”

The blue ichor and magick associated with the Force use of a Witch was very unique and specialized.

Ordo Ordo Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Kytarra Hawk Kytarra Hawk Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Dravien Deshra Dravien Deshra
Ni cuyir dar'buir gar, Jasper" She called to him"Vaii cuyir gar beskar'gam? Nate... Ni narir va copaanir at kar'taylir
Ordo closed His eyes for a moment as His armorweave crept over His heavy muscular frame. His beskar bled up His legs slowly forming over His body like living metal and solidifying. He looked across at Mia and gazed deeply into Her eyes...then pointed to His nose and the complete lack of bleeding from channeling the Manda through His armor.

He stood to the side. The Rancor nudged Him and He could feel it questioning where His new shell had come from.

"I'll explain later, Tchuckta." He said to His new compatriot.

"Yes, Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani ." He replied to the witch, "We have shared our names."

Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Brooke Waters Brooke Waters Kytarra Hawk Kytarra Hawk Dravien Deshra Dravien Deshra

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