Lirra, Underwater Hut
Werah sat down, mind still reeling from the creature's words. "You...knew I was coming?", Werah asked nervously. "I KNOW EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS ON THIS PLANET. YOUR QUEST FOR TRUTH HAS LONG SINCE INTERESTED ME", boomed the voice in Werah's mind. Werah still felt shaken, but he decided to forge ahead with what he came for. "Well...I heard tales that you-", Werah was cut off as the voice wracked his mind once again. "YES. I AM MASTER JOUNI, HIGH PRIEST OF THE GRENON RACE. I KNOW MUCH OF THE... YŒŪSÃ...THE FOCE? AH YES, THE FORCE. YOUR LANGUAGE IS SIMPLE, YET IT TELLS THE TRUTH." Werah felt his eyes began to water, and was glad that the creature - Jouni, had stopped talking. "YOU WISH TO LEARN THE WAYS OF THE FORCE. I HAVE MUCH I CAN TEACH YOU, BUT TRIE UNDERSTANDING COMES FROM WITHIN." All very poetic, though Werah, but the creature's telepathic speech really hurt, and Werah now wanted to lie in a bacta tank for a few years. The creature suddenly stood up, and walked to the door. It - *he* made a gesture to follow him, and then swam outside. Werah followed after him, and was led on a long journey towards the surface. They reached the edge, and climbed out onto the swamp. Underwater, Master Jouni had looked about a quarter of his size, but he now saw that he was roughly human height, though still smaller than Werah's towering frame. "So, you want to learn?", said Jouni, his voice raspy and cracked. It wasn't the best voice, but it was a huge improvement on the mind-blasting speech before. Jouni jumped on a log, held out his palm, and let a small flame dance on his palm. "Now you try", he said. Werah felt unsure, you couldn't learn a skill like that instantly, but he felt the Master's presence in his mind, telling him what to do. Werah reached inside, calling on the force. He closed his eyes, twisted his hand round, and envisaged a flame appearing in his hand. A small spark appeared, and soon fizzled out of existence. The Grenon laughed, telling him he had a lot to learn. Werah though, felt overjoyed. The route he had chosen would be hard, but not impossible. However small a step he took, it was still progress on his journey. He tried again, this time creating a cluster of sparks. Soon, he had managed a small flame, and with the help of Jouini, had managed to create a small campfire. The Grenon went off into the lake to catch some food, while Werah practiced the flame summoning. The night came crawling in...