Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Âkuanam Rafthis


AliasScourge of Korriban
Personality TraitsGreedy
Education TraitsSith Education
Lifestyle TraitsOppulance
Always Plotting
Commander TraitsOrganizer
Faction(s)The Empire
SpeciesSith Pureblood
LanguagesGalactic Basic,ur-Kittât, Huttese
Force SensitiveNo
Character AlignmentLawful Evil
Weight200 lbs

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    Âkuanam Rafthis was born to two prominent Sith engineers of the Zuguruk Caste. For decades they had served Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and his machinations to become Dark Lord of the Sith. Like many of his people they were powerful in the Dark Side of the Force. Âku though held none of this power. He was quickly turned into an outcast. While his peers continued to grow in strength, power, and prestige, all he could do was keep up with his studies. He was a curse of mediocrity. Worse, he was a liability to the Rafthis clan. So that he could not embarrass them anymore, his parents sent him to the Sith forgeworks. He was no slave, his family was too prestigious for that, but he would never amount to anything save a lowly assembly line shift supervisor. It surprised everyone when he actually did make something of himself, achieving the military rank of Lieutenant where he served the Sith Empire as a logistics officer on some backwater resource slave colony world. When the Imperial Rebellion began he didn't believe it at first, until they came to his world. They did not come with blasters but open hands, offering those of them that had been cast into obscurity for their perceived weakness to join something new, something great. And so he did. Decades later, Âkuanam Rafthis stood as the sole member of his family left, the rest killed in the war, and he served a new Emperor. He had seen peace, justice, and order brought to the Sith worlds and the power that came with it became intoxicating. Nothing would take this from him. Nothing.

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    Âku turns on his Sith overlords to join the New Imperial Order bringing with him knowledge of Sith-Imperial weapons, tactics, and fleet movements. Despite little actual training or experience in command of a warship he takes command of a light cruiser in Tavlar's fleet. He betrays friends, family, his people, and his Emperor for a chance to become something that they all said he could never be. Powerful.


    Throughout the second Sith-Imperial Civil War,
    Âku becomes more and more comfortable with command. Through several small skirmishes and surprising victories he is elevated in rank slowly but surely. Even after the Sith have been destroyed war moves the Empire. By the end of the Second Great Hyperspace War he has achieved the rank of Admiral and commands one of the Empire's most powerful vessels. He serves as the Empire's Fist, a lanvarok they use to cut down would-be rebels, a Terentatek to crush their foes. But years of war and power have changed him. Now, rich from the looting of the banking clan worlds and the Trade Federation lining his pockets he has become corrupt. Though he continues to serve the Regent he begins to wonder why...

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