[quote name="Alisha" post="340420" timestamp="1399086851" date="02 May 2014 - 11:14 PM"]
AUCTION - 33% of Auction proceeds go to the Rhommamool-Osarian Relief Fund
Source: SSB Auction - Silk Holdings and CEC and Corellian Arms
[background=rgb(8,8,8)]RESULTS OF THE AUCTION!
- Pathfinder-class Long-Term Exploration Craft x 1 1,000,000 @[member="Jai-Fohro Krava "] SOLD!
- Winter Eagle-class Transport x 1 305k @@Arthur David Hardrada SOLD
- Jo'henry-class Rare Materials Mining Vessel x 5 400k @Faenrovon The Radiant SOLD!
- Echani Mimic Battle Unit Combat Droid x 20 --- 41K per droid, 15 droids @Jared Ovmar SOLD!
- 40,500l for 3 droids @Arthur David Hardrada SOLD
2 sold to dominoThe Oneiromancer, personal ship of former Jedi Grandmaster @Je'gan Olra'en x 1 710@Siara Kai With sekret bid from Siara to Silk via comm.Rassilon-class Elite Starfighter x 1 -- in your choice of 24 modular weapons/systems configurations and 4 paint jobs 605k and a scroll of Theran Force-Listening
AUCTION - 33% of Auction proceeds go to the Rhommamool-Osarian Relief Fund
- One Limited Edition Electrum-Plated Aa'kua Landspeeder - [background=rgb(8,8,8)]250k @[member="Spencer Jacobs"]
- One Custom Myriad-class Corvette - 305k @Arthur David Hardrada SOLD!
- Exclusive deal for new station - - 55,000,000 @Hannibal Oryen SOLD
- One Mystery ItemOne Mystery Item - 430k @[member="Hannibal Oryen"] SOLD!
Source: SSB Auction - Silk Holdings and CEC and Corellian Arms