The Ashla
02: Leadership
All of us must take the mantle of leadership at one point or another in our lives. For Jedi particularly, leadership is a crucial skill. We are often expected to stand at the forefront in any conflict we might find ourselves in, be it one of debate or violence. People look to Jedi as mediators and protectors, and if we cannot lead them properly, then we have done them a disservice.
The first of the things I will cover would be something all Jedi must possess: empathy. To lead effectively, one must understand the feelings of those around them. They must know what may or may not bother their allies, what makes them tick, and how to encourage them to greater heights. For example, I go out of my way to meet as many of the soldiers under my command on a personal level as I have time for. This instills loyalty in those that follow you, and builds a rapport of trust that will prove invaluable in times of crisis. If you know your men, then they will be far quicker to follow your orders, and may find themselves inspired by your presence. I cannot emphasis just how important this trust is to any group or organization.
The second lesson is that of personal growth. A leader is someone that works to better the group, and see them grow to their full potential. Those that oppress their followers or work to see their growth stemmed are hamstringing themselves. A leader, much like a father, is tasked with the health and safety of his people, both mentally and physically. You should invest your time into bettering your followers. If they are Jedi, help them to better understand the Force and expand on their training. If they are soldiers, acquiesce to their needs, make sure they have everything required to do their jobs, and show pride in their deeds whenever they succeed. Do not hide your approval - it can mean the difference between a soldier fighting past his limits to secure the objective, or giving up as all seems lost. This process is similar for all forms of leadership, be they civilian or military. The stronger your pack is, the stronger you are, and the more you can accomplish together.
The third is that of discipline. A strong leader has rules, and those rules are expected to be followed. The majority of sentient beings cannot guide themselves - they travel through life listlessly, awaiting a great purpose to be thrust upon them. You must be the arbiter of that purpose. Provide those that follow you with the structure they need to succeed, and they will not fail you.
The fourth is the establishment of culture. All groups have it a culture, be they large of small. The dynamics of a nation are just as complex as those of a squad, and one must cultivate the proper culture to suit their needs. I find that instilling a laidback yet serious culture tends to produce results. I befriend those under my command, and encourage good humor whilst also maintaining strict military protocol, as an example. Maintaining a healthy, friendly atmosphere where they feel it is okay to come to you with any issue is paramount. In responding to such issues, one must be firm, but supportive. If they have failed, let them know of your disappointment, but try and help them find a path to success in the future. If they have succeeded, pat them on the back and show them that they are a valued member of the team. Encouragement is the key to success.
These are but a few tidbits on proper ways to lead. Do with them what you will reader, and remember that the shadow of pride is folly. Do not let the power you hold over others instill a greater sense of importance in yourself, for that importance is false, and will only create rifts between you and your people. True importance comes from the self - you must love yourself and be secure in your beliefs, and then you will feel true pride, for it is the pride gained from the trials and tribulations of life, not from the reverence other pay you. That is where the truest value lies.