Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Blaze in the Endor Sky [First Order Dominion of Endor Hex]

Post: 2
Location: Endor, Ground
Objective: 2
Allies: [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Torch"] [member="IT-88"]

The order was given to move out toward the generator. WD-334 moved slowly, it's damaged leg affecting it's speed. But it did not affect the how powerful it's weapons were. Firing in controlled bursts for accuracy, the war droid continued to cover all troopers in it's view, attempting to mow down or pin down any enemy forces. To it, all enemy forces were just enemies. No names put to faces. Just a crosshair in it's robotic eyes. All it did was shoot and swing, shoot and swing with no sign of backing down. This was what it was built for. War.

But eventually, the order to halt was given out. The droid halted it's movement, standing at a standstill on sentry, watching in case a counter attack was to come their way as well as waiting for any orders directed at itself. There was commotion around, more dropships and more troops. Officers giving and receiving orders. But none of this mattered to the droid. It was a rather dull machine when it came to interaction with living beings.

There it waited for the order of the final push to the generator. It would be harder for the droid. The risk of tripping, the trees providing lots of cover to the enemy. In the droid's programming, it was determined to fight. Determined to win. Built to fight till it could fight no more. And this, it would do. For it was it's sole duty.
Post: 8
Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Aran Piett"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

The holoprojector image of Supreme Commander Vaas remained unflinching before Asharad, its glowing blue image flickering slightly as the transmission from the chaos of space wavered.

"Make your move now, General. We need that shield down as soon as possible." Vaas' reply was laconic as well, the two men seemed to be cut from the same cloth when it came to communication. If he was anxious, it did not show. Rather, A'sharad Graush was one of Vaas' most trusted Generals. There was no time when he needed the ground forces to really come through more than now, but if anyone could handle it, it would be A'sharad.

"Update me immediately upon completion. Over and out."

Supreme Commander Vaas cut the communication then. He didn't need to remind A'sharad that there was zero margin for error. Instead, he turned his attention back to the space battle before him where the FIV Subjugator led its line and launched an attack. "Have our starfighters move to protect the Subjugator, and move back into attack position. We may yet have these reptiles by the throat."
skin, bone, and arrogance
Sara Lee Jones said:
Post 2

As soon as she was given green she was passed down some orders through her com from SFC, she was to immediately go to bakura to provide some troops there air support

She and bolt flight took off and into hyperspace, she came out as she got a direct line to [member="Fenix la Fortune"] to confirm her flight was there* major la fortune this is bolt flight of the 100th we are here to provide close air support at your mark and call * she said as she came in and gave a gentle fly by and then a circle
Fenix tapped his earpiece and then glanced around at his men. They had not seemed to have heard it as well. "Thanks for the assist, Jones," said Fenix pleasantly. "It would be helpful if you could scout ahead for us. This shuttle isn't equipped for fast atmospheric flying, but perhaps your fighters can fly ahead and see what we're facing here. Ships, troops, numbers, etc." He paused for a moment and waited for her to consider the suggestion. The truth was, air superiority would be helpful at the beginning of the battle. Those damned lizards might be blaster-resistance but surely even their scaled melted when confronted with the hot light of a ship's cannon.

He hoped.

The Major went to the cockpit. "Patch into the Starfighter Corps channel so we can pick up on whatever they can see from the air."

"Yes sir," replied the communications officer.

"Jones, it's la Fortune. We're about five minutes out. What can you see?"

[member="Sara Lee Jones"]
Post: 9
Objective: 3
Parties Involved: [member="Perth Levov"] [member="Warok the Defiler"] [member="Isla Ashen"] [member="Thomas Kyrel"] [member="Skylar Walker"]

The hidden presence eventually revealed itself as a small woman, her eyes white and peculiar. They didn't seem to get that way through being tainted by the Dark Side... no, this was something different. She stood before the Knights of Ren then, yet she said nothing. Meanwhile, the Ewok was ready to lead the group further into the cave. Greifen didn't trust the creature as far as he could throw him, but right now, his potential wisdom - or deceit - was all the Knights had to go on. He would need to be cautiously trusted for the time being.

But this girl was a mystery, and she was slowing their progess so long as she remained unidentified. The fact that she had found her way here spoke of some knowledge of the Force and the Dark Side, which made it all the more important to Greifen that he know who she was. The Knights could not allow just anyone to follow them and observe their business. Either she was loyal to the Supreme Leader, or she was an enemy.

The Ewok had already started to progress further into the cave. Greifen would have to catch up with him momentarily. For now, he faced Perth, with one hand resting on the hilt of his lightsaber.

"The God Emperor whispers to me, I sense you seek more than just artifacts here. Tell me your name, girl... and your purpose in this dark place."
Post 3

[member="Fenix la Fortune"]

She gave a grin as she spoke*gotta keep you boys safe on the ground aomehow*she chuckled and then listened to him as she nodded to herself as she looked forward and spoke again as her fighters increased speed* Roger that major la fortune we'll get the red-carpet, out* she said with a joking tone that ended with a serious tone as she hopped to her flights coms* bolt flight keep eyes low and make sure to look for anything enemy, break formation*she said as the four broke off and started their recon, for a few minutes nothing but jungle and ground, soon Sara noticed a lock on her screen and pulled rught as a middle zoomed past * major la fortune get your men out of the sky believe they have launchers..oh poodoo* she said as the missile arched around towards her as she pulled up watching it follow as she then dived for the ground and quickly pulled up causing it to hit the ground * alright...recon has come up with confirmed they have missile...defense?...that or handheld* she said as her other three reported back* bolt flight has found a few ammo caches lots of lizards with blasters bolt 3 took a little fire, permission to attack major la fortune?

Perth Levov

It matters not who I am. My power is all that shou
Perth continued to cycle through her alternatives – predominantly subconsciously. It was how she was trained, how she was raised to think and behave so that it became a passive act, requiring no effort or even monitoring. Each option was constantly updated for viability and success likelihood as she went about her day, her conscious brain dictating her intent and her subconscious identifying the best route to success.

Right now, given how far she’d come into the cave, there was only one option that presented itself as feasible. The truth. It was non-threatening and might afford her co-operation as well as avoiding conflict. So she kept her voice low and calm, her pace even and her body language open but mostly static. And she stuck to the facts and the question. Too much information was often a warning flag – people that justified or over-elaborated tended to have something to hide – at least in her experience. So as the Ewok progressed and the dark figure remained, she spoke to him – acutely aware that one of his hands was casually resting on the hilt of his saber. Except she did not believe for one moment it was by chance.

“The God Emperor?” She repeated the opening words, a hint of a question in there. Not an accusation – but more of a request for more information. “But you are correct. Things mean nothing to me. I come here seeking knowledge. Not anything specifically, just information. Knowledge of the dark side – of its ways. Of its application. Of how I might best use it. To give my life purpose beyond fighting. If I am to be a tool, I wish to know to what purpose I am to be applied. What the Force requires of me. What I can use it for.”

“I was once a warrior. I still fight, but the term no longer defines me. I have outgrown it. The Force has something else for me. A role in the galaxy that is different from the one I was born into. But what that role is, or what these gifts I have now are for?” She paused and looked at her hands, now held fifteen centimetres in front of her face, palms facing her nose.

Then she slowly lowered her hands and stared at the man. “Tell me, what does the God Emperor say to you now?”

[member="Greifen Ren"]
Location: Fornow -> The Blood Pits -> Near the Underhold
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Ludolf Vaas"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | @First Order
Enemies: Rebellious Slaves | Ssi-Ruuk Invaders |
Posts: [4/--]

The tunnels of the blood pits were wide and tall honeycombed beneath the surface. It was a complex creation directed by experts among the graug who in turn motivated the slaves who dug all around the clock. Fornow was well known for its valuable stores of gems, minerals and the like. The more they mined the deeper the tunnels went. While there weren't many visible barracks topside one could see where the graug tunnels ended and the slave tunnels began. Graug were inherently underground dwellers with vast portions of their homes and cities built underground. There were many barracks and facilities used by the overseers who watched over the massive hordes of slaves below.

Deep beneath the earth the battle was fierce with bodies of dead graug slavers and butchered slaves filling the pathways, the smell of blood and death hung heavily in the stale tunnel air. The slaves were numerous but they were mostly disorganized, ill equipped and untrained to handle an organized response especially by the elite Blackblade legionnaires. When Prazutis strode through to the front lines the blackblades had already put up a wall of shields to protect against incoming blaster fire using these pieces of cover to provide coordinated blasts down at the slaves. When the Dark Lord finally reached the very front of the assault the heavy gunners had just brought the ACS-203 Hellstorm Blastercannons online. The loud whirring echoed in the air as these blasters belched a storm of blaster fire ripping through anyone caught out of cover like tissue paper.

The powerful cannons forced the slaves to cover suppressing their position thoroughly. Prazutis activated his lightsaber once again and broke through the front line charging right into the positions of the slaves. The goliath leaped over a particularly large boulder being used as cover and carved the group who dared to hide there to ribbons while the force of legionnaires roared in response, charging forward and smashing the battle line to the sound of cackling red lightning and the smell of ozone filling the air. But just as he moved to press forward a particular presence filled the air...the Jedi who spurred these slaves on and the man who was at a major leader in the rebellion: Viyers. It wouldn't of taken long for word to spread about the presence of a Sith Lord on the front lines, and it brought the fool right out of his den...

Let the games begin.
Post: 10
Objective: 3
Allies: [member="Thomas Kyrel"] [member="Isla Ashen"] [member="Skylar Walker"]

Greifen Ren listened as [member="Perth Levov"] spoke, allowing her to narrate her story as he stood before her. He wouldn't cut her off or stop her; rather he would let her continue to talk and observe her, and wait and see when she finally chose to finish speaking. By her third or fourth sentence, he understood. She was seeking the same meaning he sought, when he was in her shoes so many years ago. It was difficult to know whether or not a new initiate was genuine or an infiltrator - that would come with time - but Greifen knew that the Dark Side worked in ways that could not be readily interpreted. For those who sought to answer its call, the Dark Side could lead them halfway across the galaxy in what seemed like a fruitless quest, and sometimes the journeymen couldn't even explain where they were going themselves. It was why this young woman was here now. Had he not done the same?

"You seek purpose because you've been lied to," Greifen finally answered her. "You have been told that self-indulgence will lead to satisfaction, but here you are, empty. A fighter without a cause is simply a barbarian. A destroyer of worlds and creator of nothing."

Greifen turned his shoulder to her, his hand still on his lightsaber. Her slight confusion at his mention of the God Emperor did not go unnoticed by him. He was going to follow [member="Warok the Defiler"], and motioned that Perth was free to follow him... if she wished.

"The God Emperor is the ancient spirit of Palpatine, he who has transcended death. Many among us worship him. You will hear him too, if you dare to listen."

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Endor
Post: 16/38
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Ssi-Ruuk
Objective: Create an Ewok reserve (BYOO)

"<Said reserve cannot function without ensuring that the Ewoks will be granted the proper guarantees, however. What guarantees do you have?>"

"The establishment of the reserve means that a no-logging, no-hunting zone is in effect for non-Ewoks inside the reserve premises, and that non-Ewoks caught logging or hunting inside the reserve will be charged with poaching"

"<How far should the reserve extend from the village limits?>"

"Ten kilometers from each village"

The question of royalties hasn't been approached but Dunames knew for sure that the question of royalties WILL be brought up, in terms of hotel and other touristic revenues. Just that the question of guarantees to indigenous populations has always been a delicate question to answer: they were here to prove that the First Order was different from past dark-sided factions, especially the One Sith. These guys generally only left destruction and massacres in their wake. Dunames knew she was worth better than that, and the First Order she became associated with over the past six years or so. Now May the Endor Express prove to be a greater success than the ski resort on Hoth. Bread-and-circuses were the purpose behind both the Ewok reserve and the ski resort on Hoth: may this version of an eco-sensitive tour on Endor end up much like the Mandalorian-run Dantooine Express. Said Dantooine Express has been a much greater success than what Cademimu could ever have been as a Beaches of the Dark Side destination.
Location: Endor
Objective: 3 - Recover Armor/Slay Gorax
Allies: [member="Misha Ren"], [member="Thomas Kyrel"], [member="Darth Veles"], [member="Greifen Ren"], [member="Skylar Walker"]
In the area: [member="Warok the Defiler"], [member="Perth Levov"]
Post: 5

The redhead stood with arms crossed, passively listening to the conversation between Greifen Ren and the newcomer. She watched the two figures out of the corner of her eyes. However, her attention was momentarily captured by the pale color of the young woman’s gaze. Isla turned away, but would remain cautious. While this dark-haired woman did not seem like a threat to them, appearances could be deceiving. But even Isla knew, it would be unwise to make a move against the Ren… at least while she was outnumbered.

Isla let her emerald eyes fall upon the small form of the Ewok, and found her gaze narrowing. She merely listened as he spoke of the whispering of spirits, and watched as his ears moved back and forth. He was a strange creature, indeed. No matter his ramblings, he had offered to lead them through the cave. Though she had reservations about following the Ewok further into the cave, lest he should attempt to lead them astray… it was the best option available to them for the moment.

She watched as the furry creature’s tiny feet carried him forward, and Isla moved to follow.
Location: Endor

Objective: 3 - Recover Armor/Slay Gorax
Allies: [member="Isla Ashen"], [member="Thomas Kyrel"], [member="Darth Veles"], [member="Greifen Ren"], [member="Skylar Walker"]
In the area: [member="Warok the Defiler"], [member="Perth Levov"]
Post: 3

She was remaining there and staying quiet. There were a lot more people she was unsure of while seeing them and allowing her senses to expand outwards in the cave. The talk of spirits and god emperors got her interest but she was staying out of the conversation when her master watched the others. Moving over so she could in in a position to let the reflective surface of the chair be used by her master to observe if she wished it without having to make it obvious. It was a small thing after all but she pushed together closer to listen ad see into the ave as them having a guide through it could be... questionable to her. It was something you could use in dangerous places but she was uncertain about what would work best with this situation. Looking to see what the others were wanting to do when she was awaiting to see what her master and the others decided. She saw two more join them with a bow of her head while she moved her fingers under her hair on the controls ready for anything that they could do.
Location: Endor
Objective 3 - Recover Vader's Armor/Slay Gorax
Allies: [member="Isla Ashen"], [member="Misha Ren"], [member="Darth Veles"], [member="Skylar Walker"], [member="Greifen Ren"]
In the area: [member="Warok the Defiler"],[member="Perth Levov"]
Post 4

The wolves did nothing and merely retreated. Kyrel was surprised,and lowered his saber slowly listening to the half mad ewok. He never knew that an ewok could speak basic let alone wield the force. He did not trust the little trickster,nor did he even trust Veles. He knew as a Sith he was after the same prize,and even though he was said ally to the Order of Ren,and The First Order Kyrel thought than when given his chance he would kill anyone for that Armor. He remained silent as the Mon cal spoke,his mechanical breathing the only sound besides the drop of water from the stalagmites.

Than the force signatures he had sensed earlier were starting to come from behind him. He turned around to surprisingly see another Ren. The Ren spoke to the mon cal,and then to Kyrel. Kyrel spoke coldly with a slight irritation,but through the metallic baritone of his vocabulater it was hard to even tell. "Of course i know this Sith. I have encountered him several times,and so far as I know I wonder if he can be trusted with this mission. Despite being allied with the First Order he is Sith,and like all Sith would kill for such a prize that we are after. I advise caution for all of us,and most of all not only be wary of him,but that little creature over there." To emphasize his point he pointed his finger at the ewok,and despite saying his piece in front of Veles he had to make it known that he could turn on anyone one of the Knights at any point just for Vader's armor.

His servant asked curiously if the mon cal was a part of the First Order,and at this point he absently refrained himself from listening to something he already knew. Minutes later more Ren arrived in the form of a young woman with red hair,and what looked to be a companion of hers. Kyrel stood patiently waiting to see if anymore would arrive. Than a young woman appeared,it seemed as if she was not apart of the First Order,or a Ren for that matter. This made Kyrel eye her cautiously,as he did he heard some superstitious non sense about some god king which he thought was completely ridiculous.

The ewok than spoke to the group beckoning them to follow him deeper in to the cave. Kyrel looked at the girl,and spoke portentously. "Be careful girl,I have no idea who you are and you do not look like one of us,If you make one wrong move I or the others will not hesitate to put your life at an end." He glared deeply into her eyes with his photoreceptors for a moment,and when he felt that the warning was received he followed the ewok carefully into the depths of the cave.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Endor
Post: 17/38
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Ssi-Ruuk
Objective: Create an Ewok reserve (BYOO)

"First Orderers will either come spend an afternoon or the entire day, or alternatively, sleep under the stars, with the lovable Ewoks in their charming tribal villages"

"<How many First Orderer tourists do you expect to... come spend an afternoon or the entire day, or alternatively, sleep under the stars, here?>"

"There will be thousands of them daily, with Neimoidian Yachts or AT-AT barges landing in Happy Grove every few minutes"

"<We want a piece of the pie, too>"

It wasn't long until the question of royalties came back to haunt them. The Ewoks won't let First Orderers visit their world without at least a share of the pie. If JanFathal could have 40-seater StarSpeeder 3000s leave for Endor every few minutes, back in 4 ABY, then surely Star Tours could fill Neimoidian Yachts or AT-AT barges with those things landing every few minutes on Endor, drawing from every destination flown in First Order space (and then some: Eriadu, Dulvoyinn, Hosnian Prime, Pergitor, Gandle Ott) and these have at least 4 times the passenger capacity of the StarSpeeder 3000s (166-seater Neimoidian Yachts), or even 13 (525-seater AT-AT barges). Perhaps if some tariffs could be imposed on non-First Orderers flying to the Forest Moon of Endor and used in a Ewok preservation fund, she thought. But a tentative accord to would likely require approval from the higher-ups in the First Order administration.
[member="Darth Veles"] | [member="Thomas Kyrel"] | [member="Isla Ashen"] | [member="Misha Ren"] | [member="Perth Levov"] | [member="Greifen Ren"] | [member="Skylar Walker"]

The tortuous tunnel led them deep inside the cave. The air here seemed moist and wet, with a scent one part moss, one part wood, and two parts decay. Gnarled roots of spirit trees jutted from the walls. Warok stuck out a paw and traced the length of one as he walked.

Ahead, the form of a Mon Calamari briefly shimmered against the darkness, then vanished. Warok quickened his pace. "See. See. He... hmm."

The tunnel forked and Warok came to an abrupt halt. The Dark Side's oppressive presence seemed omnipresent, as if the armor - and Veles - might be anywhere. He glanced at the right fork, then at the left.

"Earth hardens here. No tracks. We lose time."

Warok produced an empty leather pouch from his belt, then bit his paw between thumb and forefinger till he drew blood. He squeezed and the droplets pitter-pattered into the bag. Next, he pulled a tuft away from his fur and also deposited it in the bag, then turned to the others. Three there were, perhaps more. Two male and one female. He held the leather pouch open toward them.

"You must do the same. More. The spell must have more. The fish is slippery, but I will weave my net."
Objective 2.
[member="Ludolf Vaas"]

Naturally, the Supreme Commander wanted things done immediately. The Sith Knight could understand that.

Still, A'sharad Graush didn't care.

"Of course," he'd say with a nod of his head before twisting his heels into the dirt and then turning to the rest of the occupants within the command tent. Glancing down to the chronometre embedded into his wrist, it'd soon be dawn, he imagined.

"Have the Ssi-Ruuk's dead been cleared?"

"Yes, General Graush."

"Burn them at the same time as the forests. Dawn comes early today."

And he walked out from the command tent after a flourish of his blacker than black armourweave cloak. And he walked into the midst of stormtroopers from his elite squadron. Specifically, the first subjects of the Dark Storm Commando Armour. Their armour was all black, similar to his own, but of course, they were merely the best of the best from the First Order's Elite White Wolves Legion.
Wandering Naval Officer
Objective: I. Engage the Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium fleet over Endor...and search the salvage of the Death Star II
Location: Orbit over Endor, FIV Subjugator
Allies: The First Order
Enemies: Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium
Post: 5
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Ludolf Vaas"] |[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]​
Aran's forces continued their slow push into the lines of the OPFOR, pushing them more and more towards the brunt of the allied fleet. He could help at this point give out a menacing grin wringing his hands in anticipation of final knockout blow the fleet would deal to these Reptilian scum. Reports from Aran' surviving ships continued to pour into the bridge consoles everything was going to plan. In the distance Aran could see some fighter wing moving to escort and provide CAP for his cruisers, this would counter the fighters harassing him due to his cruisers not having squadrons. The FIV Subjugator continued to shake as the Ssi-Ruuvi fleet peppered it with ion cannons, but nothing seemed to stop it from it's mission. Slowly but surely it moved closer and closer to the allied fleet bring the doom to the reptiles and their fleet.​

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Endor
Post: 18/38
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Ssi-Ruuk
Objective: Create an Ewok reserve (BYOO)

"Here's my idea: an Ewok Preservation Fund made up of tariffs collected on passengers flying to Endor from non-First Order points of origin, for Ewok use and for their protection"

"<The question of the tariffs is a delicate one, madam. Are these proposed tariffs levied based on the distance, on regions or are they uniformly imposed on all commercial flights from non-First Order worlds?>"

"Region-based but uniformly across a given region of origin. Flights originating from Alliance and Mandalorian worlds would be charged twice as much tariffs as everyone else"

"<Why Alliance and Mandalorians?>"

"These factions are the ones with declared hostility towards the First Order"

It would be easier to manage tariffs if they were levied on inbound flights from outside First Order space than if they were levied on non-First Orderers as individuals. Alliance and Mandalorians are the main two enemies of the First Order, and she made no qualms about surcharging them. But said tariffs must not be prohibitively high, or else the other revenues would suffer. Too high and the number of tourists will suffer, but the other political implications of the Ewoks shall be dealt with by the likes of Natasi Fortan or Valessia Brentioch, whom Dunames trusted to hammer out an agreement with Ewoks that went beyond the commercial implications of running an Ewok reserve. So as to fully integrate them within the First Order socio-political structure. That was strictly for the commercial operation of an Ewok reserve, which would make the First Order more user-friendly than other dark-sided factions.

Perth Levov

It matters not who I am. My power is all that shou
She was pleased he’d let her speak – but now she wondered if she’d shared too much, or appeared to be ranting. It was sometimes a fine line between being honest and open and appearing a zealous fanatic.

But his opening words resonated with her. As he spoke, she understood the feelings she had more clearly. It was as if her previous life was a lie. Worse still, the Force knew it was a lie and hadn’t warned her. Although, looking back, it had tried to tell her – to engage her emotions when she supressed them.

“A barbarian.” She echoed his words. To an Echani, this was an insult. A warrior lived to fight – but in a controlled and purposeful way. But to accept his explanation – and she readily did – meant his insight had turned her world on its head. She was aware he was looking to progress into the cave and she naturally fell into step. His wisdom was like cool, clear water and her thirst had yet to be slaked.

“Palpatine. The Sith Lord? From the Rule of Two?” Aware she was simply asking questions, she nodded instead. “I have heard of him. But not ‘heard’ him.” She spoke carefully, to ensure the meaning of her statement was clear. “Perhaps I shall one day I shall.”

As they walked forward she continued. “And what drew me here is connected to one of his apprentices. Vader. I suspect you’re here for the same reason.”

[member="Warok the Defiler"] [member="Isla Ashen"] [member="Greifen Ren"]
Location: Endor
Objective: 3 - Recover Armor/Slay Gorax
Allies: [member="Misha Ren"], [member="Thomas Kyrel"], [member="Darth Veles"], [member="Greifen Ren"], [member="Skylar Walker"]
In the area: [member="Warok the Defiler"], [member="Perth Levov"]
Post: 6

As she ventured after the Ewok, Isla squinted into the darkness. The small creature made his way with ease, but Isla had to bend slightly to continue. An earthy scent filled the air, but it was mixed with the smell of death and rot. The sound of the Ewok’s feet upon the cave floor grew faster, and she sped up too. It would not be good to lose sight of their guide. Her pulse quickened slightly, perhaps they were close now.

Isla’s boots skidded against the ground as Warok came to a halt. The tunnel had split off into two directions, and the Ewok did not appear to know the way. Brushing back the hood of her cloak, she watched curiously as the Ewok produced a leather pouch. Next, she was surprised to see him draw his own blood and fur. Her emerald eyes grew narrow again, casting a suspicious gaze down at the pouch that was now being held out to them.

This… spell craft was unfamiliar to Isla. She was also not fond of the idea of lending her own blood and hair to the cause. There was always the possibility that the Ewok would use this magic against them. Inside, she suppressed the urge to simply crush the furry creature beneath her boot. But it would not be so easy, this little Ewok was clever.

She had a hunting knife on her belt, a sharp blade that could easily produce the blood needed for the spell. However, she cast a glance towards her fellow Ren, waiting to see if anyone would step forward.
Post: 11
Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Aran Piett"]

"See to it that you do, General. Over and out," Supreme Commander Vaas said, before cutting the communication to General Graush.

He knew that it would take time for Graush's forces to clear the way and deactivate the shield generator - and Ludolf had no doubt in his mind that they would, as he knew the White Wolves were superior to anything the Ssi-Ruuvi could throw at them. But nothing was ever accomplished with lax orders. The minute the Supreme Commander let up with discipline was the minute his officers did as well, even including someone he knew and trusted well like General Graush. As much as he liked A'sharad personally, it was not his job to be his friend right now - they had a battle to win.

Another streak of turbolaser fire lanced past the command deck as the FIV Vader pushed forward. He could see the Subjugator under Commander Piett's control just ahead, blazing a trail through the Ssi-Ruuvi forces. It seemed Piett was determined to earn an Iron Sun today or die trying.

"Full ahead, all frontal turbolasers on the cruiser assaulting the Subjugator!" The Vader moved forward and directed its fire towards the nearest Ssi-Ruuvi vessel that was currently pummeling the Subjugator.

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