
This auction will run for 48 hours only. This auction will close at 10 a.m. May 19, 2018 EST

Aurora Industries - Tier 5 Company (Marketplace)

§Lot A - One Nebulous Cloaking Device: Open for bids

§Lot B - One Gravastar+ Ship Reactor Open for bids
Incom Corporation - Tier 4

§Lot C: Incom will manufacture a Unique Starfighter to the winning bidder's specification. Our engineers will work with the winning party and incorporate any technology or rare materials they wish. The XJ-7 hull outlined below can be used as a starting point if desired.​
Corellian Engineering Corporation (C.E.C.) - Tier 3 Shipwright Company

§Lot D: Omni-Pod 3x- Fully outfitting 1x starfighter squadron or applicable ship per lot (After winning bid, successive 'next in line' bids can qualify for purchase at SSB discretion)- Open for bids

§Lot E: Khandar Class Repair Station: Open for bids

§Lot F: Protectorate Blockade Runner: Open for bids

§Lot G: YVX-666 Medium Freighter - Custom After Market Modifications Available at no further cost- Open for bids

§Lot H: Turhaya Class Freighter - Custom After Market Modifications Available at no further cost: Open for bids

§Lot I: Wasp Class Fighter Squadron: Open for bids

§Lot J: Eharl Class Assault Starfighter Squadron: Open for bids

§Lot K: 3x of YT-930 - Custom After Market Modifications Available at no further cost- Open for bids
Arceneau Trade Company and Subsidiaries
Haven Shipyards | Mara Tibx | PharmaTech | Browncoat Arms | Blas Tech
Prefer Barter items for bids.

§Lot L: MTX - Isotope 5 Power Generator- The ability to utilize ATC as a manufacturer for limited production Restricted Material use of Isotope 5 via this generator for one submission. Open for bids

§Lot M: Refined Isotope-5 - The ability to utilize ATC as a manufacturer for limited production Restricted Material use of Isotope 5 via Refined Isotope 5 for one submission. Open for bids

§Lot N: Animus-class Assault Courier: Highly suited for atmospheric combat. Open for bids

§Lot O: Washburn-class Medium Transport a modernized version of the canonical 1000-year-old Firefly-class transport, as here. Open for bids

§Lot P: Lwhekk Aleph-class Manufacturing Ship - An updated Lwhekk-class manufacturing ship, for converting the loot of a thousand worlds into something useful. Open for bids

§Lot Q:2x The Maladi Class Strike Frigate: Rare and hard to come by Maladi Class Strike Frigates recently build at Haven Shipyards to the original specifications. Open for bids