Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. EmKay

    My Temperamental Muse

    Howdy, all. I don't know how many of you remember me from around... May 2015, but I've been kicking around again on this character. Then I got some sickness and dropped off the radar for a little over a week, and now that I'm back I've seen TFA, read some stuff, watched some movies, and my muse...
  2. Danger Arceneau

    My writing style and such

    I've so many chars, but I like to think I write them different enough for their own quirks. I'd like to ask for suggestions on how to improve on my writing. What one would like to see in a particular char's post when I write them. More scenery? Narrative? Internal dialogue? What can make my...
  3. Eddie

    Critique two things here.

    Do me a favor. Look at my bio and then the NPC before posting critique of me this time around? I asked for critique as other characters like this before, but they got lost in the months that went by. As for what I'm fully asking, I want your criticism on me as a RPer and this character in it's...
  4. Keira Priest

    Since Everybody Else Is Doing It...

    ...I figured I would too. As a writer I always worry that I give too much or too little, and I've always been concerned that my posts are too long or too wordy and that they lose something the longer they go on. I'm not much looking for praise or affirmation of my writing ability, but more so an...
  5. Krux Mullarus

    Feedback on Mullarus

    I keep seeing all of these character feedback threads. Its killing me. I love hearing people tell me they think my character I worked hard on to develop as a different form of Sith that is normally found in canon is really cool and original. Then I hear and see others bash that type of character...
  6. Lord Ajihad

    Feedback on Lord Ajihad

    Alright folks, give to me. What do you like about him? What do you dislike? What should I change? No hold barred unless it's unjustified. Also, feel free to give feedback to me as a writer.
  7. Shawn Withers

    Feedback on me

    So I would like some feedback on my character as a whole, my writing, Even me from an OOC perspective. As well, if you have time, Read something for me, and give me some feedback here on this thread. Thanks guys...
  8. Van Rolark

    How awful is my writing?

    So anyway, I'd like feedback on my writing and roleplay. Thank you for taking time to read this!
  9. The Red of Sinner

    A Little Shoutout

    [member="Jay Scott Clark"] I've talked to you quite few times, and you're a really awesome person, certainly intelligent, and crafty with your words. I think, though, the best description for you, to me, is alien. I've never spoken to a person much like you, mind you, I mean this in a good...
  10. R

    WEll i know i did this before but i may as well

    Iv decided to post a feedback here see what you guys think of my character ill give the bio of the guy i main because why not Darth Rapax P.S i know the url is screwed up but im still figuring the bbc coding and i cant be arsed @_@
  11. Shaddi

    Whelp since everyone is doing it, might as well right?

    Well since everyone is asking for feedback and critiques on their writing and characters, I might as well ask right? I will post the characters here and include a link to their bio's just in case. Darth Erebos Lord Zristas Azriel Zadimus Derriphan Itsu I appreciate every single critique...
  12. Mantic Dorn

    Appology to Carach

    It is about time I appologized to a fellow writer on these boards. [member="Darth Carach"] , I used means that were unworthy and petty to get my point through during an invasion. While I still would argue the same thing it is not the content that I appologize for but rather the tone and words...
  13. Jsc

    My Thoughts About JSC

    Feedback Requested: So recently I've been pondering a few changes to my RP stuff and I wanted some feedback. Here's a few topics I kinda want your experience or thoughts about: The Map Game is Boring: - It's been a few years now and I'm kinda over FvF. It's not even the drama. I just feel like...
  14. Zambrano the Starweird


    I know technically that this isn't my writer account, but this is probably the face you would recognize me by at this point, considering this is the only serious character I've been roleplaying as for the past several months. So I'm just curious about any critiques you have of my writing...
  15. Darth Carnifex

    Feedback V: The Grimdark Strikes Back

    It's been a couple of months since I last made one of these, even longer since I made one for myself as a writer. But I suppose this can be a mix of both, I've done some more stuff since my last one so give it all you got. Address my strengths, my weaknesses, my shortcomings, my failings...
  16. Zoltan Rarsk

    Feedback: Zoltan Rarsk

    Link Since I'm a new user, and this is my first character, I want to make sure that everything is at least decent before I start RPing. So, what do you guys think?
  17. Akio Diachi

    Feed back: Akio Diachi

    Ok, so your not going to offend me, please, be very honest. This is my first Forum-based RP character so I just want to know how I am doing. (Think: bumper sticker here that says 'how's my driving?') I am not too concerned about whether he is badass, cool, or any of those things (however, it...
  18. Zinai

    Need feedback. Thanks.

    If you haven't checked out my character, you can find a hyperlink on my signature. If you haven't checked out my role plays, you can find them in he bottom of the character sheet. How is my character? How is my writing? What can and must I improve on? Thanks! I really appreciate you guys...
  19. Kurt Meyer

    New Things

    It was pointed out to me a few days ago by someone that I write with a lot that most of my characters aren't really happy or gleeful. Sure they all have their happy moments and most of them have a good bit of humor, but none really use it as their baseline emotion. Most of my characters are...
  20. Darth Arcis

    Tell me I'm pretty

    Just kidding. (or am I?) Sup, Chaos. To some of you old folks, I'm a familiar face in the fact that I've been writing on this great site for just over two years now. To the rest of ya, I'm just a young guy who likes to spend his free time making up characters and writing about them on the...
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