Your one stop shop for all the news that is TKO

*(Intro Music)* "I'm on a TKO radio, whoa-oh... A Correllian digital radio, whoa-oh...."
GOOOOOD MORROW TKO!!! and welcome to the best damn little big faction on the board!
*(Intro Music)* That's right we be jammin, so I'm so glad to be jammin with you! We jammin and I hope you dig out threadin too!

I'm your host, the duke of dudely ness, the King of kark, the destroyer of doms.... That's right I'm your host BB and so proud to be groven with all you good people. Now before we get to the meat of this thing a big shout out to our sponsor...

Need tough gear Gotal'Veman - Nothing tougher than Mando tough!


Right, so with that out of the way let's give a warm welcome to all our new members (in no particular order),
Orkamaat, Blacktail, Zetha Vesh, Erik, Jethro Wright, Lucien Shorn, Nawago, Astrid Santii, Barghest Gaunt, Singularity, Jette Haltzum, BLAINE MALLISTER, DARRON WRAITH, Severence Rau.
Guys and gals, looking forward to writing with ya all so don't be a stranger on the threads ok!


All right up next is the thread report, all that is good and awesome piled into one place. Talk a look, pick a thread or five and have a blast.
*Eerie Flight [Faction RP TKO] - As oldie but a goodie, join our ragtag band for a bit of sith spawn fun! Currently, mystery and horror find the Underground, led by @Lok Munin they search an abandoned Sith One Star Destroyer for friends who may be stranded there.
OOC here
*The Shindig Job [Faction RP TKO] - Like dancing, drinking and well, taking out Q-fed agents? Then man do I have the party for you! Throw on your best outback entire and join in the fun! (Set up thread for the Dom)
OOC here
*And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place [Faction RP TKO] - Feeling adventurous, enjoy exploring, expanding and creating new lore, or just two mouths in a tin can with a vertically challenged undead Jedi master. Well then hope aboard the Alderaan Queen and join your host @Sor-Jan Xantha on a fun adventure with space commies and people who think using the force makes you a god!
OOC here
*The red shift mingle [Faction RP TKO] Well after a long hard day of saving the galaxy who doesn't need a drink and a little down time. So if you do jump on down to rebal actual, take a load off and remember to always tip your waitress @Kimiko
*Dominion of Kal'Shebbol [Faction Dom TKO] Action, adventure, pew pew and glow stick galore, come one come all to TKO's first Dom, this one looks like it's gonna end with a BANG!
OOC here and here
***One Day I Wish to Have This Kind of Time [Sith Triumvirate Dominion of Chalacta] [Sith Triumvirate Dom TKO was invited to play opposition in] Time to play trouble makers once again, strap in folks for Sith fighting and making things go BOOM!
OOC Here


Member of the Month July 2016​

OK now kidding aside this next part is to honor someone really special in many of our writing hearts. Our member of the month is a guy who was there in the beginning and for real world issues, (like going to school and saving lives), needed to step down as a faction admin. While we were sad to see him need to take a smaller roll in all this fun it has given us the chance to give a rigorous dude his due props. So our member of the month for July 2016 is none other than Mr. Glowsticks himself Julius Sedaire! Take a bow man, you earned it!
To honor him further we knew no meer bobble or toy would do, so we dedicate something to his awesomeness, a ship for the faction he helped build! "Remy's Revenge" Check it out in the Factory and once accepted get ready to see it fighting in a rebellion near you!


From the position of the sun in the sky, I can see that it is almost time to go, but before I do just remember if any of you want a thread mentioned in our next post just shoot me a PM and we will get R done!
So till next time my friends, be awesome to everyone and always remember,TKO high school Huttball rules!​
