Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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832ABY - The Peragus Incident

It's funny how such a tiny, insignificant, dozen-times-a-day action can become a line of demarcation.
The picking up of a comm. The pressing of a transmit button.
Before it had been pressed -- as far as I knew -- we had everything under control.
At that moment of pressing, my life split into two distinct epochs:
Before the transmission... and after.


831 ABY

It’s going to be light soon.” The statement was more than simple fact. Coming from the young Republic Private, whose right leg ended halfway down his thigh, the bloody stump capped with crude bandages that now reeked of gangrene, the words were a prophecy of doom. Bacta had long since been a rare commodity; over four hundred years of being unable to trade with Thyferra or have any connection to the outer-rim beyond the Core worlds had a nasty side effect of making the healing agent hard to come by.

Don't even bring up Kolto; it had long since run dry at the peak of the outbreak, but even then, it was of no use. There had been no cure for the virus other than time.

They’ll be coming.” uttered the Private, already well on his way to the afterlife. Like many of the others clustered around him, broken and beaten, he was beyond fear. He had spent most of the previous night taken with fever, whispering or crying for the wife he would never see again, the son he had never seen beyond the image of the hologram he held clutched to his lacerated chest. There were dozens more just like him crammed into the med-bay, waiting for morning. Waiting to die.

Outside, pillars of smoke rose in dark ominous clouds only to be broken by the hum of TIE -fighters streaking across the withering dawn. Down in the valley below, the forests gave a hellish glow has flames licking the once verdant majestic trees.

It had been as the whispered rumors had warned. The Sith Empire's pulse had not grown silent in the wake of the Gulag Virus outbreak. It had survived; no longer in it's former glory, but all too willing to expand and regain the dominion it once had.

From the rear of the medbay, a cloaked figure stood. He too, was worn with battle; bruised, bloodied, with a thin sheen of sweat, blood, and dirt sticking to his pallid visage. The lone saber hanging from his hip and his Force aura would dub him as a Jedi - one of the volunteers that had accepted the scouting mission down the Hydian Way; one of many sent to try and reconnect with the lost worlds.

"We must warn the Republic..... They'll be coming... "


832 ABY

Galactic Republic Expeditionary Mission Group
CR-40 Corellian Corvette
Aurora Tide

"It's here," there came the rushed exclamation inside of the briefing room from the Mirialan Jedi Knight Viara Tybolt. Hands went fumbling over the holo-array as she inserted the tiny datacube into the console's slot Within seconds, the complex computer projection came into view; a shimmering blue display full of facts, numbers, disappearances, reappearances, ship movements, things said, and things not said... but most importantly, it held the image of a large singular facility located within the asteroid belt of the remnants of Peragus II.

The Imperial Peragus Mining Facility.

Fact: Since the discovery of the Sith Empire still in existence within the bowels of the Outer Rim at the far end of the Hydian way, elements of Imperial forces have aggressively expanded their area of influence. Worlds that had suffered in isolation due to the Gulag virus and left undisturbed for centuries did not have the proper capabilities to amount a proper defensive strategy.

Fact: Communications with recently discovered isolated settlements along the Hydian way, Parlemian Trade Route, and from spacers that had managed to reach Galactic scouts told of a large force inching closer to the Gordian Reach. The tell tale wedge shaped cruisers had been spotted more than once; it was more than just mere spacer stories and tall tales. Such a large and quick rush of Imperial conquest required massive amount of resources that in their weakened state, meant that they had few key opportune reasources to draw upon.

Fact: An increase in scouting parties to the outer rim have bore fruit in detecting the movements of Imperial ships towards the Xappyh Sector. There, whispers of an Imperial Facility capable of providing fuel for said Imperial expanding projects were uncovered by way of intercepting young adults who had been raised in the facility. Enter Peragus II asteroid belt and the mining facility.

Fact: Due to it being relatively deep in Sith territory, intelligence analyst suggest that their defenses are minor compared to other Imperial fortifications that have thus far come across by Republic personnel.

Fact: Producing on average 30,000 metric tons of fuel per day, the facility had daily visits from Imperial freighters that brought food and water in exchange for the fuel. The fuel was then used in order to facilitate many Imperial projects on other worlds for quickly building infrastructure cheaply. Preliminary reports suggest that the loss of the facility would potentially set the Empire back trillions of credits and years of time.

...Giving precious time to allow the Galactic Republic to gather more support and resources from expeditions to outlaying worlds.

Silence descended. Slow, cold, heavy as snow. Pregnant. The small group of military officers and their Jedi expeditionary volunteer's gazes locked on one another. They had a manner of two options, as they were merely an expeditionary group. They could send back word to Galactic Headquarters, risking time and potential discovery and await orders from the various military councils and the new Republic Senate still in its delicate infancy.

Or they could act now. A small team could strike at the low security facility to infiltrate it, bringing it under Galactic Republic control. If they could simply manage to cut the Sith Empire from such a valuable resource, it could potentially give them a far more precious resource that came few and far between.


The choice they made then would have an effect that would resonate for years to come.
832 ABY



The plan was relatively simple. Infiltrate the Imperial Peragus mining facility during one of the scheduled supply ship stops. As it was one of the staff rotations as well, seeing new faces wouldn't bring too much of an alarm. The children who had grown into adulthood were scheduled to move out, allowing space for those miners on a long waiting list to finally bring in other younger members of the family, a new wife, or perhaps finally come face to face with an estranged child.

Standing quietly, dressed in traveler's clothing, Dathomiri Jedi Master Ti'Cira Hawk did her best to stay out of sight and out of mind. Of course, that was only made slightly difficult by the puckered pale pink scar that went carving a thin path from upper right brow, over her right eye, and coming just short of the apple of her cheek. Thick braids of rich auburn hair flanked her heart-shaped face, silver beads interwoven within the plaits, giving a small soft jingle whenever she turned her head.

She stood at the far end of the transport shuttle, who's crew and small civilian 'members' were all Republic and Jedi agents. They would dock the station within the half hour and the mission objective clear; to overtake the mining facility with as minimal losses on both sides. Civilians were to be spared, evacuated, with the eventual destruction of the facility.

Hazel orbs lightly went narrowing as they bore through the viewport at the approaching looming figure that was Peragus, feeling the tension in the air from those who'd also accepted this mission. She took a deep breath, recycled air filling her lungs.

Footsteps came from her right, drawing her attention, her arms falling to her side as she came face to face with...
832 ABY

Footsteps broke the silence of the normally quiet forest path, a group of Imperial troops being the transgressors of the noise, they marched in formation towards a small military outpost that the Sith were using to go back and forth between the Peragus Mining Colony. At the front, they were lead by a large hooded man, a man who radiated dark side energy. They were marching to their next assignment on the Mining Colony which they had been to before. They had no reason to be worried, they owned this area, and none of the leftover resistance would dare strike them this close to such a large base. They had encountered typical resistance after they had taken over the planet, people who did not want them there, people who had not seen what the Sith had to offer them. They were fools to think they could outsmart the Sith and their Imperial brothers.

Their comfort and confidence in thinking that they would not be attacked would ultimately be their downfall. The clink of a grenade was heard, but it was too late, the small explosion landed directly in the center of their formation and the ensuing explosion would disrupt their march. Chaos ensued, followed by various men jumping from their hiding spots within the trees, blaster shots lit up the air as the small band of men unleashed their attack on the unsuspecting Imperial party. A blue glow lit up the air as Ben ignited his lightsaber. Though the Sith was strong, he was no match for a Jedi Master, and Ben cut him down before he could get any offense. Though he did not relish in taking a life, it was needed for not only his survival, but the men who had stuck with him for so long.

The battle did not last long, they were used to this, they had done it many times before. After being on the planet for an entire year now, they knew the forest inside and out, and try as the Sith might, they could not stop the small band of men who were a constant pain in their backsides. A small cloth covering his face, Ben deactivated his lightsaber, and he searched the body of the Sith he had cut down. He knew he had information on him, they had waited for weeks for this party to come through, and an attack this bold could not go without some sort of good news. As the Republic soldiers finished off the last of the Imperials, searched them for ammunition and rations, Ben found what he was looking for. Pocketing the holdpad, Ben motioned for them to move out, and as quickly as they had appeared they were gone.

For an entire year Ben had been trapped on this planet with no way off. A simple scouting mission had turned into a fight for survival for him and twenty other Republic soldiers. Sadly, only seven of them remained, and their dream of getting back home was dwindling more and more each day. Never able to stay in one place for more than three days, they were constantly on the move, the only time they ate was when they were able to raid some of the Sith camps. Even Ben, a proud Jedi Master, was now a scraggly looking man who could pass as a beggar on Coruscant. His beard was full, his eyes were sunken in from lack of sleep, his robes were tattered and dirty, blood stains covered not only his clothing but also his body.

"So, did he have any intel off him?" Brody, a once tall and imposing looking figure, now a shell of his former self, approached Ben. He had been a young and outgoing Private once. This was only his third mission with the Republic, and Ben felt bad for how things turned out, so many of his brothers in arms had died right before his eyes. Even now he fought for his own life day in and day out, and while he had signed up to be a soldier, no man should have to endure the things they went through.

Ben read through the holopad one more time before he looked up. Removing the cloth from his face, what could be interpreted as a smile seemed to play itself over Ben's face, for once they had some bit of good news. "They are coming. Our ticket off this planet is on its way, but you aren't going to enjoy how we get there." It was a small chance, but a chance none the less. The Sith were beginning to think a small Republic party was going to be coming to the mining colony of Peragus and the group they had just taken out was to be reinforcements in case an attack happened.

"Since when do we ever enjoy anything we do here?" The two men shared a laugh, a momentary lapse of what was happening to them, they had to enjoy the little things or else they would kill each other instead of the enemy. "So they are really going to be there?" Brody asked, his momentary happiness replaced by the seriousness he had show over the year they had been there. He wanted to get back to Corellia more than anything, Ben knew because its all they had to talk about, and Ben wanted to get him home just as much as he wanted to get himself off the planet.

"We won't know unless we get to Peragus." Ben said, tossing the data pad to the man, who looked it over with a look of defeat on his face. How were they going to get off of this planet, onto another one, and meet up with a Republic strike team that they didn't even know was coming. He read the holopad over and over before letting his arms drop and giving Ben a look of despair. "It's a long shot, I know, but what other choice do we have?"

"Seems as if we don't, but if our fearless leader says we go, then we go." He tossed the holopad back to Ben who smiled at his belief in him. Ben did not know how he kept himself together for this long. Well, he knew, but he did not know he was capable of holding it together. The thought of getting these men home was the only thing he clung to.

"Indeed. Now all we need is a ship and I just happen to know where to find one." Ben nodded his head in the direction of the military compound that was about a mile away from them. It was the only place ships were allowed to leave the planet, thus, it was there only way off.

"Well, at least it isn't going to be difficult."

And for a moment, they laughed.

Infiltrate an Imperial space station, terminate any resistance, take over, evacuate the civilian and eventually destroy the facility. A simple, straight-forward mission, on paper at least. No plan survived first contact with the enemy, but then the true test was to be able to think on your feet and adjust to a shifting situation.

Moira Skaldi knew all about adjustment. After all, her rather recent pledge to the flag of the Republic was just the latest in a series of pragmatic switchovers as far as loyalties were concerned. Adjustments to new situation in a rapidly changing Galaxy. When all was said and done, the Galaxy was rather simple. Powerful people wanted to expand their system and in the process further increase their power. In some cases they preached about noble ideals, sometimes even believed in their great causes.

The agent leaned against the bulkhead of the transport shuttle, idly twirling a knife and reading over some details on her datapad, though that information was already imprinted into her mind.

She raised her chin from the datapad, putting it away as she looked over the group of Jedi and Republic operatives, all kitted out in civilian clothes that would enable them to blend in, who had joined the mission. Personally, she questioned the directive about getting the miners out first. Granted she understood the logic from a marketing point of view, it would look good on the propaganda front if the noble Republic carried out the mission with minimal collateral damage and saved the civilians.

But nobility and righteousness doesn't buy you much, yes? It could easily become an unnecessary complication, especially if the mission turned out more complicated than expected and the Sith were fast too respond. Intelligence on their capabilities was still scant, but such was the nature of the business.

Priority lay in striking a hard blow against the enemy. Collateral damage was a natural by-product of a clash of powers, whether between titans or just small fry on irrelevant backwater worlds. However, she kept those thoughts to herself for now. So far she had benefited from being with the Republic, after all. They had played her straight, all things considered.

Irony really, one of the last missions with Raspe's crew was raiding a mining colony and taking the miners as slaves. Before the bastard got a hole in his skull from a plasma bolt, she thought to herself as blue eyes stared out at the viewport before scanning the crew. Soft footsteps were heard on the ground as the agent got up.

She stiffened a bit when she found herself coming face to face with Jedi Master Ti'Cira Hawk. Forceful beings and their abilities gave her the creeps, she would like to see them on a tighter leash. Needless to say the agent could not sense the Force around her, but the tingle of powerful aura made her feel as if insects were crawling beneath her skin.

Nonetheless she kept her cool, though her expression was guarded. "Master Jedi," she said by way of greeting, falling into formality. "We're about to hit the target. Ready for the strike?"
@[member="Moira Skaldi"]

Gold met the rather cool gaze of the Republic agent next to her, the guarded expression mirroring upon the witch's own heartshaped face. Master Jedi. The title was not something she was overly fond of, "Ti'Cira." she stated, quietly. "Call me Ti'Cira."

A faint grimace came to her lips, turning back to the viewport. Am I ready? What else was there to do? A sense of forbearing filled her, but then again, she was well used to feeling that.

A stern frown came to her, but she gave a curt nod none the less to answer the agent's question. "What about the rest?" she asked quizzingly, returning her attention to the immaculate blonde.
@[member="Moira Skaldi"] @[member="TiCira D'Arr Hawk"]

A man in battered Mark III Katarn Commando Armor shifted about, a DC-17m held in red splattered gauntlets. The man's helmet was adorned with the faded impression of a stylized bloody handprint, and he hadn't spoken a word so far the whole ride.

"We're ready.", he says dryly, voice distorted by his helmet. "Just give the order."
@[member="TiCira D'Arr Hawk"], @[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

"Ti'Cira, sure. Moira Skaldi," the agent gave her a thin smile though her expression remained wary. Ti'Cira, Moira filed the fact that apparently the Jedi wasn't keen on titles away. How tight was she was with the Council folk? Given that she had been reached the rank of Master and from Moira's perhaps rather biased perspective the Jedi were an old oligarchs' network that promoted its own.

Then again, according to her files she was Dathomirian, from a primal world of beasts and witches. Maybe that would make her more able to take action. On the flip side, who knew what she had learnt there among those witches. She kept her eyes on the Master when she looked at the viewing port before turning her gold eyes back to the agent.

"Deeply penetrating into enemy territory with no immediate backup and scant intelligence, yes, I'm ready," Moira said completely deadpan with a shrug. While not a bag of laughs, she had a rather dry sense of humour. She gave Sarge a curt nod. "So is everyone else, as much as they can, otherwise this would be the wrong place for them to be. Ready to strike when we dock."
Deep in Sith space, Vice-Admiral Kirk stood at attention as he listened to the berating of his superior officer. Grand Moff Jack Redondo of the Tion Hegemony was his full title and name. Redondo was very old, with stringy gray hair on the sides of his balding head and a little bit on his chin. His face was extremely narrow, with his chin sharp enough that it could slice through durasteel. This Grand Moff was in charge of the entirety of the Tion Hegemony, spanning several sections of the Empire, and it allowed him to be one of the most powerful Force-insensitives of the Empire. Redondo personally enjoyed his role - as it allowed him to deal exclusively with humans. However, as Kirk learned, the man was quick to squander most of the resources he had by paying off bribes and extreme defalcation.

Unfortunately for Kirk, who had been assigned to this man, Redondo found aliens of all kinds to be extremely unsightly and unworthy of any responsibility. The Grand Moff did not keep it a secret from the Chiss.

"I cannot believe they still make me keep you," lamented Redondo, not clarify who was they, "But I won't allow you to spoil my sight and my ship's with your presence."

Sporting a frown, Kirk just silently listened to Redondo's ravings. He could not wait to be out of this man's service. Personally, he would not have minded Redondo's job. Being the supervisor of the Tion Hegemony meant that he was invited to the noble's parties, and all. It was an enviable position for many of Redondo's followers.

"You will be given an assignment befitting of your kind," declare Redondo.

A bit of his spit flicked out of his mouth as he spoke at a near yell and landed on Kirk's face. A slight grimace washed over the Chiss's face.

"You will go to the Peragus Mining Facility," ordered Redondo, "The Tion Hegemony needs shipments and their fuel, and you are in charge of escorting the next shipment. Though, I doubt you have the capacity of even doing that."


Several days later, Kirk arrived at the Peragus Mining Facility. He was greeted with reluctant respect by the administrators of the facility. It seemed that they were also uncomfortable with a non-human's presence, yet at least respected the rank of Vice-Admiral enough to not shove their opinions into Kirk's face.

"It will take at least several hours to safely fill the freighter," informed one of the administrators.

"Okay," replied Kirk, his face showing nothing more than a bored expression. He came to the system with just the freighter - no Star Destroyer or frigate. Essentially, Grand Moff Redondo turned Kirk into a highly ranked freighter captain for the time being - and that was hardly the exciting life Kirk had been used to.

A low grumble called out from Kirk's stomach.

"Is there anywhere I can go for some food," he asked the administrator.

"The civilian modules have a few cafeterias," answered the administrator, though Kirk had a guess the higher ups of the facility might have had their own private lunchroom and they just did not want to invite the blue man.

"We will inform you via comm when the freighter is full," said the administrator.

So, with nothing else to do, Kirk quickly departed for the nearest cafeteria. Many of the civilians, mostly spouses and small children of miners, found the site of the alien to be very peculiar. Kirk had an uneasy feeling all throughout his meal - being avoided by the people and all. That was, until a young redheaded woman approached him with that certain look in her eye. Kirk quickly found out through her that the more lonely ladies of the civilian modules did enjoy the presence of a good looking stranger.

About an hour later, Kirk was strolling down the halls of one of the residential modules with a smile on his face, proudly adjusting his collar mid-stride. He had no clue of the events that would soon follow.
@[member="Moira Skaldi"] @[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

A curt nod from the Dathomiri went to them both. "Then we move." she instructed, "We are to do this with as little civilian casualties as possible." she reminded them, taking a step forward as she moved towards the hatch that would open once they docked.

She took a deep breath. Were we doing the right thing? No time for second guesses, they had a mission to uphold.

The transport gave a shudder as it docked onto the mining facility, the hum of the engines dying down gradually. At the hatch, the small republic team made ready. It was at a late hour for the mining facility, the bulk of the civilians would be asleep according to intell.

But when was intell ever 100% correct?

There came the hiss of the hatch as the airlock gave way. Narrowing her eyes upon the sliding door, Ti'Cira set her expression.

There was no turning back now.
@[member="TiCira D'Arr Hawk"], @[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

With introductions and last minute reminders about doing this as covertly and with as little collateral damage as possible, they could get on with their noble venture of performing some sabotage. Arcane runes and a death's head were engraved along the blade. Needless to say these symbols did not produce any special effect, it was just a knife, but she had possessed it since Artam. It had made the once seemingly omnipotent King bleed and beg before a round put an end to his pathetic existence.

The transport docked at the mining facility, then the hatch gave a hiss as the airlocks gave way. As the door slid open Moira examined her knife, fondly looking upon as if it were an old friend.

The door slid open with a snap hiss and she moved forward, cautiously and wary of being watched. Given the lateness of the hour, most civilians were supposed to be asleep, but she knew well that intelligence could often be inaccurate. It was best to be prepared for the worst outcome and then act accordingly. If surprisingly enough things went off without a hitch, then all the better, but to count on it meant to court disaster.

Alas, they could not send out gas through the air ventilation to knock their foes out. She moved forward, trying to make as little sound as possible, they had been briefed so she knew her way around. Taking point she cautiously peeked around the corner, giving her companions a hand a signal when she heard the sound of boots on the ground.

As the guard made his rounds, coming towards them, she gripped her knife tightly. When the trooper was around the corner she suddenly surged into action and thrust the knife into his neck. The guard gasped and tried to bring up his gun in the last moments of life, but she kicked him in the knee and drove the blade further in, so that he slumped to the ground and Moira withdrew the blood-stained weapon.

Without further ado she gripped the corpse by the shoulders and dragged him off to a supply closet, locking the dead guard in after requisitioning his comm.
@[member="Moira Skaldi"] @[member="Moira Skaldi"] @[member="Rytek'irk'intrano"]

While Moira hid the body, Ti'Cira inched further along, giving a nod to Moira as she moved forward. A glance down the corridor gave evidence to the security cameras lining the ceiling.

Well that won't do, she mused, inching her way closer, using the shadows to move undetected. As soon as she was close enough, her hand rose. Purple arcs of energy fizzled the delicate electronic components of the security camera, disabling it's view.

They had to get to the main control room, from there, they would be able to send an alert to all the inhabitants of the mining facility and inform them of the Republic claim. It was just a matter of getting there.

Further along the corridor saw another patrol - no wait - Ti'Cira gave a pause, pressing herself against the wall as she peered a bit closer. Civilians.

They would not suffer the same fate as the guard with Moira, but would be taken out for their safety. From her hip, Ti'Cira pulled a small gas grenade, it's contents allowing for any subjects within it's vicinity to be knocked out. With a slight toss, it lightly rolled until it met the two men's feet. They looked at it confused, until the green gas ejected. Alarm rose, but it was of no matter.

Both bodies fell to the floor with loud thuds. Holding her breath, she tugged at one of the bodies to shove into another supply closet. The other followed shortly after.

Beads of sweat formed over her brow and temple, causing stray wisps of hair to stick to her cheeks, "Keep moving," she urged her comrades, as the witch made her way deeper into the mining facility.
@[member="Moira Skaldi"] @[member="TiCira D'Arr Hawk"] @[member="Rytek'irk'intrano"]

Sarge was prepared for a boarding operation, or rather, more of a textbook boarding operation. Wearing the Katarn armor that disguised him as a member of the Republic, he performed his rear guard duties admirably, mindful that he made a big target.

Let the smaller, lithe women handle the subtleties, he was here for when things hit the fan. Which they most certainly would.

Either way, his job would come once they reached the control room. He had all the hacking equipment and expertise.
@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]TiCira D'Arr Hawk, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Sarge Potteiger

Ti'Cira might not catch, but Moira shot her look when purple arcs of shot from her hand to fry the camera and disable it. For just a short moment the agent's composure seemed to falter at the sight, she stiffened. Gods knew what else the force-user could do. Then she shook that thought off as quickly as it had come.

The mage was useful. Long as she worked as a meatshield. Moira had already been reaching for her knife when she heard footsteps across the corner, but the Jedi was faster on the draw and knocked the two civilians out with a gas grenades. Perhaps not Moira's style, but was efficient enough. She took note of the beads of sweat forming on the witch's temple and brow. So the use of her powers was taxing to an extent.

The group kept on moving, edging closer towards the control room. As they moved across a corner towards the end of the corridor Moira peeked around the corner they came across some sort of checkpoint.

Three guards stood standing at a turbolift. In the moment as the agent peeked around the corner and turned to her comrades, two more troopers came across the corner. Their sergeant immediately levelled his rifle at them, beckoning his troops to halt.

"Halt! You are supposed to be in your quarters, miners! What are you doing down here?" He reached for his comm, evidently wanting to send a message.

Alerted by the noise the three guards at the lift started to move out towards them. "Patrol, is there a problem?" it cackled through the sergeant's comm from the turbolift guards. "Explain yourself."

Moira slowly stepped forward, holding up her hands. "We were just...," then suddenly the knife was in her hand and she threw it at the sergeant so that impacted upon his forehead. As tumbled down dead she moved to strike at the other guard, landing a punch before he brought up his gun and knocked it into her shoulder.

She was forced back and the guard jabbed the muzzle of his gun into her, finger on the trigger, then she surged forward and yanked it out of the way, landing a forceful hook punch to the front side of his jaw, knocking his head into the wall. Gripping him by the arm that still held his gun she yanked it around to fire at the guards coming at them.
Time continued to pass for Kirk - quite uneventfully so as well. The colony went to sleep while Kirk still felt as if it was daytime. He sat in a lounge watching state holo-television. The channel continuously cycled through carefully selected news stories and family shorts that drilled the ideals of the Empire into viewers heads. Kirk had already seen it all, and so grew immensely bored with his situation.

After one of the holo-television's programs ended, Kirk figured that it was time to check with the administrators to see if the ship he arrived with was ready for departure. He made his way from the civilian modules to the administrative ones. The pass he was given when he first arrived still worked at the security doors. However, the lack of guards was eerie.

Once Kirk managed to get to the main command module, he could hear the fire alarms going off. He did not know that the gas grenade @[member="TiCira D'Arr Hawk"] used managed to set them off thoughout the entire module.

Unsure of the severity of the situation, and seeing no evacuation efforts, Kirk continued to walk toward the mine's headquarters from the opposite direction as the invaders.

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