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Approved Tech Visage of Darth Sortis

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  • Intent: Create another Sith artifact for Carnifex
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source:


  • Classification: Helmet
  • Weight: Extremely Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Sonic: None
    • Force: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Extreme
    • Electromagnetic: None
    • Elemental: Extreme

  • The helmet captures and magnifies negative emotions such as anger, grief, misery, and fear.
  • This negative energy can then be harnessed by the wearer of the helmet, manifesting as intense and destructive Dark Side energy.
  • Energy output is dependent on how much negative energy is stored and how much new energy is being accumulated.
  • Without sufficient negative energy, the helmet's abilities will not work until new negative energy is absorbed.
  • The helmet endows the wearer with heightened precognition, enabling them to anticipate events anywhere from several minutes in advance to several days.
  • This heightened precognition can only reveal so much, as the future is ever-shifting and changing with every passing moment. Nearer events are more stable, more easily discernable. Events further out grow more distorted the further away from the present they happen, with events years away almost entirely impossible to understand through the helmet alone.
  • External ritual and magnification with other artifacts can stabilize prescience of distant events, but not with great accuracy.
  • Sith runes protect against Force Light.

  • Negative Energy Magnifier
  • The More Negative Energy Accumulated, The Stronger The Wielder
  • Heightened Precognition When Worn
  • Made from Sith Alchemy Treated Sarrassian Iron
  • Powerful Wards Against Force Light

  • Extremely Heavy
  • Requires Negative Emotion To Access Powers
  • Too Much Negative Energy Can Lead To Disorientation, Delusion, And Crippling Madness
  • Distant Events Extremely Difficult To See With Precognition
  • Force Nullification Via Ysalamiri / Voidstone / etc

Many years ago, the Core of the Galaxy was set aflame.

The One Sith arose from the Deep Core, spreading out across the heart of the Republic like a virus. Leading them was an enigmatic lord, Darth Sortis, who was only known by his followers as the Dark Lord. This Dark Lord was endowed with the gift of prophecy, his divinations of the future shaping the One Sith's assault against the unbalanced Republic and their Jedi. In one foul swoop, the One Sith drove the Republic from Coruscant; the glimmering jewel of the galaxy.

Sequestered in his new center of power on Coruscant, the Dark Lord of the One Sith went about gathering onto him all manner of oracles, Sith artifacts, and ancient relics from precursor empires to a storehouse located deep below Coruscant's underbelly. The Dark Lord sought an end to the Eternal War between the Sith and the Jedi, and he believed that by seizing control of the flow of time was how victory for the Sith was to be achieved.

He delved too greedily into the Cosmic Force, and the Dark Lord's mind shattered.

What emerged from the depths of Coruscant was not the calculating tactician the One Sith had rallied under, but a broken and paranoid madman that killed just as many allies as he did enemies. Under his rule, the One Sith would endure certain destruction. A conspiracy was formed, plotted by the Dark Lord's closest allies and advisors, that would seen him toppled from the throne and destroyed. Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia and Darth Vornskr ventured deep below Coruscant, and unsealed the Dark Lord's sanctum.

The battle that ensued broke the sanctum's gate and unroofed its halls, but in the end the Dark Lord was slain. He was cut down as he attempted to shift his spirit into another body, the combined might of Ophidia and Vornskr utterly annihilating his spirit in its entirety. With the Darth Sortis thus destroyed, Ophidia and Vornskr ransacked his sanctum and took for themselves great objects of power. Vornskr in particular took many items for himself, stealing away Sortis' cloning technology, and forcing his oracles to bend the knee before him. Greatest of all, however, was the helmet that once adorned Darth Sortis' brow, and thus Vornskr took that for himself.

With Sortis destroyed, the One Sith was reorganized, but it too would fall. Vornskr cast aside his old name, rechristening himself as Darth Carnifex. He continued many of Sortis' experiments, and he likewise became fascinated with unraveling the mysteries of the future. Henceforth, Darth Carnifex would wear the Visage of Darth Sortis, carrying on the legacy of a madman whose name was forever lost to history.

  • Edited Submission Name
  • Changed Image & Image Credit
  • Added new image source for headers
  • Edited Manufacturer and Affiliation
  • Edited Model
  • Changed Force Light Resistance to Force Resistance
  • Shortened sentence on energy output special feature
  • Added new strength, 'The More Negative Energy Accumulated, The Stronger The Wielder'
  • Added new weakness, 'Too Much Negative Energy Can Lead To Disorientation, Delusion, And Crippling Madness'
  • Removed Half-Helmet Weakness
  • Rewrote Description
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Nice one! I found two problems in the Resistances:
  • Force Nullification: None
  • Force Light: Very High
Force Nullification; we are not accept such resistance, so please modify it. The former Sonic was good, for example.
And the Force Light; Force is Force, so please modify it to simple Force resistance.
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