Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Dice Thorne

    Character  DICE THORNE - Substitute Fist of Justice

    [#] Now Playing - Boogie Woogie D I C E - T H O R N E [Art by Iroyburch] Age 17 Species Human Gender Male Height 178 cm Weight 75 kg Force Sensitive True PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Dice Thorne values comfort and sensible fashion, opting to wear a simple black jacket, a neon green...
  2. Kaleleon

    Private  A Justice League Of Sorts

    A slam of a gloves fist into the face of a Pirate. The man was trying to fight back, but I had thrown on some cuffs in the scuffle. Now that I had him in a hidden ally of the city, I was doing what I could to get information. However, I was running thin on patience. "You are going to answer me...
  3. S

    Galactic Department of Justice - Information for Law Enforcment

    About Subgroup: The Galactic Department of Justice (GDJ) is a lawfully neutral division of police and other justice serving individuals who desire to uphold the laws and protect the citizens of any planet in the galaxy. The GDJ does not get involved in galactic politics, choosing instead to...
  4. Darth Kizash

    Duel  Tan Pel'trokal: Darth Kizash vs Caltin Vanagor

    Location: Clearing in the jungle Tags: Caltin Vanagor The message was sent out two standard days before my arrival in the Jungle. A YT-2400 that I had commandeered and would let the jungle consume. There was no going back now. Even now the metal eating fungi had managed to creepy its way on...
  5. CT-2282 "Justice"

    Character  CT-2282 "Justice"

    (WIP) Name: ”Justice” Affiliation: Empire of the Lost Service Branch: Grand Army of the Lost Rank: Trooper Age: Newly Created Gender: Male Role / Occupation: Paratrooper Primary Allegiance: Empire of the Lost Current Status: Active Residential Addresses / Living Situation: Transient Force...
  6. Priscilla Li-Ves

    Private  Mandatory Fun

    Location: Multipurpose Gymnasium Complex, Imperial Military Base - Lianna City, Lianna Time: Morning Attire: Gym Outfit Equipment: Hermes HoloPad Tag: CT-2282 "Justice" Mandatory fun. Fun, but mandatory. Mandatory, but fun. Priscilla gave a facsimile of a sigh as she made her way through...
  7. Vren Rook

    Private  Sands of Justice

    MOS EISLEY | TATOOINE TAG: Ranna Sejast GEAR: In Bio DESERT COURAGE Home. He needed to escape back home for a little while. Just to breathe. He had been drowning in overwhelming situations lately. The War wasn't going to wait for him. He needed to take the moment while he had it. And...
  8. Kitter Bitters

    LFG  Galactic Department of Justice - Interest Check

    In this thread I started asking if there were any cops around to tell cop stories. As it turns out there were more than I knew and several people said it might be easier to get a group together than to try to fit all the characters into one thread. So I am giving it a shot. What is the...
  9. Tristan Evore

    Approved Starship  E-51a "Justice" Class Supercarrier

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the next great workhorse of the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet Image Source: (x), Duskie-06 Canon Link: Not Applicable Permissions: (x), (x) Primary Source: Not Applicable PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer(s): Primary Manufacturer: The...
  10. Tristan Evore

    Work In Progress  ISS Wyvern of the Abyss

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the next great flagship of the elusive High Lord of Ession Image Source: (x), Duskie-06 Canon Link: Not Applicable Permissions: (x), (x) Primary Source: Not Applicable PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer(s): Primary Manufacturer: The Zero...
  11. Valery Noble

    Private  Farpoint Justice

    Valery's Ship Outfit: Factory Link Appearance: Link Weapons: Lightsaber Tag: Iris Arani Kayl Krayt "Thank you both for coming." Valery looked at the two she had invited to her ship with unusual intensity in her eyes. After not one, but two assassination attempts targeting her daughter, she...
  12. Westenra Mina

    Approved Tech  Burning Hatred

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a Unique Force Imbued Sword Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Force-Imbued Blade PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Legions of Lettow Affiliation...
  13. A

    Approved Tech  Amandas twin blades

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create twin lightsabers for Amanda braska Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Lightsaber PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Amanda braska Affiliation: Amanda braska Market Status...
  14. Cartri Keswoll

    Private  Justice For All?

    Location: Denon Objective: Get back to the apartment with Daiya Attire: Link Tag: Daiya "Post theme: Beach House - Space Song" fa-play fa-pause It had been a long day for Cartri as he walked with Daiya along the streets of Denon. Since morning, he had been hanging out with the girl he loved...
  15. Justice Lesan

    Approved Tech  Justice Lesan's Cybernetic Arm

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A cybernetic arm for Justice Lesan Image Source: LINK Canon Link: LINK Permissions: LINK Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Justice Lesan Affiliation: Individual Character Justice Lesan Market Status: (Closed-Market Model: N/A...
  16. Valery Noble

    Private  In Pursuit of Justice

    Location: New Cov Temple | Council Chambers Appearance: Link Outfit: Factory Link Weapon: Double-Bladed Lightsaber Tag: Kahlil Noble Jax Thio Baddy Tag: Koda Fett Standing within the Council Chambers at the recently rebuilt New Cov Temple, Valery looked at the holo-projector she had placed...
  17. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Private  Justice & Revenge

    J U S T I C E - A N D - R E V E N G E The ship steadily entered the port. All systems ran smoothly, and the ship showed no signs of malfunction. Despite an attack from a pirate gang during a pit stop, the ship lost no cargo. Ah, the precious cargo. Smoke swirled as the ship landed. The pilot...
  18. Justice Lesan

    Character  Justice Lesan

    JUSTICE LESAN -I| NAME Justice Lesan -I| TITLE(S) Jedi Padawan || Archeologist -I| RANK Padawan -I| HOMEWORLD Corellia -I| BIRTHPLACE Coronet City -I| SEXUALITY Straight -I| GENDER Male -I| MARITAL STATUS Single -I| LANGUAGES Galactic Basic, High Galactic, Olys Corellisi, Binary -I| SPECIES...
  19. Justice Lesan

    Private  Justice Lesan and the Copyright Infringement

    Attire: xXx Tag: Briana Sal-Soren | Valery Noble A crystal skull. The mission seemed simple, and the research was pretty solid, but something about it bothered the young Lesan. Justice sat the data pad down on the desk in his quarters. A recent upgrade had allowed him a small side room he had...
  20. Darth Athora

    Work In Progress  Sith-Imperial Ministry of Laws and Justice

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify the organization being built by Darth Athora under the Sith Empire. Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if...
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