
This is TriNebulon News at 11. Tonight, we mourn the loss of a hero!

The screen lit up as the familiar face of Hallifax appeared. His typical smile has been replaced by a forlorn, distant look. A black suit, rather than his usual white or silver, adorned his frame.

"It is with a heavy heart I come before you all. Tragedy strikes Coruscant this evening. We've received word that our former, and beloved Senator, Ido Bastra, was found dead in his apartment moments ago. We move to Dalvos Durn at the scene."

The screen transitioned from Hallifax at TriNebulon headquarters to the streets of Galactic City.

Luxury apartments lined one side of the road. The towering buildings reached up beyond the frame, each one a hundred stories minimum. Unlike most of Coruscant, the sleek, durasteel structures lacked any imperfections. A cursory glance would reveal this district housed only the wealthiest Galactic City had to offer.

"Thank you, Hallifax," the blue-skinned twi'lek began. "This is Dalvos Durn with TriNebulon, and I'm here with Marshal Director Kree Dulvoc this evening. Director Dulvoc, thank you for joining me."

An umbaran man stepped into the frame. His sleeked back black hair and three-piece, tailor-made suit distinguishing him from many of the marshals in the background.

"Of course," Kree nodded.

"Director, do you have any leads?"

"Yes," he said. "Bastra's home security caught sight of the perpetrator."

"Oh? Can you share any details regarding who it might be?"

"Due to the ongoing investigation, I fear I cannot share much, Durn. However, we are confident the assailant is a member of the dreaded Sith Brotherhood. The footage picked up a crimson lightsaber and the red hand wielding it. My guess? A pureblood Sith sent to cause chaos following the Alliance's attack on Korriban. Vengeance, perhaps?"

"What do you think that'll mean for the war, Director?"

Kree perked a brow at the question, noticeably annoyed. "I believe that's obvious, Durn. If you come to Coruscant and strike out at our people, you will pay. My marshals will be working double-shifts until the end of this war to ensure nothing like this happens again on Alliance soil. I firmly support the Chancellor's decision to wipe out that filthy cult from the galaxy once and for all. Hopefully, Bastra's death will be enough to convince all the naysayers out there this isn't a game."

"Well, th-" Dalvos began, only for the umbaran to lift a gloved hand.

"That's all I have time for, Durn. If you have further questions, you'll have to take it up with one of my men."

Kree stepped out of frame at that. Dalvos looked back to the camera, a sheepish smile used to mask his frustration with the Director.

"Well, there you have it, Hallifax. Director Dulvoc and his marshals are on the case, and it doesn't look like they intend on letting this happen again."