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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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TSE Ownership Election!

Who is your pick for the new Sith Empire owner?

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  • Poll closed .
No, the banner isn't cheesy. Stop rolling your eyes!

Hey guys, I hope y'all have had a smooth beginning to September so far! As announced in our Discord server I will be stepping away as owner of the server and the faction. Giving TSE an easy and dramaless transition from major to minor was the important job, now it's time for me to take my leave! Work and real life won't allow me to keep up with the wild explosion of activity the faction has achieved. However, before my stepping down we need a fresh banana to lead the bunch.

Anyone who thinks they're plucky and personable enough to lead along with counsel of admins and inspiration from creatives just post below! We'll have a stint of two weeks for everyone to apply and votes to be given.

While I've got you here, we're also looking for admin and creative applicants! As with the owner position you do need a Discord account for ease of communication and interaction. Check out the #announcements channel in our server to learn how to apply.
This has gone straight to vote, but I would like to hear what the prospective FOs have planned.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean and Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano

What three things make you a good faction owner?

What are your plans for the faction going forward?

What are some narrative ideas you want to bring to the board?

Will your character be Dark Lord IC? How will you handle eventual conflicts between IC and OOC leadership?

We are not the only Sith faction on the board. How will you bring new members to our faction?
What three things make you a good faction owner?
I think three things that make me a good faction owner are patience, open mindedness, and perseverance. I am willing to listen to others and try to help people come to a decision fairly and without conflict, and I am used to having to stick to plans that take a long time to culminate. I always try to do what I can to help others and to listen to others, and I am not afraid to listen to others if I am wrong or mistaken in something I think.

What are your plans for the faction going forward?
My plans for the faction moving forward would be relatively open. I think there’s a lot of energy and excitement for the current storylines, and I think there is a lot to build on with what’s in place. That being said, I would like to begin shifting focus outwards, trying to start building more inter-faction stories to reach out to other factions on the board.

What are some narrative ideas you want to bring to the board?
I’d like to explore more ideas and stories focusing on NFUs and plots working to uncover the history of the Sith snd manipulate the world not with dark magic, but with words and movements. I love magic, and the Sith are always a core part of my love, but I believe there is a lot of untapped potential on NFU characters on the site and in the faction who are capable of some very cool feats. Just the same, I’d like to focus on the Sith and turn towards the civil side of Sithdom, if that makes sense.

Will your character be Dark Lord IC? How will you handle eventual conflicts between IC and OOC leadership?
I stand firmly by the idea of a Dark Lord that is either an NPC or is not dependent on the faction leader OOC. I understand how useful it is to have the IC leader in a place of prime power in terms of carrying through with new direction, but I also understand that it can make shifts in OOC power far more chaotic. I want players to be able to pursue certain positions, but part of me thinks it’s best to keep the role of Dark Emperor, with how much power it wields, as an NPC role.

We are not the only Sith faction on the board. How will you bring new members to our faction?
Outreach. I think as important as it is to be both super general and super unique, talking to people outside of our own circles is incredibly important in bringing people in. We can have an incredible story, but it doesn’t mean much if people don’t know it’s happening, or people feel left out or cold-shouldered by us.

I apologize if any of my language is in clear and I’m a bit scattered. I am hoping to edit the post in a bit and make sure the grammar is better, but I wanted to get a response out sooner rather than later.
What three things make you a good faction owner?

The tough questions are always the ones directed at identifying strength for me - but I'll do my best. First, I have experience - be it on other boards such as Chronicles, Vaerik, Game of Thrones, or any number of roleplaying sites I have over 10 years of experience running RP stories with others, writing characters, and helping to administrate entire websites. It's given me the diplomatic sensabilities to have tough conversations, the writing skill to back up creative ideas I have, and a vast sensibility for what could be considered 'right' choices in the moment.​
Second, I am well connected. Be it to the various other faction owners on the board, innumerable writers to come to me for both advice and threads, or the staff I speak to daily; I have a great many people that I both trust and that trust me in playing into this hobby we all collectively share. Notably it comes in handy in traversing the complicated world of OOC politics, helping to set up threads and ideas with other groups, and otherwise getting the 'dig' on things going down long before they happen.​
Third, I'm very open minded. Besides what lore has been set down, much of this has been left to the imagination of its people; what everyone in the faction wants to see, what they want to do, and how they intend to go about it. At the end of the day the position of owner isn't a grab at pride or a position of authority as much as it is subjecting oneself to the duty that is the overall group. I have a full and well rounded understanding of the tribulations that come with such and fully intend to hold myself accountable to the whims of the group.​

What are your plans for the faction going forward?

Expanding upon our current lore is is a large priority, to help people understand the position we are currently in and where we intend to go. It's come up previously confusion on how it all has gone down, so bringing that to the forefront of everyone's understanding is paramount in continued success for the faction as a whole. While that is the primary goal for myself at present, the concurrent goal is to bring storylines people enjoy into the mix.​
Narratively, I hope to see the Empire-In-Exile begin to work on the manipulation factors we loved to read about from the Bane to Sidious era, with a tight cast of characters to back it up. For the time being, I want us to expand our IC reach, speak to the up and coming groups about cohesive narratives we can make regarding this - along with political maneuvering with larger groups such as the Galactic Alliance, until we can eventually have the IC rationale, and the OOC energy to bring ourselves back to the position of Major.​
Once Major, then we simply reestablish galactic dominance, of course.​

What are some narrative ideas you want to bring to the board?

While I have already mentioned the political manipulation aspect as something I love to see, one thing I think many people missed from the old Sith Days was actually the infighting. For the last few years we have had a very cohesive Sith Order who has not so much as attempted a coup let alone fought between one another. While many have seen this as a boon,, I want to bring back the days of Sith being ambitious for ambitions sake.​
I want cool threads involving the collective ambushing of an Emperor or Dark Council member in the hopes of replacing them with someone younger and more powerful. Undermining one another in secret to ensure a marriage goes in the direction one wants - aligning one self into political blocs specifically to bring back feudalistic tendencies, and more. Having the ability to compete with one another is idealic to what it is to be Sith, and the narratives we can run with such would be outstanding.​

Will your character be Dark Lord IC? How will you handle eventual conflicts between IC and OOC leadership?

Currently, I am the primary (and presently only) writer of the Worm Emperor. Mysterious, unknowable, and downright terrifying - he is a great NPC to write and one I enjoy profusely; however, with that said,, I have no intentions of keeping him. The whole goal from the very beginning was to see the Worm be killed by another Sith who should earn his title, his power, and move forward accordingly. While there are strengths in having him as an NPC not controlled by any single individual, I would rather reward writers for pushing a narrative like that with the position and title than restrict them from such.​
Not to mention, it's cool to have a story about how you usurped the previous Dark Lord of the Sith to gain the new mantle.​
As far as my PC's, none of them are necessarily close to taking on the Worm Emperor, and I have no intentions of writing a duel between my NPC and my PC. While someday I would like to see Maliphant rise to the rank of Dark Lord of the Sith, at present I will not have him do such while the Worm is in charge, but rather when another person takes over and I have the fun of writing cohesively with another.​
That being said, the secret knowledge and the power of the Worm is something I've kept reasonably close to my chest. For anyone who becomes the next Dark Lord, I hope to help guide them with the narrative we have crafted around the Worm, the Ritual to take his mantle, and the powers that one would gain from such. Even without having the Worm, I would love to help the next Emperor fit their throne comfortably.​

We are not the only Sith faction on the board. How will you bring new members to our faction?

A tough question, especially considering the competition is steep. The primary contender would likely be the Maw and the New Sith Order; who have great storylines, great connectiosn with the NIO, AC, and GA, along with a wonderful aesthetic. I hope to match them in at least some of these regards - but the true strength of where we will build ourselves is in the differences one might want from the groups.​
While the NSO is much more Bainite and secretive, the Empire-In-Exile will be a fuedal empire in the shadows. Imperialistic, all consuming, large and waiting for the right Sith to grab it by the reigns and lead it to the next era of their evolution. Many have wanted the TSE to create a number of subgroups, attempt to compete with every faction for all their writers, but I simply don't see it as realistic nor a good idea.​
A mile wide and an inch deep isn't something I want us to become. I would prefer we wouldn't create yet another Mandalorian sub faction in the hopes of bringing mando's to our group, nor would I want us to bring tons of focus on NFU characters - who have much greater opportunities elsewhere. I don't want it to seem like I am against these characters joining, only that I believe we should play to the strengths of our group - and that is as the Empire-In-Exile, the Sith Eternals bound to their singular goal of righting the Force, spreading their cult like religion to all that would have them, and using it's zealotry as a means to an end.​
I want us to be the pool who knows no bottom, so that when the Sith who join us want to be Sith, they have no end to the stories they can write; and as we expand in writers, and in narratives, we slowly encompass more focuses into our overall narrative designs.​
I hope that answers all your questions well!​
One of the biggest things from what I saw in my time as an admin that lead to the eventual minor vote of TSE was a lack of clear leadership. The Owner at the time was for the most part missing, leaving the admins to scramble to figure out a path and purpose to get writers involved. And, many of those admins were also mia. Life naturally changes for folks, and no one is expected to always be there of course.

But that leads to my questions for you both. What would you do as an owner that had to leave for a while? Would you put a system in place in case you had an unexpected LOA? How would you work with your admin team to make sure leadership stays active and keeping the faction pushing forward?

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano
Reading the first question as being what other secondary things I do that could divide my focus beyond being a faction owner… I admit that I have a very active life outside of the forum. I’ve got a lot of other activities that I engage in and things that I’m passionate about, ranging from classes to acting and Dnd. In the past I have been able to balance these things when being in other administration positions, but I do wish to at least make it known that I do have a lot of things I do.

Extrapolating on that, I think addressing the potentiality of an LOA would lie in trying to make the other staff of the faction be as core to the running of the faction as the owner. I am far more fond of a system where the owner and the admins work hand-in-hand, whether I’m an owner or an admin, and I would try and foster that environment among the mods. I’d also do what I can to be candid with the playerbase and try to offer help in laying the foundations for players to run their own arcs and stories in advance of an LOA, so that people still had RP to turn to and didn’t rely on the owner to spark events and storylines.

Hopefully addressing the final question partially in my previous response, I’d try and work with the admins to allow them to really have as much of a say in the server as possible. I understand that all of the mod positions are volunteer, and so I understand that people are sometimes (or often) busy, but giving them the chance to work on their own projects and incorporate their ideas into the faction could hopefully help to keep the staff team wanting to work with the faction as a whole and feel passionate about helping people. Beyond that, it comes down a lot to respect and listening to one another that a staff team can thrive - even with different opinions or visions. A good staff team always listens to one another and isn’t afraid to learn from one another.
Sofiel Sofiel

Generally speaking, a long term absence of an owner would be tough; especially if much of the story and weight of administration is on them. Spreading out the workload between staff would be not only important, but paramount to the longterm success of the faction. Giving individual roles, having a strong support network in a creative team, and a backup plan in place should something occur to the current owner.

Enough of a fleshed out hiarchy with plans in places should anything come up - for any admin, any staff member, and any owner. What is important for the system to work, in the end, is having a strong skill set in each administrator and faction staff member in general. Having a strong foundation and network of support can help head off any issues we would have from any owner or staff member disappearing for a prolonged period.

So the plan would be simple - have a defined system in place to work without an owner, and a strong staff team capable of and willing to guide the faction without others support.

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