[background=rgb(30,30,30)]This auction will run for 24 hours only. This auction will close at 4 pm EST 04/20/15
[background=[font='lucida sans unicode']AUCTION ITEMS[/font]
[background=Item: 1x Bronze-Plated [url="http://starwarsrp.net/topic/33719-heklerkok-special-edition-blaster-mark-ii/"]Hekler'Kok Special Edition Blaster Mark II[/url]
Starting-Bid: 2,500 Credits
Item: 1x Silver-Plated Hekler'Kok Special Edition Blaster Mark I
Starting Bid: 7,500 Credits
Item: Custom Set of Armor
Starting Bid: 25,000 Credits
[background=[color=rgb(0,255,255)]I N C O M [/color]
[background=1X Incom Corporation XJ-9 Advanced X-Wing Starfighter
Link - [url="http://starwarsrp.net/topic/32898-xj-9-advanced-x-wing/"]http://starwarsrp.ne...dvanced-x-wing/[/url]
Starting Auction – 50,000 Credits.
1X Incom Corporation/Frei-Tek E-27 E-Wing Defender
Link - http://starwarsrp.ne...-defender-x-27/
Starting Auction – 45,000 Credits.
2X Incom Corporation XA-5 X-Wing Starfighters (Separate Units)
Link - http://starwarsrp.ne...69-xa-5-x-wing/
Starting Auction – 20,000 Credits (Per Unit)
Note – Will accept trades on all units.
Incom Corporation will provide a limited warranty with all products and assist with maintenance and upkeep for up to six standard months. Incom Corporation would like to note – any tampering with products beyond modification (i.e Attempts to reverse engineer or reproduce in any manner…) can cause hardware, software of general failure within its products.
[background=[size=5]A r c e n e a u T r a d e C o m p a n y
[background=[b]Bartering is preferred than credits[/b]
[background=[b]If reserve price is not hit, items will be removed from auction.[/b]
- K-Series MSL-67 Alpha Skycar - 50K
- AUS ute Speeder - 20K
- K-Series CLSK-25 Blackberry - 50K
The following are very rare items from[url="http://starwarsrp.net/topic/27554-akure-executive-leatherworks/?p=381186"] AEL[/url] that are no longer available to purchase.
- 1x Talisman of Concentration - 100 million credits.
- 1x Korriban Compass - 500k
- 1 Sith Abattar - 20 million
- 1 Ring of Aza'zoth 2 million
- 1 Valiant Ursine Companion 200k
- 1 all-expenses paid weekend in a health spa on Koltos, complete with food, travel and amenities 50k
[background=[b]Company for Sale[/b]
[background=[size=5]Silara Kuhn
[background=Name: [url="http://starwarsrp.net/topic/38188-laravan-corporation/"]Laravan Corporation[/url]
Operations: Vehicle Manufacturing, Niche Equipment & Special Orders Manufacturing
Locations: Sorrus
Mini Description: A vehicle and equipment manufacturer based on Sorrus, within Mandalorian Space, Laravan Corporation was created circa 837 ABY with the intention to introduce a source for civilian luxury vehicles. Though such didn't pan out, it soon ventured into the realm of the military industry with the introduction of its heavily armed, and fast, land speeder, as well as their highly advanced visual tracking display capable of being equipped to both land based vehicles and starships that support the display addition.
[background=Opening Bid: 300,000 credits[/size]