Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Valery Noble

    Invasion  [GA | DE] Operation Shadow Hand | GA Defense of Tython, Empress Teta, & Prakith

    Operation Shadowhand Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris Dark Empire Staff Galactic Alliance Staff Darth Solipsis Valery Noble Ignacious Korvan Auteme Ibaris Varanin Jasper Kai'el Jin Kyrel Kahlil Noble Elias Edo Natasi Fortan Amelia von Sorenn Objective I -...
  2. Valery Noble

    Invasion  [GA | DE] Operation Shadow Hand | GA Defense of Tython, Empress Teta, & Prakith

    Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris Dark Empire Staff Galactic Alliance Staff Darth Solipsis Valery Noble Ignacious Korvan Auteme Ibaris Varanin Jasper Kai'el Jin Kyrel Kahlil Noble Elias Edo Natasi Fortan Amelia von Sorenn The Dark Times Begin.. On March 14th -...
  3. Spirit of Perseverance

    Faction  Sword of Reclamation | GA Victory at Empress Teta

    Tython was only the beginning. With the momentum of the Maw advance halted at the ancient homeworld of the Jedi, the Galactic Alliance turned the gears of its war machine to strike back and liberate lost planets in the core. Their first target — Empress Teta. With a massive battle station in...
  4. Wyatt Morga

    Faction  The Trial of the Dark Empress [Part II]

    Space Station: Peace Unknown Area of the Galaxy 876 ABY Jedi from the various orders were given spots in the trial room - each found their seats as required and set out. The gathering was small, less than a dozen, simply for the purpose of containing crowds. After the failure of...
  5. Wyatt Morga

    LFG  The Trial of an Empress [Need Witnesses]

    With the conclusion of Part 1 in hunting down Ashin Cardé Varanin - Wyatt is going to go find one of the Jedi Orders to help him run a trial, and eventually see justice permitted. Show trial is sorta the point - to help inspire hope for the galaxy at large that Sith no matter how strong or old...
  6. Arcturus Dinn

    Private  Before I Leave Your Eyes

    Beholder came upon Vixen while the latter's inhabitant slumbered. Arcturus disembarked quietly as he could, hoping to maintain the still which had come over the crystalline ship, able only to make such work due to his more intimate experience with the vessel in the past. He knew the codes, he...
  7. Seto Du Couteau

    Private  A Fae-tful Prank

    Seto Du Couteau Location: Cinnagar, Empress Teta Action: Host a Party in a fellow's Noble's Castle to catch a doppelganger Attire Chaos was never a word that Seto used to describe his life, if anything he often took many great lengths for the opposite to happen. Order, rules and fashion were...
  8. Wyatt Morga

    Faction  The Hunt for the Dark Empress [Part I]

    Hyperspace Aboard the Uhl Valaviteco 870 ABY Wyatt stood at the head of the holotable, his finger pressed tight against his chin. Displayed before him was the grainy outline of the Pomojema - grainy from its last sighting near the Daragon Trail, next to the slowly rotating bust of Ashin Cardé...
  9. Ashaiya Mar'Dikan

    Ashaiya Mar'Dikan

    Ashaiya Mar'Dikan "I will do whatever I must to save my people. If I must embrace the darkness, then so be it." Basic Information Name: Ashaiya Mar'Dikan Alias: N/A Force Alignment: Dark Side Force Rank: Acolyte Species: Zhornee Races: Voidwalker Age: 17 Standard Years Height: Two Meters...
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