I'm on a road
And endless road
A road leading forward
No going back
No turning point
Just straight
Forward into the future
I had her once
I had her
She was my everything
My love
My soul
And I let her go
I let her go
I don't know
I try and remember
I try and think
I don't know
But now she is gone
Away from here
Away from my influence
Out of my love
I try and win her back
Every day we talk
And talk and talk
And she says it's okay
She says she forgives
And yet
We cannot be
For reasons I do not fathom
I try to
But can't
I just know
I'll never have her again
To hold
To kiss
To love
And endless road
A road leading forward
No going back
No turning point
Just straight
Forward into the future
I had her once
I had her
She was my everything
My love
My soul
And I let her go
I let her go
I don't know
I try and remember
I try and think
I don't know
But now she is gone
Away from here
Away from my influence
Out of my love
I try and win her back
Every day we talk
And talk and talk
And she says it's okay
She says she forgives
And yet
We cannot be
For reasons I do not fathom
I try to
But can't
I just know
I'll never have her again
To hold
To kiss
To love