Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Casual Dinner: The Path Back

Tarish Galland



LOCATION: Coruscant,
WEARING: Outfit, Force Talisman
TAGS: Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

His first errand of the day had been leaving a message for Amani, and by extension Al, that he would like to have dinner with them.

The strange glances sent his way by being present in the office and official places wearing rather lackluster attire compared to the ones he was trying to reach irked him a bit. But that couldn't be helped when the majority of what he had been able to scrounge up were rather drab robes.

The credit chit had been burning a hole in his pocket since finding it.

But weighing the ramifications for its use found him in a few shops along the way and window shopping. Eventually finding parts and pieces from various shops to muster something that reminded him of home.

Spending the morning spending credits had done little for the nerves about using that money.

But he'd deal with that when it came up.

Securing lunch, he'd spent the afternoon scoping out potential places to stay. Even with the offer from Iris he wanted to honor his word on finding a place to let her have her own space back.

Eventually wearing out his options, he'd at least made some inquiries when he popped into the restaurant he'd left on his note. Being about a half hour early, he perused the menu after being given his table.

A decently upscale place, he'd been silently judged upon arrival until the reservation had been found. The attitude shift being noted but not spoken of as they led him inside.

Sipping on a water, enjoying the quiet music about the place, he rested his hands atop the table.

"The feth do I even talk about." He had too much time now that he began to worry about actually interacting with either of them. Hands suddenly animated as he played around with topics.

"Kahlil and I-nononononononono. Good grief and force be merciful I don't need to talk about us knowing each other like that. Uh." He was grasping at straws, hands nervously dancing across the table as he waited.

Tarish's dinner invitation had been a pleasant surprise.

Amani certainly would never admit it aloud, but perhaps there was a part of her that was half-worried he would disappear all over again after the wedding. Let a few years pass and then they'd do the same song and dance a second time. Maybe the alternative just seemed too good to be true.

But he didn't disappear. Tarish was back, well and truly. And he wanted to be a part of her life. So after triple checking that their schedule would be clear, Amani was happy to oblige an evening get-together. It wasn't always easy in the livelihoods of a Jedi Councilor / Chief Healer, and a Count / Senator, but she would have made the time regardless.

"Is this alright? I've never been here before," Amani asked Alicio, running a hand down her dress. The couple arrived at the restaurant right on time, waiting a moment for their reservation to be confirmed before a waiter ushered them back. He gestured to the table, where a familiar figure was already sitting with his back towards them. After a quick thanks, Amani approached, grazing a palm against Tarish's back to gently announce their arrival, "Hey," She smiled warmly, "Good to see you."

The mirialan took her seat soon after, "How have you been?"


"I... think so?" the Count responded, tugging at the edges of his own coat as the pair entered through the doors of the restaurant. "I've never been here before, but... I've heard some of the senators mention it. We should be alright."

Ever since the wedding, one of the most prominent questions on his mind had been Tarish. Who was he, where had he been, what story did he and Amani share, to make their reunion so painful, and so sweet? He hadn't asked Amani about it, they'd barely had the time since the wedding, but thankfully, it seemed at least some of his questions might be answered tonight.

Most importantly, though, Alicio liked seeing Amani happy. And the invitation from Tarish made Amani happy.

The couple wove between tables until reaching the man of the hour, Alicio passing gently on the other side of Tarish. "Hello," he offered, laying himself down onto a seat with perfect posture. "It's good to see you again. And with no crowd in sight." He grinned, before letting Tarish and Amani speak.

- Tarish Galland - Amani Serys Amani Serys -

Tarish Galland



LOCATION: Coruscant,
WEARING: Outfit, Force Talisman
TAGS: Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

He had to fight instinct when a hand touched his back. The chill that formed on the nape of his neck sent lightning down his spine before he could stop it.

He could however keep himself collected enough to smoothly turn his head and smile at the familiar voice.

Not there anymore.

"Hey. And hello." He offered, shifting enough to quell the response she hadn't meant to create. His attention shifting between them before his smile formed.

"Doing alright. Getting settled on Coruscant for the time being, so, the only crowd to deal with is neighbors now." He shrugged, hands twining atop the table.

"Glad your staff didn't uh, just toss the message. But figuring things out mostly. Kahlil and Valery are helping on that. Forgot how tall he was." He chuckled at the memory. He was already on the shorter end of the gene pool, and dealing with the former Zambrano that had always cast a literal shadow over him was a staunch reminder of such.

"Things calm down enough from the wedding for you to be left alone without the journalists tailing you?" He made a theatrical move to glance around them with a grin.

"I'll take your word for it," Amani said, dusting the shoulder of Alicio's jacket before they headed to their seats.

She smiled at Tarish, none the wiser to whatever reaction he had managed to suppress. Hearing that things were being sorted out in his life was reassuring, and further evidence that he really was sticking around. At mention of Val and Kahlil, she gave him a sympathetic frown, "Glad to hear it. You know we would have helped you if you'd asked," But at least he was getting help, regardless of who was giving it.

"Things calm down enough from the wedding for you to be left alone without the journalists tailing you?"

"For the most part," Amani chuckled, "There was definitely a lot of buzz surrounding the wedding, but we managed to escape the worst of it on our honeymoon," It was certainly the most attention she had ever received on such a scale. Thankfully, being hounded by paparazzi wasn't a constant inconvenience. She imagined it might be a bit more intense if they actually lived on Alderaan.

Before long, a four-armed waitress droid wheeled up to the table for drink orders, its upper limbs balancing two large trays of drinks, and the bottom two managing a datapad. Amani bumped into Alicio's shoulder, "I'll have whatever he's having."


"It's certainly a shift, living on Coruscant, if you're not used to it." Alicio freely gave Tarish a knowing look. "Crowds, everywhere you look."

Tarish elaborated that he'd received help from Kahlil and Valery. They were good people. Alicio nodded in agreeance when Amani offered their assistance post-mortem, to show that he would've been okay with assisting the man, too. Tarish was a friend of the family. Of course he would've helped.

On the subject of paparazzi, Alicio smiled in mild annoyance. "I... have grown to appreciate the tabloid writers'... creativity, regarding myself and Amani," he said diplomatically. Then, he voiced what his other half was thinking. "If we were on Alderaan, it would probably be far worse. So I suppose we should count ourselves lucky."

A droid waiter came around, depositing menus for the trio. After accepting the shoulder bump by returning one of his own, Alicio studied the items, obviously considering the tip-yip salad, before finally deciding to be a bit more adventurous. "Could we get... the Felucian stir-fry. And a Moogan tea for me, please."

Once the droid received all their orders, and rolled off, Alicio turned to look between his two dining companions, curiosity finally spilling over. "So... how did you two meet?

- Tarish Galland - Amani Serys Amani Serys -

Tarish Galland



LOCATION: Coruscant,
WEARING: Outfit, Force Talisman
TAGS: Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Definitely crowds." He shook his head, remembering his morning trying to avoid shoulder checking people around the metropolitan area.

The mention of their offering help made him frown.

"I might take you up on some help. But. My uh. Well." He scratched his chin, pondering how to answer as he looked at Amani. "I'm still stuck how you found me last time. And that topic is something Kahlil, specializes in."

Without stating his situation outright, he would let Amani clarify later. Well outside of public hearing. Unless she pressed further.

"Good good. Where did Al decide anyhow? I recall someone stating it didn't matter to them after several options were listed." He teased Amani directly, having sat just down from the bar when she'd spoke to the group near him.

The droid made its entrance, and he opted for a dish he hadn't had in some time without great consternation about price.

"Smoked red-fish little tubes if you would." A quick smile before he moved back to speaking with a there and gone blank stare.

Switching gears, he grinned at the question posed by Alicio.

"I think it was Yurb. You and Ura were padawans. Ended up carting me out unconscious and she'd lost her left arm. At the shoulder if I remember." He grinned at the memory. "Yurb was not kind."

Tarish didn't need to clarify for her to understand. Amani dipped her head pensively, "Well, you're in good hands, then. Just say the word if you ever need anything from us." It wasn't exactly a topic she imagined he would want to to delve into openly. But hopefully progress was being made to render it a nonissue, anyway.

Amani snorted at Alicio's tactful analysis of tabloid news, and brushed his shoulder, "Did you see the one that claimed the royal family was disinheriting you for dating an alien? It came out right before we got engaged," The timing of it made her chuckle again. Though back then it didn't make her any less stressed about her first Alderaanian ball, regardless of how far-fetched the truth really was. Their grasping at straws for a cheap headline was amusing when it could be ignored. And thankfully, the most sensationalist stories rarely gained any meaningful traction. "Naboo," She confirmed their honeymoon destination with a smirk, "It was lovely."

Soon after, Alicio ordered their food, and she nodded sagely, "A wise choice," She looked at the droid, "The tea for me as well." After the droid had their request put in, it rolled off to another table, leaving them alone once more. Inevitably, the question of Amani and Tarish's relations came up. "That sounds about right…" She followed up on Tarish's answer. But where he grinned, she frowned, touching her left arm, "No, it wasn't." A moment of silence passed, before Amani looked up at Alicio in quiet surprise, "…I've never really talked to you about that before, have I?" She wasn't intentionally hiding the details from him, but as a topic, it was a bit unnatural to have come up in conversation.


Alicio nodded his chin to Amani, remembering a few odd stories posed by the rumor-mongerers. "I do remember. I also remember a story coming out that posited our marriage was to strengthen our bid to supplant the throne of Alderaan, not long after." He had similar thoughts to the situation as his wife; the stories were fun and games when they were easily brushed off, but some made him exceedingly frustrated, namely those that characterized Amani in a poor light.

On their honeymoon destination, Alicio also nodded to Tarish, a rosed blush creeping upon his cheeks. "Yes. It was," he said, sparing a loving glance at Amani. "I usually don't enjoy breaks from work, but... It was well worth it."

After the trio had ordered their food, Alicio blinked once at Tarish's recounting of he and Amani's meeting, before fully turning his eyes to Amani, shock in his face. "You... lost your arm?" He frowned, concern etching itself into the lines of his face, grey eyes sweeping over the arm she touched. "I never knew that. I... I'm glad you're okay."

"I don't know much about your time with the Silver Jedi. The first people I met that knew you from back then were at the wedding."
He smiled at the older man. "So, Tarish, if you don't mind me asking... what was Amani like back then?"

- Tarish Galland - Amani Serys Amani Serys -

Tarish Galland



LOCATION: Coruscant,
WEARING: Outfit, Force Talisman
TAGS: Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

He nodded at her words, seeing her recognition of the topic. The adamant approach to the offer of help had his hands rising to placate her.

"I will, really." He offered with a warm laugh. The mention of the tabloid had his expression shifting to bemused intrigue until she mentioned their honeymoon spot.

"Ooh! I hear the waterways are lovely there when everything is in bloom." A streak of envy, albeit short lived, prompted his next words. "Get any pictures or just enjoy the moment?"

The memory of their first true meeting soured the moment as his eyes focused on Amani. The small touch to her arm making him lean forward towards her, concern plain.

A reminder of how his perception of the past was marred by nihilism.

The question that followed however made the mental gears shift. His back once more pressed to the seat, he made himself seem deep in thought.

"Stubborn." A sudden and blunt summary of his thoughts as he recalled memories that felt true at his core. "Amazingly so. Even in the worst of spots, she still held onto hope, to chance. Refused to let go or give up. I've never doubted she'd succeed in whatever she put her mind to."

"It's a beautiful planet," Amani concurred, pulling out her datapad, "A few. But we made an effort to limit holonet time," It was a vacation just for them to enjoy each other's company, after all. She flipped around the screen to scroll through the album: A couple scenic landscape shots, and some shots of the couple, a few of which seemed to be impromptu pictures in which Amani had practically yanked Alicio into frame last second.

The topic of her padawan years was a much different topic, however, and Amani became a touch more withdrawn at first. Thankfully it faded as quickly as it came. Yurb was a rough patch, but she had long since moved past it. She looked at Alicio, "That was my first time on an actual battlefield. During the war with the Brynadul," And to this day, was still the worst she'd ever been beaten down. A missing limb, punctured lungs and broken ribs. A dead woman walking, if not for the swift medical attention she received. Amani glanced down at her hand, flexing her fingers, "This is actually a cloned arm." The story behind which only made things even more complicated, so she didn't touch on it unless one of the other two inquired further.

It was only now that it occurred how rarely her days with the Silvers ever came up in conversation. It just wasn't often relevant, and people from her past weren't exactly stumbled upon all that often. When Alicio probed for details about her younger self, Amani found a grin once more. And Tarish's accurate summary made her snort. It wasn't too different from how she still was, either. Her never-give-up attitude had gotten the healer into some tight spots, but it also allowed her to persevere through the worst of it, and still come out standing. "And a bit more overconfident, as well," For one who was by and large, an unassuming and humble woman, there were moments in her youth where Amani was deceived by hubris. Being a grade-A star student had a way of getting to her head at the worst times. That overconfidence (in tandem with her stubbornness) was, after all, what led her down darker paths. At least, that was how she saw it.

"I like to think I've at least outgrown that part."

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It had been easier for Alicio to step away from work during his honeymoon than he thought. Still difficult, but easier. For a long time, the most important thing in his life had been his obligation to the galaxy. A need to contribute, to help. But now, the very center of his being belonged to Amani.

He could ignore the rest of the galaxy for a few days.

The story of how Amani lost her arm was brief, but still painful to hear. The first time he'd been on the battlefield, dueling Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn with Amani on Empress Teta, had been one of the worst days of his life. Hearing that she had a similar experience pulled at his heart. After a moment's hesitation, Alicio reached over, and laid his hand atop hers, letting his thumb caress her palm.


A knowing smirk passed his face as he heard Tarish's assessment of a younger Amani. Her own elaborations elicited a more interested, mildly surprised reaction. With love, Amani had stubbornness in spades still. But overconfidence wasn't a trait Alicio would think to assign to her. "I think so too," he noted, before turning back to Tarish. "Though I'm happy to report Amani is still... very... stubborn." He scooted away cheekily, anticipating a retaliatory elbow jab.

"So, what brings you back now, Tarish?" He wouldn't ask about what had driven him away in the first place. Though he was very much curious of that, too.

- Tarish Galland - Amani Serys Amani Serys -

Tarish Galland



LOCATION: Coruscant,
WEARING: Outfit, Force Talisman
TAGS: Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

The smirk couldn't be stopped when she explained they'd limited their holonet time. Better that way really. He'd just make a trip whenever he had the chance. Waiting for the datapad to slide around, he gave it his full interest as he examined each shot.

Amusement clearly on his face at the plainly sudden snaps Amani had grabbed.

"It looks like you had a great time. Couldn't ask for more." A warm smile paired with a nod as the conversation of her arm garnered a detail he hadn't heard before.

But the dinner table didn't seem the spot for a conversation about cloned limbs.

At least not for this company anyway. Instead letting his description settle the topic moving forward. Her grin making his heart warm before watching them interact with a touch of envy.

"Mm. I wouldn't say overconfident. You knew your stuff. Gifted. But not overconfident. At least what I saw and heard anyway." Dismissing the claim with a small wave of his hand to punctuate his belief in those words.

Alicio confirmed she was still in fact, stubborn, and a fact he only regarded with a solemn and knowing nod.

His amusement fleeing when the topic changed to the topic of his return. More specifically the reason behind it.

"Ah. Well. My contact with the Silvers seems to have passed at some point. Which, really, made me less than useful and more of a danger." He skirted the topic of who he was informing on for the moment, hands steeped in front of him.

"Aside from that, just, tired of looking over my shoulder. Tired of," He let his hands settle on the table, looking to Amani with sorrow and regret. "Running from what I had. Of wasting the time I have."

Amani was visibly eased by Alicio's simple gesture, ooking up to him with a loving smile to match his own. It didn't take a genius to see just how doting they were. If ever there was a couple as unrepentantly in love as these two…

"Though I'm happy to report Amani is still... very... stubborn."

She smirked, and wrinkled her nose at the Count, "It's one of my most endearing traits," Tarish refuted the claim of Amani's overconfidence, which was met with ambivalent silence at first. If believing herself, a young padawan, to be beyond the corruptive nature of the dark side, was not overconfidence, then what was? "Maybe naive is a more accurate descriptor," That she fully believed.

Still, Amani shook her head. Though it occasionally took a personal reminder, she was past the point of judging herself for her biggest mistakes. She found another smile, "You never saw me when I was a youngling, then." When she had just been assigned to her first master, there was no shortage of cockiness. Thankfully, it all mellowed out by the time she hit her teen years, "I was a real know-it-all. And painfully orthodox." The latter trait carried on for a bit longer, unfortunately.

Talk inevitably rounded back to Tarish, and he looked at her with wistful eyes. Amani smiled comfortingly, "I'm glad, Tarish. I'm glad to have you back." It was a chance he deserved, especially after having everything stripped away. She grew pensive for a moment, deciding on how to phrase what she wanted to say, before turning to Alicio, "You remember Teta, don't you?" As if he would forget it. She spoke gently, knowing it was, as a whole, a sore subject. But her intent wasn't to bring up the battle itself.

"After everything that happened, we spoke in the tent. I shared with you... my journey to rescue the Grandmaster. I told you there was a man who helped me…" Helped her infiltrate the Sith Empire. And died in the process. Amani said no more, but gave the slightest tilt of her head in Tarish's direction to say: This is him.


"It's one of my most endearing traits."

He smirked. "I suppose." It was certainly something he admired about her. And likely a trait he shared, at least in part.

Tarish was quick to discredit the Countess' overconfidence, which Amani countered by offering a few similar alternatives. Alicio let them talk in peace, trying to build a mental picture of a young Amani in his mind. Headstrong, with all the bluster and assuredness of youth. It made him grin privately.

Would he and Amani have been friends, back then? Probably not. Alicio had been a complete recluse at that age.

As a senator, Alicio was rather adept at picking up when someone was skirting around details. And Tarish's explanation of why he had re-emerged certainly skirted. Though it seemed Amani understood, as the Count looked between them with confusion.

Teta was brought up. Alicio nodded to the woman at his side, hidden memories flashing behind his eyes. "I do," he said, not sure where she was going. But as she explained, his eyes widened in realization. That conversation had been flash-burnt into his mind. Amani had shared a journey, one that had taken her to a dark place...

One that had required sacrifice.

He kept his mouth shut, looking between them as if waiting for either, or both, to elaborate. He'd gotten the two of them to reminisce about the old times, turned the topic to their history as well as he could, but he could only social engineer so much. It was their turn to talk.

- Tarish Galland - Amani Serys Amani Serys -

Tarish Galland



LOCATION: Coruscant,
WEARING: Outfit, Force Talisman
TAGS: Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

He shook his head as Amani continued to fill in descriptors for her tendencies. It was ultimately and endlessly moot topic, as likely they all felt a particular way about their own and others perceived tendencies.

Then she poked at him.

"Mm. Didn't have the pleasure of seeing you as a youngling. The Knight group I was a part of tended to run headlong into trouble rather than solve the ones around the temple." He explained with a laugh. He missed them, but knew they likely had their own lives now, and the glory days were well and truly behind them.

He could only smile as she expressed her joy at his return, feeling much the same before Amani and Alicio shared in their own secretive exchange.

But it was enough to encourage Tarish to speak with the look Alicio gave them both.

He sighed, knowing the topic was likely an unpleasant one for Amani. A topic he'd avoided until the look from Alicio.

But they couldn't dodge around it forever. And ripping open the airlock seemed the only course of action.

"I had her meet me in an old generator station during a sith incursion. We fought. Using Tutaminis, I drained power from her blade and spun up the plant into overload, goading her all the while mind you." He explained quietly, drawing circles on the table, his eyes kept there for now. "It was an elaborate show as far as Amani knew. But I figured with big wig sith overhead, it'd be hard to sell her as a turncoat if...well. There wasn't some hard evidence."

He didn't want to outright say what had happened between he and Amani, still a rather raw topic for all the years between then and now. Or at least what he had orchestrated.

"The force battle made her known to those watching the battle, and the whole building exploding drew some attention as well." He blinked, hand pausing mid circle as he remembered the exchange after. "She walked away with the story she needed. My remains were sent home to be buried."

The orange of his eyes glittering with flecks of amber as he looked to Alicio and stared. The scar on his face pulsing as he channeled a fraction of the dark side.

"But grief and manipulation make people do, terrible things, for the ones they love. And my mother fell victim to the whispers and promises of the dark side, blinded by the want of her child back." The amber color faded out, orange taking the space of his eyes as the scar returned to its dormant state.

"Which is why I've stayed away." He offered, looking once more at his hands.

Alicio put the pieces together quickly. And Tarish took it upon himself to relay the story in its full detail. Amani remained silent, her solemn expression downcast towards the table.

It was exactly how she remembered it. And worst of all, Tarish was probably right that his death was the only way to make her turn believable. The entire event was difficult to process to this day. The consequences of his plan had weighed heavily on her psyche. Was she supposed to be mad at him for that? At herself? At anyone?

There was no one emotion that could be used to label it all. And all these years later, all she could really feel was relief. That the cost meant something. That she could move forward, onto a better life. For all the ups and downs, Amani couldn't be happier about where she was now.

She turned to Alicio, "We met again by chance some years ago. After I had left the Silvers and was on my own. But then we went our separate ways and… that was that. It wasn't until the wedding that it happened again." Which brought her back to Tarish. She looked at him, "What convinced you to come back?" He admitted he was tired of running, but she was searching more for the actual impetus of that decision


Tarish had, quite literally, sacrificed himself for Amani.

Would Amani's plan, to infiltrate the Sith ranks to save the Grandmaster, have gone half as smoothly if she hadn't 'killed' a Jedi before joining? Alicio didn't know, he hadn't been there. But if she had been found out... if the Sith actually captured her, killed her, or worse...

They wouldn't all be here to have this conversation.

Alicio listened on in muted attentiveness, taking in as much information as he could from the stories Tarish and Amani shared. He didn't quite know how to react to it all, it seemed the two former Silvers didn't know either, so Alicio kept his face neutral, small microexpressions of care and sadness breaking the visage every now and again.

Of course, Tarish's show of darkness didn't go unnoticed. Alicio stared back, an unbreaking calm, a harsh understanding, on his face as he tasted the sweet aroma of the Dark Side. "Fallen, and risen, and fallen again," he murmured, as if remembering something. The scars ran deeper than the skin, it seemed.

There was an awkward pause in the conversation as the droid returned, efficiently depositing their food around the table. Alicio thanked the service droid, but didn't move to touch his stir fry, as he awaited Tarish's answer to Amani's question.

- Tarish Galland - Amani Serys Amani Serys -

Tarish Galland



LOCATION: Coruscant,
WEARING: Outfit, Force Talisman
TAGS: Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

The quiet ate at him more than the years away could have ever hoped.

The service droid bringing their food around in time to give him yet another moment of thought to put words to what he felt.

What he wanted.

"I wouldn't say anything convinced me to come back." He finally admitted. "At least not until I spoke with you."

His hands twitched, wanting to fidget, to be active in some way as nervous energy danced in his mind.

"I..." Words starting to form before his mind and mouth tumbled over each other. "I wanted to see you happy. See where you had ended up. Be selfish one last time before finding a hole to crawl into and wait out my time."

His eyes drifted down to the plate before him.

"But I couldn't walk away this time. I didn't want to walk away. I can't walk away anymore from the only person I want to see happy."

They sat in heavy silence. The server droid arrived with ill-timing to deliver their food, but at least served to break the awkward stretch of time. When the droid left, Tarish spoke. And Amani frowned. His apparent self-loathing had served in some part to drive him away. He didn't deserve such a tortured existence. The darkness was thrust upon him. But here he was believing as if he were somehow at fault.

"You deserve a bit of happiness, too. There are people willing to help. And you've already reached out this far," Amani's frown shifted into a melancholic smile, "...Just see it through. You don't have to live like that ever again." She reached out and took his hand in hers for a moment, before slinking back in wait for a response.


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