Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff A Clarification

After yesterday's announcement, there was a flood of both unhappy and happy opinions. Here is a question I wish to address, as many seemed confused on it's answer.

Can Staff even moderate content in a Discord they don't own (Major Faction, etc.)?

Yes, as always, absolutely we can.

Obviously I can not immediately remove it, but the owner of the Discord - and those who moderate it - are held directly responsible. If your Discord is gaining members as a result of this community, if your Discord exists as a result of this community, I can and will easily claim jurisdiction. It would be extremely negligent for me not to. Context and circumstances will be considered, but as an internet community, there are no laws that bind how far our rules can extend beyond our own limitations.

Major Factions are uniquely subject to this. You did not create your Major Faction alone - you came here. You sought approval. You used our resources.

And you are definitively subject to our rules.
Real quick were yes i agree with the notion that racism shouldn't be a thing on the star wars site oocly. Icly it's still something that's more or less obvious in the setting. Secondly, your terms of service and privacy policy do not expand to discord services that are not directly owned by you or the site owners regardless of those who use the site as a social media, RP, and discussion area, more so neither your terms of service and privacy policy states explicitly that " if your Discord exists as a result of this community, I can and will easily claim jurisdiction. It would be extremely negligent for me not to. Context and circumstances will be considered, but as an internet community, there are no laws that bind how far our rules can extend beyond our own limitations."

Having said ruling would need to be explicitly stated in your site's privacy policy and terms of use on top of which you would need to classify as a business that makes money from your service in order to exercise that claim due to legality reasons. as like you said it's an internet-based community on the site therefore you would be infringing on the rights of others protected by the right to free speech and freedom to assemble.

now I do agree with you that these issues you're having within your community should not be happening but combating it with action that can get the site shut down due to breaking previously and basic rights laid out by internet laws isn't okay either. especially as your also guilty of breaking one of your own terms of service rules; paragraph 4 line one and two of your sites terms of service state "You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content" and on Oct 5, 2020, you had stated "If anyone else wants a ban to feel free to just send me a PM rather than blow up this section of the website which is reserved for cringe musical tastes, unsolicited opinions, and unprovoked surrendering of privacy. Also, something <3" which in of itself could be considered spam-like and likely to offend as well as the statement "Also, something something <3" could be misinterpreted as something not suitable for people under 18.

i thank you for taking the time to read this comment and I hope you have a blessed day and continue to do your best and making this site wholesome and appropriate for individuals 13 and older
please refrain from breaking your terms of service as this breaks it again paragraph 4 line one and two " You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content"

it does not set a good example for others on the site if you breaking these rules that you set forth already.

please point out in terms of service for both your bosses site that you admin in or in private policy were it states you can take ownership of the intellectual property of another discord server and force them to comply with standers to an entirely different media ill wait

my advice to you sir or madam are you read up on the internet laws and how they are applied to your site and its domain. you are a community not a business and do not under any circumstance have the right to claim ownership of anything not stated in the site's terms of the service privacy policy and under the protection of discord terms of service and or intellectual property act.

freedom of speech and freedom to assemble may not apply to your site but can and do apply to discord community run by others and owned by others. now id refrain from causing more of a scene lest you want me to go around and point out all the times you broke your terms of service ooc on this site platform and send the copy to the site owner and let him judge weather or not your fit to actually be a moderator.

like I stated before I apluade you for trying tostop racism and sexist comments on the site as its your bosses intelectual property and should be kept clean and respectful for a place people 13 and older can come to role play and have fun but your limitation of power stop when it comes to anything not on your site have a nice day sir or madam
bottom line Tefka i support you in trying to stop the racist and sexist remarks out of character on the site which you yourself own however where yes you monitor other discord you cant legally control them without a consent document that everyone must sign in said discord as well as on the site and update your own terms of service. to include that

furthermore, I ask you to more closely follow your own rules as you have clearly broken a few already from just a quick lookup. have a nice day
Ty Sibo Ty Sibo

I thought you were trolling me, but if you are being serious:

1. Your understanding of laws and how they regard internet censorship is very uninformed.
2. There is nothing requiring me to change the rules of this community on the fly. If I were wild and crazy, I could be doing that.
3. There is no "consent" document required, I don't know where any of this information is coming from, but again - not factual.
4. Freedom of speech doesn't protect you from moderation in this community. This is a community, which I own, and the Administrator's team and I have full right and capacity to dictate who can stay and who can go. No law can compel me differently, that's not how it works. Chaos is privately owned.

I like that you are very interested and involved, I honestly wish more people were. If you'd like, I have some things I could send you, including some very interesting case law about safe harbors and etc that happened with the Harry Potter community when Rowling came down hard on them.

Internet history is pretty interesting, if you take our context of discussion out of it.

I maintain that you're very uninformed, but I think internet "rights" and privacy and even the possible upcoming changes to Section 430 by the FCC (stymied by big tech, social media) which all political parties in America support is very interesting and will eventually impact all of us. And changing up the "uninformed" part is very easy.

Please stay interested, it's very cool to see you doing what you're doing now that I know you're not trolling me.

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