Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Thirdas Heavenshield

    Private There's Something I've Been Meaning to Ask You

    Sunspot Prison Barge Undisclosed Location Months of writing petitions had finally borne fruit. Ever since that day he'd watched her get taken into custody and away from him, pretty much all of his spare time was put into finding a way to be allowed to visit her in prison. Again and again he was...
  2. Skice Variger

    Skices Quest to korriban to find artifacts

    Skice Walked through the endless alleyways of Coruscant's lower levels where the sun never reached and if you didn't look over your shoulder every five seconds there was a high chance of getting mugged and you would have to squeeze through hundreds of people to take 3 steps. But Skice wasn't...
  3. Théodred Heavenshield

    Baying At The Harvest Moon [Yula]

    Midvinter Tháinbroek If one stays enjoying the fare of the Howlin' Wolf Inn long enough and drinks a skin full of cider. But the day had only just passed into eventide. Théo had spent most to the morning tucked away in a small office running over the inventory of the brewery and everything...
  4. D

    Cat Fight!

    It's Good To Be Queen Darth Imperia had found herself, through her Apprenticeship and her time as an independent Sith, often in the situation of teaching those who were less experienced in the way of the Sith than she herself was - she'd never taken an Apprentice on, but she'd left little...
  5. Darth Abyss

    Help me to find the right faction please

    So yeah you might have heard it, OS are recalled so Abyss won't be part of a major faction anymore. Looking at the future I really would like to find another major faction to join to not miss out on cool major faction stuff. I have started my work on my own but that seemes like a plan that will...
  6. Voices of The Deep

    Freeze or Burn

    "Ice runs through my veins. And i welcome it." What are you doing winter? Why are you here? Her eyes slowly closed as she inhaled...taking a deep steady breath...then exhaled. Why was she even doing this? It wasn't like her at all. A few days ago, Winter had received an anonymous message...
  7. Kratos Bandua

    Can you teach old dogs new tricks? [Marcus Undal]

    The durasteel walls of one of the Voss Academy sparring chambers muffled the hustle and bustle of the outside world, leaving the room devoid of sound. Kratos sat amongst the silence, deep in meditation. He'd been instructed to spar against another student, another adult. While he didn't know...
  8. Dr. Eann Mallocomb

    Jurassic Kark (Open for Everyone)

    Eann Mallocomb, Mathematician, Scientist, and survivor of the Felucian "Rancor Park" incident, was walking home with that night's groceries. The small store he was leaving was only a couple of short blocks away from his apartment, here on the metropolis city of Coruscant. Although tonight...
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