Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Centax

    One Sith Structure

    The Structure of the One Sith The One Sith structure is purely based on power; nothing else is recognized. Territory and influence are what you can hold. For example, A Sith Lord can have 50 apprentices or none—an army beside them or a single weapon. The Kethenites, or Keepers of the Sith...
  2. Laphisto

    Lilaste Command Structure

    Central leadership Ground Forces Naval Forces Position Rank High Command High General High Commander High Admiral AC-1 Lieutenant General Grand Admiral HC-6 Major General Vice Admiral HC-5 Senior General Rear Admiral HC-4 General Fleet Admiral HC-3 Marshal...
  3. Laphisto

    Lilaste Order Rank Structure

    Central leadership Ground Forces Naval Forces Position Rank High Command High General High Commander High Admiral AC-1 Lieutenant General Grand Admiral HC-6 Major General Vice Admiral HC-5 Senior General Rear Admiral HC-4 General Fleet Admiral HC-3 Marshal...
  4. Laertia Io

    House Io Military Command Structure (WIP)

    Military of The House Welcome to the armed forces, Warrior, this dossier should get you good and familiar with the way your family wages war. Our faction possesses some of the most advanced tech in the Galaxy, but we are not above utilizing the resources around us when available. Currently, we...
  5. Darth Moskvin

    Work In Progress  Gen Structure

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create An Ancestral Temple Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use...
  6. Chris Walker

    Peacekeeper Corps Structure and Ranks

    The professional armed forces of Nothmir are organized into Peacekeeper Corps, hybrid fleet-ground elements with a specific but flexible structure. A Corps is commanded by a single individual holding the rank of Corps Commander, and while retaining flexibility they specialize using unique...
  7. Beltran Rarr

    Approved Location  Obsidian Star Mega-Complex - aka The Spire

    Out of Character Information: Intent: To create a central headquarters location for Obsidian Star Technologies Image Credits: Spire Structure: Kaleb Leckowski of the Berlin Mediadesign Hochschule via Shopping Concourse: Rachel Jones via Executive Showroom: Space...
  8. Coratanni Cartel


    Coruscant 1313 - Coruscant's biggest Criminal district controlled by the Cartel SIN 99 - Luxury Tower in the heart of the Senate District. The Walk - Entertainment District near the Senate District. Dusk - A dark and seedy night club in the Underworld. Dawn - A Luxury High Class night club...
  9. Aela Talith

    Approved Location  The Sparrow's Nest

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Sub a neat piece of history from Aela, and a few others past ​Image Credit: Ben Zweifel, [member="Netherworld"] Canon: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Sparrow's Nest Classification: Hide-Out Location: Lubang Minor Affiliation: Aela...
  10. Vrak Nashar


    As one would expect from a society built upon the remnants of Purebloods, the Resurgent Empire carries a heavy caste system. This caste system is based upon the segmentation of ranks, allowing certain members of society to work together more closely while separating others. Everyone within the...
  11. Aela Talith


    Director: The Director is the head of the SIS. Erika Enrial(NPC) Agents: Agents are the workhorse of the SIS, they conduct field missions, do research, etc. [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Kaileann Vera"] [member="Kira Vaal"] [member="Kiyron"] [member="Elliot Locke"] [member="Kellyn Muir"]...
  12. Sempra the Hutt

    Approved Location  Semper MedTech laboratories

    [member="Gerion Ardik"] Name: Laboratory #2 "Semper Medtech" Intent: This structure is part of Semper Medtechs growing prescence in the underground drug industry and an important staging Point for operations and...
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