[background=rgb(30,30,30)]This auction will run for 24 hours only. This auction will close at 11pm EST 11/13/2014


[background=Beast Hunter's Guild[/size]

  • Greater Krayt Dragon pearl x 2 - Starting at 50,000 credits
  • Full Greater Krayt dragon skeleton x 1 - Starting at 25,000 credits
  • Piranha beetle x 20 - Starting at 25,000 credits
  • The Reek which won the Reek Races x 1 - Starting at 25,000 credits
  • Trained Ropo x 3 - Starting at 50,000 credits
  • Near-extinct storm beast x 1 - Starting at 100,000 credits
  • Adult Acklay x 1 - Starting at 75,000 credits
  • Full Force sense blocking Taozin hide x 1 - Starting at 150,000 credits
  • Full energy resistant Taozin shell x 1 - Starting at 125,000 credits
  • Tikulini hide x 1 - Starting at 175,000 credits
  • Trained Bull Rancor x 1 - Starting at 100,000 credits
  • Vial of Shak Skuri venom x 1 - Starting at 50,000 credits
  • A moderate amount of Laminanium - Starting at 75,000 credits
[background=[url="http://starwarsrp.net/topic/29728-heklerkok-defense-industries/"]Hekler'Kok Defense Industries[/url]

[background=Auction Items:[/size]
  • Three Custom Weapons Contracts (Starting at 7,500 Each)
  • Two Hekler'Kok Special Edition Blaster Mark II's
  • Two Minor Production Weapons Contracts (Starting at 25,000 Each)
  • One Mass Produced Weapons Contract (Starting at 50,000)

[background=[size=5]ARCENEAU TRADE COMPANY

  • TibX gas contract - 100,000
  • 2 Registries into the Oiran Guild House client list. - 25,000
  • Mysterious Item - 25,000