Throughout time humans, aliens, and all sentient beings have tried to create ways of communicating faster and more definitely. At first this led to images and then speech. Later they would use the paper, metal wires, and eventually primitive electronics. For quite a while that was it, they spoke in almost instantaneous communication. Then later on, after many years and wars they used the much more sophisticated computer technology for both spoken communication as well as imagery, almost like our Holos. It wouldn’t stop there, as technology became more and more advanced the different races would first use the newly discovered for military advancement and then social advancement. Weapons were created that could allow a person to see through most anything, then there was the ability to see where people were in a three dimensional setting, allowing soldiers to see depth and prepare for battles. They named it holographic after the word hologram, which is a mixture of words from at least two ancient languages. Holo meant whole, or complete, while gram meant something written or drawn. So in essence, a hologram was a whole or complete representation of something that had already been written or drawn. The first holograms were used, as I stated, to represent positions of bases, personnel, and reenactment of weaponry use. Later this would be made into a way of communicating, which would be the origin of the HoloNet as seen today.

Now the HoloNet is a very sophisticated set of communication computers, basically. It is the most fundamental form one computer sending information to another. This means that all information in the HoloNet is recordable, or that things can be stored in the HoloNet for safe keeping. If one were to try and hide something within the HoloNet it would require a very ingenious program…

----------------------------------------------Kazen Entry

During the initial attempt to create an AI capable of hiding parts of its own program within the HoloNet, I found that such an intelligence would require a very sophisticated program, one that would not be able to hide itself. This would then require a physical reciprocal outside the HoloNet so that the parts may be hidden without a full program being left behind. Of course, this whole problem could be circumvented if one is willing to have the program remade every time the artificial being is locked into that hidden state.

Visionary, or Vigilant, is the artificial sentient that will eventually be holding the future in its hand, if all goes to plan. Once the galaxy is freed from the Force users it will be the one who establishes the governments and the one who attempts to hold peace. It will be the mother of the new galaxy. At least that is the hope. To reach that goal will require much work.

To that end, I have found the best scientists and programmers within ReCal, a small yet burgeoning company underneath my command. They have begun work on the initial program, thanks to the fact that this AI will be based in a droid to begin with it allows for ease in manipulation within code. The true difficulty will lie in the attachment of Vigilant into the HoloNet in such a way that it will be hidden from all but those who search specifically for the parts of code.

--------------------------------------------- Main

The HoloNet is such a helpful system, capable of transferring just about any immaterial bit of information. On the opposite side of the coin, it also holds much more information in the form of commands and programs for the Net itself. There must be a program for image transfer, text transfer, and sound transfer. There has to be programs for separate lines that are used, hundreds of thousands of lines for different people to use. In the end there is almost a limitless amount of coding within which information may be hidden with little threat of being found, if one were to include the information that is on the HoloNet.

The idea of hiding bits and pieces of a larger program within the confines of the HoloNet is not too farfetched. It is completely possible to hide a secret message within the codes for others to pick up later; the difficulty arises when one wants to make something capable of hiding within the HoloNet as well as having a physical body. Vigilant was going to become a very challenging task, as the creators had to make the programs both functional and able to hide easily at the same time. If it were a program that would hide within the HoloNet and then later be pulled out and activated then it would be much easier, but to be attached to the HoloNet, adding or subtracting information from the codes as needed, and having a physical body would prove quite a challenge.


The first real big break we had was when a HoloNet splice was found and we were able to reverse engineer the device. It was a relatively rare item at the time that it was created, capable of being inside an organics head, attached to the HoloNet, and work through the HoloNet as needed. Of course, there is a big difference between the splice and what the Vigilant is supposed to be able to do. However, it was that little bit of technology that allowed for a small boost in work.

It showed us how we could have a device within the HoloNet, which was not a terminal or other such traditional means of entering the HoloNet, which could alter the HoloNet such as messages and transmissions. Not actual alterations, just making messages or changing bits and pieces of less secure information, the usual.


The concept of a HoloNet splice, a device that is implanted into a sentient being allowing almost unlimited access at almost any time, had proven to be quite a useful, though seldom utilized, tool. If that type of implant were placed into a droid, technically a splice would not be necessary as it could just be part of the programs, then the droid would be able to access the HoloNet in most situations and be able to manipulate it as needed.


Success, after almost three months of work on splice code conversion we were able to implement a program within a droid which connects it to the HoloNet. Beyond that, the droid was able to hide its own programs into the HoloNet within a less secure area. Now we’ve found that it requires an outside force to pull the codes back together to set it into a droid. That isn’t a problem though, as we hope to avoid the future AI from losing its body too often.


The work on the AI itself was actually quite simple; after all they were taking basically a droid’s AI and then changing it slightly for more advanced procedures. The droid was programmed with the specific intent to help sentient organics create a new society from rubble of an older one. The difficulty with giving the AI that mission would be the fact that one could give a computer a list of jobs to do, but one couldn’t make the computer have ideals or ingenuity.

While their goal was simply to create an AI that could think on its feet, learn as needed, and could accomplish the goal of leading lost sentients through the turmoil of a galaxy falling apart. The first two were not completely innovative, they were an idea that had been prominent among science fiction writers in the galaxy for centuries and there had been attempts made at producing such droids. The third though, that would be difficult, because in order to be able to lead the AI would require compassion and other such emotions that are not typical of computers.


An emotional droid. That is what we are trying to make. I don’t know how this could turn out. If we give a mechanical being one of the few things that separates an organic from a mechanical what would happen? I doubt that we would have the galaxy wide apocalypse that writers so love to envision real artificial intelligence accomplishing. I think we would have to deal with a computer that is curious, one that wants to learn and wishes to understand the purpose and reasons behind many of the things we take for granted.

The intelligence may question the purpose of beings whose bodies are so inefficient that it is a wonder they survive, especially compared to its own pristine, almost perfect existence. It may decide to try and repair the failings of organic sentient’s leadership. Heh, those were the fears that storytellers love to play on.

The scientists say that imprinting emotions, ideals, and maybe even full thought processes maybe the best way to go. Taking a real human, or alien, being and following the emotions to the ‘center’ within the brain and replicating them as close as possible within the parameters of the computer’s capabilities. It sounds very difficult, however the scientists believe that it is possible, and I will tend to defer to them on these subjects.


Imprinting a computer with an organic’s thoughts, words, just about anything was a concept that was millennia old. There were droids that could replicate speech from just a few words; they could trick people into believing that it was a human who spoke. Imprinting emotions was almost just going a step further. Of course it was more difficult than what anyone anticipated.

To copy a beings thoughts, especially emotions, is incredibly difficult. It required such technology that in and of itself was not too rare or strange, but the way some of the pieces of technology were used was unordinary. Through much time and effort, it became possible. They used machines that searched the brain for defects and made them follow the neurological pathways as Corruck moved through his emotions. Sometimes they didn’t quite match what made sense, sudden jumps from one section of the brain to another. It required patience and fine tuning in order to follow all the pathways and understand the relations. In so doing, the scientists were able to reconstruct in a computer an almost perfect emotion. The first one to be recreated was happiness. It took quite a awhile, but the scientists were able to even make it such that the computer could experience happiness under different circumstances. One unanticipated side effect was that the computer soon began to acquire quirks that distinguished it from other computers. The one they worked on soon grew a sarcastic response to most of their commands.

Fortunately, this was not such a bad thing, though troublesome it made the computer more like a living thing than most of the intelligence systems that they had tried to use. The computer, after a few adjustments was capable of learning via searching the HoloNet and accumulating information to solve problems or queries. With the almost limitless amount of information held within the HoloNet’s databanks, the computer could analyze practically any situation and use the HoloNet to find an answer.
One of the problems with the computer was that it would occasionally change information within the HoloNet, they attributed the behavior to the newly found humor. Often the changes were inconsequential and nobody was too concerned, though at one point the computer did change numbers on a stock exchange on Corellia, fortunately it was a smaller line of not much importance and the number was only adjusted by a decimal or so. After that though, the scientists removed the program, knowing that it would work.


After the Corellia incident, the scientists have decided to remove the program and the connection device; in the meantime they have begun work on copying emotions from me. The reason is that if the emotional pathways are even somewhat similar it will at least give us some idea of how the artificial intelligence will think. Anyways, the computer’s goals will be destined by me and therefore I can’t have a computer whose emotions are opposed to my own.

I have documented the changes so far that the computer made within the HoloNet, the stock change is particularly amusing and maybe I’ll share it with some of the others back in the Rebel Alliance.


Once all the emotional pathways were copied and set into computer based codes, a unique droid body was created and its empty shell was filled with the thoughts of the computer that had been the original test subject. The computer’s parameters, goals, and thought processes went through a final fine tuning and a barrier was put in place so that the intelligence would not mess with the HoloNet unless physical harm was imminent, in which case the AI would copy itself into the HoloNet and separate its codes so as to avoid immediate detection. From there, a notification would appear to Corruck, who would then have the scientists rebuild a droid body meant for that intelligence and pull the codes back out and assemble them.

Vigilant, as the intelligence was called or Visionary, was also given an intellectual system that allowed the droid more though processing, similar to top end protocol droids. It could enter the HoloNet and find information as needed to solve complex problems. Thanks to its emotional upgrade, allowing it to think in unconventional ways for a computer, the system can overcome most security systems within the HoloNet, allowing further access to normally restricted information. The droid body was built without weaponry systems, however if can utilize most weapons if the information on how to use it is within the confines of the HoloNet. The intelligence can learn from a situation whether its body survives of not and it has the ability to pick up character traits, at this point it has none. Vigilant is programmed, at its very core, to protect all organic creatures as best as possible.​