Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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10 Types of Roleplayers


Darth Adekos said:
I have been a "Day 1, I don't have a damn clue what the hell I'm doing" RPer for the past three years.
LMFAO. This. ^^^^^^^

I lost my poodoo at Lesbian Lovers because it's so true.


Seeker of Enlightenment
[member="Caelag Vass"]

Think of Ska as sort of carribbean brass with a dash of punk and a love of weird cover songs. Like these dorks.


Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Unfortunately I have come across a type-3 player or two (can't put names on who are these players, or some toons they play, though)... and the type-3 player can also come off that way due to how their toons approach business (at least as far as Chaos is concerned), too.

I kid, I kid.

Honestly though, WoW RPers annoy the hell out of me by proxy. My wife RPs on WoW, and if I had a dollar for every time one of those [roughly three parahraphs of swearing omitted due to decency constraints] decided to look me up IRL because she's the only woman they've ever had prolonged contact with and therefore are truly, deeply, madly in love and think I'm getting in the way of their happiness, I could go out and get a pretty decent steak and a beer. Seriously, that's why I started posting videos of me and my friends shooting stuff on Facebook. Being nearly 6 and a half feet tall and nearly 250 pounds isn't intimidating enough to keep them away, but a 1 handed mag dump with a Desert Eagle is for some reason. Never really understood that, but hey.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
What have we here?
  1. The clueless player
  2. Approach me first, I'm too cool for the masses
  3. Faux-military player
  4. The sage without wisdom
  5. Lesbian couple
  6. A player who imposes a particular style of play which does not make use of any special ability
  7. Holoporn buff
  8. A player that stagnates in one place after achieving an objective that any decent player achieve early
  9. Mary-Sue
  10. Describes everything about themselves in too much detail

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