Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Blaze in the Endor Sky [First Order Dominion of Endor Hex]

Location: Endor
Objective: 3
[member="Thomas Kyrel"] [member="Misha Ren"] [member="Isla Ashen"] [member="Warok the Defiler"] [member="Greifen Ren"]

His allies did not have to be physically seen by him to find themselves revealed. Or were they rivals now? Either way, Veles found his attention drawn to a curious manifestation taking place right in front of him.

The bird’s sudden and unexplained appearance reeked of dark side magic. Unholy spells lingered in the air similarly to a powerful beast stench. Veles stayed away from this sudden apparition, his cloaked figure remaining discreetly flattened against the filthy walls, silently observing the spectacle unfold until its violent, explosive end sent feathers flying in all directions like some childish projectiles after a thorough pillow fight. Only one glassy orb remained open, receptive to the feathery shower – in a rush to escape this cursed place and penetrate the cave’s darkest pits before others claimed his prize, the amphibious Mon Cal rushed on, still deafened by his own technique. For one reason or another, the darkness around him felt more alive than before even though no nasty eight-legged animals crawled around. He brushed aside stray vegetation growing from the wall to his left and sensually tickling his skin and finally stopped silencing the sound around himself in order to listen to his surroundings.

Something else must have taken residence in here. Judging by the now perfectly distinctive smell which overpowered that of rotting bodies, larger beasts called the hole home. Veles had entered their territory, their lair, sneaking past the oversized spiders only to encounter something vastly more dangerous. Looking up offered a nauseating sight – no ceiling as far as Veles’ enhanced eyesight could see. Was he really that deep? Had he known of the Gorax, he would have realized the extremely high ceiling's significance. Old, half-decomposed animal carcasses littered the ground, occasionally accompanied by freshly eviscerated bodies. Several Ewoks here and there, too. No longer held back by his power, Veles noticed powerful breaths rhythmically filling the inescapable void surrounding him.

It was cold. The drop in temperature was very noticeable now.

He paced forth with nothing but his eyesight and the Force guiding his steps and giving away what awaited next. Water. Water could be heard, running near across stone and earth, dripping in accurate intervals, filling the cave lord's home with melodic performance. Always a faithful servant, the dark side positively revealed something alive – big enough to advise extreme caution. Gripping his weapon tighter, basking in darkness and wielding it like an ally, the Mon Calamari took three decisive steps forward before his low-light vision revealed a duo of slumbering monstrosities asleep on their prey.

Wandering Naval Officer
Objective: I. Engage the Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium fleet over Endor...and search the salvage of the Death Star II
Location: Orbit over Endor, FIV Subjugator
Allies: The First Order
Enemies: Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium
Post: 2
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"]
Aran's forces slowly pushed closer and closer to the Ssi-Ruuvi fleet, once their guns were in range the gunnery stationed began to open fire with ion cannons. As Aran learned that turbolasers took too long to get their shields down. Aran also with his knowledge from Virgilia he knew they relied on swarm tactics, if you take out the head the rest would be in disarray. With this he ordered his ships in a flanking move to encircle the enemy fleet, and put them into a killing field. This would be one of the first order's major triumphs, and hopefully secure endor for the order.​
Yet still Aran couldn't shake this feeling of doom upon him. It still felt like he would meet his end here like Firmus did so many years ago. He couldn't let that get to him, the fleet he was with had superior tech and numbers, there was no way we could loose, but with that thought he remembered the lives lost on Virgilia and how he felt the same way with that battle only to loose 66% of his line in that battle​
Location: Fornow -> The Blood Pits -> Near the Underhold
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Ludolf Vaas"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | @First Order
Enemies: Rebellious Slaves | Ssi-Ruuk Invaders |
Posts: [3/--]
Note: Due to the LoA of Darth Carnifex I'm going to be writing from the position that this is after Prazutis has been appointed acting God-King after Kaine's departure. Kaine's appearance on Bunduki has been retconned.

They knew a day like this would come when the rule of law would be tested by insolent rebels, but Prazutis almost expected it to happen when Kaine Zambrano departed to the stars, leaving his crown with the rightful crown prince. In that moment the prince became the God-King and it was his goal to ensure the protection of the Pacanth Reach. Every problem that rose became his responsibility and the way he dealt with these problems would reflect on how good a leader he would be. When Kaine did finally return to the Pacanth Reach then Prazutis would ensure Kaine he was ready to lead their people if the need rose. While he stood on the blackened soil of the Blood Pits the God-King was acutely aware through his vast foresight in the force, observing his vast domain.

Additionally he was well connected to the Royal War Council, the council of the Panathan Empires highest ranking military officials. It was crucial that he remained connected to the assets most of whom were spread around the Pacanth Reach to deal with the various threats that rose. Instead of once more charging headlong into the fray Prazutis stood in the center of a makeshift camp while a portion of the legion brought with him took control of the two stable cave mouths that led into the massive mine that shot miles beneath the surface. In his current state the Dark Lord was the true visage of terror in his wicked spiked plate caked with blood, dirt, and scorch marks from battle. The only portion missing was the helmet he had taken off that now rested on a makeshift table set up from the slaver's barracks which was in a chaotic state. Prazutis only responded to the first order official contacting him with "Welcome to the fray commander. We will put the fear of death into these saurian invaders."

The table held six portable holographic projectors that would allow the God-King to communicate with the holographic visages of the war council in "real time". Five of devices came to life in a bright blue glow each one in order of the seat these men held on the war council. In a normal setting Kaine held the first seat as Emperor and Braxus the second as the crown prince, but with Kaine gone Braxus for now held the first seat as the appointed Emperor. Next came Zaddion Bruul Lord Commander of the Crownguard, Osbasid Highlord of the Blackblade Guard, Brutus Mallear Grand General of the Royal Army, Thaddeus Krell Grand Admiral of the Royal War Navy, and Malgrog Warchief of the Iron Horde of Fornow all kneeling in the presence of their Emperor. "Rise. Chaos brought forth by the invaders has spread throughout the Reach, status reports one at a time". Prazutis ordered.

The first of these to speak was the infamous Zaddion Bruul, the highly skilled soldier and well trained user of the force. Zaddion was personally trained by both of the Zambranos he served and a veteran of many battles with his charges. In this situation with no Zambrano blood on Panatha he was tasked by the God-King to both work alongside the Grand Vizier preparing Panatha's ground defenses in case they land planetside, and coordinating the Crownguard forces that meshed with the Blackblade legion who fought with their liege on Fornow. "Your majesty if the enemy breaks through our naval forces we will be ready for them. I have shored up the Royal Army's forces with crownguard units at key strategic locations across Panatha especially Vain Hollow. The Hollow will not be breached by these invaders." Zaddion finished with a calm and respectful tone surprising for a man with such a brutish appearance.

The God-King merely nodded and looked towards the next official needing to hear everyone's status reports. Osbasid took command of the Blackblade Legions other five thousand soldiers that made up the ten thousand strong legion. The Royal Army were fighting a two front war on Bunduki with these saurian invaders and the rebellious nobility, they needed the Blackblades. "Your majesty the fight has turned in our favor. We've stunted the rebel forces assault and are now pushing into the enemy held capital. It won't be long now before I have the rebel leaders at my mercy."

As if on cue Grand General Mallear spoke up his deep voice taking on a mechanical tone through the annunciator in his helmet "My liege the war goes well the Royal Army is making great strides across the sector. Were dug in deep on Panatha, slowly pushing the saurian's back on Bunduki, and reinforcing graug troops on Fornow. We've crushed key rebel strong points across Fornow trapping the rebellious slaves between our guns and the Iron Hordes but their will remains strong, faith in this Viyers runs deep." Mallear said. Even under that helmet Prazutis was able to understand Mallear beyond the literal meaning of his words. Brutus was one of the original recruits when the Blackblade Guard were founded for the first time. Along with Osbasid the story of Brutus the Tower Mallear was legendary among the ranks of the guard.

Thaddeus Krell appeared sitting in the command chair aboard the RNV Manticore, one of the two Dark Blade-Class Dreadnaughts held by the Panathan Empire. It was his job to command the entire Panathan Starfleet in throwing back the enemy fleets. "Your majesty the saurians were ill prepared for an attack on this scope. It seem the bulk of their naval assault is split between Panatha and Bunduki. Here we've destroyed their first wave but sensors are picking up a much larger wave arriving soon. On Bunduki were focused on stifling the flow of transports to the surface and cutting off their air support." Krell said.

Lastly Malgrog spoke in a gruff thickly accentuated voice "Your majesty the initial chaos of this rebellion has worn off. We're shutting the rebels down through extensive tunnel warfare forcing them to fight a two front war. The saurian raiders are making a hard attempt across Fornow spreading us thin. But the First Order's war machine is reinforcing us on all sectors. Once we break them at the Underhold we'll break the back of this siege." Malgrog said. In truth Prazutis didn't condemn him for calling for aide, Malgrog was too stubborn to call unless he absolutely needed it and the man was right. This conflict spread like wildfire across the reach.

Finally in the silence left by Malgrogs report did the God-King speak bellowing orders "Lord Commander Bruul the enemy's primary targets will be civilian centers to cause mass panic, ensure the Grand Vizier prepares for this and get our people out of high risk zones." Prazutis said and with a nod ended Bruul's connection. "Excellent Highlord continue your assault. I condemn every house that holds rebellious members to death, their lines are to be snuffed out. Let that be the peoples lesson." The fires of rebellion at Bunduki would be put out, even the embers would be stomped down. Bunduki has always been fiercely independent for many years, it's time they came into the fold. "Grand General continue pushing they won't last much longer I'm sure of it. Prepare our reserves on Panatha we cannot risk losing morale through the soldiers hearing of a brutal attack on their homes and families. Grand Admiral we're overwhelming the naval units at Fornow especially now that the First Order has arrived. I'm going to be sending the bulk of my escort fleet to Panatha to shore up our lines. The enemy is not to breach the surface." Prazutis paused to put on his helmet before continuing.

"Malgrog you are to focus solely on working in tandem with the First Order to push the saurian threat back. I am closing in on Viyers and with his execution the rebellion will fall to pieces in a matter of hours. I can feel the fear already spreading through their ranks." Prazutis finished his attention turning briefly to the cave entrances after a series of detonations below. As the God-King concluded the council bowed and their connections died, Prazutis redirected his full attention back to the battle at hand then.

Perth Levov

It matters not who I am. My power is all that shou

As Perth progressed, she was aware that others were around. And from what she could sense, they were Force users. She was still learning this aspect of her abilities, but she was sure that at least a couple of those ahead were powerful – far more potent than she. So her wariness increased exponentially.

So she followed a path that was part dictated by following the massive creature, in part heading to where the other Force sensitives were and finally because it simply felt right. The fact that all three were pointing her in the same direction was both interesting and unnerving. It could not be a coincidence and therefore her potential challenges were now threefold. And the distant sound of screaming only added to her guarded approach.

Finally, and slower than planned due to her caution, she arrived at the mouth of a cave. All was silent ahead. But the inexorable draw of the visions and more importantly the call of whatever remained of Vader was calling to her. Calling or taunting? Inviting or luring? She didn’t consider the options too carefully; she would treat them both the same.

And so she pressed forwards, and entered the cave. There was the familiar smell of death in the air. Actually it was multi-layered. There was the fresh taint of blood, recent kills no doubt – and the rancid aroma of rotting flesh. And there were the bleached white bones underfoot that signalled ancient kills.
As she progressed, she saw the most recent casualties – spiders – their wounds she surmised cauterised by sabers. She’d killed enough since her acquisition of the fallen Jedi’s weapon to recognise the signs.

And as she travelled deeper, the decay increased proportionately. So distracting was it that she didn’t see the scuttling spider until it was almost upon her. But as tasty a morsel as she might have been, its desire to escape a foe was greater than its killing instincts as it rushed by and out in the forest beyond.

Ahead she heard an explosion. Muffled – perhaps due to her distance from the eruption and maybe due to whatever did the exploding. And despite her pace, dictated by self-preservation, she was aware she was catching up with whoever was ahead. Whereas she was travelling slowly, she didn’t have to fight for forward progress.

But it opened up a new dimension to the complexity of the situation. Should she declare herself present and risk being killed as a threat, or hang back and risk being seen as a threat and killed for a related but different reason. Neither option seemed palatable. And then she surmised that if she could sense them, they could certainly sense her – and would no doubt already know she was here. She had no desire to surprise anyone and so decided that being more open about her presence was the path least likely to have her shot on sight.

So she pressed on, doing her best to be inconspicuous whilst at the same time not appearing to be sneaking up on anyone. It was a fine line to walk.

[member="Darth Veles"] [member="Thomas Kyrel"] [member="Misha Ren"] [member="Isla Ashen"] [member="Warok the Defiler"]
Location: Endor
Objective: Recover Armor/Slay Gorax
Allies: [member="Isla Ashen"] [member="Thomas Kyrel"] [member="Darth Veles"]
Posts: 2/35

Her mind was going as she went around in the hover chair, looking at the ones there in the transport when she and her master were heading down to the planet and then arriving with a look on her face. The watery black eyes with her cracking pale skin and hair looked strange in the forest. They were going through it all and she enjoyed the scenery with a bow of her head. Staying behind the others while they were moving She could sense around the cave that Isla was leading her into and there was someone else she didn't really know. She understood seeing them while she looked over parts of it. The cave, the planet and the danger of the Gorax had her moving with her controls so that the chair would be able to set itself up for her to aid the others. If they were going to fight she was going to be moving around and going for those strikes to the legs to try and get it on the ground to help the others. The sound of other creatures coming ont he edge of her senses was there as she could feel the darkside all around herself. She was letting her mind reach out towards sensing the monstrosities around them with her saber in her lap when she was prepared.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Endor
Post: 9/38
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Ssi-Ruuk
Objective: Create an Ewok reserve (BYOO)

The belt of fragmentation grenades exploded right in the face of the retreating Ssi-Ruuk, now forcing them into a full rout back to whence they came into the forest. Once she made sure that there were no Ssi-Ruuk around her crash site, she was checking her surroundings to check that she could safely change back to her normal form. Virginie, still carrying Dunames' massive slugthrower capable of firing 12.7x108s, would assume that Dunames is still in her Ewok form, but now that she has morphed back into a form that she feels comfortable with, she picked up Virginie's blaster laying on the ground near her. Hopefully the soft soil would have amortized the blow of the blaster on the ground, and minimize the damage from the fall. Certainly, killing other Ssi-Ruuk would feel great, and never, ever, would they have suspected that Ewoks carried airborne explosives. Now they shall think twice before attacking Bright Tree Village.

"Dunames, are you alright?"

"Yes. But please, check whether the blaster still works: it might have taken some damage in the crash"

"Here's your sniper rifle. Unfortunately, I used all your ammunition to fend off the Ssi-Ruuk" Virginie tells Dunames, while handing her blaster rifle.

"Thank you" She turned to Merrily. "Merrily, have the Z-5s return to ship and fetch me some ammunition, about 60 rounds or so"

"Roger, roger"
Objective: Defeat Ssi-Ruu Ground Forces at the Shield Generator
Allies:First Order
Gear in Bio

88 moved in on the facility from the tree line. Keeping an 'eye' out for any enemy soldiers. They'd set up a sort of defense post around the entire facility. A pair of towers looked out over the forest facing away from the entrance. A heavy repeater was set up on top of the flat roof, with two soldiers stationed there. Another half dozen wandered about the enclosed area, while the thick duracrete distorted 88's scanners, masking the numbers inside.

We are twenty meters from the southern most tower. How are you doing on your end? Came the commanders voice over 88's comms.

I've got nearly a dozen inside the gates, who knows how many inside the building. My scanners...guess, is unclear as the building is blocking my view.

88 got himself into position to take out the heavy repeater, while the rest of Beta Squad took position at the base of the southern tower. At the signal, 88 would take out the repeater and the squad would hit the tower. Hopefully make the rest of the Ssi-Ruu stutter long enough to take the advantage.
Objective: 1
Post: 3
Allies: [member="Aran Piett"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Tanomas Graf"]

Supreme Commander Vaas was aboard the Vader as it charged in to support Graf's Death Squadron. The space above Endor had erupted in a blizzard of ship-to-ship fire in mere minutes, and if one looked closely, throughout the black of space one could see what seemed to be thousands of starfighters darting about space like flies.

The Ssi-Ruuvi fleet had been more technologically capable than First Order intelligence had originally thought, as both he and Admiral Tregessar had learned. The key would be taking down the large cruiser ships that the reptilian fleet sported in great numbers.

"Focus fire on the nearest cruiser, starboard side," Ludolf said, "And send out the ship's TIE Squadrons." Then, holding a finger up again, "And open a channel to Admiral Graf."

Within moments, the bridge of Tanomas Graf's ship would be getting word that there was an incoming message from the Supreme Commander.

When Ludolf's glowing azure image appeared on the holoprojector, he immediately spoke. "Keep pushing, Death Squadron. Admiral Tregessar and I are here for support. How's your tea today, Admiral Graf? Spicy enough for you?"

Meanwhile, a flaming drone fighter rocketed past the bridge of Tanomas' ship.
Location: Endor
Objective: 3 - Recover Armor/Slay Gorax
Allies: [member="Misha Ren"], [member="Thomas Kyrel"], [member="Darth Veles"], [member="Greifen Ren"]
In the area: [member="Warok the Defiler"]
Post: 3

Ashen Ren had only taken a few steps into the mouth of the cave, when she sensed another presence at her back. Turning slightly, she saw the cloaked form of Greifen Ren – a name she had heard, and a face she had seen. However, he was still quite an unfamiliar figure to Isla. No matter, his skills would be welcome on this mission.

“Indeed.” Isla acknowledged him in a low tone, bowing her head slightly.

Her own experience with such dark items was limited. But she remembered an encounter with a tapestry that had become steeped in shadows. She had barely escaped with her life. The flame-haired woman could not help but muse, perhaps this armor would protest. They would have to find out.

But for the moment, there were pressing matters at hand.

They would need to overcome the creatures that called this place home. And at that moment, giant cave spiders presented their current obstacle. Isla could still hear the screams coming from the men that had accompanied Thomas Kyrel, they were not far. Emerald eyes shot a glance back towards her apprentice, pleased to see that she had her weapons at the ready. She could hear the skittering sound of multiple legs upon the ground, and a monstrous arachnid made its presence known.

It was a grisly sight, but she was not squeamish. With her saber in hand, it was time to make quick work of this creature.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
OOC: Ewok speech is in <brackets>, Basic speech is bracket-less.
Location: Endor
Post: 10/38
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Ssi-Ruuk
Objective: Create an Ewok reserve (BYOO)

IC: While Merrily goes out and fetch sixty 12.7x108 rounds, Virginie is handed her blaster, which is test-fired at a hunk of meat the Ewoks often leave on branches. She was relieved to see that the blaster only sustained a few external scratches, and still worked, when the Ewok trap has been sprung by Virginie's hit. Once Dunames got its ammunition back, the three make their way to the top of the forest canopy, and into the charming tribal villages, such as Bright Tree Village, the Endor Express touted, where they are told that Ewoks await them for a feast that is hastily organized in celebration of their victory over the Ssi-Ruuk down to the surface. As was the case for the victory of the Rebel Alliance on Endor during the first Galactic Civil War, it was a great victory to be celebrated by the Ewoks with their First Order allies. And, as night falls on that portion of Endor, Dunames doesn't realize that they may not recognize her, but they assuredly will recognize the other two. But they will be introduced to the tribe soon enough.

"Are we there yet?"

"Almost there..."

"I can almost see the rooftops"

"Ewok tribal villages can be sprawling, much the way Wookiee cities can spread among the trees"
Location: Endor
Objective 3-Recover Vader's Armor/Slay Gorax
Allies:[member="Isla Ashen"], [member="Misha Ren"], [member="Darth Veles"], [member="Greifen Ren"], [member="Skylar Walker"]
Nearby: [member="Warok the Defiler"]
Post 3

With every swing he took against the arachnids,he felt his blood boil. Whatever blood he had left anyway. He was growing frustrated as more,and more came out of the dark shadows surrounding the cave. They kept approaching still snarling,and clicking hungrily as if they were eyeing the cyborg as their next meal,and if they didn't get help soon that would most likely happen. Regardless Kyrel wouldn't let that happen not when his prize was so close,so he concentrated on his anger,and sheer will to give him the strength he needed. He would not die in this cave today.

Then as if this wave was going to gravely overrun Kyrel,and his men. A hiss of what sounded to be a Lightsaber could be heard. He looked and saw a figure,a Woman with a purple saberstaff moving gracefully with her weapon. With the way she was moving,it was as if she had the grace,and the finesse of an artist. The spiders that were slowly encroaching upon the group,were now screeching painfully as they were cut down. He lowered his saber. The wave was dispatched with ease thanks to the help of the warrior that now stood before them. She wore a Mandalorian mask,and spoke directly to Kyrel in a flat tone. She said that she was Walker,and then it all made sense to Kyrel. He was now pleased that he had chosen such a servant who now showed her quality,and for that he was grateful.

He spoke coldly to her. His saber resting downwards in his left hand. "Your assistance is most appreciative Walker. Now that your here,you will accompany me." He walked purposefully,and then stopped upon hearing the sounds of a blaster being raised. He looked at the Stormtroopers who had raised their blasters to Kyrel. Kyrel stared at the Commander,and said dangerously. "Commander lower your weapon." He did not reply,and seemed as if he was in some type of trance. He started firing rapidly,and the remaining soldiers followed suit. Kyrel reacted quickly raising his saber to deflect the bolts. Kyrel glared and replied menacingly. "Very well then." He swung his saber upwards,in a vertical motion decapitating two troopers. their heads clanked and rolled to the floor slowly,and eerily their helmets still attached to them.

He glared at them,and was ready to launch another strike. Than more sounds could be heard. The sounds of hissing and snarling could be made out as more arachnids appeared. He looked over at them,they just waited there. Their hissing was non stop,it was as if they were going to pounce at any moment. He than placed his free hand out,and stretched out with the dark side. He sensed that they were driven by the sheer will of the dark side most likely coming from the armor. It heightened their basic instincts,and made them more efficient killing machines. He looked intently and deeply within their primal minds,and saw how they viewed him as prey. Focusing more on the dark side,he forced his own darkness,his own will on their feeble minds.

He spoke to them dominating their will with his own. 'I am not food,nor your enemy. Leave at once,and accept this gift.' They stared at him inquisitively. Kyrel looked back at the troopers behind him,and used the same free hand to lift them with the force. They screamed as they were flung violently into the pack of spiders. The spiders competitively dug into the trooper's flesh tearing through the armor as if it was nothing. The commander screamed violently,and Kyrel looked on. He said coldly walking forward. "That will hold them,Hurry we need to get their quickly. Our prize hopefully won't be too far."

They walked deeper into the cave. His lightsaber shining his surroundings. All that could be heard was the hum of his lightsaber,the dripping of water from the stalagmites,and the sound from his own steps. With each purposeful step he felt his prize growing near. He felt it's dark power,and relished it. After a while he spot two figures in front of him. One looked to be a Mon cal,and surprisingly an Ewok. He recognized the Mon Cal,he had at least encountered him several times. This time it made him angry. 'Veles,who knew i would encounter you here..' He thought. He approached the two,and spoke his metallic baritone echoing throughout the cave as he did so. "Veles,how should i have known i would find you here. And your little friend must have been the one who turned my men against me." He sensed the Ewok,and knew he was strong in the force,and knew he wasn't to be trusted. Regardless as soon as he got closer to the two. He noticed the wolves that were getting closer,and so in kind with each step he raised his saber offensively. They were now eyeing him as a new comer and growled defensively.
[member="Thomas Kyrel"] | [member="Isla Ashen"] | [member="Darth Veles"]

"Shhh, shhhh, not so loud," uttered the warlock,"You'll upset them."

He made a surprisingly intricate gesture with one paw and spoke a word in Dathomiri. The canines' growling subsided slowly. They still had hackles raised, but it no longer looked as if they'd be tearing the group limb from limb.

Twin gauntlets sheathed the ursine's arms from paw to elbow. They emitted subdued hums. Warok curled and uncurled his stubby fingers.

"Why come here, little knights, why disturb the spirits of my world with your racket? What is it you seek?"

I know. I know. A rusted suit of nothing. An empty shell. I know. I know. So much to them, so little to me.
Post: 4
Objective: 3
Allies: [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Thomas Kyrel"] [member="Misha Ren"] [member="Isla Ashen"]
Non-Belligerent: [member="Warok the Defiler"] [member="Perth Levov"]

Greifen exchanged a sidelong glance with Ashen Ren as yet more blaster fire could be heard up ahead. Or was it behind? This cave was a veritable labyrinth of passages, and it seemed that one wrong turn could result in being ensnared in the web of a spider - or worse. There were boar-wolves ahead as well, but the Ewok in their presence seemed to have subdued them for the time being. Greifen couldn't be sure whose side this little creature was on - perhaps he was simply here to toy with them all. But Griefen Ren was sure that he could not yet be trusted.

"We seek the armor of Darth Vader," He responded to Warok, stepping forward. "We know it is here. The Dark Side has told us."

Seemingly at that moment, Thomas Kyrel approached from behind. Greifen had not yet interacted with this Disciple, but this man evidently had a history with the Mon Calamari in their presence. Was this Disciple the cause of the commotion that had been heard ahead? It was possible that he had been turned around in the labyrinth of the cave, and had thus appeared behind them. Nevertheless, they would need to act cohesively if they were to make it out of this cave alive, much less achieve the armor they sought.

"Veles is an ally of the First Order," Greifen said to Kyrel's accusatory remark, holding up a hand. A rare alien ally, indeed. "His senses have guided him here like ours. He would not have..."

Greifen's voice trailed off suddenly, as the Knight of Ren upturned his chin into the air once more. There were many dark presences gathered here in the cave - and this place itself was swimming in darkness - but there was something else now. An unaccounted presence.

"We are not alone," He said to the group, and whirled around. He sensed Perth Levov.
Location: Fornow
Objective 8
Allies: First Order, Graug/Zambrano forces
Enemies: Slave Rebels, Ssi-Ruuk invaders

The towering figures of the Graug had moved in to relieve control of their outpost from the First Order. It was the first time she'd seen them up close. At least alive. They were grey, muscular creatures who bared far too many teeth. Sam watched their leader inspect damage and sniff corpses as he snarled and mutter under his breath.

"If everything's in order, I'll take my thanks and be on my way to larger targets," she told the Graug chief flippantly.

The chief turned his head to look at her and growled under his breath. "Watch your mouth, little girl," he snarled, "We didn't need your help with these vermin."

A flash of barely restrained anger passed through her. Tempting as it was to flay the disrespectful giant alive, such an action would be averse to the delicate alliance forming. However, while she could calm her fist, the girl could not hold her tongue. "Truly? The Graug corpses tell me otherwise."

Now she had his full attention. The Graug rose to his full height and marched over to her. He towered over her, Sam barely came up to his chest yet she didn't blink as the two locked eyes. They both stared waiting to see who would back down first but she had an advantage in the Force. She touched his mind, willing fear into the chief yet while his mind was relatively weak, the willpower, the honour he held, forbade him to back down to a teenager.

It continued that way until the terminal at the side beeped again, grabbing the chief's attention. With a final snarl at her, he turned away to deal with the communications.

"Ma'am?" Sam looked up to see a Stormtrooper in the doorway. She wondered how long he'd been standing there, afraid to interrupt the tense atmosphere. "We're all set to go. The enemy has turned one of their ships into their make shift camp not far from here. If we act quickly we can storm it before they set up stronger defences."

"Good." The Knight of Ren replied. "There are slave tunnels running underneath the ground reaching their position. I'll be using them to get in close while you draw the bulk of their forces into a battle outside. Understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am!" The Stormtrooper saluted and turned on his heels to inform the relevant soldiers outside of the rough plan.

Throwing a sideways glance to the Graug on the terminal, Sam almost told him that that was how you show respect. Almost.

OOC: hastily thrown up at 2am as I'm busy tomorrow!

Skylar Walker

Knight of Ren/First Order Badass
Location: Cave tunnel with Kyrel
Objective: Finish mission with Kyrel
Post#: 2
~ [member="Thomas Kyrel"] ~ [member="Isla Ashen"] ~ [member="Misha Ren"] ~ [member="Darth Veles"] ~ [member="Greifen Ren"] ~
~ [member="Warok the Defiler"] ~
Once Skylar had arrived, she moved through the crowd of spiders with much skill and finesse. She was mainly self taught, but was taught well. Skye adjusted her helmet and scanned the area for anymore threats at that moment. She then turned to Kyrel once more when he thanked her for appearing, but then stating that she'd be coming along. That was her plan now especially since she came to save his rear end. After all, she new why he was here and she didn't come here to just slaughter spiders and move on.

All of a sudden, a gun could be heard behind them and Kyrel and Skye both turned around. Skye reached out to the commander through the force and scanned him. He had either been bitten somehow or someone possessed him and his men, that turned them against the two force wielders. All of a sudden, they started shooting at Kyrel and a few shots came towards Skye, so she blocked them and helped Kyrel out a little more.

Skylar then turned around to be met with more spiders. Kyrel seemed to be talking with them and all of a sudden, they raced past Skye and Kyrel and started tearing the men apart. Her eyes widened at the sight of this, then turned back to Kyrel. When he started walking though, she pulled her eyes from the scene and followed Kyrel. She'd seen brutal murders before, but this was worse than she had seen before. As they walked through the tunnels, Skylar and Kyrel's lightsabers glowed through the hallway making it easier for them to see their way through.

Soon the two were met by a man, a Mon Calamari and a really rather creepy Ewok. She had been able to sense his presence since the outside of the cave. She didn't trust the signature then and now standing near him, she definitely couldn't trust him. Skye was a little surprised to see wolves, but she ignored them and still kept an eye on them through the force. She then heard as Kyrel started a conversation with the man. When he mentioned that the Mon Calamari known to be Veles was with the First Order, Skye was curious.

"He's with the First Order???"

she asked. Skye was definitely confused when they were told a Mon Calamari was part of the First Order.
Objective: Retake the Shield Generator.
Allies: First Order
Gear in Bio

On the signal, Beta Squad performed a synchronized attack on the south tower and heavy repeater teams. 88 spun the gunner of the repeater with a bolt to the side of the head and the spotter took one to the neck and gurgled blood until it died. The rest of the squad used their grapple guns to ascend to the top of the tower, blast the sniper and grenade the adjacent tower. From the tower, the commander and his men were able to gain the advantage over the Ssi-Ruu on the ground.

88 mounted the repeater and showered the area in heavy bolts. In 30 seconds, the exterior of the facility was taken. 88 ripped the repeater off its tripod and dropped down onto the ground, facing the door to the generator. A feet that would surprise everyone in his unit. No normal human could manage the weight and the fall without either rolling, falling flat or breaking something. The commander put a pin in it for after the mission, he had some questions...

This is Beta Squad, we've located and captured the surrounding area at the generator. Moving inside now. Came a message across the First Order transmission channel.

The commander ordered everyone inside. 88 took lead again, this time the space kept him right in front. Sensors cleared up and he could see heat signatures ahead. Holding up his fist, 88 signaled to the rest of the squad of the enemy numbers. By his count, seven more reptilian adversaries lay beyond a set of blast doors. On the commanders count, 88 would light up the inside of the door, while the other men would cover him as he pressed into the room.

Bakuran Deception

After @Sentiri’s quick interruption, Prefect Tara believed it would be best to stop talking unless prompted by the Director.

I’d hope so,” replied Prime Minister Captison.

The rest of the journey from there was very short. The group reached a town home used by the Prime Minister and her staff.

The Deputy Prime Minister is inside,” Captison said, “I’ll introduce you to him before we have lunch.

Just inside the antechamber was a man in formal attire – apparently waiting for the Prime Minister and diplomats to arrive.

This is Deputy P.M. Tycho Harris,” Captison said to the diplomats.

Extending a hand to greet Sentiri, [member="Sage Annel"], and Prefect Tara, Harris said, “A pleasure to meet you.

The First Order diplomats would all know: Tycho Harris was a loyal servant of the First Order and pegged to become the next Prime Minister should something happen to Captison.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Endor
Post: 11/38
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Ssi-Ruuk
Objective: Create an Ewok reserve (BYOO)

The sight of conical, thatched rooftops among the trees was bewitching for the two armed ladies, who never got a chance to see Ewok tribal villages for themselves in person. Spending an afternoon or the entire day with the lovable Ewoks in their charming tribal villages; it's a fun-filled visit that one and its family will remember forever. The tribal villages are charming all right, but how lovable are Ewoks, really? Certainly lovable enough for some First Orderers to let Ewoks take care of their therapy needs, Dunames thought, still thinking of the Endor Express. And the Ewoks have prepared one big bonfire to cook freshly caught... Ssi-Ruuk meat, which is being roasted like long pork. The Ewoks greeted Dunames and Virginie as heroes because they fought the Ssi-Ruuk, prompting them to be brought before the chieftain. Virginie watches them align the helmets as if drums.

"That's gross, but if it floats the Ewoks' boat... let them eat Ssi-Ruuk meat"

"<Please welcome these foreigners, without which the victory over the Ssi-Ruuk wouldn't be possible>" the Ewok chieftain told the surviving tribesmen.

"<Thank you>"

"<That being said, they are only temporarily members of the tribe, until the Ssi-Ruuk are beaten off the planet!>"
Location: Endor
Objective: 3
[member="Thomas Kyrel"] [member="Misha Ren"] [member="Isla Ashen"] [member="Warok the Defiler"] [member="Perth Levov"] [member="Skylar Walker"]

Frozen upon hearing rapidly approaching footsteps, the Mon Cal let a short-lived wave of anger incinerate his heart before calmness took over with its cool sterility again. The Darth knew he had been robbed of his chance to snatch Vader’s armour and escape without anyone noticing. Now, revealed to everyone, his main concern became the explanation regarding his presence inside this cave. The Ren did not pose a threat in terms of power, but even the most capable swordsman faced severe trouble when pitted against superior numbers. The sheer amount of signatures in the Force far surpassed his original expectations and positively ruled out the chance to fight his way out through their ranks if the need arose. Slowly, as if caught red-handed, the amphibian turned around, smiling sweetly, blank gaze darting from one being to another, seeing a familiar face here and there – and blessing them collectively with an acknowledging nod.

"It's good to see you again, sweet friend," the Mon Cal addressed Isla graciously once his enhanced eye settled upon her fair, red-haired form, "I trust you are doing well?"

This called for a change of plans, but perhaps the situation could still be salvaged to his satisfaction. Maybe the guard dogs would do the trick? It would be easy to disappear in shadows once the beasts attacked, protecting their turf. Nobody would pay him any attention then – yet, still, the possibility of escaping remained barred. When more reached his position and Veles’ unexpected participation got questioned by one of the dark side practitioners he had encountered before, the Mon Cal absent-mindedly glanced over the man’s armoured suit before replying, orange gaze hidden in shadows and piercing the darkness in their backs. Were they ready for vengeful creatures should some attack from behind?

“Does my presence make you uncomfortable, friend? Or is it the Ewok's power that worries you?” asked the assassin, eyes shifting over to Thomas before another Ren – or so Veles thought – voiced her shock over him while another defended the Mon Cal’s presence here. It appeared some knights took the Sith lord's presence as a reason for suspicion while others were quite used to him haunting nearby. Casting a concerned look towards the two boar-wolves who suddenly felt void of instinctive aggression, Veles considered his options once more and took a step back, closer to his domain of shadows. Darkness always welcomed him and the cave’s lack of artificial lights meant a boon to those who knew the art of remaining unseen.

“I really do not understand your surprise, knight of Ren.” Darth Veles replied smoothly, not once letting his voice fall from its usual tracks of honeyed depth and stoic calmness as if trying to lull the young woman’s awareness into a false sense of security.

Once a signature unknown to the group entered the area, Veles backed further into the cave and vanished from sight, blending in with shadows.
Post: 5
Objective: 3
Allies: [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Isla Ashen"] [member="Thomas Kyrel"]
Non-Belligerent: [member="Warok the Defiler"]

"Yes," Greifen answered [member="Skylar Walker"], whose suspicions had been raised about Darth Veles. "He is a rare alien ally. One of the few we tolerate."

Greifen Ren had no reason to distrust Veles up to this point, but if he knew of the Mon Calamari's plan to take Vader's armor for himself, his attitude would have been much different.

Meanwhile, there was another presence still lingering in the shadows - that of [member="Perth Levov"]. It was an unfamiliar signature in the Force, so it could not have been any of his Knight comrades. Caves like these were sometimes known to attract treasure hunters, especially ones that possessed artifacts such as the one the Knights of Ren sought. It was possible that they had been followed here. The Knights of Ren would need to be careful to be more inconspicuous in the future.

"You there," He called out to the presence, "Show yourself."

Meanwhile, Darth Veles had taken it upon himself to suddenly disappear into the shadows. Greifen grimaced. He wasn't sure what the Mon Calamari was up to, but suddenly Greifen found his suspicions growing.

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