

Sularen stood in front of the viewports of Raptor Base, his hands clasped behind his back as he observed his flagship docked within one of the shipyards large external dry-docks being retrofitted with new exotic technologies he had gained access too thanks to his new allegiance to the resurrected Darth Solipsis’s Dark Empire. Sularen’s Flagship known as the Predator, along with the other fourteen warships that were apart of his personal fleet were all being retrofitted in preparation for the upcoming war, with Sularen hoping to emerge early on in the conflict as a leading force within the Imperial Military spearheading their early victories against their foes and ensuring their uncontested supremacy over the stars.

Already he had managed to secure a position as Grand Admiral within the Imperial Navy which would already gave him direct access to both the Emperor and the Imperial Despot and absolute seniority within the Imperial Navy and to a certain extent the rest of the Imperial Military, answering only to the Emperor and the Despot, which would allow him to carry out most of his immediate plans for the near future.

As Sularen remained deep in thought, the doors leading into the open room where the High Regent could be found soon opened with his personal aide Colonel Rackham soon proceeding to enter. “That is quite a view sir.” Rackham said, referring to the view of his large flagship as he announced his presence. “Indeed. Once my Flagship and the rest of the fleet have been fully retrofitted I will have arguably the most powerful fleet in the entire galaxy at my disposal. Not even the mighty Star Defenders of the Galactic Alliance will be even capable of posing a threat to it.” Sularen said.

The two men would stand there in silence for a few seconds before the High Regent would then turn around to face his subordinate before once more speaking to him. “So what news do you wish to bring to me, Rackham?” Sularen asked, interested in hearing what new information his aide had brought for him “We just got word from our Agents from Serenno.” Rackham responded. "Houses Vemec and Malvern along with the Commanders of the Local Imperial Fleet and Garrison respectively, have all agreed to join forces with the Final Dawn.” The Colonel further explained. “What about the rest of the Serennian Great Houses?” Sularen inquired. “Houses Borgin, Demici and Nalju have all refused to bend the knee and from what our intel suggests have begun raising militias and hiring mercenaries, most likely in preparation for a coup against Count Vemec and the Imperial Garrison.

Sularen chuckled at this statement, somewhat amused at the defiance of the Serennan Nobles. “Quite amusing to see that these Nobles think they have any power to challenge me” he proclaimed. “They lack proper unity or even a cohesive vision, mostly driven by their shared opposition to me due to the fact that I pose a threat to their individual ambitions. This little plot of their will go nowhere beyond the planning stage” Sularen added with confidance

He had already dealt with narrow-minded aristocrats before and knew too well how they operated, always working for the sake of their own self-interests and refusing to work with anyone unless either they shared their ideals or had something to gain from working with them. The Nobles of Serenno were no different and as such Sularen would take advantage of this to put an end to their little scheme before it could materialize by using the only thing keeping their little plot together against them and turning the situation back into his favor.

Begin executing the second phase of our plan to secure Serenno” Sularen ordered. “Have our agents begin to spread rumors to both Houses Demici and Nalju that the other house is considering to join the Final Dawn at the condition that the assets and properties of the other house are seized and transferred to them” He added while smirking maliciously. “Those two Houses will then annihilate each other in the hopes of ensuring that the other House won't pose a threat to them. Plus, even if they manage to see through it, the rumors alone will be enough to sow some level of distrust amongst them, which in turn will only reduce their efficiency and make things easier for our friends on Serenno” the High Regent said before turning his back on Rackham, shifting his focus once more on his Flagship being retrofitted.

Even with the Plot from the Three Serennian Great Houses, Sularen had enough support to maintain control over Serenno and should they somehow succeed in throwing off his hold on the planet he could always send Admiral Hamilton and his Fleet to subdue the defiant Great Houses and properly secure Serenno for the Final Dawn. At this point nothing could stop the High Regent and once Serenno would be under his grasp he would be poised to take the entire D’Astan Sector ready begin the first step of his grand plan to secure his rise to power.